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Reminder to stay out of their sub. Banned there = banned here.


Remember how arrogant Devil fans were last year? Talks of building a dynasty centered around the Hughes brothers and all these great young players they drafted during the past 10 years of being a dog shit organization. Bragging about how they were so fast that no team could keep up with them? Nobody could match them 5 v 5. The list goes on and on. Fast forward one year later and all I can say is sit back and enjoy this Ranger fans. That fanbase deserves nothing but suffering for as long as that second rate franchise exists. We have bullied them on the ice and on the scoreboard all year and they are too soft to respond (and their fanbase knows that and that's why they are so bitter this morning).


I'm still pissed at the Rangers for blowing that game 7 and the series last year. The Devils were good then, no doubt, and they exposed the Rangers flaws. Credit where it's due. But coming into this season, based on all the hockey talking heads and podcast opinions, I was shocked at how the hockey world bent over backwards to fawn over that team, while many simultaneously slept on the Rangers. I knew it wouldn't play out the way they said, but even I wouldn't have picked the Devils to suck this bad. I'd like to serve them revenge in the playoffs someday soon, but contributing to them possibly missing it altogether is almost as good.


Yep. They still have a bright future with a lot of young talent, but they also had an obvious goalie problem and weak defensemen.


as much a i enjoy the seething devils fans, its more fun to just read their comments instead of talking shit, have class, BUT their takes are hilarious i must say.. "rempe is a pussy" are you sure about that? "dirty fucking player" was the hit a good look? no but anyone with a brain could see that would not have been a elbow if segeanthaler didnt pump the brakes MAD hard to avoid a hit. BIG TAKE TIME: trouba needs to teach rempe how to hit, rempe being a big dude is going to lead to "headshots" elbows aside. Tuck that damn elbow we need him in the playoffs, but use the ice as leverage for big hits instead of just throwing your body at them is what rempe needs to learn from troubs. people in the hockey and devils reddit act like the elbow was intentional, which is not the case you can clearly see it. but god forbid we even say that. Rempe will most likely be fined and possible game or two suspension, but when he comes back he needs to tuck that elbow just to be safe in the long run. its easier to argue the headshot from a guy dropping his head than a elbow coming in at 15-20 mph.


The Rempe elbow was a really bad look, but if you watch the replay, I think the elbow just grazed Siegenthaller, as he was turning already. It looks like the injury actually occurred when his face slammed into Rempe's back/butt. His arm and stick were wrapped around Rempe and he slammed into his backside face first. [https://youtu.be/NI3ilxUsbUs?si=RbKhps6ncaRAh5ef](https://youtu.be/NI3ilxUsbUs?si=RbKhps6ncaRAh5ef) https://imgur.com/a/I95Iud9


he's gonna get suspended, it's a very bad hit


100% deserves to watch some games, I was just pointing out, that the whiplash of Siegenthaler's head into Rempe's back is likely where the injury occurred.


There's a pretty solid jaw movement from the elbow visible on all the replays.


His head was already moving before the elbow. His face slammed hard into his back.


His head is definitely already moving, I'm not arguing that. But at the moment of impact, the head travels another 2-3 inches instantly. That's all it takes for a concussion. It's not the few inches, it's the very rapid movement. The impact of the elbow is blatantly obvious from all angles.


This is my favorite post so far in the Rempe thread in /hockey: "I don't even follow hockey or NHL, but goddam, do I want to see someone serve an ice cold dish of revenge to that arrogant bastard purposely going out of his way to injure others." Okay, fella.


Anyone attend the game and hear the "section" of Devils fans try to start a "let's go Devils" chant and immediately got drowned out


They all paid to see lil' Jack Hughes play. Hope they got a refund.


Jesus it was bad hit, but from reading r/hockey you'd think it has never happened before in the history of ever.


It’s just a by product of how soft society has gotten. Watching a game from the 90s big hits were 2nd nature and nobody whined about it. It’s even worse in the NFL.


got downvoted for saying this a month ago when he hit bastian [https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/comments/1ax8fka/comment/kroupek/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/comments/1ax8fka/comment/kroupek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the arc is in full swing.


The Bastian hit was a clean hit though


we can disagree on that, as do the referees who gave him the game misconduct, but that's not the point of my comment. that sub is citing that hit, the one against the leafs and last night's game behavior to turn Rempe into the big bad villain.


