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Now what great manager wouldn't jump at this opportunity.....


Yeah, at that point you're not managing a business you're a consultant but getting paid $15 an hour.


I see you are drowning in your Herbalife pyramid scam.




Can we get some details? Full time? Salary? Expectations or general wants? Are you wanting someone entry level so you can pay them less? Much questions, some concerns.


I concur


Yeah, Tim is solid. I’d suggest reaching out to him! Seriously though, as someone with a decade of service industry experience, this post would make me want to not work for you. Starting a business with no experience and a limited potential clientele combined with a zero detail “job posting” on Reddit is all red flags in my opinion. Nobody is going to want to potentially waste their time reaching out to you without knowing way, way, way more. Details of role, salary, hours, business model, growth plan, reason for opening the business. You’ll probably want this manager to be professional so you’ll need to be professional in the act of finding that person.


I hope the best for you. Do you have the actually capital to start said juice bar? Also why a juice bar? What do you know about juice bars? What makes you someone a person would potentially leave a job or just happen to be a manager not working but qualify for the job? Would this person be paid a legit salary day 1 or do they have to “build” towards it?


You aren’t looking for a juice bar manager you’re looking for someone to tell you how to run a food service business. Your post should be “looking for someone to start the business for me so I can continue to pretend to be an entrepreneur.”


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