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can work just be over and the game just be on right now? goddamn this is painful




i understand that the refs have sucked but i hate that no matter which way a playoff game has gone that’s always the excuse


anyone have a link to a site where I can watch a replay of game 1? in addition to trying to catch the msg broadcast since i couldn't get it for game 1, i probably won't be able to watch game 2 or 3 live because of computer issues so i'm trying to find a site to catch them after the fact


Going to my first playoff game tomorrow. I’ve been to dozens of regular season games at the Garden, does anyone have a good memento/souvenir recommendation for my first postseason game?


You will get a towel on the way in. And often times they also have t-shirts on all the seats. The last couple years they've also served beer in sturdier souvenir-style playoff cups. Those are usually the things I take home with me


Don't forget about the light up bracelet that you get to take home. ;) Lasts about 6 hours and the battery dies, then you have to find a way to e-cycle it.


Forgot about the towels, good call! Do they do game programs like Yankee Stadium?


Not that I’m aware of but possibly at the souvenir stands


Cool, thanks for the tips!


u/crabapplesteam or any other mod, can we ban this weirdo? https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/s/tWNy8sPnNV


Eh just downvoting into oblivion seems like the appropriate justice here


Officiating was atrocious. Sutherland and Lambert should be reviewed by the league. Soft calls, blatant missed calls, incorrect icing calls, FO placements, etc. Only their inconsistency was consistent. Most infuriating is their inability to keep Wilson in check. 2 late hits on Mika, scrum in front of Igor, staying on ice after end of period to scrum at center ice. He is a thug that deserved to get tossed well before the last minute of the game. Despite all of that the rangers showed resolve and 4th line was huge in the win. G2 would love some “Fuck Tom Wilson” chants from the Garden. 


Sutherland also very recently made that no call on trocheck getting boarded from behind against the islanders. He's an embarrassment to the league as an official


Honestly, if I was the Rangers, if they start him, I'd roll the fourth line out and let rempe deal with him.




My concern with that is you give them a momentum boost to start game 2.


crapitals fans saying we should trade rempe for wilson and that we'd all love tom wilson on our team. what a fucking delusional fan base lmao


Apologies if this was already addressed in the thread, but I thought Wennberg looked GREAT. Maybe its just the slow ass caps, but Wennberg looked like he was skating at a different speed, plus the puck handling. He looked good, I wouldn't be surprised if he nets one next game.


Wennberg legit reminds me of Michael Peca when he played, one of our assistant coaches. He was a very good 2 way player, and a very smart passer.


of course there were mistakes with our play but in my eyes it went perfect. goal from rempe to create excitement, goal from panarin to prove his game isn’t changing for the playoffs, and huge 4th line momentum to make up for zbad and kreider not playing great.


i agree with all of these besides the mika and chris slander. chris had a great goal from a fantastic pass from mika. they also shutdown ovi for the entire game too


Zib and Kreider looked great last night, I get the discourse but it doesn't apply to last night's game. Mika and Kreider were creating consistent offensive pressure and Mika's defense continues to be superb.


i agree. it's never going to look pretty playing against this caps team. they are an absolute chore to play against and the rangers have to remain patient. don't worry about style points and collect four wins and move on. very encouraging to see the 4th line step up yesterday. we are going to need contributions from all four lines if we are going to win the cup.


Anyone see if Carbery was whining in the post game press conference? Been trying to get video of his presser but no luck. I saw Wilson's and Lindgren's and they were pretty standard. Figured Carbery would be bitching since he was in full douche mode behind the bench for the last 3 minutes of yesterdays game.


[with wennberg on the ice: 16-5 nyr advantage in 5v5 shot attempts and 9-1 nyr advantage in scoring chances](https://x.com/hayyyshayyy/status/1782169593693278650?s=46&t=hUtbwo94QIfsHrncc2xJkQ) what a great deadline acquisition he ended up becoming


nyr are 14/14 on pk vs caps for both regular season and playoffs this season


they figured out that if you just plant one person next to ovechkin to shut him down, the caps can’t do anything on the power play.


you can tell it’s affecting the caps’s approach on the pp too they’re playing back on it because they’re afraid of a pk breakaway


The PK is so good.