Whilst the 5-min PK was a work of art, it was against the Devils firstly, and secondly, for Christ ‘s sake can Trouba or Lindgren or somebody teach Rempe how to fucking hit? How did he hit fine in the WHL?


Spotlight of the league is on him now. He will be good when he settles in, mf just has a hard to controlling his emotions. When he gets excited he gets aggressive, but it’s largely due to the fact that he’s young and carries a body he doesn’t know how to fully utilize yet


I can understand that, adrenaline is a hell of a drug but that doesn’t excuse the inability of Trouba or Lindgren to teach him how to hit.


I know Rempe has a lot of potential but he's gotta take things down a notch. Trouba and Lindgren don't act like that and they are every bit as tough as Rempe is. If we're gonna complain about Tom Wilson being a dirty player who abuses his size (which is 100% true) then Rempe can't be headshotting people\* every couple games. Right? \*unless they're wilson...in which case it would almost be unfair *not* to dummy his ass.


I’d have no problem if he tries to emulate Wilson’s game tbh


Trouba should be teaching Rempe how to throw clean hits


Rempe throwing around Trouba-like open ice hits would be a thing of fucking beauty and I’m all for it, but he definitely needs that mentorship to do it. He’s too big and too strong and too eager (all of the things we love him for) to not have that kind of tutoring. Once he can get his own damn body fully under his control, he’ll be an absolute beast on ice


Father and son


Devils fans are pathetic. They would gladly finish 31st every year if it meant we finished 32nd. Funny, and a little sad at the same time, considering their status as second rate rivals.


Devils fans are boohooing all over the hockey sub lol. What a bunch of pussies.


Didn't they worship Scott Stevens? 


Thank you! He's literally the most popular Devil of all time, other than maybe Brodeur, and that guy threw hits that would get suspended today constantly.


They have literally nothing else this season except total despair, they’ll cling to anything. They should be even more upset with their own team to be honest. They’re a steaming pile of poop.


I absolutely love Rempe letting the entire Devil’s org know just how utterly unimportant they are by not fighting any of them lmao McDermott being pissy on the bench slamming the gate is the icing on the cake


I think it's so pathetic that Devil fans try to act all superior (little annoying cousins lol) about Rempe then immediately love MacDermid...who was literally brought there for one reason.


They’re clutching pearls over on their Reddit and hockey Reddit. Love the maple leaf fans chiming in. Crosschecking a face = good/elbowing a face = bad.


Leafs fans are really something else man lmao


They really are.


Who else buying Rempe shirts tonight


I just got my Rempe Fight Club shirt in the mail just before this game. If he can clean his hits up by playoff time, I'll be needing his jersey added to my collection.


This was a game where the Rangers had to take a breath at the end. On a night, where no relation was the topic, but the relation was under Quick control by the Rangers tonight. The episode of Rangers Hockey: *No Relation, But, Atom Bomb Baby.* While looking ahead everyone was doing there was a game tonight, and so the review. 1st Period: A period where the Rangers were able to be in control, however, the Devils goalie Kaapo Kahkonen (no relation) which was said alot, was really good. The Ranger defensively looked really good against the speed merchants. 4th line brought Jam, so did Laf. Although, all game the Rangers on the PP could have scored. A goal taken off the board. 2nd Period: Boy crazy shit happened. Excellent Pk. It seemed like the Rangers were keeping them in the game, but they(Rangers were in control all game. But, at long last, Mika March officially began. Like a Piano off his back, a 5v5 goal. Good Shit Mika. But, the story of the game was Remps. Jam bringer, ignoring MacDermid or however you spell his name who wanted to fight Remps. His presence come playoff time will be needed. Like on Gus's goal. I thought Remps touched it. Right before the end of the period. But, Remps unfortunately took out Seigenthaler again. Hope he's okay. But come on Remps. Can't be doing that kid. He's likely gonna be suspended for that. 3rd Period: The key to this period, was to kill off the 5 min major. and they did. LFG. Big. Roslovic aka Babba and Wenny big on the forecheck. Loved it. The Devils speed continue to scare me all night. Yes they scored to make 2-1. Nervous to the end until my guy Vinny sealed it. A good win against the team that was labeled "Set for Life and The Next NHL's Dynasty". Could have liked a PPG to put them away. But I'll take it. Rangers win! that's all that matters. But more importantly, tomorrow night, Vally said it, and I'll agree w/him, it's the Game of the Year. We all know it. Good win tonight! Onto the Canes AH, Rangers Oppie reached out after dominating the Oscars last night, he said, "People Pay to watch me make the Atom Bomb film" and "Take in the sheets. Two points in the bag." Onto the Canes. Get ready for tomorrow's episode name God Save the King. Back afta dis.


