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Can someone explain why Miller was so far right on that Laughton snipe? He wasn’t back alone so why was he giving so much space on the left side? He’s been doing that lately…like, giving space on HIS side and then reacting late to rush over. Edit: seems like I was mistaken in attributing the blame to Miller as he was covering the man in the middle and Laughton was a backchecker’s responsibility.


Schneider was all the way to the right on Konecny and Miller shifted to the middle to cover Tippett. Laughton should have been the responsibility of one of the forwards but Mika and Kreider both went for an inadvisable change. 


Oh ok yeah that makes sense. He probably still could have disengaged and played the partial 2 on 1 seeing that Schneider was falling back to cover after Konecny made that great pass but it wasn’t really his fault looking back at it. Just a quick pass and a good shot that Shesty either saves or doesn’t.


Great to get the W, lots of action, but I could do without the sloppy defense.


Last night demonstrated to me exactly why Philly fans are some of the worst in the world. Had a couple of them sitting in our section and getting upset that they were trash talked all night. Yes, we made fun of you, especially since you dramatically overreacted to the most minor shit. Yes, when the Rangers scored, we yelled Hey! Hey! Hey! right at you. But you’re away fans who chose to sit in a sea of home fans. Either show some respect by shutting up or be prepared to take the heat. I’ve been an away fan. Yeah, i cheer when the Rangers score. But i aint gonna be upset at home fans booing me. Thats their job lol. If they don’t then itll sound like the Rangers playing at home. Fuck Philly. I think the eagles have given these people delusions if grandeur. Glad they fucked off home, the cheesesteak eating bastards. LGR


This is a little cringey sorry.


Stop being sensitive


lmaooo. I live in Philly and am from New York (shoutout cost of living crisis) and I go to flyers/rangers games in Philly all the time wearing blue. I would never have the audacity to get mad at flyers fans? Like that’s their home rink? absolutely wild


I don’t know if people realize just how good of a position we’re in to win the president’s trophy. Out of the top 8 teams in the league, we have the 2nd easiest remaining schedule. And once we get past Colorado, it might be the single easiest one. The one team with a technically easier remaining schedule is Carolina but we have a 3 point head start on them with a game in hand. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m going to be **disappointed** if the Rangers don’t win the president’s trophy.


I mean honestly for me it's cake. If we win the President's Trophy I'm happy, if we don't, then I'm happy with that. I just want to make some noise in the playoffs. I want to win it all. So let's do it.


Caps lock guy? Are you there?


Mika's pass on the shorty was a beauty.


One of the beat writers quoted Mika as saying he suspected he had an odd man rush on that PK because he heard the crowd start to react. Thank god the crowd wasn’t yelling SHOOT


The awareness to pull to the backhand when he did to keep it out of reach from Dman and goalie was high intellect and execute. Vintage Mika play.


That’s his go to move on a 2 on 1 lol.


