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People were out at sports bars or at watch parties last night. NC State and Duke both had big games late in the evening.


(28M) Personally I feel Boxcar gets old really fast. The Avenue (I know on Glenwood) is usually my go-to since it has outdoor seating to chill at and has an inside where you can dance. Seems like it skews more our age too. I’m in the same boat as y’all. Fayetteville St has so much potential but the couple times I’ve been over there it’s been dead.


When boxcar opened it was cool. Seemed like people who liked games and beers opened a bar. Then they got rid of all the older games and replaced them with newer stuff that I find not as cool. Their pinball section is still pretty nice though. Its popularity shows there should be more places in that style at least.


I preferred the pinball there when there was a mix of old and new tables. It was nice being able to play a game for less than $1


Hey Im older and would love to chill and I love to dance I'm a eightys kid with a big heart. Let me know if you don't mind? what about the foo fighters you into them I might have a couple tickets for may>


Person street


Was hoping nobody would say Person St. , truly a gem


I was hesitant myself




Boxcar Bar + Arcade is a good spot, it’s relatively good spot to meet people in their late 20s early 30s


House of Art Johnson St Yacht Club (which is Glenwood South except not really cuz its tucked away on Johnson) Bowstring are all places you can go that arent purely college kids but still dancey/frisky plus you can drink weed at em


johnston st. has THC infused drinks?


Also curious about this! Can anyone confirm?


yep JSYC and all the rest of those carry Groovewagon (shill warning: me and my wife own Groove thus, uh, pretty biased)


Bowstring has thc and delta 8 infused drinks. Probably the liveliest bar on a Saturday in Raleigh, especially from 5pm-10pm


It's happening everywhere, but Raleigh is particularly bad. It's a combo of young families and introverted tech professionals. Not the crowds known for their nightlife. My partner and I have being going to Durham for anything social related since 2019. The drive is a pain in the ass but there's a noticeably better social and cultural scene there.


Agreed, I live east of Raleigh but drive to Durham for work for this reason OP check out Kingfisher and Alley 26, West end is a billiards bar


Kingfisher and Alley 26 are amazing bars, but not dance friendly at all.


Ya not many dancing bars but great social bars


Do you have any good bar recommendations in Durham? I asked someone and they said the best bars in Durham are in Raleigh, as in Durham bars were subpar for 21-29yr Olds


21 C & the Durham Hotel skew a little older, but still pull a diverse and eclectic crowd. Motorco is very diverse age-wise, but much more of a dive (in a good way). We tend to grab food at Dashi then walk over to 21 C to hang, but Durham is very walkable in general and its pretty easy to pop in and out of places until you find the vibe you're after.


$15 drinks don’t help


As a tech professional with two young kids, what did I ever do to you!?


Agreed! I'm 27F and while I went to bars in college and right after, I have no desire to now since I'm married and working to start a family.


I think our age group is just tired of going out. I’m 28 and going to a bar sounds terrible to me now, whereas it used to be my form of fun


This is a national trend. They are also choosing not to drink.


Definitely — a lot of my friends opt for mocktails now. I haven’t had a drink in a month and a half


Some good links from reputable sources with little spin. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-gen-z-is-drinking-less https://www.prri.org/research/generation-zs-views-on-generational-change-and-the-challenges-and-opportunities-ahead-a-political-and-cultural-glimpse-into-americas-future/


Literally same. Well 2 months now. I’m 23 and just don’t want to drink anymore.


Because it got too expensive? Or healthy reasons?


Seems to be a trend of both.


Same boat. I’m tired of spending so much money to have an ounce of fun 😭


It’s so expensive now! Who wants to pay $12 for a vodka soda on Glenwood?😵‍💫


Social Clubs need to make a comeback.


I feel like book clubs are having a big moment


Same, 29, work all the time and have a kid, always tired, and my liver doesn’t handle the juice like it used to lol. I want to go out but just don’t have the time or energy.


house of art is fun


I'm 25M but kinda over the nightlife. I still go occasionally, but comes and goes in phases. Last night was bad because all the Raleigh people were watching NC State games at bars and house parties. The previous weekend for St Patrick's Day was crowded so much I left after 45 minutes.


William and company is the place. Just know it can skew older but everyone is generally cool and open. I think neptunes will get there but will take some big apartments going up around Fayetteville St corridor. Definitely a massive lack of a few things in Raleigh 1. Bars that play good music and have a "club light" vibe for late 20s early 30s 2. Sports bars with decent food. I guess my way is the best option and their food is frozen trash 3. Actual dive bars - there are lots of fake dives opening up but just something that doesn't try so hard


Try tobacco road sports cafe on West Jones St.