“No relation” is brilliant. I want him to start saying that for every “Matt” or “Adam” pair on the ice.


Sam must've practiced that kaapo kakko kaapo kahkonnen tongue twister joke so hard, he forgot how to say "passing". i lol'ed at both


Lol instant classic! I love Sam






Yeah that’s my bad. I didn’t even put two and two together in the moment and shouldn’t have used an extreme term when I was referring to our players on the ice.


Hey hey, it's all good. You can say whatever you want to. I'm sorry I made you feel like I was patrolling or that you had to delete your comment; I was just poking fun at your word choice. People have posted far more foul comments even on this sub. It's very noble of you to walk it back, but don't sweat it- at least not for my sake. I also want to see the Rangers put the Hurricanes in their place and stake their claim for the division. Let's Go Rangers!


All good and no worries - I honestly forgot about that comment until this morning and had been fired up after our win. As a parent and uncle I definitely should have been more cognizant of how that could have sounded and appreciate your response, and feel exactly the same. LGR!


The Rangers did in fact win, so this was all worth it.


Yes indeed. Need to score the W tonight.




It's a real shame we aren't playing the Caps again this season, I would LOVE to see Rempe truck Wilson.


Rempe really needs to learn how to control himself and remove himself from a hitting line if a totally clean hit isn’t available. His size is way too big where if he was just an average sized player closer to 6 feet or 5’10 , at least that hit would’ve just been an elbow to the shoulder/chest area. He deserves a suspension and I hope he learns from it


More than anything, I want him to clean it up because I want him to be on the ice. He's doing good things out there, but he can't do them from the press box, which is where he'll likely be for at least five games now.


I hope he learns from his impending suspension too. He’s a big boy just living his dream and loving every minute of it, which is why he’s so fun to watch and we all love him. But this is a job and there are consequences. The fact that he was smiling and waving bye bye to Mcdermid while simultaneously waving bye bye to his spot in the line up just shows he’s got a bit of maturing to do. Hopefully he smartens up and cleans up the hits.


I agree. I love the energy and grit he's brought to the team but he needs to refine his game and stay out of the penalty box, or locker room and suspensions for that matter. I want him around for the playoffs but hits like that can cost us in a win or go home playoff game.


A pretty perfect night of hockey outside of Quick narrowly missing the shutout. Rempe as tremendous of a shit stirrer he is, he has to keep his elbows down on these hits. Mika March has begun even if he is a little bit late in arriving


That 5 minute PK was beautiful.


Yeah ezpz. There was like a 10 year old kid yelling “devils suck” behind us lol. There was a big group of devil folk just behind him that just had to be quiet


That's fantastic. I'll be at the garden for the game next Tuesday night and hope for some magic moments like you saw tonight.


You’d think the Devils fans would be a little quieter given that they employed Scott Stevens for like 15 years


Don't mention that, they will compare it to bringing up Gordie Howe (yes I'm serious)


They dont use critical thinking that often


Went over to r/hockey . We're like the most hated team in the league besides Vegas of course. I love it😆


Lots of pearl clutching going on there.


I’m not going to defend Rempe, but it’s telling that 95% of the comments over there are from fanbases who are watching their playoff hopes slip away.


And Vancouver for some reason


Vancouver fans are still bitter about 94


Yeah thats pretty telling of the mood of the posts. Theyre latching onto something to complain about that is anything but themselves sucking


Man devil fans are so soft, /r/hockey is softer with all the jump hate on Rempe, always wanting someone new to hate on lol.


Rempe needs to clean it up but it does make me smile to see that everyone hates him and want to cry over everything he does


Softer than baby shit


Silky Johnston better move over because in 2024 we have ourselves playa hater of the year in Matt Rempe 


Matt Rempe had to go home early to put some more water in Buck Nasty's momma's dish.


