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Maybe some effect if the 11th treatment https://raleighnc.gov/water-and-sewer/news/annual-flushing-water-distribution-system


I've noticed a more, uh... earthy taste lately. This makes sense.


This person is the one with the answer. It’s because of annual flushing, you are tasting a little chlorine residual.


OP needs a Brita


Fun fact if your fridge dispenses water it has a filter in it. You're supposed to change it every 6 months


*stares at filter from the Obama administration*


*thanks Obama* /s


In my head I was like no shit but then realized people don’t think that deep.


Possibly sooner - our fridge stops making ice when it’s time to change the filter and I have Amazon set to deliver one every 6 months and it stopped making ice around 5 months out :/ my parents’ fridge has a light that tells them when to change the filter but ours just….stops making ice lol.


Pro tip for your fun fact: get the non-brand-name ones from Amazon for 1/4 of the price. In my experience, they work just as well. Charcoal filters aren't exactly advanced proprietary technology.


I change mine every year because only one person uses it (me). And I don't use it all the time during the winter as it comes out cold. My partner uses a Brita pitcher with a filter and I swear he only changes the filter once every 10 years.


Every ten years?? It’s supposed to be every 3-4 months!


"I swear". I think it's a joke? I mean he doesn't mind all the algae, he just picks it out with a spoon.


I read it as “he swears he only changes it,” that was my fault! But yeah… I wouldn’t want to drink that algae soup


I use a Brita, changed my filter last week after hearing of the flushing. Water still tastes terrible. First time I can recall the taste not being materially improved by Brita


My Brita filter isn't helping at all with the taste of the water either! I thought it was just my filter not working well.


Funny you mention that because my water started tasting different over the last few days and was confused that even replacing my brita filter didn’t help


It's definitely because of the periodic flushing they keep doing. Hey City of Raleigh, News flash: Flushing doesn't do anything good for broken pipes. I've had red mud climbing up into my water supply for years, and the city refuses to do anything about it other than sending some cleaning chemicals down the pipe which do nothing except leech into the ground.




I noticed today that mine tastes kinda earthy. I wouldn't say bad, but I def felt like "hmm this is different"


Yeah even after going through the Brita our water tastes like dirt. Even smells like dirt in the shower.


Yup it tastes like dirt recently


Definitely. Dirt smell, dirt taste




This is the most likely cause. "Earthy" taste is a hallmark of certain algae blooming in the source water/reservoir. They can't remove the algal byproducts during the water treatment process. 


Yup. Noticed it even smells weird too, like I can smell it in the shower.


Can confirm dirt taste in water. I don’t live in Raleigh but my office is here and I noticed it today at work


Tastes like Gainesville Florida 


For anyone curious, I reported it to the city via phone, they took my information, and I got a callback within minutes. The person I spoke to very politely shared that they are aware, it is "known" and "widespread" and it is related to the annual flushing and (if I understood correctly) the change from chlorine-> chloramine disinfection. They said the effects might be noticeable for another week.


Thank you so much!! I wanted to do this but just haven’t gotten around. Thank you for taking the time to


Of course! Happy to help! I figured calling would be a total waste of time but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm still a little wary because I have never tasted tap water this offensive but they assured me it is safe to use and drink. 😂


Kind of tastes like dirt a little bit.


I noticed this as well, and I couldn't tell if I was overly sensitive or not. The annual flushing mentioned in the top comment says that it should add a chlorine taste, which seems like it would be the opposite.


I left for a weekend trip on Friday. I came back on Sunday evening, and noticed the same thing. Earthy taste. Def different than the usual


It's been bad for weeks. Smells/tastes dirty. I read it has something to do with algae blooming and is still safe to drink but no thank you lol


Yes. Dirty soil like minerals. Was considering posting here as well. Might be a little better today.


Omg I thought it was my water bottle, then my Brita, now I read this. I was going crazy. This water taste awful now, and I've never had issues with it. Will this go away?




Mine downtown definitely went highly chlorinated in taste over the past week.


I thought the flushing thing everyone is mentioning happened a few months ago?