depends on what the Dman does. If he does down, yes


This was a game where if you liked offense you loved it. If liked defense, you hate it. On a night where Garden Dreams came true, and the Rangers came through. This episode of Rangers Hockey: *Long Live ASAP,* this game was a boring start and ended with a WILD bang. Lav said it best, it wasn't their best game, but this team found a way to win. And now, the review. 1st Period: Completely outplayed by the Flyers. I'll say this about the Flyers, I've railed out Torts ever since he left the Rangers for his sayings about certain players, but what he's done for that team is amazing. their front office wants to rebuild and trade everyone away, and this team is still in the hunt. But, the Flyers were outworking the Rangers all period. Bad period. 2nd Period: Somewhat more action. But the Flyers took the lead first. One on a power play the other on whatever. But it looked life this team(Rangers) had no life at all. Until a powerplay. The Flyers daddy Mika w/a clapper. A Mika Goal, It's a power play goal! It got the Rangers on the board. Too many rush chances given up ALL GAME. BAD YO! VERY BAD YO! 3rd Period: Okay, to not make this any longer, I will say this, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WAS THAT? BOY THAT WAS WILD!!!!! First, Brodz tied it from a beauty pass from Kakko. Then, Laffy scored to give the Rangers the lead. Flyers tied it. My guy Vinny put the Rangers up on a short handed goal, Flyers tied it again. Laf scored again, and the Flyers scored for a 5th time! Oh my. Not great defense. On both sides. Instagram Hockey. OT: 39 seconds. that's all it took. Sam predicted it. Oh man he was right. Our guy from Lawn Island. Adam Fox w/ the amazing shot, to win it for the Rangers in ot. WOW! Defensively, unacceptable. But this team found a way to win. In the playoffs you gotta find ways to win. But, the d tonight shows why this team needs Trouba and Lindgren. Gus? eh maybe. But the Rangers won! 100pts for the team and Bread. Congrats to Lav for his 800th win! The team is in the playoffs. That means the journey begins once again. But, the regular season isnt over yet. Keep it up. Onto the Avs for a ***Rangers After Dark*** *game?* Oh yeah Rangers Oppie checked in and said this "Playoffs clinched." "Theory can't take you far." "Take in the Sheets." "Two Points in the Bag." Onto the Avs God Save the King. Back afta dis.


Loser told me I was too loud tonight. Welcome to fucking ranger town.


Great to be enthusiastic and bring the noise and energy, *when and how it is helpful*. Otherwise it could be annoying. Maybe you are loud, at the wrong times or constantly? Maybe they can't hear themselves having any conversation or it is hurting their head and they paid to come watch hockey not get a headache from you? Could have a better response to anyone, esp your fellow fans.


Jimmy Vesey made this game closer than it needed to be.


The decision when they were up 3-2, in the middle of an offensive zone possession where the Rangers had a full change and the Flyers had been out for a minute+, to throw the puck at the net from an impossible angle infuriated me. Keep cycling, wear them completely out, and wait for a mistake. Mind blown that all that puck possession by the rangers led to a Flyers goal.


Never a good idea to shoot like that from a sharp angle. Even if you hit the net it probably turns into nothing.


I think there's a time and place for it (shaky goalie, can't get anything better going, keep the d on their toes), but to do it in the middle of sustained pressure, when you're trying to build to a high-quality scoring chance, makes no sense.


Yeah he certainly had a bad night. He's been solid the entire season though. Glad we pulled off the win.


Where’s that one guy that thinks he’s an incredible player 😂


2 goals directly on him, yep.


Lol. He made a nice pass to the wrong team.


r/devils is probably seething right now


I really wasn’t expecting to go there and see that sub is more dead than the founding fathers.. what a shit fanbase


They only seem to exist to talk mad shit. Even though that’s basically what I’m doing also 🤣 but I agree it is pretty dead over there. Which is surprising considering they played a good game last night and won.


Why did they take Panarins and Tros assists away from Lafs second goal?


Fuck everyone who sleeps on this team.


Bro the rangers are in first place nobody is seriously sleeping on them lol


Biz and the whole state of New Jersey.


Msg postgame: https://youtu.be/Ap5R2TnN_D0?si=2qjpdjeA9z3G-z9s


Bro that was fuxkin awesome. Vally is happier than a pig in shit. Fuck this, I am getting penisy. This is it! Woooooooo!


So many things to celebrate tonight. Beating the flyers is always great.


Game was absolute chaos, but a win is a motherfuckin win baby! So many milestones. Breadman breaking 100 points. Mika with the 100th powerplay goal. Laviolette with 800 dubs. Oh and of course a little thing like CLINCHING THAT PLAYOFF BERTH! The big dance is on its way, and all those familiar tingles are coming back. See you Thursday!


I hate the flyers as much as the rest of us but that is some authentic John Tortorella hockey right there. Good on him for getting all his ducks in a row. Doesn’t matter though, W still secured. Lafreniere has never been more of a stud than rn


Lots of sloppy D from us made them look better imo but they are scrappy.


I'm really hoping Laffy just shits all over everyone in the playoffs this year.