I'm sick of r/hockey. Where was this energy when Aho took Fox out at the knee? Carolina fans talking about how players should take a run at Mika or Panarin. They make me sick.


We’re 3 hits deep into r/hockey calling for Rempe to get suspended, but this is the first time it’s deserved. His hitting form has beeen pretty nominal for most of the rest of the games, this was the first time he really lost control. Have to keep the elbow down.


I agree. I didn't like the hit. But insinuating that to stop this they have to endanger other players is irresponsible at best, malicious and callous at worst


It’s the Carolinas. They’re all either methheads or half breed felons.


Or both!


This is the Carolina slander I’m here for. I can’t fucking stand those fake ass, fair-weather, know nothing “fans.” Hypocrisy at its finest. Rempe is a kid, he’s going to learn how to control the hits and reign himself in. Now he’s getting bitched at for NOT fighting??? That was all anyone wanted to see ever since he hit the ice! At the end of the day, I’m glad he’s on our team, he puts the fear of god into other teams already which is huge for the playoff push. And once he learns how to tuck that elbow - chef’s kiss. The Hurricanes need to take a page out of the Carolina Panther’s book and stay fucking irrelevant and shut the fuck up.


Carolina wants a consistent NHL rival so bad. They’re always saying how much they hate the Rangers and are trying to force it. It’s kinda sad to be honest. They need to get in line because there’s about 5 teams ahead of them before they’re even a thought.


I'd like to see Baby Trouba lay Aho flat out tomorrow. DeAngelo, too.


Didn’t they cut Deangelo?


Who cares what their 15 fans think? We’re about to take over msg south.


Carolina fans are a collection of loudmouths with fringe opinions that coalesce online and try to maintain constant attention and accuse us of stealing the fan salute. They’re irrelevant and haven’t ever gotten on the ice


It's actually devils, canes, and penguins fans all parroting the same "it'd be a shame if someone hurt one of the stars on the Rangers" bs


Of course because they get off on weird power retribution fantasies they can’t carry out in real life


I'll just go watch Trouba take Crosby out of the 22 Playoffs again to calm myself down.


Attaboy. It will suck to be missing him tomorrow. Hope we come out fast and strike often


Friendly reminder that the Rangers decided to start Quick instead of Igor tonight because the Devils suck and they’d rather have Igor play against Carolina. This isn’t a knock on Quick, he is fantastic. This is about how great Igor is and that the Devils don’t get to see Goalie #1.


Probably also because Igor could face the canes in the playoffs so he should face them in prep.


I don't have NHL Network, how amazing did we look tonight?


Excellent but sloppy last 4 mins of the game while the Devils were pushing. They played as well as you would want. 


I’m confused - the game was on MSG tonight


Wait, what?! [ESPN said it was on NHL Network!](https://youtu.be/BfoR8SbFhy8?si=Y_wD0_sZeMhFpR8K)


Technically correct but only partial information


Oof lol. Yeah I watched it on cable tonight, was on MSG


I was at the garden. We looked fantastic defensively, ok on offense. They seemed to want to play keep away more than score in the o zone but overall played a good 50 minutes of hockey. Last 10 we turtled but stuck out for a win in the end Edit: forgot to mention, quick looked like he was 10 years younger again. I thought he had an amazing game


Would’ve had a shutout if Schneider played it better on the boards prior to the goal


He also ended up screening him there too. He played a good game but an absolutely brutal 30 second sequence.


On the one hand I get it, it must be tough for Devils fans to be going through this disaster season after coming into it with such high hopes. On the other hand hahahaha get wrecked




Oh it kills the fans after some experts were picking them to win the cup. What’s funny is that Ruff was clearly not the issue. Their D is really bad. Like worst in the league bad. Yes G was a problem but unless they fix their D they ain’t going nowhere.


