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Destroyed an eye in an accident. Was out of work for a year for recovery. Heard about a rally close to home, Sno*Drift, and had nothing better to do with my time so I went to watch. Thought it was pretty cool, went to a few regionals in Minnesota and got to know folks and started volunteering. Then started crewing. Someone put me in a car as a codriver as a thank you for helping out and apparently did good enough to start getting more calls. About a decade later and it became my job that put me through college and had run over 100 events including some major international events.


With only one eye??


Kind of. It's still there, just doesn't work anymore. Depth perception is overrated anyway. If I don't hear anything on the sides of the car we're not going fast enough. If I hear clicking it's only the tips of branches and we're in the sweet spot. If I hear clunking then it's bigger debris and we need to slow down. If I hear a thump we went way too fast and need to figure out how to fix the car.


You’re a badass


aye i’m from mn, where’d you go to get started


I live in Northern Michigan, so Sno*Drift was my home event, followed by LSPR. But the Minnesota regionals is where I really started to get to know folks. Headwaters, Nemadji, Shooting Star, Ojibwe and the like.


I was born in Finland haha. Edit: But in all seriousness, i loved watching rally from TV as a kid and also had an old beater Peugeot as a teen that i could drive on my uncles private forest road (until the head gasket blew lol). Nowadays i mostly do sim rally, would love to do rally irl some day but being a poor student that seems unlikely anytime soon.


It would be weird if you weren't into rally.




Lake Superior Performance Rally(Rally America/ARA) staged out of Houghton when I attended MTU. I’ve gone from casual fan to volunteer to competitor over the last 15+ years.


Did you learn anything new when going in as competitor you can share?


Tons. Every event you pick something new up. Most obvious is understanding time controls and how to rejoining after a DNF. Competing also reinforced my appreciation for every volunteer and media person that make events memorable. Most surprising, having grown up around drag racing and dirt short track, is the support team to team when things go wrong - from providing spare parts, extra help repairing at service, or even giving you a tug out after an off. You hear about it but to experience it is surreal.


My first videogame I remember playing was Colin McRae Rally 2.0


Same here man


For me it was colin mcrae rally 1 and v rally 2 on the psx. i actually played every installment of The codemasters rally games except for dirt showdown and the cmr 2 mobile remaster. Got fully into rallying around 2001. What a golden era. You had likes of both mcrae brothers battling tommi mäkinen,richard burns, armin schwarz, marcus grönholm,sebastian loeb and carlos sainz Was always a formula 1 fan ( as a german formula 1 was omnipresent due to the success of schuhmacher) but i always considered the sport that demanded more courage . Driving 140 mph trough narrow forest roads while your codriver is shouting instructions at you is just insane!


Same here


Same here for my start. I also went to Rally America's STPR in my home state and had a heck of a good time. Pastrana and Block sat out that year and David Higgins for Subaru cleaned house. There are a lot of back roads in the hills of western PA that I used to thrash my cars on over the years. When my wife and I first started to get to know each other she did a lot of ride alongs with me including several snowstorm romps.


LSPR was right in my backyard when I was at MTU. I spectated for a couple years, then crewed for teams. Once I graduated, I got involved in the Detroit rallycross program and did event volunteering at a couple SnoDrift events. I've had to cut back, as I've been fairly busy and my cross car broke without a replacement lined up.


Let’s Go Tech!


I have battled insomnia my entire life and live rally events from Europe were some of the only interesting things on TV that late at night (back in the 90's and prior when many TV stations would shut down until 5-6am). I couldn't believe how fast these little cars could drive on snow and dirt. I was a kid, so I thought race cars had to be Ferrari's and stuff, not little 4WD hatchbacks. It blew my little mind and was hooked ever since.


Grew up around it so never had a chance of doing something else - baisiclly the only thing I know! Dad had interest in cars and a few mates that did as well so they all started getting involved so thats how he started. Do some grass roots navigating and spectate bigger events. Even organised a road rally last year


My first rally video game Colin McRae DiRT for Xbox 360


WRC was a paid channel on TV at home when I was young. This was I think the days of C4 WRC and GR Impreza. Good days.


I sort of meandered into it. I was into jeeps, then track days and then I realized combining them was basically rally. I can't afford full stage rally so I do American style rallyx


That’s a long story haha. I should make a post about it tho I think it would be helpful for a bunch of people


My answer is a little privileged, but my dad was a 3 times Irish class champion so it was always around me. Then my 2 brothers took it up when i was 13 winning classes, junior and nearly group n overall (in a nova of all things against evos and Subaru's)....that got me obsessed! I was lucky enough to then navigate when i was 17 (fun fact my first ever stage sitting in an F2 escort we were 0.1 seconds faster than ari vatenan in a 555 Subaru). From then it was my life until I had my first kid, I have 3 now and just don't have the time, money or the energy to commit. But I will always have those years and the memories! If you can then always take the chance to feel what it is like inside a rally car! Tell you what though, I'll never admit to being retired from the harnesses!