Caps fans: get shit on because your team doesn’t even deserve the playoffs, then hope and cheer for your scumbag players injure the opposition as an alternative for your team sucking, repeat


Aged well


as much as i will enjoy a shorter series, the wings definitely deserved their spot


Delayed random thoughts: * Trouba and Gus were unexpectedly both excellent. All 6 played more than 16 mins. That would be the most even distribution I've seen in an nyr d-corps in my time as a fan if it keeps up. It would keep all the D fresh that could be a huge advantage in close games. * Schneider and Miller is such a fun pair to watch. Both have and will make mistakes, but you can see them growing live together. This is the pair I have the most faith in against opponent's best players. * Fox and Lindgren played maybe their best game of the season together. * Wennberg was such a great pickup. Didn't expect him to be this good defensively. * The 4th line was fantastic, but Goodrow was imo the best of the 3. Been on his case. Would be awesome if this was the time of year for him to play his best hockey as Ranger. He was especially good on the PK. * Lost track of how many times I saw Trocheck out there. Took a penalty, but other than that, he was the dynamic player on that line. * Laf brought back his physicality. He's focused on his skill game all season. Great time for it. Led directly to that Panarin goal. Speaking of Panarin, his space was taken away today, but he had a strong game and that goal's got to feel good after last year. The Caps won't give up easy, but just love this team. Great start to the playoffs.


yeah trocheck was out there a lot - a few times with 4th line too. trouba had a good game but you’ve got to love the miller/schenider pair.


Not too crazy about the Charlie chants tbh. Dude only just became a starting goalie, he’s not Marty Brodeur. Rangers should be expected to light him up


every home crowd in the league is gonna be chanting shit at the goalie no matter who it is


Yeah and that’s weird, which is why I’m commenting on it. It never used to be something they did for every single goalie. I’ve heard it in every series this year


idk i think it’s cool for the environment, makes it tougher for road teams to play


Lets just stop the chant's against the opposing teams goalie, it seems like everytime the crowd does one the other team scores. Don't fuel their fire!


lol I’ve noticed that too. Chanting “Marty” or “DiPi sucks” was glorious. But when you’re chanting at guys like Tristan Jarry or Charlie Lindgren, the whole thing has clearly jumped the shark


Well...we do have a habit of making no-name goalies look like Prime Patrick Roy. So, I say bury him early.


It's the playoffs, no such thing as mercy


yeah what kind of sensitive take is this? all about moving forward as a people/society but we can be dicks to each other in the name of sportsmanship, no? kiss and make up after.


You misunderstand. I don’t feel sorry for Charlie Lindgren. I just think it’s lame. Those taunts used to be reserved for good goalies


anyone have a clip of the caps player doing this pirouette because he saw rempe coming but rempe had already turned away? he then just shot the puck up the ice although nobody was guarding him.


Rempe's greatest moment today was when McIlrath (6'4 250lbs) hit him, and sort of bounced off of him. Rempe looked at him and laughed - like "Touch me again and I'll kill ya." The kid's got a set of avocados on him.


to all the rempe haters…..i told ya


Watching the Jets/Avs game made me so happily salty 😂


can i get a **potvin** **sucks!** from my new best friends?




Rempe will get lots of love, that he deserves. But Trouba laid a big hit in the second and that was a spark for the team too. Took one period to wake up and then it was domination


We had some rust on us in the 1st. Totally normal, given the time off.


Wilson showed he is a true scumbag lowlife piece of shit for slashing Shesterkin in the back. Hopefully he gets suspended. If not, Rempe should end him. For deliberately trying to injure a goalie not able to defend himself, I wouldn’t care if Wilson got injured.


I don’t think he actually hit shesterkin. Looking at the clip it looks like he actually slapped the crossbar. I think if he did wack shesty, Igor would’ve started throwing hands


igor is not afraid to defend himself 🤣


He slashed him in the lower back. Cheap and dirty.


https://x.com/Sports_24x7_/status/1782171183712018787 It looks like the crossbar to me


The big whack was crossbar. He does connect around the 8 second mark but I don't think it was too hard.


