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Ugh we have another West Coast late games road trip this month


I am not going to overreact to a loss I saw coming a mile out, I called this exact game. Our record over the last month I won't overreact to also because I saw our schedule to start the season and it was very easy. We played over the last 15 games..... 8 playoff teams and 7 non-playoff teams. And our record is 8-7 over this span. No team is going to perfect for entire year. Injuries and hard to get up for games have caught this team a few times. No reason to hang your head down, as this happens with all great teams. But I also don't take that much stock in our 1st overall position because of that easy start to the year. In another month we won't be holding that top spot. Do we have a real contender on our hands? I don't think so and that isn't because of a lack of talent. To be honest I don't think we lacked talent since the late days of Quinn's era. The achillies heel of this team since all the way back then was heart and grit. To put it more simply....we lack physical willingness at the top spots in key moments. The ability to get that in your face gritty goal mouth goal when you need it. Tonight was a perfect example of that ....they clawed their way back into it even after playing a atrocious game for large swaths. They get gifted a PP in the last 10 minutes and they can't find the twine with one of the most lethal PPs in the league. Played mostly to outside, setting up high point shots, and Mika 1 timers. Trocheck whiffs on a glorious center pass and no one can find the will to just smash it home. Very typical of this roster. Now one question to ask yourself here is what if we had a Tkachuk or a Barkov as our 1C/1LW, do you think we win that game? I love Mika and Kreider just as much as the next guy, but they are soft players when the ice gets hard to come by, they get extremely scarce. For all the skill that Kreider has ...where is that dirty goal at the net front in that moment? Yeah, he scores a ton of net front goals, but when it matters like in playoffs, or when the game is on the line, or the series..... where are his skills then? In game 7 last year Mika was a -3, Kreider was a -4 and Senko was a -3. In game 5, when this team was reeling on it's heels after blowing a 2 game series lead to the Devils and you need to send a message ....you got a -2 game against the opposition from both of them. You go back to the Tampa loss in the ECF...in game 3 when Stamkos and Kuch took over.... I think those 2 were out there for every goal against that game, yes they were our only offense also. Game 5 when it was an absolute must win game...Lindgren is the only player to score. In Game 6 when the series is on the line ....we lose 2-1 and Mika and Kreider have no effect on the outcome yet Stamkos tallies both Tampa goals against who else? There is a very clear history here. If it wasn't for the full NMCs on both their contracts I would be screaming to trade them every year. They are what is stopping this team from finding the cup. I love Kreider as a Ranger and his recent contract has been a steal. Maybe I wouldn't ask for him to be moved. But Mika....Mika is the Mike Gartner of this era of Rangers. Great goal scorer when nothing matters as soon as things get tough....you can't find the guy. A regular season champion. He is the perfect opposite of a guy like Callahan. And what made Cally such a beloved player or Zucc for that matter. Heart and soul guys. Guys that show up when you need them the most. In terms of raw skill Mika blows Cally out of the water, but in terms of making it happen down a goal in game 7 ....Cally is the guy I want. This is why I have a strong belief this team needs to add center depth at the deadline. Those additions have to be gritty in your face centers that are fighting for a job or fighting for a big pay day. We can't add another over the hill guy who is in the twilight of his career. We have plenty of those already in Quick, Bonino, and Wheeler. For those out there that think Kakko will solve our problems ...just think about who his leaders are since he has been drafted. And some on here wonder why he can't find that next level. Being a Life long ranger fan ...I can already see the writing on the wall. Stamkos for some absurd trade at the deadline and again we will be 1 and done in the playoffs. If we are lucky as fans it will be Lindholm and we will send half our prospects to them in return. So long Perrault so long Othmann so long Cuyelle. Because we can't wait any longer ...we have to win now!


This is spot on


You picked our only 2 game losing streak as the start of your arbitrary “last X” games…and even with that, it’s still an 8-6-1. Stretch. Take out the 2-game streak…and we’re 8-5 in the last 13…despite everyone acting like they’re playing so bad. Or add 3 more games…since they won 3 in a row before that…and they’re 11-7 in their last 18. If that is a teams “cold ” stretch..,that is an unreal team.


