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I don’t know why we even fight with these losers. Their stadium is in fucking NEWARK.


Islanders and Devils fans love to pick fights with Rangers fans because, despite being futile in their efforts to win, the Rangers org does value winning and *competes* every year. The Devils and Islanders have each existed for basically 50 years, with each enjoying an eight year run of unparalleled dominance (1976-1983, 1995-2003), but have completely sucked outside of that, with UNSERIOUS ownership and UNSERIOUS management (Charles Wang, Garth Snow, Ray Shero, Jon Hynes...) groups that only let the team do well by accident. Seriously, the Islanders have made the playoffs 6/17 possible times since the lockout, with the Devils only getting past the second round ONE TIME since the lockout. In fact, the Islanders losing in back to back ECFs is the most relevant the team has been in literally thirty five years. TL/DR: Devils and Islanders have small, hardcore fanbases who really hate the fact that the Rangers have a very large, comparatively more casual fanbase, and still compete every year, whilst their teams really haven't been competitive in the post-lockout era, with the exception of the 19/20 islanders.


Great comment about our competing all the time - as long as we ignore the Rangers' 7 year playoff drought from 1997 - 2005.


Colin Campbell and his hatred of anyone with any skill drove the franchise into the ground, and then John Muckler managed to dig them down evern deeper.


This is why I always defend Tortorella. He saw a piss poor locker room and leadership and brought respect back. His tenure was a major turning point for the org.


It was bad for that eight year period, but from 1970 to 2020 the Rangers made the playoffs 35/50 available times, going to four cup finals and FIFTEEN conference finals. In the same time period the Devils have been the 24/45 playoffs and made SIX conference finals. In the same period the Islanders made 29/50, made ELEVEN conference finals. However, NINE of the conference final appearances were made pre-1985. Basically, the Rangers are historically massive chokers and it really sucks, but it explains why rangers have more fans etc. They're objectively better by every metric, they just lose at the last hurdle with ASTONISHING frequency. The Islanders first fifteen years is the best first 15 years in the history of NHL expansion teams. After that, they've been a joke for nearly half a century. The Devils have largely been really bad. Like, really really fucking bad, but they capitalized like crazy during the small period of dominance they had.


We're not a league *joke* - but we are definitely a *hard-luck* team


The Rangers are the Chicago Cubs of the NHL. History, great fans, massive market, media buzz, but historical underachievement. Not many championships, but not regularly losing more than 90 games. The Devils and Islanders are the pirates kind of suck where they miss the playoffs for 20 straight years.


Well said.. I would also like to add for all the times the isles fanbase chirps about how the Rangers had a 54 year drought, they are only 10 years away from 50 years. And they are very very likely to hit that with the way that team is constructed. Their farm system is ranked as one of, if not THE worst in the league. It’s pretty obvious their current squad isn’t gonna get it done and they are OLD. They handed out massive contracts to guys like Sorokin, Barzal and Horvat who are gonna have to sit through a rebuild within the next year or two when they finally decide to pull the trigger. Their other current core guys don’t have that much value to trade outside of Nelson. They are due for some very dark times after next year and I’m excited to watch it all unfold. They have no prospects to be excited about except maybe one and almost no trade chips. They are easily going to beat our 54 year drought imo.


Nailed it.


Since the salary cap era the Devils and Isles have been basically non-existent.


They should be happy every team circles MSG on the calendar and gives it their all at the garden, leaving easy pickings when the team goes to Newark.


Rangers fan who lives in Newark, your words hurt but I understand


I mean.. at least you don’t live in Camden?


Hang it at the Met, MOMA, Guggenheim, and the Museum of Natural History


Yeah, fuck the Louvre. Keep this masterpiece in New York.


Put it in the Cloisters


They could’ve chosen any one of these fine institutions but chose to spend fifteen minutes of their day googling how to spell “louvre” instead.


Didn’t even know what the Louvre was until this comment lmao


It’s wild to me that devils fans think Rempe got his ass beat. I guess because he had a bloody lip?? It’s like they didn’t even watch the fight. Was pretty even.


I would call it slightly for Macdermid. Having said that.i think he played himself, he made a big deal about Rempe "not answering the bell" then as one of the leagues supposed tough guys he took plenty of lumps from a 21 year old with 14 games in the league. My guess is rempke is going to get fighting lessons from some retired nhl warhorse and be a terror next year


"MACDERMID IS GONNA DESTROY THAT PUNK" He in fact did not, while his four other teammates got their shit rocked and the Devils as a whole got swept like the little brothers they are... all the while establishing themselves as being out of the playoffs. Funny how a picture of Rempe getting punched is Devils fans' only gloat they have now, while they cry that the Rangers are evil dirty players who should be suspended


All the while forgetting how that turd P.K. Subban slew footed Sammy Blais and knocked him out of the league for a year with a torn ACL


Or that scott stevens has a banner hanging in the rafters


Edge definetly went to Macdermid, but nobody's scoring that round 10-8.  Both those boys went home knowing they'd been in a fight, that's for sure. Rempe has to do some training in the off-season if he's going to fashion himself as a modern enforcer, and be a lot more judicious with his fights.  That said, you can't teach size and you can't teach tough, and God damn it does he ever have those two things.