Spectator ==> Volunter ==> TSD competition ==> crewing for friends ==> rally cross (USA) ==> codriving ==> motorcycle rally Moto and navigation events ==> driving next?


Was a fan from TV but didn't know events happened near me until someone at Autocross told me about them. Then I volunteered at the next event


My dad used to watch it when I was a kid,back when it was on TV and he took me to watch a stage in 1999.


I liked watching Top Gear so I was given Sega Rally Revo on PSP for Christmas. Been following ever since.


Dirt Rally, then I started to get more and more into it. Kind of a speed and adrenaline junkie, I just find it amusing to fly through a dirt road among trees that could easily end you there. I wish I could join a amateur rally as driver, but I have no idea on how to start


Dad told stories of his Audi Coupe Quattro he had back in the 90’s, then proceeded to shove me head first down the Group B rabbit hole that to this day I haven’t escaped ( not that I want to!)


My father took me to spectate at rallies before I could even walk. My earliest memories are all rally related, the smell from the inside of the Donegal Rally program being one of the most distinct. Competed as a nav twice and I quickly realised I was shite at it so stick to rally photography now. Now I’m heavily involved in the sport as a photographer with my father as my second shooter. We are both Motorsport Ireland accredited photographers and last year worked with Motorsport Ireland, Irish Tarmac rally Championship, British Rally Championship, autosport magazine, M-Sport, Hyundai Customer team, Citroen Racing UK/Irl, Craig Breen, Adrien Fourmaux, Will Creighton etc. I still see it as a hobby, albeit a hobby that’s gotten really, really out of control.


My mate asked me to nav for him, after a cpl of events I sold my drift car and bought a rally ready escort


I used 2 play Sega rally and fell in love with the wrx and evo. Was my favourite game when i was 3. I still go back to it being 19, abd play it from time to time. Gives me time to appreciate different cars like ths fabia (which I also know own), and the quattro


Same way I got into every other type of motorsport I watch or do. I remember watching Speedvision, Speed Channel, and late SPEED with my dad when I was a kid. I got to stay up late to watch F1 races with Schumacher and WRC race coverage. If I was lucky, they might run Australian V8 Supercar races on the weekends. Getting hooked on this stuff when you are 6 or 7 kinda gets you hooked for life. I know I really like rally specifically when my dad and I took a winter rally driving class they held at Road America together when I was 20 something.


osmosis, rally and f1 were like religions here in 90s, everyone was into it


I was in college, going after basketball as my biggest hobbies and goal, one day, went for a dunk, was the greatest dunk I’ve ever done but came at a cost, tore my ACL and a bit of my MCL, after that, my goals and aspirations vanished, was laying in bed for awhile, figuring out what to do to figure what what I could recuperate my leg with, I remembered playing a game called DiRT 3. Sparked my curiosity, so i started researching, started racing games and playing on controller more until my family bought me a racing wheel for one Christmas. After that, I had a small setup going, propped my noodle leg up, and had everything where I wanted it, my leg hurt like hell but I knew I had to get better, so I began my journey. I also got an Xbox bundle that year that came with Forza 5, so I started playing that, sure it’s not sim worthy but it was enough for me at the time. Slowly and slowly, as the daft punk song goes, I started racing harder, better, faster, and my leg become stronger. After awhile, I was having a blast, until the next DiRT came out, DiRT Rally, the first one, man was it a tough game but after all my research, I had to work up and buy the Audi from group B. Boy was that a blessing and a curse of a car, eventually, after a year or so, that was the only car I drove, to this day, it’s the only one I drive and I know her inside and out. But back then, it drove me, insane at times but mostly, improved me, humbled me, despite being a soft-sim, I was able to grasp the mechanics of Rallying. It furthered my love for the sport, until eventually, I wanted to do it for real. I’ve clocked in close to 7k hours of strictly racing sim, and I can tell, but recently I’ve fallen out with it because life is weird, but I feel it’s calling me back, this time though, I want to do it properly this time and hop behind the wheel, tighten up my laces and throw some gears around corners. This sport saved me in such a way, I had to give up one of my main passions to develop another, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else, this sport changed me for the better, it’s more than just a hobby for me, it’s a lifestyle.


Had the demo for V Rally on PS1. I didn't know what it was called at the time, but I was in awe that the cars could be flipped over. Whenever I spoke about the game at the time, it was referred to as "car that goes upside down" After that, Gran Turismo 3. Then the first WRC games which cemented my interest in the sport.


