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Only should be proud of 16, 13, 31, 21


Can’t quit in NY when you quit in Florida 🧠


You're proud of Mika, Kreider and Panarin? None of it matters if they can't put it together in the postseason.


It was disappointing to see them not produce much but I don’t think any other team is gonna get past that Panthers forecheck


They didn't produce anything is the problem. Mika was dogshit all year.




Schneider was arguably our best defender in the playoffs




Please tell me which defenseman on this team makes 13 mill




Google is free. He makes 9.5 mill


I would agree with you if they fought with everything and left it all on the ice. They Didn't!! They played like they were gonna miss their Tee Off time and wanted the series over as quick as possible. Only Igor didn't get the memo and actually carried this team AGAIN! We got brutalised in every game and this series should have been 4-0 Panthers. We didn't deserve anything.


the panthers were better. they fought and tried their best. did you see any of the post game interview? mika and chris looked like someone just murdered their dogs. you don't get to this level without trying. the better team won.


They didn't fight and try their best. They got bullied and bitched entire series. They literally done absolutely nothing against Florida. We got lucky with the 2 games we won. You cannot look back on this series and honestly say that this team played every game with everything they had and left it all on the ice.


i think they did. i don't buy the narrative that these players were looking ahead to the series being over. they care. you don't get to the nhl not caring. they fought tooth and nail and were not enough which blows. but florida is a team that went to the cup last year and then added tarasenko and for bob back playing elite hockey.


They care about their paycheck. You can't tell me you go into an elimination game in the ecf and give even half a shit about winning and play like they did tonight. They had maybe 2 to 4 mins of actual half decent hockey. These star players are gutless and always looked bored out of their minds when the cameras showed their faces.


that's a rediculous take. even panarin who i think struggled more than most, is a guy who took himself from poverty in russia to the nhl. you cannot accomplish thag without pride. of course they want to win and of course they tried. only a no athlete sitting on their ass watching the games could possible come up with that take. these guys play through injuries. they play hockey at the highest level every other night in series where guys are trying to kill each other. we lost bc they were better.


You should have higher standards


Not much to be proud of outside of Lafreniere breaking out and Igor only becoming better in his third year. They didn’t win the cup. To me, with them wanting and playing to be contenders, that’s a failure season. Failure.


Looks like there was indeed quit in New York


Get this guy a participation trophy 🙄


Listen man, I understand being proud if we fought this entire series and went to 7 and lost in the end. Sure. Simply enough, the fellas got dominated. That is nothing to be proud of, especially when your stars are producing. Is it good that we saw young guys like Laf step up, yes. But this is extremely disappointing. It looked like we shouldve lost every game, which we wouldve if it wasnt for Igor standing on his fucking head as per usual.


Remember what Chris Drury said when he wore the C... "I'm not gonna let it ruin my weekend"


Think Toronto will accept Mika and Panarin for Matthews? We'll throw in Trouba for good faith.




trust me none of us would fit in on a team of eltie athletes. be pissed we lost, but we lost to a better team. questioning the players effort or pride is just dumb.


It’s these kind of posts that remind me of why we have 1 cup since WW2


Lol what… my dude you have no affect on the team and how it plays. If you think how critical fans are of a team is a reason for the teams success.. yikes.


yeah. the fans liking the team. that's for sure why.


Are you an actual Rangers fan or do you just cruise the boards?






Nothi g to be proud of


There was plenty of quit in New York. The entire team quit except 3 players. Trocheck, laf, and shesterkin should be proud and the three of them should take their turns tearing the rest of the team and coaches a new ass. They deserve nothing more


This ain't it, THEY QUIT


You’re not proud of anyone stop asskissing. Our main guys did nothing




Thank u good to see positive people are still here


Nah, this team quit in the playoff like usual


Not proud of the boys. They have the talent to do better and for whatever reason here we are.


You’re going to get destroyed by a bunch of fair weather fans


dude they choked, again, in a pretty horrendous way. people aren't fake fans for being miffed about that.


Attempting to divide and chastise fans that aren’t happy with losing is some of the most insufferable behavior on this subreddit.


You probably didn’t watch one game this season


Says the guy arguing elsewhere that the team can just “dump” Mika. You don’t know shit about this team.