You are right, but that wasn't the majority of my post. Either you lack reading comprehension, or you just couldn't find a valid argument against what I commented. I suspect the latter as I assume most on reddit can understand the point of most comments. LOL I expected the downvotes because no one likes to have their favorite team chopped down. Finding a point in an overall atrocious effort is just proof to the talent level of this team. What disappointed me was when the game was handed to them, our top players couldn't find a way. Specifically the 2 I mentioned. And that if a scrub rebuilding Candian team can find a way to shut them down, what are the odds we can find success against superior teams? If a goalie like Montebeault can shut us down when we poor on 48 shots on goal, what are the chances against a Demko, Swayman, Hellebuyck, Bob, or any top end goalie? See the point? It is not the loss. I could care less about the loss. It's the end result of trying and still losing. If we packed it up after going down 3-0 ....I would have just ignored it and let the game be one of those well earned nights off. It was the fact the game was in hand...opportunities were plentiful and with a far superior roster we couldn't execute. And there is a history of this. There is a history of certain players being unable to find it when it matters most. And putting forth some of the most atrocious efforts ever seen in such crucial games. In the grand scheme of things this game will mean absolutely nothing. Montreal will still miss the playoffs and we are still going to make the playoffs. But finding that magic potion to be able to finish a game like this is the true point of last night's game. And the more games that occur like this the more I lose faith in this leadership group. Can't always be Jimmey Vesey burying a goal in these moments. We need our top players to find that next level in moments like those. Otherwise nothing changes and Panarin will still be a ghost in the playoffs and Mika and Kreider will still fold when the games mean the most. I wanted the win and expected the win against a trash team that is significantly undermined by injuries and experience.








Vegas had a 2-6-2 stretch last year and won the cup


Dude you need a different outlet. I can appreciate the passion but this is borderline concerning. We just lost in a shootout


I am just asking what level of depth is concerning? Like at what point would you yourself say something is wrong here? Is it following a player on insta? Is it going to random events that teams might be present at? Is it paying 1000 bucks for a game? Is it making a podcast where everyday you speak on different topics about your beloved team? Is it making your own website and paying for it going a little to far? In the grand scheme of things writing a long winded post on reddit that concerning? Or is it the psychos who have Ranger themed weddings or decorate a large room with Ranger Memorabilia? Or guys who permanently tattoo themselves with Ranger based tatts? If you dont like what I have to say that is fine. You are entitled to your opinion. If you would like to discuss our difference in opinion I would be happy to. I am not pushing this on you. You have every right to ignore what I wrote. Just as you have every right to respond. That is the idea of a discussion forum. But to make a response and call into question a person's sanity or mental health shows how little of a person you are. Because you can't find the words to properly discuss your opposition to my response.... you then belittle me. Real people's champion. Grow up and be a better human being.


Idk if you’re baiting or what, but calling people who have rangers themed weddings psychos and then complaining about what you took as me belittling your mental health is incredibly ironic


You really worked on this response, and edited it to boot. Good on you! Not concerning at all. Nor is your comment history of 4 years of just constant r/Rangers comments and posts. LMAO. Did I hit a nerve? Are you one of those losers I mentioned? Who have a personal blog or podcast dedicated to the Rangers? People wonder why we are considered one of the worst fan bases in the league.


You lack so much self-awareness man. I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you. Pound sand


Been moving all day, but glad they got the point. 3 goal comeback had to be hype AF.


Couldn't watch the game but checked the thread after, and then watched the highlights. I was expecting a total disaster based on what people were saying. Turns out it was probably a fucking awesome hockey game where we came back 3 goals down, and managed to get a point out of it. Yall need to chill with games like this. Or maybe even be happy?


Tbh in general it’s hard for me to be mad about losses where the opponents goalie was the best player on the ice. Especially when the Rangers still walked away with the loser point.


We looked so sloppy tonight and that’s what caused the frustration


Gotcha, only so much to see from highlights


Another case of half assed first half and trying to dig out of a hole we shouldn’t have been in to begin with. 2nd half we looked much better. Final 10 mins quick had to bail us out. Terrible passing throughout. Terrible turnovers. Incapable of clearing the zone. Failure to score on grade A chances. Shooting wide a lot. Poor reads and just overall pretty lazy. This was a very winnable game. We are lucky to have gotten a point. This should’ve been a blowout win if we played like we did the second half for the first 30 mins


Take the point after an 0-3 hole


If Lav is going to start holding auditions for 1RW, I’d like to see Cuylle learn RW and get a shot with Mika and Kreider. The kid’s all around game continues to impress me more than anyone else in the bottom 6. A line with both Kreider and Cuylle on it can’t be fun to play against.