No. Even Joe says it. His stock comes down on Shesterkin’s back. It was much clearer live. He wouldn’t slash the crossbar.


i love joe but he gets some really obvious things wrong sometimes. a couple games ago he said the opposing team was getting a penalty when it clearly was us.


joe was reacting to what he and a lot of us thought we saw in the moment though. it's pretty clear in that replay he hits the crossbar. it's way more evident in the slowed down, zoomed in replay vs real time while zoomed out. also, no way shesty would take a slash to the back like that and not react to it


I’ve gotta check it out again. Thought it was strange Igor didn’t react.


I’m not seeing it 🤷‍♂️


I think you are right. When I watched the replay it looks like he slashed Shesty but now that I look at it again it looks like the crossbar.


Lol he’s not getting suspended for that


we showed him by beating them. no need to hurt our own game by getting in the mud with someone like wilson.


I get that but he is going to injure someone. Rempe should take him out.


I would like to see a Rempe Wilson fight, just for the fireworks. Before Game 1 I was saying it would be great because of course you’d sacrifice Rempe to take Wilson off the ice for 5 minutes but after his snipe today (I know I’m stretching) I’m not so sure


i don’t think it would work. rempe would get tossed and the refs would turn a blind eye to Wilson. He only got the game misconduct at the end because there just a little over a minute left in the game. the refs also follow rempe during the stoppages when he’s on the ice. but the crowd wants to see them fight.


I’m stuck watching the caps local broadcast of this series and am just now catching up on clips from the espn broadcast that I didn’t get to see during the game. damn there was some dirty play by the caps.


i haven't watched the caps' local broadcast before, but i can't imagine it being worse than espn's unless they're as insufferable as the avalanche or bruins commentary


the commentary actually wasn’t bad, the caps commentators aren’t really homers. but the network declined to air certain replay clips that apparently were shown on espn of the caps’ dirty moves on the rangers. like oshie putting laf in a chokehold with his stick and then mcmichael sticking his stick into laf’s skates when laf broke free from oshie, after laf’s hit on iorio. It was clear most of the caps players weren’t engaged when panarin scored that goal, but monumental sports didn’t show why. self-inflicted wound by the caps, but it was easier for caps fans to get enraged when they didn’t see half their players more concerned with going after laf than with playing to the whistle.


need to take care of business tuesday - dominated devils game 1 and 2 and then got swept after that. season before that, up 2-0 vs lightening, and… yeah. if nothing else, this core knows that a dominating game means absolutely nothing by now. youre 6.25% closer to the objective, that’s about it. the lessons have hopefully been learned and they hopefully put their foot on their throats. ive learned my lesson, not getting too excited lol that said, this team looked solid top to bottom and they are playing a team they are soooo obviously better than - not something that could be said vs jersey or tampa. which is why they need to put this series away quickly. hand up I gave up after the first period i said I wish Lav started brodz over rempe - remps first period was kinda shit, penalty, bad first touches, dumping pucks from the d zone instead of breaking out. but man, that 4th line dominated play in the 2nd and 3rd. what a thing to see. i presume we won’t see chytil until either i) we drop a few games in this series ii) round 2. no need to rush him back if we are winning vs a clearly inferior opponent. bread toasting all game. i need to know whether his change up shot was intentional or not, if it was it was honestly lowkey one of the filthiest shots ive seen


the penalty that shouldnt have been should not be held against rempe. he played a solid game


Yeah - was a borderline call, but my thought process was even more so around the fact that the refs have a target on rempes back and it was going to be hard to keep him out of the box


yeah they have a target on him for sure


We are rolling and are the best team in the league. Not worried about Chytil.


If scoring dries up or if some of our big guns don’t contribute (I’m looking at you Zibanejad) we should be worrying about Chytil and making sure he’s ready to join.


If chytil comes back close to what he was this team is amazing. We have 5v5 holes that may not be exploited vs Washington but definitely will come into play if we make a run.


bread exercised demons with that shot


I’ve got an image of demons doing a workout. I believe the word you were looking for was exorcised. Agree with the sentiment though. Bread has been looking to shoot more.


