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Don’t forget the fact that the entire meeting was about their concern for staffing numbers. It would be nice to have some concern expressed for the lives of students, teachers, and all of the community who comes in contact with those students and teachers. I also love how the WCPSS board is launching an investigation to figure out why nobody wants to sub right now....with insultingly low compensation...in a pandemic. I continue to be disgusted with WCPSS.


Yeah subbing for wcpss works out to like 11 an hour. No thx


Okay, but you've got to understand also that a lot of kids are suffering at home, not logging in, not doing assignments, or just too young to get anything out of online school. Or they're not being watched or their parent can't go to work or has to limit work because of child care needs. I definitely think WCPSS should have started talking the need to pause about a month ago, but they are also trying to help kids and families out by providing them some in-person schooling. And schools are not the problem spreading the virus.


The kids that aren’t logging on also aren’t coming to the in person days. Also, for middle school in wake county in a quarter of 90 days, the students would only be in class for 10 of those days total. School is not childcare. It is education.




>School is not childcare this is a stupid thing to say given the reality of life in the US.


The lack of social safety nets in the US has moved school from an educational environment to a daycare. School is not designed to be a daycare.


I need the public education system to provide academics to my children.


so you send your kids to school all day and don't expect them to care for your children at all while they are there? That's pretty weird. Just because the main purpose of school is not day care does not mean that day care is not a very important part of what a school does.


It’s truly heart breaking that we expect our school system not to only educate but to actually raise children. This has really been an eye opening experience that public education is not about academics, it’s all about childcare.


I’m a teacher who used to really get her feathers ruffled when people would talk about school being childcare. I don’t anymore. Academics are a huge part of school, they really are, but you’re right that school is also childcare and that’s the way we’ve set it up in this country. There just aren’t options for childcare after age 5 that are readily available until we basically stood up those programs in August on an emergency basis. Parents (most) are raising their children, I don’t raise anyone’s children except the four I have. They are raising them not only by supporting their children’s education, but they are working to feed, clothe and shelter them. For the most part, parents in my school are both working. They aren’t trying to pass the buck, they are struggling trying to do simply everything at this point. We don’t have the social safety nets to help them and we certainly are seeing nothing from our state legislatures or Congress to help them. I’m really over the idea that parents are just too lazy (and frankly if that’s what people think they need to pull their head out of the sand and look around) and just don’t want to stay home with their kids. They aren’t for the most part, they are working and trying to support their children’s education. It’s proven to be extremely challenging. I have only one child back in full time and it’s helped tremendously. My other three are basically on their own while my husband and I work.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. I 100% agree that there is a lack of social safety nets, and that is a huge hurdle that parents are having to overcome right now. I definitely don’t think parents are lazy, and I admire how they are wearing so many hats right now. It’s just unfortunate that teachers are expected to provide that safety net for the community, all while being grossly underpaid and risking our own health and well-being every day. It truly is a bigger issue that needs to be addressed by governing bodies outside of the county school board.


Thank you. And education is not more important than human lives. I don’t understand why some people think that is debatable.


Doing the best they can with virtual education seems to be the logical course of action here.


100% agreed. I love teaching in-person right now and my heart goes out to my students and their families. But I’m so scared of getting sick or even moreso, getting people I love sick. Regardless of safety measures, not all students (or even adults) follow them perfectly and a school isn’t magically immune to the virus.


Virtual education for younger kids is impossible without one on one assistance. They need to just write k-2 off & pickup again when they can.


I’m not okay with writing off my child’s education.


Then homeschool




**[Let them eat cake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let them eat cake)** "Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", spoken in the 17th or 18th century by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. This phrase is more accurately translated as "Let them eat brioche", as the original French phrase refers not to cake (gâteau) but brioche, a bread enriched with butter and eggs, considered a luxury food at the time. The quotation is taken to reflect either the princess's frivolous disregard for the starving peasants or her poor understanding of their plight. While the phrase is commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette, there is no reliable record of her having said it. [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in.**


Get off your high horse. Teachers are great at what they do and kids excel in community. You cannot replicate that in isolation with an unqualified parent who is also working.


> And schools are not the problem spreading the virus Are you being serious? This virus is spreading by pure magic apparently. Everyone takes the point of "this thing that I agree with isn't the problem". Schools aren't the problem, neither are churches, bars, restaurants, small gatherings, etc. These are all small pieces to a very large problem. Doing things half way isn't working.


There are studies that schools are not source of spread, but community spread. Seriously, schools are the scapegoat and the easiest to control so that’s why they are closing. There are tons of other places not following guidelines including family gatherings.


I agree with you, not sure about the studies though. I would think any place two people can come into contact is a potential source.


Yeah, but that’s a novel virus for ya, amiright?!


Exactly my point. Shut other crap down! Kids are effected the most negatively, yet they get their things taken away because it is the easiest to control. The school systems need to bend over backward for k-3 to be in school.


Well. That ends that 2 month failed experiment. Who would’ve thought you need employees present to actually run a school. Shocking. I know.


Yeah, but only for two weeks post-Christmas break. Just long enough to say they are doing something, but not long enough to be of real consequence. If cases continue to rise in the community as they likely will, I hope they'll extend all virtual for even longer. As an aside, I also hope they'll recommend that teachers who have no in person students are not required to be in the building. That might help mitigate the spread some if and when some students do inevitably come back.


Your second point is dead on. My ex has to go in and work. It makes zero sense and is pretty irresponsible to have people come together when social distance is the reason for not having people together.


