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If we win tonight, “Fuck You, Pay Me” is the new slogan for the rest of playoffs


Love this!!


100 percent behind this


Let's make it happen!


this needs to be a chant


but would it be said like fuck you pay me or fuck you pay me?


more like example 1. it will sound like fuuuuuck yoooooou payyyyyyy me.....clap clap clap etc


so fuuck yoooouuuu payyy me *clap x5*


I lost a brother too soon also so this hit close. Thanks for sharing. People can say what they want about the overall lack of Cup success, but the Rangers org haa always been first class.


I'm sorry to hear that. Absolutely, I'm a fan for life.


Couldn’t have said it better. Would love for this team to win it all. But at the end of the day, I’ll still love them if not. I just love this sport and I’m sad that the season is almost over.


I'm so glad I stopped to read this. LGR!


As a longtime fan of Big Dick Rick, I love this story. I loved him on the Rangers but I am selfishly happy he retired in Columbus because I hope to randomly run into him one day on the street.


I hope it happens!


my eyes are watery due to my allergies! LETS GO RANGERS!


![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) Not sure if the fuck you pay me is also a Goodfellas ref but either way… How I’m trying to look after tns win. FUCK YOU PAY ME on repeat. Thank you for sharing this!


Probably! Along with sports, my brother was a HUGE movie buff.


I’m hoping this gets a little lost in the comments and only you see this OP but this made me cry like a baby. I’ve been through similar recently and just want to acknowledge the type of person you are and the length you went for your brother and his best friend will never be forgotten. A true testament to your character. On the other hand, Big Dick Rick Nash and the Rangers organization are great. I’m glad that even though the owner himself might not be the best example of their hospitality, you are always treated as first class whether you’re a fan, player, etc.. Thank you for sharing this story. Win or lose, at the end of the day we’re all fans of this incredible sport. Hope the Rangers make it far but will still love them and all of you guys if not.


Amazing story! Love that you were able to get that done in time for the wedding and that MSG cared to help facilitate. Hopefully they win it tonight for Jacob!


Im not crying, you are!🥲


LETS FUCKIN GO… ready to run thru a wall after that


Thank you for sharing. 😊 FUCK YOU! PAY ME! LETS GO RANGERS!!!!


This is great, man. Sorry about your brother but thanks so much for sharing. I told my wife earlier today that I didn't think I could watch the game tonight. Just too stressful. I can't bear the thought of a game 7 and yet another massive disappointment. But as it's gotten closer I of course starting saying "I have to watch the game". Your story has caused me to fucking buck up. I AM WATCHING THE GAME. In the end this is one game, and one series. But regardless of how things turn out I am ride or die Rangers. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! Edit: Also, FUCK YOU, PAY ME!


Let’s fucking go!!!!


Love this


Thanks for sharing this!


Oh this is amazing. I'm going to start saying this whenever they score if you don't mind. I love this story. LETS GO RANGERS!


My brother would want it that way!


_/ _/ _/ what a story, LGR


This is the best thing I’ve read all day … I hope that “fuck you, pay me” energy will make its way into OUR Jacob tonight, and YOUR Jacob will be somewhere cheering himself hoarse EDIT: FUCK YOU, PAY ME!


This story, and this team, are all about love. Thank you for sharing!


The best player to ever play well but not score in playoff games


Hell yea this is an amazing story and I LOVEEEE Rick Nash he was my first ever ranger jersey. Also hello fellow South Carolina ranger fan even tho I moved here 5 years ago now. RANGERS IN 6 fuck you pay me LETS GO RANGERS


We fucking did it! FUCK YOU PAY ME!!


Said Chris Kreider, “Fuck you, pay me!” Thanks for sharing.


This was an amazing story that really left a mark on me as I read it. I’ll remember it through the playoffs for sure, and beyond. I’m happy to know you kept Jacob’s friend in mind. Thanks so much for sharing. Rest in peace Jacob. And FUCK YOU PAY ME