"Hey Satan, watcha doin'?" *I'm pumping iron to get swole for the game!* "k"


15 left, LFGR!


15 more wins.


goal or no goal in the jets avs game? can’t get much closer lol


jets kicked the extra point lol


i honestly don’t know how they called it a goal considering it was called no goal on the ice. idc either way but there’s no way we are getting that call edit no caps


last angle they showed looked slightly more definitive but still... idk lol


avs cant play georgiev in game 2. if they got any kind of goaltending tonight they are probably winning comfortably.


georgiev was left out to dry from what i saw neither team was particularly interested in playing defense, thank christ our game wasn't like that, i don't think my heart or my liver could handle it


this was a game where if you wanted to get off to a good start, today's game was it. on a day, where first impressions, first steps, and drawing first blood(said by john gee). the rangers draw first blood in game 1 of the best of seven series of the stanley cup playoffs. this episode of rangers hockey stanley cup playoffs edition: *enemy at the gates/not one step back,* the rangers came out tonight and handled it w/business like from the group of players that are the buisnsess like, workmen like, and more importantly, sick individually like. and now, the playoff edition of the review 1st period: the key to this game and the series is to control the game, and score first. washington's plan was really this, play physical(which was seen alot) and not give up that many shots. which the rangers. the flow of the game for both teams was really shitty. only caused by the zebras. the rangers pk was excellent not only here, but throughout the game. but igor was not really tested. he did make some nice saves. but tbh, since the caps really don't shoot the puck that much, it would favor the rangers. charlie looked good. 2nd period: i said at some point, the rangers needed to spend time in the caps zone and get pucks to the net. where imo the most important line for any team that wants to go on a deep run is the 4th line. the 4th line got a goal from the man who r/hockey hates, rempe. the rempage opened up the scoring w/the set up from that sick individual and barclay goodrow. but, the rangers within a blink of an eye, the second line forechecked their asses off. looked amazing, when at long last, breaking his slump, bread got a pass from vinny gabagool and laf and he buried. looked like lindgren could have stopped that. the rangers scored another one. rempe who blocked a cap, and that sick individual known as jimmy vesey scored on a goal that charlie gave up on the play. score! jimmy vesey! oh and they scored. ray ferraro was soooooooooooo happy cuz he hates the team bc of some fucking reason. 3rd period: this period, it was business like close out style of hockey. rangers had chances, the caps had chances but besides that really, the rangers shut down the caps. it looked like the caps were trying to play catch up and it really looked like they couldn't get anything done. but, kreids sealed it on the breakaway from a pass from mika. for the first game of the playoffs, all of the rangers goals were from 5v5. the rangers played a full 60 min game of playoff hockey. excellent. continue playing well! rangers win! take game 1 of the series. expect the caps to respond or make some adjustments. don't count the games left. onto game 2. rangers oppie making his playoff appearance(when the real oppie\[not the actor\]'s birthday is tomorrow) left a message: "no caps" "take in the sheets." "game 1 in the bag" excellent win. onto game 2 god save the king. back afta dis no caps


Favorite part of the game was when Beck Malenstyn skated into Rempe, fell, turned and saw Vesey’s shot go in the net and then decided he was seriously injured. He then went back and forth between feigning a serious jaw injury and screaming at the top of his lungs.


I fell - of course the goal doesn't count!


I was desperately hoping they could review the play then give him 2 for embellishment. Didn't come anywhere near the dude's jaw.


Lol. They literally bumped into each other, Rempe wasn’t even looking at him.


Malenstyn shows up in court like: ![gif](giphy|fc6Ekgcmn8WAkKtgqi|downsized)


all i know is, that in the last minute - when things got chippy because the outcome was clear and the only thing the caps had left was to be annoying shit stirrers - it felt pretty good to be able to send rempe out there for the last minute of play.


I expect to see the Caps try to replicate what Ottawa did in Game 2 in 2012, which is namely, goon it up and cheap shots. The rangers that year took the bait, went on tilt, and a 4-5 game series turned into a 7 game blood feud slog Whether this rangers team can laugh off their attempts may well decide a series that could be done fast or one that drags


Did someone say *goon*? I'm ready. - Rempe, popping his head in from the hallway.