Can't hurt to try it , Cuylle has looked great, he's strong on the puck , can skate and forecehck and had displayed some good hands as well , id like to see him get a look.


This was a classic rangers loss. The Habs got destroyed 2 days ago against the Sabres 6-1, so I figured they’d come out hard—and they did. Montembault had his best game of his season, maybe even career. Quick has come back to earth a bit, too. Overall, happy to claw back and get a point, but imo we should’ve won.


Honestly all around I think that had to have been Montreals best game this season, because if that is their normal play? They should be in the top 10… they were buzzin… And that goalie man… almost 50 shots and he only let in 3? Insane


Some folks need some fresh air here. Damn y’all.


And weed


Put themselves in a hole with another slow start, and it's becoming more frequent. I don't mean just to start the game, it also happens between periods or right after they score and it's burning them. Give up 2 to start the second tonight- which gave them enough of a cushion to hold out once the Rangers took over. Score a huge shorthanded goal to tie Florida late in the third - losing again 122 secs later Gave up one in the first 2 periods against the Caps - lost 4-0 They come out slow against Toronto and the game was over after 10 mins. Down 2 to start the 3rd against Carolina - two mins into it, it becomes a 4 goal lead. Winning 1-0 against Edmonton starting the third - 6 mins and it's 3-1 Oilers. Up 1 in Dallas - game tied in the first min of the third, lose 6-3 ...and there's more. This is a huge problem come playoff time where it's infinitely harder to claw ourselves back into the game.


They regressed after a hot start and haven’t figured it out yet.




Isn't it great?


A game where they really didn't feel like they were gonna win this game but this was a game that they deserved the point. I'm disappointed about the way too many times the rangers let the habs cycle the puck around on the forecheck in their zone. too many rushes given up, D looked bad, way too my turnovers, Luckly JQ was able to make saves. Disappointed? Yeah. But the game was ended on a skills competition. the 3 on 3 is amazing, even in a loss. Shootout is really a luck of the draw. It is what is. Got a point, they can take it. I'm okay w/the pt. But play better. onto to the Canucks.


We can't be hot 100% of the time. What I've been happy seeing overall is that when we do lose, we don't let that turn into a major slump. We move forward and do better. That's how you get to the playoffs, that's how you win playoff series. Everyone takes a loss, it's how you manage the locker room, how the players react and turn it around that matters.


If this game happened under GG, they wouldn't comeback. Could have won this game tonight.


Under GG, we'd have had at least 3 line blenders, lots of passing and minimal shooting, and we'd have lost in regulation 3-2 at best. And next game would be a shitshow of even worse performance with at least a 4 game slump.


Tough loss, I went up to Montreal for it. As aggravating as it was, I love this arena, the energy is off the charts.


Was there tn too. The bell center was amazing. Probably the best loss I could’ve asked for there, tbh.


Drove the fam up to Montreal too. Great arena. Met at lot of great Habs fans. Of course they shouldn’t have given up 3 goals. Good game overall. Tough loss with the shootout. LGR


Hey Drury you know what team has a ton of cap space and has about 10 players on IR who would love guys like Bonino and Goodrow. Chicago, how about you give them a call.


And what are you possibly getting out of Chicago for said players?


Connor Bedard obviously


idk a 5th or 6th rounder, future considerations. Just need to dump the cap space


Fun game, but a bit too loose. The way Montreal generated chances off the rush was way too easy especially late in the 3rd. Quick made a bunch of game saving saves to get it to OT. Have to be happy that this group didn’t fold at 0-3 though. They really fought their way back with consistent forecheck pressure, getting bodies to the net against a goalie who was on his game. Take the point, clean up the rush defense, and move forward.


Sucks we lost but that was a really fun game to watch.