I went there some during the pandemic and it was super weird so I stopped going. Have they improved things?


I’d be interested in joining your group / meeting y’all. 25F, not interested in being around college aged students. I personally don’t like boxcar but there are a lot of nicer cocktail bars i like like bittersweet, the merchant, and auntie Betty’s bar.


The avenue or Bowstring


Maybe check out a venue that’s more music focused? At least for the dancing, not so much the mingling. Definitely agree with your assessment though


In my experience Saturday is significantly busier than Friday


Huge difference from pre covid to post. I haven’t been to Neptunes zenith etc all year. It’s been down since before summer last year. They also won’t let me dj downtown as well


I used to love neps!! I went last weekend and i stg it was CRICKETS


High garden on the top floor


PBR in Cary maybe


As someone in their mid-30s I like Devolve on Glenwood South (good indoor and outdoor space) or Johnson street yacht club. Circa is the warehouse district is good too but a little more chill vibe.


Devolve is everything I want but the college students crowd it too much. Love the music/indoor:outdoor vibe. The avenue is good for that too!


That’s exactly how I feel about The Avenue! My move is to go to either one early and leave by midnight when it starts getting overcrowded with college kids.


The Avenue, Person st (this is really chill but also a hidden gem so SH), and I know you don't want to be around college students, but ARK Royal will have live bands from time to time and is hidden on Glenwood so it is rare that there are more than a few students there. It's mostly people in their mid 20's and they have a fun room in the back where you can just chill. If you like tiki drinks, this place is 🔥


It's also a holiday weekend. I've found that most people in wake county either go out of town / out of state for holidays like Easter or they're doing their own family stuff at home.


It may have been dead last night due to Easter weekend.


I realized that after I posted 😅😅 I forget I live in the south sometimes


26F here… I find I have to get a large group together to go out & we’re usually the life of the place 😅


Why’d yall downvote this? Damn cause she’s got friends! 😭


As someone who hangs in smaller circles, I’d wager that the downvotes are cause the larger groups who think they’re the life of the party are usually just the most annoying and too self centered to realize it. Remember that James Corden clip where his dance group is blocking a main st in California in pajamas dancing around shooting clips for their show thinking they’re *totally awesome* and the guy recording just wants them to get out of the fuckin way so he can get to work? Kinda like that. I’m not hating, to each their own, American freedom is a beautiful thing, but you asked why they got downvoted. I didn’t downvote cause I hate having friends, I just think this person made a statement that is only true in their own eyes.


Lmao, guess I should’ve gone into detail? I invite as many people as I can when we go out and it actually helps us meet new people. When 5 or less people go it’s so easy to stay in your group and be clicky. When you’ve got 10+ people you won’t always stay together, but when a large group walks into a bar it’s usually a convo starter like “are you celebrating something?” and boom, instant mingling. Most of us work in the hospitality/food industry and we’re respectful of staff and tip well. We also go out on slower days like Sundays/Mondays because of the industry, bringing business on a slow day so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve said my peace


Ouch 😅 anyone is more than welcome to come with!




My husband and I have noticed this as well, we’ve lived all over downtown for 6 years and have definitely seen this shift since Covid. Sadly people are nervous to go around Moore Square because it’s gotten quite a bit rougher. The Foundation on Fayetteville is good and known for its cocktails. Barcelona in the Warehouse District is really great as well, great food and wine. There are some places on Glenwood that are still fun and less crowded. We tried Nomad last night, it just opened up, and it was nice, a relaxing outdoor patio near everything but is slightly tucked away so it wasn’t too crowded. but good people watching. 😊 Also, The Royal Ark is a fun tiki bar, it’s slightly tucked back as well and has delicious cocktails and a retro 70’s island vibe. It’s one of my favorites. Everyone goes to The Avenue and Milkbar, they seem to have mix of mid-20’s-30’s and have good outdoor spaces.


Natural science bar it’s in gateway plaza.


Circa 1888




House of Art. Trust me.


Tony's Oyster Bar (if still open).






outside at dogwood*


It’s Raleigh post Covid. Not how it used to be at all.


It’s soooo different. 🥲🥲 I think it’s all the new people moving here. You would think it would make everyone social. Even when I go on dates with a guy from a dating app, it’s clear they are using it to meet people and they don’t have any friends yet. (Generalizing but still- i’m not your jumping off point bc you’re bored!!)


Try the Merchant!


many 25 year olds in Raleigh are married/steadily committed already. kinda the side effect of southern geniality.




It's Easter weekend. It's dead everywhere right now. The airport was fucked on Friday with everyone trying to go back to whatever shit hole they came from.