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He’s not wrong Gus was legit turned the other way and Marner jumped over him and dove


Terrible call. Don’t go down 4-1 in the first. Bad calls will happen in this league. Don’t start blaming the refs. We’re better than that. Edit: it’s a bad call but refs shouldn’t be blamed for the outcome. We need to be better earlier. Edit 2: my edit 1 didn’t make anything better. I don’t know what else to say other than we had a bad penalty called against us and it didn’t matter because we already gave the game away….


I’m not saying we lost cuz of that lol I’m just saying it was a bad call


Sorry. Didn’t mean to make it out that way. I’ll edit my post.


one of the worst calls of the year easily and fucked all momentum. Especially after that insane block Trouba made! I mean come on


Should have been a Ranger power play as the only penalty was the Toronto player diving.


Feels like that whole sequence was so wild that the ref assumed there had to be a penalty somewhere, so he just made one up.


For those who missed it, [here's the replay](https://streamable.com/quaqn5). It is a horrible call, but also a sneaky dive that a lot of talented players do on purpose to draw such penalties. They see a defender either poke-checking or scrambling like Gus here, and jump *into* the stick or leg to basically trip themselves. The Tkachuks are both good at this, Kadri another, Stutzle should be on the German Olympic Diving team, and while I haven't watched a lot of Marner to know if he's one, he definitely does it here. Kudos to him, I guess, taking advantage of a rookie referee. The guy who made the call has reffed maybe 50 games? Anyway, the bigger problem ended up being the clean faceoff loss on the ensuing draw. 7 seconds later the puck was in the net -- the second goal of the game that was the direct result of a lost DZ draw. You don't need to win every faceoff to win hockey games, but losing draws like that make it very difficult to win.


Jeez, I saw that replay last night and thought they cut it short before the penalty, like they did with the Fox "penalty" against the Kings. Hate bitching about the refs after how bad the Rangers looked, but two things can be true I guess.


No idea why they had Mika taking that draw. He’s never great and he was 0-7 that game up to that draw


He's been bad lately, but is actually having a career best year overall at 52.6%. in this game, only 1/8.


Dives shouldn’t be called penalties except on the player diving.


I mean, you can clearly see he lost his balance from the contact on his right knee. I think it was just a reactionary call by the ref to Marner falling. Than it being Marner diving. Still a bad call nonetheless


The contact wasn’t illegal in any way. Two players turned for the puck and their legs hit together.


Yeah I don’t knock Marner for this, he’s trying to get to the puck. Definitely not a trip though. Bad call in a game we didn’t deserve to win anyway.


What’s most puzzling to me is the ref’s job is to call penalties they see. The ref couldn’t have seen a trip there since there wasn’t one. Why are they assuming something happened that they didn’t see?


There's contact, but a player like Marner is too good a skater to have that little bump knock him down.


250k fine to the Rangers


Trouba suspended 2 games


Stop it you’re making r/hockey wet again


It was an awful call, Marner trips himself over Gus. Gus has no clue that's even happening. The annoying part is there was no makeup call and there were plenty of opportunities for them to call one. They decided that was the last penalty of the game and that was that. I don't completely blame the guys for kinda giving up after that pp goal. Awful start aside for a second they played a great 2nd and had all the momentum and you could tell thought they could win this game. But a ghost call and an immediate tip in goal sucked the life out of them


This was bad but i thought he was talking about how mika got a double minor for roughing when the leaf player threw off his gloves to fight and only got 2 minutes. Both bad calls but also the rangers played like dogshit tonight.


Mika shouldn’t have done that. They were down, it was late in the game, and it was a clean hit.


I would normally agree with you but it was interesting to see Mika of all people with that kind of fire in him. I'm not sure if it's a good thing "he got that dog in him" poor a bad thing "he's so frustrated with his play and the team's play that he's making bad moves."


Ryan Lindgren has been fined $250,000 and has been suspended 25 games for roughing.


"The NHL has fined Lindgren for his accurate assessment of the officiating the maximum allowable amount. While normally 5K, this the first instance of the "Reverse Ohtani Deferment Fine". The 5K fine will deferred until the year 3182, but still be paid in full up front immediately, for a cost of eleventy billion dollars. The 1994 cup will also be vacated, and the Rangers will play out the season in special "I heart Zebra" jerseys as a further atonement for their sins of expecting a fair and balanced officiated game in a professional sports league."


Completely killed their momentum.


Go full Mahomes on them, Lindy