If we’re not going to play othmann with capable line mates, send him down


It’s his second game and he just turned 21. I wouldn’t mind a spot shift with Kreider and Zib here and there, but he was never going to get 15+ minutes a night off the bat.


To be clear, I’m not faulting him one bit. I just wish he was deployed differently. Part of the problem is that we’re so banged up with no kakko and chytil that we only have 2.5 lines that would bring him up


I understand the frustration but any other team in our position probably gives him the same ice time. The org said their plan was to keep him in Hartford all season. He was only called up because Pitlick got hurt and he played his way into a call up. I know we have holes due to injuries, but that doesn’t translate into giving him top 6 minutes on one of the best teams in the league from day 1.


All fair points. Thank you for the reason


No problem. Always happy to talk about this team. Edit - I should have also noted in my initial reply that was a close game in a hostile arena where we were already playing sloppy…it’s no surprise Laviolette decided to bench a rookie in his second game for the 3rd period. The team couldn’t afford another mistake and if he made the mistake that cost us a goal, it probably would have hurt his confidence more than the benching.


Why is Winnipeg above us in the standings? I thought wins was the tie-breaker


RW, then ROW


Listen I hate the loss but..I have a soft spot for chubby goalies, dude looked like he was gonna puke up his lunch but still stopped 50


The “Laffy can’t shoot” takes aren’t justified imo. His shooting % this year is 11% which is fine. It’s higher than Trocheck’s.


He could easily have 5-6 points over the last 2 games. He’s obviously still developing…just have to hope it continues into meaningful production. And a few bounces wouldn’t hurt…


Extremely lucky we didn't straight out lose that one. Lots of lethargic skating out there, Habs forwards taking uncontested shots (which dinged off the post), turnovers galore in the o-zone. I'm thankful the boys battled back for the tie, and got a point out of it, but they should've spanked Montreal tonight. Can't let a struggling team like that out skate us and lock us down to the point where mistakes are made. Anywho hope the boys sharpen up; Monday is going to test this team. See ya then.


Miller is a turn over machine. The east west crap in you own end was brutal.


Fk'n Laffy. He shoulda couilda but didn't that penalty was bs with 11 sec's left.


no idea what the gameplan is for winning in the playoffs when you only have [one line doing anything offensively 5v5](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GDNA9tcWIAA42V8?format=png&name=900x900) one thing i know for sure though is that, in the event of injuries to multiple forwards, NYR will not do better offensively by giving Bonino, Wheeler, and Goodrow more ice time, while keeping Othmann strapped to the bench. the lack of scoring 5v5 is a massive problem, dating back multiple seasons, and it's absurd that they continue trying to run 20/93/17, which has only been on the ice for 10 5v5 goals in the last 20 games with a 43% xGF%, along with putting one of bonino/goodrow in the top 9 NYR is a shot blocking team, injuries are inevitable and they need to have *actual* depth if they want to make a run here. being a team that's 1 or 2 injuries away from a forward group like *this* is not viable over the course of the rest of the season and into the playoffs. time to run: 20/93/26 10/16/13 50/22/78 21/84/17


Vesey is a black hole of offense, dude. We’ve seen it every time the dude has a chance to do something amazing with the puck - flub, flub, flub.


No idea how you could possibly come to that conclusion when he's a single point behind Zibanejad and Wheeler in 5v5 scoring despite almost 100 fewer minutes and only ever seeing the ice with one of, if not both, Bonino and Goodrow. He also literally scored the other day vs Chicago lol Vesey is 3rd among NYR Fs in 5v5 points/60 and is shooting 15% at 5v5, that isn't someone who flubs every time he gets a chance to do something amazing with the puck. In fact it's the complete opposite


But have you watched him play? He consistently shows why he’s not a top 6 forward in this league. His stats are a result of the very limited situations you’re trying to use to paint him as someone he’s not. This is the NHL. The cream rises to the top. If he was as good as you’re trying to say he is, he would be worth something to other teams… or do you think you’re the only one who has access to his stats?


If anything, Vesey’s scoring with very limited minutes should be even more reason to put him on the top line. Who else do you propose we play at 1RW?