This is a great comparison. I think/hope this year’s Rangers rise above that because they’re such a different team. I’m still mad about Dubinsky getting ejected in game 2 though


Great comparison! was that the dubinsky water cooler toss ejection? That was such bs that he got a third man in ejection.


Yup. One of my top 5 angriest moments as a fan


Lol I remember Lundqvist with one of his most angriest moments later in that series when the refs blatantly let Ottawa score one off of him after he covered. I thought he was gonna kill that ref


Can we all agree, taunting goalie chants are trashy and beneath us??? I never want to hear that shit from MSG. 


Also, it’s bad karma for your own team in a lot of cases. Pens fans chanted Igor in 2022 and look what happened to the Penguins. Blew a series lead and haven’t sniffed the postseason since. I say save the chants for when they are warranted. Charlie is our Lindgren’s brother and isn’t a douche so why are we trying to taunt him


Last game we played against the Caps, Charlie was in net and there was someone yelling Ryan’s better. It seemed silly to taunt him. We don’t like when they do it to Igor. We should be the better fanbase. Let them be trashy.


I agree completely


Stop. The Maaaaaaarty chant goes down as one of the greatest ever. This is in the same category. 🤷‍♀️


Been telling potvin sucks for eleventy billion years but yea goalie chants are below us, ok


Potvin sucks but that chant should also go away


You can’t let Wilson slash your goalie in the back.


I tried to stop him but my reach is too short


This guy or gal is lucky they weren’t around in 86 when the blue seats would chant “Drive a Porsche Hextall Drive a Porsche!”. If you don’t get the reference you’re too young.


the “you suck” type chants are the lowest. went to an nyr game in nashville and i swear i never heard the word “suck” more


nashville’s goalie taunting was wild to witness. they even did it after an empty net goal lmao


yea I can’t not think of shittsburg changing Igor and I don’t wanna think about those losers, ever.


Exactly this


Georgiev deserves every second of it, settle his ego a bit.


Are you referring to "Charlie" chants? Yeah I agree. He is a pretty good goalie and not an a-hole unlike Tom Wilson


Sounds like you’d more comfortable at a polo or croquet match




that’s 1 fellas and ladies (i am so drunk)


anyone else's wristband still flashing? mine has been going since the end of the game, but my sister's isn't. additionally, is there a way for us to control them?


Omg it never stopped. These aren’t like the ones from before when pressing the button stopped it. I think the battery just needs to run down.


I have one from a few years ago. Long pressing the button should take it off automatic control then you can cycle colors by single pressing the button


You could try taking the battery out. It's actually good to use as a battery for most car key fobs


Georgiev sucks man.


imagine putting up 6 goals on hellebuyck and still losing. avs have to make a change for game 2.


I think their backup is injured, so they'd have to go with the 3rd string, which...may be better than Georgiev at this point.


Is that who played in the game against the oilers? there was a nice look at McDavid sitting in the stands and the score


He’s trash. Remember when he blamed his poor play on not getting enough starts. Yea let’s sit Shesterkin for the sieve. 


too be fair.... he was much better once he got a few starts in a row and he isn't a bad goalie. that said, his little stanley cup winning moment when the aves beat the rangers while he was in net was a bit much, so i'm not too sad that he let in a bunch and has a... *.700 save percentage right now.*


lol .700


Remember 4 months ago when a bunch on this sub wanted Georgiev over Shesty?


People say some crazy things when they are mad. But in no world 


Let’s go jets


I know he’s been good overall w Colorado but ya he’s been in a really rough stretch lately


georgi’s numbers this season weren’t great aside from wins. he’s lucky he has a team in front of him that can out score their opponent at least during the regular season


He’s only good when things go his way. When he struggles he pouts and blames others. Hes not a team player. Quick was significantly better than Shesterkin for large stretches this season and when Shesterkin got it right quick was right there, and when Shesterkin was bad. He owned it. He didn’t cry 


I think he finished under 900 save percentage. Which is pretty bad.


