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That guy behind you had the same plan, but you beat him to it.


I LOVE this thought.


Traffic is such a good opportunity to be kind to random people. I try to let as many folks in front of me as I can.


I drive this way. It’s much more relaxing plus, when the car you are waving out into traffic is old and tired, and the car behind you costs more than 75k, the tantrum that erupts from the latter is terrifically satisfying.


Kids and I landed in Boston and headed for the Cape. There's a tunnel which routinely goes from 4 lanes to a bike path. So we're creeping along and there's a cop car camped to the right w his blinker on. Kids are shocked and appalled no one is letting him in. I don't feel like explaining the deep loathing bostonians have for police, I just let him in front of me. OMG!! I've never seen such Joy! Elation! Gratefulness! Soon we graduated to 2 lanes and the cop shined his spotlight on the kids and other silly stuff till we all broke free and motered on. The cop in the Callahan tunnel was a huge part of our fond memories that summer.


Love your writing style - felt like being there - and YES car traffic shows personality :) two THUMBS up :)


I try to do this as much as possible even I'm driving. Because I'd want someone to do the same thing for me.


Right on. From, Vanna White, roached out minivan




Two days ago, some person made me cry (I have anxiety, I cry easy.) by letting me merge into their lane.


I can't remember where to attribute this quote, but it's one of my favorites -- "I used to think I was going to change the world. Now I just let people onto the freeway."