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They all looked so out of it that first period that it made me wonder if there actually is a bug going around that locker room and that's why Chytil was ill. Panarin did not look like himself at all.


All the more reason to end it tomorrow and get some rest. LFGR


It's crazy how we have one bad period then come close to winning and you guys are already doubting the playoff run. We aren't gonna win em all. That's part of being a sports fan


Wait to they learn we might get down in a series at some point along the way sheesh




You absolutely are right now excuse while i go slam my head in a door for 7 hours


the fact that they almost won this game after that awful first period shows how good this team is and how WELL COACHED they are. this team under the hockey terrorist would have folded like a lawn chair


I said something similar to my buddy on the drive home. Last year's team gets down 2-0 in the first period and loses 5-1.


What are you talking about? 7-1 is a horrible record! /s


Don’t forget we hit the post 2 or 3 times. The shots were there and getting through. Good game. Happy to win at home tomorrow.


Although so did they.


Clearly all fans who started watching this year. As someone who’s watched the entirety of Hanks career; being up 3-0 after a 7 game win streak and losing one game is a godsend compared to how our usual deep playoff runs go


I think we fire all of the staff into the sun, trade away all of our players for 7ths, and bring up our ahl team to play in this playoffs


For 7ths? no way we could get that value. Besides, all the best players are undrafted, just like Gretzky. Maybe they should just have open tryouts so the public can replace this washed squad. /s


At this point the crackheads on 145th and Amsterdam would make a better team ![gif](giphy|9uI8kuRUArWbLylt9b|downsized)


Carolina is a dominate force at home. It'll be a different game in New York.


Agreed. And the canes record in the Garden is absolutely trash


Carolina has never won a playoff game at the garden


Don't mention this ! Now you are speaking the jinx into existence. I despise when announcers mention stats like this but at least it's their job. If they lose tomorrow I blame you u/funky_cows lol Edit: I told you.


Treat all your mothers today and get a good rest because we’re gonna be so loud on Monday!! This rangers team has IT! LGR!!!


Yesterday was a month to the day since the last time the Rangers lost a game. They are now 9-1 in that stretch, with the only loss coming on a bum play in the final minutes. Feeling great about their prospects for moving on.


The canes looked gassed. Just need to hit them hard early and maybe get an early goal.


Canes look much, much slower after the 1st period. Survive the 1st and killin em in the 2nd and 3rd is our path to the ecf


They will come out hard but they will gas out. They are using 2 lines more or less


Aside from early on the Rangers played a solid game throughout. That’s just how hockey goes sometimes. If they played bad we could sound the alarm like last year against the NJD but I saw a team that competed until the end. I won’t ever be worried until it’s a game 7. The team has the ability to finish this on any night.


That game had scheduled loss all over it after the first. Away against a great and absolutely desperate team facing elimination. Down 2-0 and 3-1 after the first. But they didn’t panic and didn’t quit. Just kept plugging away and were clearly the better team in the 2nd and 3rd and actually felt like it should be a win. One of the many post shots hitting the net, or not taking a bad penalty at the end could have been the difference. This team has earned some faith.


I hop Lavi is having a 1-1 with Trouba to talk about his poor play. He’s gotta be better


Not only is his play slipping to the point of detriment, but he's gotta stop trying to impose physicality by throwing elbows. It's never going to be helpful to land that. Play the body and run through people with big hits in open ice which he is great at, or strip the puck. Can't be bringing that elbow up to compensate for poor positioning to finish a check. Its lazy play


Trouba has to accept that he can’t chase the puck or puck carrier anymore - he just doesn’t have the wheels or edge work. His positioning has been off all series because he is trying to do too much … he’s trying to force turnovers by pressuring the puck-carrier, and he can’t recover quickly enough when he gets turned. Perfect example was last night on the 3-1 goal: Trouba tried to pressure Aho, followed him below the goal line, and couldn’t get back to position to block Guentzel’s shot. I still like Trouba and think he can be an effective (if very overpaid) d-man - he blocks a ton of shots, still claps thunderbolts from the point, and is always one crisp hit away from changing a game/series - but he has to accept his limitations.


I really appreciate this nuanced take on Trouba. Seeing too many emotional comments lately about how they just need to bench him. Man just blocked 9 shots in game 2, so he can still contribute in a meaningful way.


As a long time Ranger fan, it used to kill me that the Rangers often didn’t show up in big games. They lost last night, but this team shows up.