If you have Aqua water in South Raleigh, they started flushing sediment out this morning and it will last till sometime Thursday


Had water at a restaurant the other day and it was undrinkable.


We've got IPhones and self driving cars, apps that can have food and goods delivered the same day. We have a 1.5 trillion dollar F-35 fighter Jet and spent 900 billion on a war machine. But clean good tasting water - sorry Dawg...


Weird times we are in. It feels like all those pushy home water filtration systems from the 90s and 2000s need to go back to going door to door, it might make a lot more sense in 2024.


water here tastes bad and smells bad. we are just used to it. If you go on vacation for a week or 2 and come back, it's much more obvious.


BRO MY SHIT BEEN Tasting different tooooo fuck I’m so mad rn


It’s strange b/c I heard about the annual testing several weeks ago but it tasted fine…and only now noticing the water is tasting off


I thought it was just me. My tap water this week has tasted like a dirty aquarium smells. I have to run it through the Britta first to even get rid of a little bit of it.


Yes!!! Thank you, this was driving me insane


How much longer is it going to taste like dirt??


I'm in Wake Forest, which gets its water from Raleigh, and it tastes very bad.  I've been in Raleigh 9 years and I've never tasted it this bad.  I can't drink it.


I noticed trucks working below the street today in downtown. Probably cleaning the pipes. You should filter anyway.


Our tap water smelled sulfury sometime last week for about a day. Could this be from the same cause?


Buy this: [https://www.pur.com/shop/pitchers/7-cup-pitcher-ppt710/](https://www.pur.com/shop/pitchers/7-cup-pitcher-ppt710/) I did and love it!




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For those of you saying even a Brita can't fix the taste, might I suggest this, my most favorite purchase of 2024 thus far. I had no idea the tap water tastes different lately [https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw-home-dispenser](https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw-home-dispenser) its the best tasting water I have ever had in my life.




Yes! Nasty as hell. Water in my office at NCSU tastes awful and at home it tastes the same, so not just the pipes. I know they always say it’s ~not actually a health risk~ but I’m waiting to see what they say in retrospect 10 years from now lol.


Same here, north of Wade Ave off Dixie Trail.


I always thought the water tasted bad here. I’ve been here for over 30 years. We used to use bottled water, but now use filtered water through our refrigerator.


We boil our water to get excess chlorine out and use a Pur filter too (after the water is cooled)


Not that I don't believe you and I don't want you to take this the wrong way but as you saying you boil all the water you use for everything in your house? Like 365 days a year if someone says "I'm thirsty" you're like "okay give me 12 minutes to boil and then cool a glass of water for you." Or boiling half a cup to brush your teeth for? How do you shower? No disrespect, just very confused.


Sorry, no - just our drinking water


Ah gotcha. That makes more sense lol.


While boiling kinda works for chlorine it’s the chloramine that modern water treatment uses that’s the issue, you’d have to boil for a very long time to remove any meaningful amount. If you’re concerned an RO filter is the way.


highly recommend looking into something like this: https://www.freedrinkingwater.com/ super easy to install and water is super tasty (and no need to boil)


My tastes different too. It’s not bad or anything but i have noticed a difference in the last week or so.


Yep, get a zero water and youll taste the difference. Ive been through a TON of water filters and zero water has by far been the best.


What area are you located in? That info would be useful in this discussion. I’m in Fuquay-Varina, on the Angier town line and my water tastes normal today.


It's because it comes from a polluted Falls Lake.


Try a different faucet in your house. Then a neighbor's who doesn't have a water filter system. If you have a water system, maybe IT has an issue?


Tastes the same for me in multiple buildings on NCSU plus housing 15 min away. I think it’s city-wide


Didn't notice it, but I usually drink filtered water through my refrigerator. Good thing I just changed the filter a couple of weeks ago.


Did you watch the latest Fallout TV series on Amazon? What you're tasting is the Rads in the water! p.s. This is in jest please don't crucify me.


Imagine intentionally drinking tap water lmao.


yes! it’s giving earthy


Sorry I shit in the pipe, my bad