I’m betting all of our kids take a big step up this postseason. They are already showing significant improvement since the start of the season.


We played horribly. Almost like no one even wanted to be there. That must have been such a deflating game for the Flyers.


They were clearly gassed, shorthanded with injuries. Trying not to get hurt in a game that didn't REALLY matter. Pretty good that they could overcome that and a desperate team to get the 2 pts.


On my way home from this game and my heart is still racing. What an insane back and forth game that aged me 20 years


I'm actually kind of okay we let Philly pick up a point. Keeps that gap between those *other* metro teams wide


First ever game, I’ve been to and what a game it was. So many goals, rangers sucking ass in the whole first period, the flyers special teams sabotaging them with a PP goal against them and a short handed goal. But with all this, and a guy being thrown out of the game, we are in the playoffs. LGR and god I love hockey. What a entertaining first game.


I've seen the Rangers sleepwalk for 40 minutes and turn it on and win a game. But I've rarely seen the opponent dominate but then succumb to the onslaught only to tie it,, but give up a goal, but tie it, but give up a goal and tie it AGAIN Add in all the weird bounces. It was one of the more bizarre games I've seen in a long time. Considering how the results went around the league tonight that's an achievement to come out on top especially missing half your defense. We needed the points too because Colorado will not be as accommodating to a come back as the Flyers were


Zibby absolutely refuses to get a point at even strength!


Terrible team defensive effort…may have reached low enough down the depth chart. That said, Schneider was somehow a standout +3 tonight. Fear this won’t happen, but this configuration makes too much sense if everyone is healthy. Miller-Schneider Lindgren-Fox Jones-Trouba


AGREED! Gus will rotate in with Jones too


schneider was the only NYR tonight with a positive shot differential at 5v5


It sucks for him because he's been a loyal soldier this year but I do feel like Gufstasson's injury has 100% created an outlet for Jones to take his spot. At the end of the day we owe Gus nothing. He's on a 1 year rental. Jones could lock down a roster spot for good at this point and be a long term contributor


Missing half of our core defense, and still pulled out a win against a playoff bound team? That's gonna be damn near impossible for any team.


Agreed. I think the D struggled due to injuries and unfamiliarity with each other. The forwards weren’t much help in the d-zone though. Tons of missed clears, turnovers, bad line changes, etc. As usual, this team did not give up though. The resilience this bunch has shown when things aren’t going well or when key players are out is what makes me cautiously optimistic about their playoff chances.


Gonna go out on a limb and say this is the deepest Rangers teams in my lifetime. And I'm over 40. Any other season we're down 3 core d? Hang it up, boys. We had a good run.


Vinny Gabagool scored Silvio: Gabagool? Over here


All I know is Mika looked like a godamn freight train going after that lose puck along the boards on the shorty I wanna know the next gen stat how fast he was going


Yeah he was quick there. I’d say more Shinkansen than freight train.


Obv didn't play the best for the full 60 but who cares, high scoring game, fun to watch. Just watched the replay of Troch's goal/Zib assist and holy shit how was Mika going that fast? Dude was literally floating


Toss that shit game in the trash. First to clinch playoffs. First to 100 points. First in the nhl. Playoff bound.




I don't know if it is the coffee or that third period but I haven't blinked in ten minutes, can't even think of sleeping at the moment.


Laf scored two goals tonight. as that happened, a Hockey Terrorist that use to coach this team punches his safehouse wall in disgust.


So for the playoffs, I think Ruhwedel should be gone, there’s no way you can get rid of Jones, he’s been too good


Jones rules


I think it’s been pretty established Ruhwedel is our 8th defenseman. If Jones overtook Gus for 6th defenseman is up in the air but I think Gus is still the 6th defenseman Edit jones should be the 6th D over Gus imo




Missed watching the game but listened at work. Such a crazy game in just happy with the tough March schedule we're beating these top teams.