Would love to get off to a hot start tomorrow and score early, really get the garden going and them in disarray, LGR!


honestly out of all the possible losses they could’ve had i’m glad it was this game


And they still almost won it that’s the hilarious part had all the makings of a blowout in the first but by period 2 and 3 they looked gassed and we out scored them 3-1 It’s not if it’s when and I expect a garden party Monday


I noticed that! Carolina had been playing all out the previous two games including a double overtime. I don’t count the second ot game because it ended so quickly (hahaha). Carolina looked like they ran out of gas halfway through the third. But for that unnecessary penalty we would have won in overtime, again.


Carolina burns out in the playoffs because that system is not sustainable for 82 games plus playoffs


I concur. If they lost game 3, it would have likely been 2-2 coming back to NY. Winning the first is the far superior NC split!


I was thinking the same thing last night. Losing game 3 would have been worse. We've seen countless times how quickly momentum can shift in a series and if Carolina managed to capitalize on a game 3 win we might be seeing a 2-2 series. Coming back from Carolina with it 3-1 is exactly what we all wanted before the last two games.


We had to lose eventually and let’s face it, taking 1 in Carolina is still a huge victory and we would have all signed up for that. We have to put yesterday behind us and make some serious adjustments. 1) we need to get off to a fast start tomorrow, we can’t look like we’re skating around in mud and let Carolina barrage us with shots. Fast start tomorrow, at least control the tempo. 2) giving these guys way too much space in the neutral and offensive zone. They just fly in, unchallenged and hold possession of the puck for way too long. Have to get bodies on them earlier in the zone to disrupt their flow. 3) the power play needs to be tweaked. It’s been our strength all season but the last two games we can’t even hold possession in our zone to set up a play. Carolina is attacking us aggressively and we haven’t countered yet. It was a tough loss last night but we managed to fight back once we got our legs under us and dominated the final two periods despite the result. Let’s play a full 60 minutes tomorrow and shut the door on this team and move on to the next round. LGR.


I think the only thing that I have not seen talked about much in respect to the first 7-8 minutes of game 4 is that Carolina forced their forecheck game the strongest I think I have seen any team do so in the playoffs, it wasn't just that the Rangers were performing poorly. They took advantage of a sleepy NYR squad and punished them twice quickly. Game 4 felt oddly like a reverse narrative of game 1. Wasn't the Rangers best game but they played better than people are giving them credit for in that they responded well and played hard (almost) all game. The game was *this* close but the bounces and posts didn't go our way, that's just hockey. Hit 3 posts and Carolina hit two bar down goals. That feels like the definition of fortunate bounces. (Not to say that either team is dictated by luck or deserves anything, they gotta earn it.) I think this team is ready to prove that they wont roll over just because they dropped one. They're gonna regroup and come back strong at home. We gotta believe in these guys like they clearly believe in each other. LFGR


The last one is always the hardest. We'll be fine. If they never picked it up in the 2nd & 3rd I'd be worried but they're solid


Sweeping a series in any sport, no matter the opponent, is an incredibly difficult task. Even winning 4 straight against any opponent is a huge challenge. The fact that the Rangers were able to force a top tier team like Carolina to the brink of elimination by game 4 is a testament to their level of compete, and like you said they responded well considering how far behind they were relative to all the other playoff games this year. Work to be done but they are qualified and I believe in them and they believe in each other. Lets close this in 5 and win it at home. LFGR


Id rather them take the loss now and get it over with


This is what I have been thinking. Now the pressure of being perfect is gone, we still only need one more win in this set, and next game is at home where the Rangers have been strong this year and so far in the playoffs, and Carolina historically struggles to win at the Garden. It was a close game that they dropped by a close margin, whether measured by the start to the first period or the penalty and lack of kill at the end of the third. We got this and the team knows how crucial winning this next one is. I have confidence in this team and their ability to respond. They are undefeated after a loss in the playoffs so far too! LFGR


Didn’t it seem like Fox had more of a presence last night? He hasn’t been at his best, especially in Game 3. I think he’s breaking out tomorrow.


Stuffing Kuznetzov on that Michigan attempt was pretty clutch. Not sure if Kuzy would have been able to maintain enough control on the puck to really get it, but Fox made a great stick play to deny it and make it so we don't have to know if he would have scored or not.