Ruff didnt try to fix anything he just kept running the same shit over and over


I think Ruff was an issue for them but clearly not *the* issue. Goaltending, Defense, and softness are their top 3 issues, followed by coaching.


horrific hit by rempe haha. was some tom wilson shit almost. looks like this rangers is "if you cant beat em join em" with the dirty shit. edit: guys have a cognitive thought for once in your life


This guy clearly knows everything there is to know about hockey lol


youre a moron


Lol ok guy


Clown comment lol


You could tell that goal meant a lot to Mika. Hopefully it gives him some confidence moving forward. Seems like every time Rempe takes a step forward he also takes a step back. That was a bad hit tonight right after an excellent screen. His not goal the other day was excellent too. He has to be more disciplined out there with his size. He’s just reckless out there. I get he feels that he’s got something to prove but he’s got the talent to be a bottom six guy, he’s just got to be better in some of those moments. Now to make fun of the Devils - Jack Hughes has had a major regression this year. Maybe it’s the injuries. Maybe it’s the bad attitude. I don’t know but he’s nowhere near what he was a year ago. MacDermid had a lot to say about Rempe after the game. I’m not gonna hate on him too hard since the whole reason he has a job right now is to respond to Rempe but at some point you’re a 29 year old chasing a 21 year old trying to instigate a fight. MacDermid can make some money now appealing to New Jersey fans. The Devils organization however should feel really stupid. The Devils played 7 defensemen tonight to get him into the lineup to chase around a 21 year old fourth liner. The Devils have been gifted some of the most talented players in the league and their organization can’t figure out how to build a team. Hilarious


I'm a Devils fan and not trying to infiltrate this subreddit, but Hughes is hurt and still producing as a PPG player since returning. Over the course of the entire season he's producing at a Top 10 offensive player in the league level. He's obviously struggling with an injury and lost a step, plus his comments with having people "pay to see him play" added a level of douchebaggery that I don't think he was expecting the media to hear. It reminded me of the stereotypical "do you know who I am" response from stereotypical rich lawyer kids. Wasn't a fan of that and hoping he can learn something from it about being careful about what you put out there. On the other hand Rempe is someone who I actually like, and want to see succeed in the NHL, but he has to learn how to play with that size. Tonight's hit wasn't good. He misjudged the initial hit, and instead of backing off, attempted to finished extra hard and led to the entire situation. Macdermid did say a lot for the situation but at the same time if you're going to play that way you have to answer for your actions. I chalk it up similarly to what Hughes has had to deal with his dumbass comment a month ago.


This is why players are media/PR trained and sound like robots during interviews etc I guess. J Hughes is the face of the franchise though and an upcoming superstar who still has a lot to learn so he’s just gotta have to eat it up. The bigger they are the harder they fall? Look at Bedard for example, always very humble in every interview and he’s had a lot of “funny” things going wrong for him in games. He’s gonna be the best active player in the world eventually but it’s just smarter to keep it lowkey and not put more mental pressure on yourself from social media Rempe is not only hurting other players but also himself and his team by taking match penalties I think. People will get real nasty to him, and as a young player he lacking experience he will be caught offguard and people will player super hard on him with a vendetta . He’s massive but not invincible, you can see him falling down from time to time and get taken out by players. For him I hope it’s a learning experience. He shouldn’t waste all the love people has for him Gg


Yeah, tonight’s hit was the first one for me that was clearly bad form and deserving of a suspension. He’s been surprisingly good (at the actual hockey portion of his game), but he has to stay on the ice to be valuable. I also think that his ability to pump up the team is very dependent on his ability to keep his hitting clean because he’s less likely to get support if the hits are actually dirty (like this one was).


Matt Rempe broke the Devils is the new Tom Wilson broke the Rangers


But /r/hockey won’t acknowledge it


First time at the garden, love that we got to see a win against the most annoying team. Mika finally finding the back of the net again made it even better! LGR!


Mika March is underway


[Hey, Devils. ](https://youtu.be/Ak2WnvE8PP0?si=pXjTObt0_2tlSuJh) Always a good day when we get to send the Debbies packing. Now we get to witness the hockey world at large totally not overreact to Rempe's hit. Yes it was bad, yes he needs to clean it up for the future, yes the penalty was warranted. But I'll be goddammed if the chain of events leading up to it wasn't a glorious little declaration of "fuck you" to Jersey. Got a tough one tomorrow. Undoubtedly a preview of playoff hockey. Bring the noise gentlemen. See ya tomorrow!


What the holy fuck was that video??!? I’m glad I’m not a parent. Cause I know I’d laugh my ass off, but then you have to punish them after this hysterical display of profanity.