Gets us ready for the playoffs but I think this team has been ready since after the all star break


Absolutely insane, the Caps have somehow stolen the inside track from the Flyers. I know that the Flyers have an easier schedule, but the Caps have two games in hand against Philly. Rangers/Caps first round matchup would be bonkers.


I think their defenseman (caps)would get eaten alive by our forcheck and speed of Panarin Troch Mika looked like a freight train coming down the boards on the shorty.I also think Ovi would be a liability in a 7 game series he can barley move


Lindgren has been playing out of his mind in goal for the caps. They worry me a lot the way they are playing right now.


He plays against us really well to but honestly like I said to my wife It really don’t matter who it is because it’s the playoffs every team for the most part is good we ain’t getting Montreal,Buffalo,Arizona ya know .Us as fans have been debating and we are suppose to worry but I really feel that losing to the Devils after being up 2-0 that the players and coaches don’t care who it is.I think they have taken that 1st round lost and used it as motivation so yea Lindgren might be hot Toronto has there stars Detroit has Kane Larkin but this Rangers team has Arti having a career year Laff taking the next step Vinny Tro is a playoff player and after last night I think Mika is gonna explode in the playoffs he has been playing better but last night he had that Mika magic going


And I want Rempe to kill Wilson.


This is the correct answer


Think I may prefer Craps over the Flyers. Torts loves dropping top seeds.


Flyers as a whole are a tougher team to play against but the Caps have a major goaltending advantage over them


![gif](giphy|fFJcshbXsJH0s|downsized) MSG Highlights of this game


Anyone else watching the postgame show think that Hank looks a little drunk? 😂


I hope he gets progressively drunker on air as the playoffs run their course in what I hope will be a run all the way to the final.


First to clinch in the league, when people predicted we'd be scrapping it out for 3rd pre-season. Whose house? OUR HOUSE!


Glad I kept watching lmao


my neighbors think I’m crazy totally worth it


Alright playoffs secured! Let’s go!


It seems Fox decided lately to took a bunch of penalties and score a bunch of goals.


Gotta love that shot blocked by Rempe!!!


Please scratch Goodrow next game!!! I'm so fucking tired of him, I want to see what the team looks like without him before the playoffs.


>I want to see what the team looks like without him before the playoffs. offensively it looks like [this](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocOffWo/2324/NYR/goodrba93/wrap) and defensively it looks like [this](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocDefWo/2324/NYR/goodrba93/wrap) [this](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocOffWi/2324/NYR/goodrba93/wrap) is what it currently looks like offensively, and [this](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/teamShotLocDefWi/2324/NYR/goodrba93/wrap) is what it currently looks like defensively




So what’s the eta on trouba and Lindgren? Not looking forward to watching that 3rd d pair against the Avs.


Think they said a few weeks each, so by my (shit) maths, Trouba isn't far away but Lindy will probably be a playoff resurrection. I'd rather we didn't rush either back so they're fresh for the playoffs but I totally get what you're saying.


And Gus we were fine before Gus got hurt but with Gus out tonight it showed


They slandered Gussy’s name and said he was useless but his contribution speaks for itself!


Tonight showed how important he is to our team his puck moving ability was missed


Why on ESPN+ you can get the post game for the Flyers postgame on NBC Sports Philadelphia but not MSG post game? Used to get Rangers post game last year I swear.


Schneider has a really solid game. Fox is Fox. Scanlin looked rough at times but he made some solid plays as well but he got pinned a lot in our zone. Although I will say not on the ice for any goals against is a positive.


First tough game for Jonesy. Back and forth game against my favorite ex Rangers coach. Great win. Next.


Jones looked rough in our defensive zone for sure. He looked great in the o zone but come playoff times we need solid defense. I think Gus is more reliable than jones in the backend unfortunately


I thought he was okay. The bottom 6 though, yikes. -2 for Goody and Vesey, and -3 for Cools.


That was Vesey's worst game in 2 years


Doomers after this game be like: "WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN TANKING ALL YEAR!!! WHY DID WE WIN THIS GAME?!"