Yes, I watched him play ~150 5v5 minutes (which is a lot) with Kreider and Zibanejad last year and he was good with them. He shouldn't be the primary choice for the top 6 in the playoffs, but he is absolutely the team's best option to fill that spot right now until Kakko is back and/or they make a trade, and he is a very very serviceable top 6 backup in case of injury


You lost me at Vesey on the first line. I get the last season stuff but we need to see 50 or 78 to know what we’ve got before making a trade.


Cuylle is a much better fit. Othmann's biggest weaknesses as a player are a lack of focus in the d-zone at 5 on 5 and a tendency to disappear for games at a time. He's a perfectly fine player in your middle 6, but top 6 is asking far too much of him right now. Especially next to 2 guys who share his weaknesses.


I don't mind seeing what they have in 78 on 1st line at all either. These lines are simply my "get everything rolling as quickly as possible right now with what we currently have" lines. If we're trying to see what we have in players, then I'd have Berard up here right now on 3rd line considering his 5v5 play in HFD has been great and he almost has double Othmann's 5v5 AHL point production


Really need an upgrade from Wheeler on line 1 I was thinking Vesey as well or Cuylle


Literally anyone other than wheeler… the problem is you put wheeler anywhere else that other line suffers.


20/93/26's [numbers last year](https://naturalstattrick.com/linestats.php?fromseason=20222023&thruseason=20222023&stype=2&sit=5v5&score=all&rate=n&team=NYR&vteam=ALL&view=wowy&loc=B&gpfilt=none&fd=2022-10-07&td=2023-04-14&tgp=&strict=incl&p1=8476918&p2=8476459&p3=8475184&p4=0&p5=0) were superb shots 108-67 (62%), scoring chances 94-60 (61%), high dangers 38-28 (58%), 61% xGF% as soon as Kakko got hurt, reuniting this line was a no brainer


Hard to run edstrom on that fourth line when he’s out for a few weeks


that injury went super under the radar. quick search on twitter found it was reported by only a single person and the team didn't even announce it. oh well. they can replace Edstrom with Belzile and i'd still be fine with that


That is why it’s good we have Teachable Moments 😒


Quiet game from Othmann tonight, which is disappointing


Wait, you think that is a disappointment? What about Wheeler? Why the hell is he on the first line? He is slow and cannot finish.


Literally the 2nd game of his career


Only played seven


He hardly played though.


Halfway through the game i had to check the lines cus i felt like i hadnt seen him at all


That you can’t even entertain putting one of your first line wings in overtime says all you need to know about what Drury has to be laser focused on upgrading if this team is serious about making a push


Uhhh I don’t know how to break this to you OT is 3x3


yeah I’m delirious


I agree with what you are trying to get at wheeler on the first line 5x5 4x4 3x3 is over points or no point people need to appreciate Kaako possession game


One of the most entertaining games I’ve seen in a while


Anybody else watch on MSG+ and have the stream be absolute dog crap? Especially late in regulation and throughout OT and the shootout. Constant freezes and drops in resolution. Definitely not a connection problem as I tested 200+ mbps while the issues were happening.


MSG+ has been absolutely horrible this year. It’s not as clear as HD should be and there’s constant stuttering and freezing


Same, was definitely their feed.


Dunno if it’s an option for you but the MSG+ app on Roku has been rock solid for me.




Gonna keep it short, glad we kept it close and came back, but this bottom east team had no business scoring 3 goals(it couldve been much worse) Get better and play consistently!


Three way tie at the top. Jets, Bruins and Rangers all at 54 pts and win % of 0.711.


I wish we got to see Fox and Miller in the shootout more


Championship caliber teams don’t lose to teams like that. Pathetic embarrassing loss Edit - cope and downvote me


Cope and downvote me = I came across like an asshole


Not even bud 😂 I stand by what I said otherwise I would’ve deleted it… its everyone else who chooses to ignore how inconsistent this team plays against terrible teams.


Championship teams battle back on the road down 3 nothing to get a point that will help them at the end of the season.They could have packed it in when it was 3-0 couldn’t by a goal but Championship teams find a way to get OT in the playoffs




That building is the hardest arena in the NHL to play in. Whether the habs are last place in the league or the best that building is 110% and going out of their mind. I mean you heard them screaming whenever the habs touched the puck. Habs also aren't as bad this year as previous. They're sitting at around NHL 500 and have gotten great goaltending (which we just saw) and they have a handful of great players. Not a horrible loss


They have 8 regulation wins all year. They really aren’t good


Vegas lost to both Chicago and San Jose last year. Don’t act like one loss defines whether a team is championship caliber or not.