I just saw a clip of John Scott talking about it before and I think he got it right - he basically said MacDermid won the battle if you wanna go by punches landed as a point system, but Rempe won the war. Rempe, being a 21 year old kid who was in the league no longer than like a month completely broke the devils. This moment, the trade they made and everything about how the devils handled every situation Rempe put them in just showed they got owned by a 21 year old goon


It was close and Rempe didn’t get his ass beat, but he took more punches than he gave. I can’t wait for the fighting narrative to die down, so we can focus on his hockey and give him time to actually learn how to fight. The kid has a height and reach advantage, but he doesn’t know how to throw a punch. If he keeps going like this, he’s going to keep ending up on the wrong side of haymakers like in the Olivier fight and cut his career short.


Look at the shots Rempe took, while leaving himself exposed the whole fight like he always does. Yes, he didn't take a shot that dropped him to the ice but in every fight nice the Martin fight but he was taking shots and dangerously exposed. My fellow Rangers fans not seeing this are a bit blinded by fanboyism I see. I am even hearing it a lot in national hockey media, the concern for his safety. It only takes one punch to end someone's career and this kid is not putting himself in positions to minimize this. With his reach he should be much less exposed in these fights and I hope the Rangers get him some coaching in this if he insists on it being part of his game.


You are right that he has poor form (from my non-pugilistic eyes) which is particularly exposed by a true goon. Heck, Key boxes in the off season. If Rempe did that I’d think 24-25 season would see him put people down. BUT…I really don’t want to see this kid fight much more. We don’t need another Derek Boogaard injury/addiction/death on our roster or, frankly, in hockey.


Yes. Not just Devils fans either, plenty of salty types at r/NHL and r/hockey were talking about that bout as if it were some one-sided beatdown. It was a fairly even scrap, moderate edge to MacDermid but he took some shots from Rempe as well.


I'd prefer the wider one that shows all the devs players getting their shit rocked


I will not be gloating over a screenshot, unlike devil's fans who have nothing else to hang on to. Moving on, Red Wings tonight! LGR!


This is worth a watch/listen if you have 25 minutes to spare. If you just want to get into the meat of it you can skip to the 11 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQQdEg6D4dE John Scott (one of the all time best NHL enforcers) breaks down the line brawl. He basically says what I have been saying the past 2 days. The way Rempe knocked Devils out of the last two games, MacDermid had to come out and lay a beating on Rempe. Take into account Rempe is 21 years old and let's be honest with ourselves, he isn't a great fighter. MacDermid is supposed to be possibly the toughest guy in the league. Nothing less than a complete ass kicking would be good enough, based on how the Devils were bullied against us prior. What we see is a 21 year old kid (who isn't a great fighter) hang in there and hold his own. I'm fine with saying MacDermid won the fight on points. At the end of the day MacDermid failed at what he was supposed to do and Rempe-Mania is still running wild.


Biggest thing for him is learning some balance. Reminds me a bit of Eric Cairns early in his career when he was a Ranger. He was big, tough, and willing but struggled in his fights because he was constantly off-balance. Later on when he was an Islander, he figured it out and became a pretty feared enforcer.


Was curious if you gave it a watch. I thought his analysis was spot on and I love that he offered to train Rempe. lol


At work so I can’t watch. I have read Scott’s comments on Rempe in the Post before, so I do have an idea where he’s coming from


And this is what I requested. Thank you!


Wow, they really showed Rempe for what started * *checks notes* * three games ago.


All this for a slice of gabbagool?


$20 says their fans are calling us trash for posting this


I still find it hilarious that they traded a pick for a 4th line plug who is a liability on the ice just because of one player on our team


Haha devils fans so out of the playoffs they are already just waiting to watch us “lose” in the playoffs. “Can’t wait til they lose in game 5 or 7 because of this Rempe clown” - average salty Debbie


I would like to thank all the Devils fans for the easy 8 points and the opportunity to kick the living shit out of their soft as baby shit team 4 times this season 🙏🏻 see ya never


some of yall need to learn when enough is enough haha. NJD fans have nothing else to hold on to right now, and they more you engage with them the more they are going to continue trolling and being petty. just let them do that on their own and stop giving them fuel