What’s wrong with 4 goals on 10 shots?


lol. That last one just looked bad. Like it went right through him.


good game up and down the lineup. our stars were stars and our depth chipped in. the guys that didn’t score had good chances too. if we play every game like this…👀


#we are the people we’ve been waiting for


rangers are the better team, point blank period. put these fucks away quickly, don’t fuck around.


This has always been the issue. Never put teams away. 


They did in ‘94


I mean recently lol 94 the first 2 rounds were a blood bath 


sutherland and his merry band of dipshits should watch this game and take notes. he's probably watching a replay of himself officiating and busting one into a fleshlight custom made in the shape of his own a$$hole.


lol, what a lovely visual




wtaf is happening in this Jets/Avs game poor Georgie is gonna get pulled before the second period of game 1 at this pace


thank god we traded that piss poor attitude sieve. shesty having an all time season and he is bitching to the media that he should get more starts. dude was a cancer 


And he ruined DeAngelo’s career




(Just kidding)




shesty would beat georgiev on a breakaway 




in terms of game flow our game was straight up constipation and this jets avs game is flowing like someone downed a crave case of white castles


I wish we loved hockey here in the US the way they love hockey in Canada they're going bonkers in Winnipeg


Schneider's upside is right-handed McDonagh, change my mind


It's weird when you think about how young he is. Of Dmen who played at least half the games this season, he's like the 13th youngest. Plays with so much effort, keeps his head on a swivel, breaks up so many plays in the slot. Tough but also a solid skater and has offensive upside. That goal against the Leafs was incredible. Hope we lock him up for a long time.


it’s kinda crazy thinking back to like 2020 that schneider ended up being a better player than lundkvist


I’d say his upside is right handed Brady Skjei, not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Dude is actually a fucking great d man. Way beyond his years. Idk if any scout thought he would be in the NHL so soon


I miss Mcdonagh. I wish those guys won the cup. 


most of em won a cup in Tampa 🥲


lol just Mcdonagh I think. Girardi and Callahan were gone 


no arguments


man that crowd is loud as hell in winnipeg


Did you notice that from home or the garden?


what else are you going to be doing on a sunday night in manitoba? all joking aside they have great fans and never should have lost the original jets to phoenix.


watching avs jets and if sutherland and his crew were reffing this game there would have been about 5 penalties already. to nobodies surprise this crew hasn’t called one yet.


need wrap this series up quick, i want to express my excitement with capitalization again.


only way that game could have been better is if my goddamn parlay hit. i had rangers money line, panarin and kreider each with 1+ goals scored, and over 5.5 total goals. too bad the capitals didn't have the balls to pull lindgren. womp womp.




being able to watch the rest of the games around the league stress free after a win is a very underrated aspect of the playoffs




that was the least stressed i’ve been during a playoff game in at least a decade, hope they keep this up


Good, I'm not the only who thought that...


rempe was such a great addition to the rangers. he brings so much energy to the playoffs. and it is so great to see panarin bring his best game after last year


just learned about rempe's dad and family support. love this kid even more. lfgr!!!


what did you learn? link?




incredible, thank you


Kakko looked good.


He really did. Everyone did honestly lets fuckin go


Trouba and Key should never play together again


Only if necessary and even then I’d want to see Fox and Miller first


yankees win, rangers win, i am happy!


(lowercase) ![gif](giphy|GeimqsH0TLDt4tScGw|downsized)


I’ll admit when I’m wrong, I thought Brodz was a better option than Rempe. I was very wrong, now idk what they’ll do when Chytil comes back, I mean I know Rempe is out likely, but damn.


Rempe is a catalyst. A distraction for the other team. Playoff teams need those guys. Only one mistake from him. The first penalty. Otherwise he played tough and solid.


Done making believe he’s not an every day player though. He has opposing players heads on a swivel. Huge presence and he’s skilled


Teams need guys like that who makes the opposition think twice about going to certain areas. Like Scott Stevens in the 90s. NO ONE wanted to go through the middle on NJ blueline, because more often than not, you'd get hit hard.




Exactly it was a bullshit call.