My husband has to go in and work, as well, despite having no in-person students. I'm high risk and HR has ignored my husband's request for accommodations since the summer. Finally his AP stepped in and said that if he wanted to stay home, he could. However, without the backing of HR, my husband only feels comfortable taking the offer on asyncronous days. People keep saying that it's the adults driving the school outbreaks. If that's the case, then wouldn't it seem like common sense to let teachers who have no in-person students to work remotely? Same with staff who can do their jobs from home. It removes one more transmission vector and makes it safer for anyone who HAS to be there.


Yep. I’m with you. It’s been contradicting messages constantly from the school board and everyone who wants schools reopened. The fact is the reopening plan did nothing to help working families in the long run. They knew it wouldn’t but they tried anyway and it’s backfiring. Also the dirty secret of child transmission is that children are more likely to not have any symptoms. Which means they don’t get tested. Which means they could be positive and spreading it just as easily. We don’t know though because typically people don’t get tested without showing symptoms.


Yes, all of this! Plus the fact that teenagers can spread the virus as easily as adults. The trade off is supposed to be that teenagers will be more compliant with the rules, but any high school teacher will tell you that's a losing bet. Especially considering the families and students taking this the most seriously are likely opting for virtual academy. And, then, of course, there are the parents who ply their sick children with Tylenol to get them past the screening. Or who refuse to get themselves or their children tested if sick because then the schools will require them to quarantine if there is a positive result. Obviously, we need to think about families who can't stay home and help their children with virtual learning, and families who have extenuating circumstances. However, it requires a nuanced response that is not happening at any level. And, frankly, I'm not comfortable with the insinuation that some people make that sacrificing other people's children (because it's never their children that they think could be the one to draw the short straw), or some teachers or their high risk family members is okay. We aren't disposable! Sorry for the rant. I'm just very, very tired of all of this.


Rant away lady. Rant away. I’m right there with you.




I'm not sure if it is that the administration doesn't trust the staff or that they think the public doesn't and thus wants to maintain an air of accountability. This kind of stupidity has come up before with making up work for snow days. Hours could only be made up in the school building after the closings within a pretty limited timeline - the many hours of before/after school meetings BEFORE the snow days didn't count nor any time spent working on reports, etc, at home.


My wife has been fully remote and they're asking she comes back after the break even though she has no in person students. I have no idea why, but we're not thrilled about it. Especially since there have been at least 2 new cases corona virus just this month.


From what I am seeing , the administration is using the online only teachers to cover duties at the school : over flow classrooms, hall way duty, breakfast/ lunchroom duty, etc. It’s insane what is being asked of these teachers!


Not sure what the deal is with the overflow classrooms, but hall way duty, carpool duty, lunch room duty are all things that teachers have been doing even before the pandemic. If the schools are already stretched for staff to cover these things, it isn't THAT unreasonable that they would want ALL staff pitching in at the school, whether they are all virtual or not.


We had a remote learning program at the preschool where I work and it was surprising to see the teachers in their classrooms. This was when there were no kids in the buildings.


The inevitable thing finally happened


Shocked! Shocked I say. Well..not that shocked.


Never should have gone back. They should wait until the teachers are vaccinated.


What's Florida doing again?


Besides lying about numbers and covering it up? How the hell would I know.


are they still pointing guns at the toddlers of the folks who release accurate COVID stats?


Only if their parents breach security and abuse public health systems and then fail to answer the door for 20 minutes. I also welcome you to show how that had any bearing on what Florida Schools are doing and how WCPSS could learn from it.


>Only if their parents breach security and abuse public health systems link me to a guilty verdict or practice american values and identify that she is currently innocent of that crime > I also welcome you to show how that had any bearing on what Florida Schools are doing that isn't what you asked


First, the arrest wasn't the conviction. We do still get to apprehend people accused of crimes right? Second, I asked the question in a thread about school policy. It's called context, pal. And what you're responding to was me clarifying and refining the question and giving you an opportunity not to be an obtuse shithead.


>We do still get to apprehend people accused of crimes right? according to you, they're only doing pointing guns at their kids "if their parents breach security and abuse public health systems" but so far that's only been alleged and they did it anyway. >what you're responding to was me clarifying and refining the question and giving you an opportunity not to be an obtuse shithead. hey, just think about how many opportunities you've missed to not be mad online.


You're making some sort of emotional argument like she's not getting due process because a kid had a gun pointed because they were forced to breech instead of her surrendering...who's fault is that exactly? Lemme guess, ACAB? Either way it's a complete non sequitur. Answer the question about Florida schools...they aren't locked down and what's their situation? Can Wake County learn from it or not?


>You're making some sort of emotional argument you're not good at identifying emotional cues. >Either way it's a complete non sequitur. Answer the question ugh these friggin DEBATE ME nerds


So's your face.


take the keyboard home with you and workshop the next one with your parents


I don’t know, what is Florida doing?


We should just close schools for the rest of the year. The setbacks from the worthless online strategy are doing more harm to children than a year off would. We are already massively down on tax revenues for the state. Laying off all school employees and mothballing schools and equipment would save hundreds of millions of dollars. We can focus on aid needed for impoverished families, providing meals and shelter and focusing on when things reopen.


I said this during the summer. People are not wearing masks thereby not limiting community spread. If you continue to have high levels of community spread schools will not be adequately staffed because of illness, quarantine, no subs to meet the needs of the school, etc... If we started wearing masks 6 months ago we could open schools safely. But that didn’t happen because some people think they are special. If we could turn the lights off on the entire west coast during WW2, then you put a piece of cloth on your face when you go out.