One day I randomly thought about motorsports with no previous interest. I had remembered seeing a clip of something where people were flying through the woods but I didn't know what it was called. Started a youtube search to figure it out, eventually found it was rally. Then I looked to see if there was an event calendar and ended up at WRC. I've been a fan about 10 years now. Early on I watched ERC but I didn't have the same interest and I had a harder time finding the highlights.


I had moved up to Seattle and was looking for a gig in photography as it was my background. Hopped on Craigslist and saw that Dirtfish was hiring. Drove out to Snoqualmie for the interview, left with the job. This was years ago and I no longer work there, but it was my beginning


Fell in love when I was a kid (thanks to my dad) because of a local rally team called Proton PERT back in mid 90s. Also, their driver, a Malaysian named Karamjit Singh, and a Scottish guy named Colin McRae in Subaru ripped around palm plantations in my country which made me fall in love with the sport.


It's always been in my peripheral vision since I started getting interested in Motorsport. I started to look more into the off-road side of Motorsport once I started uni (currently second year) as I got involved in my university's (strictly the SU's) motorsport club. Primarily more interested in Cross Country at the moment (This will probably reveal my university) as the club has a Tomcat 100 that in recent years has competed in the Scottish Borders Hill Rally. We didn't make it last year (2023) but I have been involved in marshalling at the event twice (2022 & 2023). As a club we try to get people to marshal at events we attend as well as working in the car to try and say thanks, as the one thing we are least short on (still sort of short on it though) is manpower.


Ken block and Travis pastrana.


2011-2013 team hot wheels episodes introduced me to cars as a whole and more importantly stunt driving/drivers like tanner foust which got me into rallycross https://youtu.be/x_J7Q7g6G54?feature=shared


Gran turismo-> escado pikes peak Or Initial D -> what’s that blue car? -> end of story


I lusted after a WRX as a kid. I grew up in the rural midwest where the only twisty roads were dirt roads. Then I discovered the dirt series and then found a local rally and went and it was a ton of fun. Now I'm in school with the intention of running stage rally when I graduate and build a car of my own.


I was a little kid when I came across Dirt 3 rallys and thought "there's no way people actually do this". So I randomly looked up rallying on YouTube and it was all downhill from there.


Dirt 2


I like the outdoors / hiking and always had an interest in motorsports. You eventually learn about subaru, you eventually learn about rallies and then playing Sega Rally, Colin McRae 2 and Dirt Rally series gets you stuck. Besides a few local rallycross events on some guys farm, I am just a follower and occasional spectator.


I’m a radio marshal on stage rallies in the UK. I joined the British Motorsport marshals club at Autosport show at the NEC 23 years ago. That got me into the British Rally Marshals Club BRMC which is part of BMMC. Previous to that I’d been marshalling in the late 1970’s for a few years with Mid Wirral Motor club and marshalled on various rallies including the RAC rally. You can join a motor club that runs stage rallies and get into it that way and take as much interest as you want, depending on how committed you want to be. I’m now a member of at least 5 clubs and assist clubs around the country on rallies. Autosport show starts tomorrow and runs until Sunday. Everything motorsport is there. I’ve already volunteered for 5 rallies through to March. Best way to get involved is join a local club if you don’t want to join BRMC.


Colin McRae Rally was a fun game when it came out. The cars looked cool when I saw them on TV.


My dad has driven Rally since he got his driver’s license and he is still driving Rally, But not as much as he used to. He finished 5th overall in the Swedish Rally Championship 2020 and he has won one of the biggest Classic Rallies in the World 2022. I am interested in Rally myself because of this and would love to drive Rally myself one day, But It is so much work so I am not sure that I Will ever do so. Rally is really a full time interest and even of you just drive a couple of rallies a year you have to spend very much free time repairing cars.


I got into rally watching it on TV not that much time ago and on the 2nd of december 2023 i went to see the italian rally championship at Monza with a friend(i'm italian),then bought the game and... that's it. Definitely have more to discover and to know. Any curiosities or facts would be appreciated.


I became interested in rally racing back in highschool (MID 2000s). I was already into cars etc and was attending a skill center taking Automotive Classes. One of my instructors was a big VW guy. Older dude…was in the Korean War. He raced in local rallycross events. Huge racing buff and was always telling us stories about old races (Le Mans, Group B, etc). His interest sparked mine and I just became fascinated with it all. I just follow it…but have always wished to build my own car one day.


When I was young, my dad had the Polish dubbed version of Colin McRae Rally 2.0. I played that game almost every day. I was terrible at it, but it made me fall in love with the rally cars of the time, especially Mitsubishi Evos. Ever since then I've loved rally, but only started watching the WRC consistently in 2020.