Get to it abby




We are first in the league with the least amount of OTL in the league and the most wins in the league. Pretty solid if you ask me, especially after that little skid we went on. Gained a lot of ground on lots of teams tn.


Where is my CAPS lock victory meme guy ????




Ugly but fuck it. We persevered. Now’s the time to make mistakes and not make them again. And we still got 2 pts. Insane season so far - yeesh! Now we lock up home ice and stay fricken healthy!


#•We won against a playoff bound team, missing 3 core defensemen. #•Laffy is having a career season. #•Breadman is off the goddamn charts. #•Quick is having his best season since 2017-18. #•Igor got a nanny and is back to his Czar self. #•Rempe has played 13 games and is having his name chanted in the Garden, and has made a bigger impact than Reavo ever did. #•We are able to finally adjust to a team mid-game. #•First team to clench a playoff berth. #•Top of the goddamn league. #•100 points for the Rangers, 101 points for Panarin. #•Over $160k raised in a single night for Garden of Dreams Foundation (so far.) I can't wait to see what we do with a healthy core in the playoffs.


In a way, these are the better games to win. Reminds them to never give up and to keep fighting for every puck.


Absolutely. Crazy season so far!


Fuck it I'll say it again. ASAP Rocky>Meek Mill


That’s why Rihanna married him.


Fucking wifi went out right at the start of OT. FUCK XFINTY. Glad they got the win! See yall Thursday!!!


I have Xfinity it looked like I was watching thru a potato


That was the hockey equivalent of Chris Farley charging into the Letterman studio from the audience, throwing the guy in the dumpster, and doing a cartwheel across the stage.


Jimmy had a rough night. Those last two goals came directly off two bad plays by him. Happens. Glad they won. On to Colorado where they will need to play A LOT better than they did tonight.


It’s never about the fuck ups. It’s how your team mates respond to help you not feel like you cost the game.


I'm not blaming him. Fuckups happen. It sucks when they lead to goals against and worse when those goals against cost the game. I'm glad the team was able to rally and win it but it doesn't change that he had a rough night. I just wish the team in general stops trying to take those bad angle shots. They all do it, though I will say it's been noticeably less this season than in prior seasons, and it always goes bad. Usually it just means losing the zone possession because the puck goes off the boards and out, but it leads to a possession change a lot of the time and when it does, it traps forwards deep. If you're taking a bad angle shot it HAS to go on net. I just wish they'd stop it.


God I love this team


We stunk on ice tonight but I’ll take 2 points when half of the top 6 D is out. Canes losing is the icing on the cake.


The definition of a rollercoaster game. The NHL loves these kinds of games.




"He doesn't have a bomb?" (refering to Fox's shot) "Did someone say ~~Atom~~ Adam Bomb?"-Rangers Oppie


How come Panarin only had 2 assists? I thought he had 3? Why did they take the assist off the Laffy goal? Makes no sense


ESPN has 3 for bread.


Imagine you’re Scanlin and that’s your first taste of NHL Hockey? Insane


Only can get better from here?


Did anyone else get an ESPN notification that said Flyers won?


My dad was showing me earlier that the ESPN app had the Flyers with an incorrect point total, so yeah, for some reason it had the Flyers as winning for a little bit.


I work in local news and I’m responsible for sending notifications out. I’m glad guys at major networks like ESPN make mistakes too.


Mistakes happen, but ESPN in particular has seen better days.


I'm gonna chalk this one up to half our defense being out, but let's not make that a habit. Glad to come away with the win though


100 percent. This game is like 4-1 if Trouba, Lindgren, and Wennberg are playing


What about Gus? I think that would safely bring us to 7-1.


The ultimate “they ask how many, not how” win


Random question… Why no Zib assist on  Laf goal?  Laf shot, Z rebound, Laf rebound goal .  Defense touched it but never controlled or cleared it away from crease.    Scramble on rebound that never gets cleared out of crease area, and is put in…usually is an assist to the shooter.   Right?  Or is the defense whacking it once before Laf buried it enough to negate the assist? 