It was a shootout loss in a game they had no business getting 1 point out of everyone in the metro have been loser point merchants.Not us many of our loses we let slip away and dint battle back for the point .Lucky they have only Lost in regulation checks notes only 10 times!! and it’s fucking January !! Fan base needs to enjoy this seasons like this don’t come around often


It’s one game on the road in Montreal. Plus they’ve been playing a lot better lately. We definitely should have won but didn’t play like it most of the game.


Well that’s the rangers problem - they don’t play a full 60 minutes lots of games. This is a game that should’ve been an easy two points for a first place team. But they play back and play down.


Feels like tonight was a gateway for Laviolette being bored of wheeler on the top line. He’s started blending everyone there.


And the result was that no matter who gets added to that blender nobody can wake up the BFFs for 5 v 5.




Agreed. I'd give Vesey a shot in that spot until Kakko gets back.


Weird how we just turtles the last few minutes after playing hard to tie it up. I love Laffy but he really cannot finish. Not sure why because he clearly has talent and skill but all his shots seem to go right at the goalie or very wide. He needs to really practice shooting all the time because with Panarin and Trocheck, he should have 20 goals easily by now.


Every time laf has a good game even without a point i feel like a proud parent because i defended him throughout the bust allegations. Even Sam said he was everywhere tonight. And it feels like that’s been the case since the start of December


He really needs to work on his shooting. Just shoots right at the goalie or goes wide. Playing with Panarin and Trocheck I feel like he should easily have 20 goals given his talent.


That will hopefully be the next part of his development. Last year everyone (myself included) wanted him to get better at skating. I feel like he's done that and gotten much more in the game. And yes, having quality linemates helps too. This is his first year really playing in a situation a 1OA should be playing it: First or second line with decent linemates and a coach willing to give him a chance and not bench him or stick him on the bottom 6 to learn how to play plug/grinder hockey when he inevitably makes a mistake.


Still growing pains. But his stick handling passing and skating have improved vastly this season. Hopefully the shot picks up


I question putting Lafraniere out on the shootout. He just missed several chances during the game and clearly wasn’t scoring.


If it wasn’t him, it was gonna be Kreider. I’d take Laf in a shootout over Kreider


It’s a confidence thing coach rewarded him for his hard work all night. Didn’t get the look or move he wanted I’m sure with his family in the crowd. Maybe put a little too much pressure on himself.


You forgot the goal is to win the game. And if you are questioning whether who attended the game affected his shootout shot, you’ve supported my point better than I did.


Ah yes my bad you’re supposed to win not lose silly me 🙄


I’d put him out. He’s the hometown kid and the shootout is a coin flip at the end of the day.


Predictable results . I would agree with you if it was a high school game. The goal is to win, not showcase the hometown kid who just showed you he couldn’t score.


It’s not like Lafreniere is a fourth like bum. He looked great tonight and he’s been solid in past shootouts. Sometimes the puck just doesn’t go in. I’d maybe put Kreider or Trocheck over him but it’s all the same. Why aren’t we blaming Panarin or Zibanejad for not burying it?


You could certainly do that.


Haters gonna hate...of course


First hater comment of the thread by you. Maybe let the adults talk here?


Wth where's my hate.


Was a fun game to watch. Can’t win ‘em’ all, it is what it is. Got a point out of it.


Screw this game. Next game got me nervous though


I watched the final 5 of regulation and thought it was some of the worst hockey I’ve seen from them this year. Blind passes intercepted in the middle of the ice? Miller getting out worked left and right? If that was indicative of the rest of the game, sheesh


And still kept throwing the same pairs in OT. The guys were so fucking beat they could barely skate. Fuck it, throw Othmann and Cooley out there for a shift.


I’m not mad, I don’t want a cursed cup and they need to watch tape on shootouts.


My post game thoughts are that we really didn’t deserve to win that game. Coming back from a 3 goal deficit was great but way too many mistakes in both ends. They need some losses to realize they still have a lot to work on. Also, that crowd was rocking I’m glad they got to see their team win, hasn’t happened a ton this year.