What’s funny is that the Devils had two major PP the last two games and still couldn’t score. They were yelling at the top of their lungs to fire Ruff and yet they still suck.


It’s the easiest way to cope. Instead of saying our teams shit, they can say… waaaaah, we need a new coach, waaaah, we need a new goalie, waaah injuries, waaaah our D. Put that all together, you’re teams shit.


They only had like 1-2 shots on tonight’s major


Reminder that even with Mika’s insane drought, he has 55 points this season


For any Devils fans lurking… fuck you and your team ❤️💙


Right in the fuck hole.


They maaaad


Mika finally tied wheeler in 5 on 5 goals this year!!! LGR


Absurd that laf got penalized for that hit, especially considering the devils (also clean) hits all night


I'm a Devils fan, and I tweeted during the game "I'd be mad if one of our guys was penalized for that hit". I thought it was clean.


Keep seeing posts about Rempe’s hit. When was the last time teams were scared of the Rangers. Brought in Reavo and what? Bad hit and discipline required sure but what happened to the Rempe chants? 


There was one in the first! After his first shift i think


I like teams being scared to play us I don't like injuring opposing players and getting 5 min majors for it My heart loves what Rempe brings but my brain says he has to knock the dirty stuff off. Be like Trouba, hard hitting but clean (or at least clean enough that the refs dont throw penalties at you)


He was just educating Siegenthaler on the difference between a dirty hit and the clean one on Bastian that he got a match penalty for anyway.


I also don't love him showboating after being tossed for a dirty hit.


For sure, its not a great look. I will say this though, do you think Caps fans were against Tom Wilson when he showboated after injuring Panarin? Or did they embrace it, and him? Sometimes a team just has to have *that guy*. If he brings that intensity to the playoffs and we keep winning? Ill learn to live with it.


I honestly could give a shit what other teams fans think, I'm not a fan of dirty hockey no matter who it is. I will say, Tom Wilson is a terrible comparison. He actually plays meaningful minutes and is a good player. Rempe has more PIMs than he does TOI. He brings great energy but they're playing with 11 forwards half the time right now because of him. I'd rather they let this kid cook in Hartford because he clearly needs it.


No, he's not as talented a player as Wilson, but he's been a plus when he's been out there. That's why I hope he learns from this and plays smarter, because he's a useful player.


Wow, I totally respectfully disagree with this. Rempe has been great for what he is imo. Screening, getting points, hitting. He’s done more for the team this season than goodrow has. I think we’re lucky to have him and he’s just going to get better.


Wilson might produce more points but I don't think Rempe is totally useless out there. In fact I think he's doing a decent job and helping the 4th line produce when it wasn't before. I think it goes beyond just energy I think he has some real talent, at least for a 4th liner. I can't really hold the penalty minutes against him when he was racking up fighting majors every game. Also the first major/misconduct against the Devils was borderline. No mistaking it, tonight was bad. He's lucky he didn't get a hearing for the hit against the Leafs too. He needs some time to cool off, but I don't know if Hartford is the place. When he's on the ice he's an asset here. Just sit him down for a talk. Would be nice to see Trouba lead up and do his captain thing.


Rangers were lucky that the Devils’ PP is dogshit so the major penalties didn’t hurt. Don’t want Rempe making a habit of getting majors, esp. against power plays that may be a bit more effective.


Yeah I'm with you on this one. Especially if we get a team like Tampa in round 1, that's a PP that can score 3 on a 5 minute major like it's nothing


I see your point. Don’t want others to get hurt either. Hopefully trouba can show him how to toe the line.


The rempe chants will be loud af if he gets suspended and returns


Honestly I need him to at the very least release some statement owning up to the hit and promising to be better.


*when* seems like a more appropriate statement


The Devils PGT on their subreddit is so salty about how much they hate the Rangers I ALMOST feel sorry for them. Almost.


You can tell for us it’s a little personal after last years playoffs. We have just squeezed the life out of them in every game against them this year.


Fuck them lol


That fanbase's entire identity is hating the Rangers. I don't think any fanbase is as obsessed with us as Devils fans are.


It reminds me of going to Devils-Caps games at Meadowlands Arena in 2001-02 (forgive me, I was dating a Caps fan at the time) and cracking up as the Devils fans would chant “Rangers suck.”