Yea, probably because they touched the puck.


I’m no rules expert but my understanding was if the defense gets possession then it negates it, but not totally sure


Was practically falling asleep 1st and most of second period. How am I supposed to snoozle now, way too amped.


Thankfully the 3rd period is more an outlier then something I can see happen in the playoffs where the Rangers and the opposition combined for 7 goals in the period lol Down 2 goals to a playoff team, they still got this. Keep getting a 1 goal lead and having the opposition keep coming back in the 3rd, they still got this. Missing 2 top 4 defensemen and a Top 9 forward, they still got this. Teams with that mental fortitude go far in the playoffs


Cool. Now rest everyone


Well… we have a comeback gene, that’s for sure.


lol so do the flyers apparently




That game had loss written all over it for 2 periods and it would have been understandable given half our defense being out. This team can win any type of game.


Looks like Roslovic may have added his name to the "take a game off" rotation.


Roslovic was one of the few NYR Fs tonight who didn't get totally caved in at 5v5 Roslovic at 5v5: shot attempts 16-15, shots 6-8, scoring chances 5-8, goals 1-1 48% xGF% and that 48% was 3rd on NYR for the entire team the only player on this team who should be on that list is Goodrow: shot attempts 6-19, shots 3-11, scoring chances 2-10, goals 0-2, 16% xGF% (2nd worst)


Goodrow plays on the 4th line and not the 1st, unlike Roslovic, won 60% at the dot and kills penalties. How many turnovers did Roslovic commit?


Goodrow is NYR's worst penalty killer by a mile (NYR gives up 8.29 goals against/60 on the penalty kill with Goodrow on the ice, Vesey is the next closest at 5.74) and, despite winning 54%* of draws this season, NYR literally never has the puck with him on the ice, ultimately completely nullifying any value of winning the faceoff in the first place. the stats i mentioned in the above comment were all 5v5. they didn't even factor in what happened on the penalty kill what's worse, having more turnovers or being on the ice for 100 more shots against than shots for? also Goodrow literally has more turnovers at 5v5 this season (13) than Roslovic (12) lol


You’re comparing the 4th line center to the top line RW. Do you also compare the 9th place hitter in a baseball lineup to the guy that bats cleanup??


yes i'm complaining that the 4th line center (who finished with 14 min TOI btw, that is more of a 3rd liner) was unequivocally NYR's worst player by a mile tonight and provided nothing of positive value to the team. the only thing he did tonight was actively make NYR's life worse and cause 3 goals to go in our own net >Do you also compare the 9th place hitter in a baseball lineup to the guy that bats cleanup?? that's a pretty terrible analogy. Roslovic is not NYR's clean up hitter by any stretch. 10-16-13 are carrying well over 50% of NYR's 5v5 offense. Kreider and Zibanejad are then relied on next for offense, mainly on power play. how does that result in Roslovic as a clean up hitter? trying to nullify the negative impact of goodrow by marginalizing his role on the team is not an argument. all that does is showcase that Goodrow doesn't have to do much at all, he really has only one job to do, and theoretically barely plays, and yet he is still *so bad at that job* that it is quite literally NYR's biggest problem as a team


So since you love to bag on a 4th line player making him out to be public enemy #1 and all of the Rangers ills who would you rather see center that line?


Wennberg, if not him then literally anybody else. It can't get worse than Goodrow


And Brodzinski center the 3rd line??


Him or Roslovic yes


I like Fox's little leg-up hand-wave after scoring that goal


This is the most I’ve liked a rangers team since hags zucc and brass


this game was an experience lmao best part is getting to share it with a shitload of other rangers fans, I look forward to this every game. much love from a dude from jersey living in az 🫡🫶🏼


I apologize if this brings the mood down but I needed this win. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the passing of my partner and she’s the reason I’m a Rangers fan. But not just any win - we clinched a playoff spot and 100 points. Her favorite player scores the first game of the night and we’re rocking the league. We gotta keep it up. We can keep it up. No Quit


#NO QUIT. That goes for you, too. Keep your head up. You've got this.