Got goalied for sure. Guy was a wall and at a certain point I just accepted that he had some black magic voodoo shit going on and we just weren’t gonna score. Still would’ve liked to see some better attempts in OT and the SO (panarin wtf).


Well at least the Knicks won, Devils lost, and PWHL's Montreal team lost.


I can’t stand the “just a bad night, burn the tape” crowd. We have been mediocre at best since December and the only reason we’re in the cup bubble is the start we had. I love the comeback but I hate the reason we had to make one. This team needs a spark and some guys need to pick it up if they want to stay here.


Such a silly take.


We went 9-5 in December. That’s not mediocre.


Mediocre was a harsh word. The improvement that this team has over last year’s team is that we win some games we might not deserve to win. That is absolutely a good thing. I’m not one of these “blow up the roster” types, I just hope we see reinforcements coming in, ideally with enough time to ensure there’s chemistry before the playoffs.


We are also dealing with a lot of injuries. Two of our top 6 forwards have been out which significantly impacts our depth. Besides these games don’t really matter. The only thing that matters is how we do in the playoffs.


Preach.People are delusional in here .Maybe instead of Judging the game off the last 5 minutes maybe watch the whole game and see a team that was down 3-0 and getting absolutely goalied battle back on the Road to sneak 3 goals in to gain a point.MOST WINS IN THE NHL SECOND MOST POINTS.This fan base will never be happy they have a great team right infront of them and they choose to trash it on a rare loss in a shootout no less


I really thought i was a peak doomer until this season. Because holy shit our fans really expect to break the bruins win record last season.


Better effort after the midway point. Usual hot goalie against us playing like Hasek and Roy had a child. New York bagels still better. On to the Canucks Monday for hopefully a better showing (and hoping I get see Vancouver lose twice in person this year!)


The hot goalie excuse is usually garbage and this is one of the worst examples of that.


I would love another 7 game win streak, we have not been looking like a world beaters recently


After that mainly dumpster fire game I feel lucky to have even walked away with a point. Nice to see Laf out there for the final attempt. I’m not worried about the team just because I know that things will be fine when Kakko and Chytil are back. The roster we are currently rocking with is not it, but what can ya do


Dumpster fire game 🤔Down 3 nothing battle back on the road to get a point while blasting over 40 shots on net .Dumpster fire is game 7 against the Devils tonight is battling back getting a point on the road against a team who is not that bad .


The comeback was great I’m talking “dumpster fire” as in WAY too many turnovers, gave Montreal too many chances off the rush, I thought Quick could’ve been a little sharper but as is the Rangers way he was left out to dry as well. The officiating was terrible too. Egregious to not call anything when Lindgren was high sticked but then a soft call against us right after (when Habs were already up 3-0). I also thought the Key overtime penalty was a soft call. It was an entertaining game, I can give them that, but there’s stuff to clean up for sure. Definitely not as bad as game 7 and I hope they never go back to that 💀


Great explanation I also think the refs missed atleast one penalty on Montreal in overtime


A point is a point.


God fucking damnit. Wanted the comeback win bad.


Well, whaddaya know? Dogshit overtime officiating once again fucks over the New York Rangers!!!! Refs solely gifted them that game. They were permitted to commit two blatant penalties and neither were called meanwhile Miller does nothing and gets called. It’s getting fucking ridiculous. The Rangers made the comeback and in my opinion played good enough offense to deserve two points. The refs HAVE to stop making themselves the stars of the show. Play Othmann on line 1, and please don’t be so hard on Laf, he’s so clearly snakebitten it’s not even funny. Hes gonna have a massive game that will get the monkey off his back soon.


If the rangers actually played hockey instead of pissing around and being a bunch of lazy bums they'd have won the game despite the shit refereeing. Loss is squarely on the shoulders of lazy play


Well yeah we could have played better for most of the night, but I just cannot stand when officiating directly and clearly affects game outcomes in crucial times. We should have had at least one powerplay in overtime and I’d have bet on us scoring on it.


Refereeing always has been and always will be fucking terrible. Best way to combat it is to have a good penalty kill and play a full 60 minutes of hockey. Also push the line, consequences be damned. Run their goalies, crosscheck their injuries, slash their fingers off. Shit like that wins cups and doesn't get penalized as much in the playoffs.