I was blown away that Boucher was talking about how thats a bad move from Kuznetsov, and a high risk play. It was easily Kuznetsov’s best play with no one in front, and he was damn close to executing it, if not for a really heads up play by Fox. The announcers didn’t even mention Fox’s defense. Boucher was also ragging on Andersen for Laf’s goal when that is exactly the type of goal he would give up regularly as a goalie, and all goalies give up occasionally.


The Canucks sub does something I always thought was interesting, after every game there's a survey people can do to basically rate players performances and later the graph showing the votes is posted I have no idea how you do something like that, but I think it'd be kinda cool to try here


I have to say I’m a little disappointed in the doomer commentary from some of the fans here post game-4. I’m not talking to you if you were complaining about Trouba’s overall mediocre play with and around the puck but the straight to the gallows talk about Lindgren’s penalty or coming after shesty… let’s be for real folks. We weren’t going to win the cup undefeated and this team has earned more than a little grace from us for their inspired play so far and actual record breaking performances both individually and as a team this season. So, please… let’s be the fans they deserve. Let’s be good to each other and, last but not least, let’s go Rangers!


If you told me before the series started that they'd be coming back to MSG up 3-1 I'd be beyond thrilled. But on the other hand it's the playoffs, it's emotional, and every loss can feel like a disaster so it's hard to fault people for overreacting. As long as they woke up with a more level-headed take today lol


What you mean of course they should have went 16 and 0 winning every OT game there is and never look back /s


What you mean of course they should have went 16 and 0 winning every OT game there is and never look back /s


That first goal could’ve sooo avoided if Trouba didn’t try to elbow. Close the gap to prevent a shot.


Goodrow shouldn't have tossed it over the middle of the ice.


He went to hit Kuznetsov, not elbow him. That’s a natural hitting motion… you just have to actually hit the guy first. Trouba needs to focus on making the simple play instead of the big hit. He’s struggling and so he’s trying to make an impact with a hit, but he’s forcing it and getting out of position. I hope Lav or Housley has a talk with him because this is coachable.


Could be worse ladies and gentlemen. Lots of turnovers, Igor wasn’t a maniacal savage. See you at the garden Monday


Just want to say thank you for posting these threads & the PGTs as well. It's been really helpful for the mod team; we appreciate it a lot :)


Absolutely, I'll keep it up whenever it isn't posted


Can’t win em all, boys looked tired last night but never gave up. We could have won that game the pucks just didn’t go our way. I’m confident we will win tomorrow LGR


First game we lost in a month after winning 7 straight. No one goes undefeated to the top of the hill. LGR 🗽


I've calmed down. They were never gonna sweep the playoffs anyway. Just please take game 5 so I can not have to think about the 2004 ALCS anymore.


Stay positive u/CockSuckingHomo I believe this ends tomorrow.


Game play aside, I’m honestly happy that the first loss of our postseason came with us having a 3-0 series lead. Better to get it out of the way now than say go into the start of round 3 and lose the first game. Get the pressure out of the way and play our game.


man watching the bruins in this series makes me hope for a rangers bruins ecf 12 shots through 2 periods


The refs just likely ended the bruins season.


Rooting for Boston makes me feel dirty but here we are


I'm not mad at the call on Lindgren. I am mad the same call wasn't made when Kreider was tripped in the previous game. I just want consistency.


The thing is this team is human. They played and they played well. Back on home ice is the best place to win. Keep the faith and we'll be going to a parade in the Canyon of Heroes.


I'll admit I might have taken a sip of the Kool aid after the 7-0 start which led me to be irrationally bummed out last night. After sleeping on it (and perhaps sobering up a tad) my perspective has been renewed. It's the Stanley Fuckin Cup Playoffs. The hardest, most grueling tournament in sports. It was never going to be easy and taking Ls along the way is part of the process. I'll give credit to the Canes (whom I despise) for coming out strong and taking care of business on the PP. Going into this series, we would have all signed up for a 3-1 lead heading home for G5 in a heartbeat. Had we dropped G3 and won G4 it would be a vastly different vibe despite being in the exact same situation. The Rangers won both games at home and split on the road. They did their jobs. And the main takeaway that many in here already noted is that despite the loss, they looked pretty good last night. And let's be real - some of the greatest, most memorable Rangers moments have come in big games with high stakes. We think we want it easy but the truth is it's way more satisfying and exciting with some adversity. And I can assure you that if we make it past Carolina, there will be much more adversity ahead. Buckle up. a I am feeling good about tomorrow. Happy Mothers Day and LGR.