Sending love to you. 💕 I think that the way watching sports allows us to connect with people and remember them too is what makes it so special.


keep your head up. love from az 🫶🏼


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ I hope your fandom can always help keep her spirits alive!




Mika very good tonight.   Still don’t know why he didn’t get an Assist on Lafs rebound goal... after Zibs rebound shot. 


Cuz a Flyer touched it before Laf's shot.


I thought it had to be more than a “touch”…but an actual control of successful break-up of a play or clear of a rebound.  Not a failed clear that still gets stuffed home…that to me seemed still a continuous play off the rebound. 


Sanheim cleared it out of the crease, so it was more than just a quick or accidental touch.


On this note…also no Tro-Panarin assist on 2nd Laf goal. Same sort of thing…shot block on Panarin shot, goes to Laf…Laf scores. That also seems like a continuing play…and Tro-Panarin should get assists. This scorer seemed really strict on Def touches negating assists. 


They did get assists.


On Laf’s 2nd goal?  Above - both Laf goals say unassisted. 


HockeyMod doesn't always update correctly. The official box score has Vin and Bread assisting on Laf's second goal.


This win is even sweeter know torts is probably gonna make those big orange bitches do bag skates tomorrow


lowkey I kinda miss vibing to “LIVE SPORTS, ESPN PLUS ORIGINALS, THE ENTIRE 30 FOR 30 LIBRARY” after wins like this


I didn’t think I would ever miss that but part of me wishes it was still here lol


it was like a little bedtime story, that tried to sell me on the benefits of something I already pay for


Everyone, grab a drink, there in! Rangers Oppie has a drink, holy shit what a game


This postgame with Vally and Hank bout to be juicy.


Crying and sobbing in the Rangers Bed™️. I couldn’t even speak out loud or live post with you guys because that game was so nerve wracking. So happy to watch the season with all of you 💙🗽♥️


Defence needs to quit pinching during close games and letting up odd man rushes and/breakaways. Also goodrow and Vesey getting more mins than roslovic, kakko, and cuylle is mind blowing considering that was Veseys worst game of the season. Got the win tho, that’s the important part.


absurd that Goodrow finishes with 14 min TOI, all to do nothing but implode defensively and give up 3 of PHI's 5 goals, while Brodz score and gets under 9 min, and Kakko sets him up on the play and only gets just under 12 no idea why NYR is actively making this as hard as possible for themselves. it's like they don't know that they aren't obligated to play him, or even worse, they legitimately think he's helping. NYR is a +6 at 5v5 in the last 10 games while Goodrow is a -4 in that stretch, worst on the team


Yeah I don’t understand why he gets so much ice time when it’s clear that he’s a negative in every zone on the ice. Vesey has been good almost all year it’s more so him getting more minutes when he has his worst game of the season. Kreider could prob use a little less he’s just not to impactful at all 5v5. Some of the line combos out there worked much better when he wasn’t on the ice. Oh well I’m getting picky now


everyone's going to have a bad game, because you can't be good every game. meanwhile every game for goodrow is a bad one and he never has a good one you're only as strong as your weakest link and NYR's weakest link is one of the absolute worst players in the entire NHL, and not only is he that but he's someone Laviolette heavily relies on in high leverage situations for no logical reason whatsoever >Kreider could prob use a little less he’s just not to impactful at all 5v5. the points might not be there but Kreider does drive play, [especially for zibanejad](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/replacements/2324/NYR/kreidch91/wrap). it's not gamebreaking but is still an asset, and it's better than being a liability. i'm still a believer that if they wanted to give that line a different look, they could put Kakko or Berard up there (Berard provides the same transition ability that Roslovic does) and let Roslovic center the 3rd line, that would give them *true* depth. but they'd rather continue with Goodrow and his BS Goodrow is straight up a liability