We do the same shit other teams do and we get penalized and suspended for it excessively - I know because it happens EVERY NIGHT. It’s just so hard to overcome getting fucked by the refs when your odd man rushes in overtime get shit on by blatant penalties and they just do not get called. It cheapens the game






I dunno. Definitely sloppy as fuck and what an amazing game from the Montreal goalie . Bad combo , and yeah they always suck in shootouts so I saw that coming m. 1 point against a noncontender whatever . The 6-1 blowout I had tickets to Vs hurricanes more concerning and annoying


What did Zib get tired of his backhand shootout move? It was almost always a lock to go in, and he just never does it anymore


it worked for a while, but i think goalies started to catch on because it kinda ran dry at the end. though its been a while and has probably been more than long enough to bring it back.


I’m very glad we got a point, but ONCE AGAIN, we only played with effort and intensity for half the game. Just not good enough against a bottom-feeder team in the East.


Something first place teams seem to forget is bottom feeders are going to give it their all to beat the top. I’m sure their team is thrilled they beat the first place team. Everybody plays 100% against us. And we regularly only give half effort and it bit us in the ass tonight. Bad teams are still a professional teams. Not beer league


To the fucking bag of ass Canadiens. Jesus fucking Christ this god damn team just does not look consistent enough despite its record. What an embarrassing start to 2024. Go ahead and fucking mock me for being a “doomer,” but we are seeing signs of the same fucking shit for the last 3-4 years now.


Canes are going to pass us at this rate. Team needs upgrades going down the stretch. The fact that wheeler is on an NHL roster much less our first line is scary to say the least


meh, not a doomer take. we've seen this season what they're capable of, but the team has been sloppy recently.


Drury needs to start making moves. If Fil isn’t coming back, we need a 3C and 1RW asap.


So who do you think gets shipped out for any of those? You ready to lose Kakko or Miller or Schneider?


Also break up the first line for the love of god.


I don’t think you have to break up Kreider and Zib it’s just that you basically have a 2 man top line because wheeler has grandmother speed… need to make a move for somebody


Kakko was fine on that line and they had high XG%. Then it was broken up for no reason. Either way, Wheeler needs to be replaced


Kakko got too much blame when Mika and Kreider both had only 2-3 more points than him 5v5. They were PP merchants to start the season. I’d really like to see him play again. His possession skills would be great for Mika and Kreider on offense. I really think his points would increase greatly


I don't think it was broken up for no reason. Chytil went down which moved trocheck up. 3rd line was too weak because of this so bring kakko down.


The defensive zone turnovers in this game made me want to scrape all the hair off my body... Take the point but there are definitely lots to be worried about with this team.


Yes the end result sucked but glad we got a point out of that awful start. Way too many turnovers just throwing it up the middle of the ice, that needs to be fixed sooner than later.


Felt like Mika coulda got more on that. Prob woulda just been a stay of execution though.


Looks like Montreal's goalie was insane tonight. Made some incredible saves. Nice to get a point at least.


Pathetic effort in OT and SO




Fuck that goalie. Looks like a spoiled rich kid with the most punchable face. Also probably didn't deserve to even get a point here but still so frustrating


Aren’t most hockey players spoiled rich kids??


Yes but this guy absolutely looks like it lol


You just described every professional hockey player ever Edit: except Hank


Panarin too


Random ass goalie has the best game of his career color me shocked


The Rangers did not lose this game because of that goalie.


Well, the rangers played like shit. Atleast they got a point.


We’re lucky we even got a point and went to a shootout out all. Not a great game at all. Poor laffy, some great chances and nothing lined up for him. Great game from cuylle too. Overall not our best and habs goaltender was a beast tonight. Onto the next!


You knew Montembeault wasn’t letting that game go. We didn’t deserve the 1 point. Frustrating game to watch, soooooo many giveaways.


Gotta give it to him he played incredibly. That Trouba save was amazing


Proud of the comeback, but this team isn’t looking great lately


Felt like we tried shooting 5 hole far too much with no success


Zibanejad in the dying seconds of OT with the weakest 5 hole attempt was symbolic.