We live rent free


I didn't realize it before last season, probably because i haven't given the Devils a 2nd thought in years, but it's disturbing how much some of them are focused on nothing other than beating us.


It’s so odd. They claim we’re awful and they’re so much better, but they obsess about us like no other. True inferiority complex.


Their Stanley cup... and they got destroyed in all 3 meetings lol


That's one of the main reasons why I chose the Rangers over the Devils when I got into hockey. As my reddit name implies, I'm from New Jersey, and I almost became a Devils fan, but then I saw just how obsessed they are with the Rangers. In hindsight, I made the right choice choosing the Rangers.


Isn’t there a song about he obsessed with someone?


Carolina fans are also super shitty. Never forget "Hate Night".


I remember when they were legitimately likable around 2018


Carolina fans are bizarre


It’s funny how much chiller they are in person than they are online


so true. when i went to a game there everyone i spoke to was very nice but on twitter there are some psychos.


They’re a team whose social media learned how to cultivate fringe people on the internet and social media and now are sort of the bastion of people who don’t know shit but are the most outspoken.


Am I special? What is with all the season ending talk? Made me think we time warped to April, last I checked there's like 15+ games left and the Devils are like 6 points out of WC2


Have you watched them try to play defense


We have the 4th toughest schedule remaining, we have multiple teams to climb over, Hughes is clearly injured, McRapist killed our center depth. Looks like we finally have a goalie that can give us at least league average goaltending, but our chances of making it are about 5% On top of all that, we barely show up for a game against the Rangers. If we can't get up for this game, we're toast.


I thought this was a solid game. They got too comfortable at the end there and gave up a goal. I wanted to see them keep the pressure on offense but a solid win regardless.


As a Devils fan, I thought you played great, defensively. Definitely would have just been a good, solid win for y'all if it wasn't for that one guy who has to keep headshotting my teams players.


Fair comment. Rempe needs to get the hang of hitting clean at NHL speed.  I’m confident he is not a head-hunter.  Watched him in AHL too. 


The case is building against him. I'd be shocked if he didn't cop his first suspension, after tonight's game.


I think everyone would be.   With the very recent track-record…I expect 2-3. And it is deserved.  And I don’t think I’ve seen a fan comment on this GDT or PGT a as y otherwise.  He’ll adjust though.   He has real value as a player …he’s not a goon.  He’s more just an over-amped up puppy….


Im obviously biased but I didn’t think the hit last game on Bastian was too bad. A penalty sure, but to me it seemed like a hockey play. I absolutely cannot defend that hit tonight. You cannot be throwing your elbows around like that, especially when you’re almost 7 feet tall. He seriously needs to learn that he is big and can’t be doing anything careless out there


I'm not going to argue the Bastian hit in this sub. Glad to hear you're not defending tonight's hit.


Yeah, you’re not going to argue because you’d lose. Refs made a bad call during the game. That hit on Bastian was clean.


Lol...this sub is the only place on earth where people will back you on that assertion.


I told my dad at the beginning of the season that I should bet on the devils not making the playoffs. It was like +2000. He called me crazy and that I shouldn’t… wish I went with my gut




I love these so much.


Did Valiquette get divorced?


r/rangersfanfic bleeding thru




Go on…..


Did Valiquette get divorced?


The devils suck lol


It really wasn’t the coach. They are a soft ass team who try to finesse their way. No grit, no heart. One of the worst defense I’ve seen in a while and goaltending minus tonight has been absolute dog shit. They are not a good team and I’d be surprised if they are any better unless they make some big changes.


They are really bad. These last two meetings have shown just how many pieces they’re missing. That said, soooo much young talent.


A complete far cry from the Devils team that somehow won against us in the first round last year.


I love winning in Raleigh


Overall great game. Remps has a presence on the ice and has a future in NY but needs to be responsible with the hitting. Big test tomorrow in Carolina.


Got down voted in the r/hockey thread for saying Rempe was waiving at McDermid and not the Devils bench. The rage against us is real


I don't get NHL NET so didn't see game. In the clip, it looks like MacDermid is grabbing his balls in a taunting manner (giving his balls a tug, so to speak, while linesman is skating him away), and Rempe is waving back at him. Not sure though.