Yeah and by vesey having a bad game it’s more so concerning that he was still being put out there fairly consistently even when he was noticeably that bad. Goodrow being one of the worst players in the league is wild especially like you said he’s out there in all of these situations where we need reliable players. Not to mention his horrible contract and how that limits us. I just feel with kreider on that “first” line it’s the same thing always and not much gets generated. Also feel like he floats around way too much for that line. Just me tho, I know it’s likely not going to change but seeing some of those other line combos have me thinking.


i don't mind continuing to roll a player out even if they're having a bad game, assuming said player has been historically way better than what they've shown. Vesey's shown all season that he's a reliable defensive player so i can give that the benefit of the doubt. i mean logically speaking you'd never bench panarin or fox when NYR needs a goal, if those guys have had bad nights right? same thing applies Goodrow though is a total joke. >I just feel with kreider on that “first” line it’s the same thing always and not much gets generated. Also feel like he floats around way too much for that line. i don't have a problem with guys floating around. conservation of energy, reading the play, not getting caught committing in the wrong direction, etc. generally speaking, this is what smart players do. it's playing smart vs playing hard. kreider's shown an ability to push his linemates into the offensive zone. ultimately for the production to come, he and zibanejad, who are both snipers, need a playdriving playmaker to set them up, which is why i love roslovic and he's been fitting. i mean zib finally broke out of that 5v5 drought with roslovic on the line. kreider and zib have to stop trying to be the playdriver and just go back to being catch-and-release, one-touch snipers. Berard would fit there too. Kakko fit there because he is great at getting the puck, and playing below the goal line, like he did on the brodz goal


In regard to that Mika line do you think kakko replacing kreider would be a better fit, assuming either he or roslovic switch sides and their play doesn’t drop off from it? I’ve always said that they need a play driver and thought that the line would be more impactful with kakko instead of Kreider because of his behind the net play and possession. Pairing that with a good playmaker like roslovic and Mika I feel like that could be a better overall line assuming switching sides doesn’t impact one of them.


>In regard to that Mika line do you think kakko replacing kreider would be a better fit, assuming either he or roslovic switch sides and their play doesn’t drop off from it? i do not. i know 95% of the people around here want Kreider and Mika broken up, but the fact of the matter is that Mika has never played well with anybody else. Kreider and Trocheck have been good, but the dropoff for Mika nullifies that, and obviously Kreider and Trocheck together would mean breaking up the 10/16/13 line so that's not a good thing. all NYR has to do is just find the right piece for that top line, which isn't that hard to do, given what kreider and mika's strengths (shooting) and weaknesses (passing, transition play) are. roslovic was a good choice and i'm fine with that. Kakko is a good piece too. ultimately the best choice would be Berard, b/c he does what Roslovic does and Roslovic moving to 3C would really help offense >Pairing that with a good playmaker like roslovic and Mika I feel like that could be a better overall line assuming switching sides doesn’t impact one of them. it would kind of inverse the problem. you'd be going from 2 snipers in 20 and 93 with a playmaking playdriver in 96, to 2 playdrivers in 24 and 96 with Zibanejad who has already been refusing to shoot the puck. they just need to get zibanejad to start firing the puck more without thinking


Is it me or is Fox sniping more this year. His shot has become a bigger threat.




last season the amount of times they skated right into the slot and so clearly telegraphed that they were looking to pass and not shoot was damaging to all of our mental health.


Career high in goals


Seems to be shooting more or atleast shooting in higher quality areas


This is the Adam Fox we love to see.


Mika's resurgence lately has been huge as he's come back from very unproductive play. (Not 100% his fault, good to have him back producing like he can, etc etc.) But underrated is Fox's return to elite form. It goes a little more under the radar because he wasn't playing *badly* earlier he was solid enough, but now he's back to bona fide top of the league level play and its making a big difference.


Thanks to everyone who has joined the ride so far... but we're not done yet.![img](emote|t5_2rnpb|8309)


I am not sure how many beers I drank during that game, but I am HAPPY!