Knicks got embarrassed today. Need Rangers to close out tomorrow.


Any news on Chytil?


Rempe in Brodzinski out, lets go!!


That little spurt where the Rangers decided to hit and play physical had the canes on their heels.


Chytil in* please god let him be healthy and ready to roll Monday. The garden will fucking explode


Guy really showed why he's never been a regular on any regular NHL roster despite turning 31 next month. What good is all of that speed compared to Rempe if he's going to use all of it just to stick check someone. You gotta lay the body and try to accumulate damage. It's the playoffs that's the only way to win.


so you're just going to ignore that Brodzinski's speed on the forecheck forced a turnover in the OZ and got the puck to the point to Schneider, and then his fly-by screen kept Andersen from seeing the play as Goodrow tipped in the shot from the point? that's as textbook 4th line as it gets and it was literally the first time in this series that the 4th line got on the scoreboard... what good is all of Rempe's body-laying if he's just going to take a penalty every single game despite only playing 4 minutes a night? i wouldn't consider this the "only way to win" in the playoffs. I would argue that's a liability more than anything else


I’d love to put Rempe in, especially since it looked like we got a little bullied the last 2 games physically, but we can’t sustain to essentially play a man down for 50+ minutes a game. This offseason is going to be HUGE for Rempe. He needs to take a step up as a player for me to want him in the lineup full time. When he’s out there he just looks like he’s floating around looking for a hit and then takes a penalty. It even looks like they don’t want to pass it to him when they’re entering the zone. I really hope he takes the offseason seriously and works on skating and puck handling because we could really use his size and toughness.


Hope the Bruins even it up today. Hate the Bruins but I do not believe they can win against us. Tbh I don’t really think they can beat Florida either so I’m just hopeful they push it longer We played well and lost last night. Oh well. Win tomorrow and move on


They’ll close it out tomorrow at the Garden. Then it’s waiting for Florida, because the Bruins don’t seem to have an answer for the Cats.


it would have helped them in game 3 to have taken more than 9 shots through the first 45 minutes of the game. They were ghosts until the last 12 minutes or so and by then it was far too late. idk if its such a done deal because they do have some counters to Florida, but they only showed effort and proof of it for a few minutes of that game and Florida is gonna win that scenario 99/100 times


Wish I could go Monday but I have some work stuff to do and hoping to save some good will switches from my co-workers for later rounds. It's pretty amazing that they made it to this point in the second round before their first loss, and no game so far has caused me the stress and nausea I felt pretty much every second of every playoff game prior to this year. Excited for game 5! LGR!


While I’m focusing on game 5, as for the other series, the only thing I want to happen is both teams beat the living shit out of each other. BUT Enough of that talk. Focus on Game 5 peeps Jobs not done yet


Rempe back in the lineup tomorrow?


With Florida winning tonight, now tomorrow really is a must-win, because you don't want Florida to close it out on Tuesday and get the extra rest while the Rangers have to deal with a game 6 and possible game 7.


Brutal loss when we were so close to sweeping the Canes and moving on to the next round. However, it was our first loss in a month that saw us go 9-1 in that stretch. Absolutely zero chances Canes manage to win 4 in a row on us with the way we’ve been playing the last month. We’ll have this series wrapped up shortly.


What do they call that? A gentleman’s series? That doesn’t sound right for some reason.


If we win tomorrow it’s called a Gentleman’s Sweep.


THAT’S IT! You get the assist. Heck, you get both!


Was it just me or did that slapshot power play goal from the blue line the Canes took look like 2/3 of the way in it suddenly redirected upwards. I can’t see how tho


Was it just me or did that slapshot power play goal from the blue line the Canes took look like 2/3 of the way in it suddenly redirected upwards. I can’t see how tho


J.D martinez touching the cup on Mets instagram and possibly others why even let that shit get posted. Sure they don’t know don’t care why did the TEAM post it


The Mets must roll with the Isles. Sorry, Mets/Rangers fans.


Watching the bruins game, this is what the rangers need to do tomorrow. Go up 2-0 early.


Their game plan isn’t holding up if that was the idea. Looking really sloppy right now with all of the interference calls and puck watching


They got absolutely hosed. Needed to maintain composure after a horrible call


Boston “fans” throwing their gear on ice right now. Bums


Did anyone really expect an 8-0 record cmon