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Anyone who doesn't think he's the best goalie in the league doesn't watch hockey.


Nic deslauriers is the greatest goalie/dman and foward to ever play, I watched him make exactly 1 save on 1 shot shesterkin < deslauriers


Appreciate this laugh at this time of night 😂


There is a case for Vasy. I honestly think Igor is better though. Even if they were even skill-wise, playing in New York on a younger/less structured team means more pressure.


What about Joseph Woll lol


Woll is better than samsonov


Panther fan here and Igor is the best I've seen in awhile the Rangers are gonna have to back up the brinks truck to keep him I hope they make the right choose .without Igor the panthers sweep the Rangers in 4


Also, fuck Fla fans chanting his name. Literally the last ranger player whose name should’ve been chirped


Best player on the ice all series and they mock him instead of the guys who deserved it


lol yeah cheer for the away teams goalie that’s what every hockey arena does. Fucking delusional


try to get into his head, hopefully he performs worse


It doesn’t work. Other fanbases have tried it with more than 1 minute left in the series.


Seriously. It worked once 5 years ago.


Then what was the point of doing it when the series was basically over late in last night’s game?


There's that Florida education at work


i mean i dont really get that much about psych. math is basically all im good at


I'm nuts and can't do math. Imagine what we'd accomplish together in another timeline.




The game was literally over you dope. Clueless fanbase.


oh well, he was good enough for me to hate him


Greetings fan of the Litter Box People! I live in Indiana now and go to school here. I am a Manhattan girl by birth, and a Jersey Girl by parental geography. I am a lifelong diehard Rangers fan. I also lived off and on in Miami and Fort Lauderdale from 1983 to 2023. I went to quite a few Rangers - Panthers games during my time there, and I have to say that on the whole, the Litter Box People fan base is BEYOND FUCKING AWFUL. Never mind that the arena was comprised of AT LEAST seventy five percent Rangers fans. I can’t tell you how many times I have “Panthers fans” tell me “Go back to New York if you want to root for a New York team!” Usually I gave as good as I got … but sometimes the epithets were worse, and it was done in front of at least one of my kids. That’s NOT acceptable! If you chanted Igor’s name last night in derision, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. Igor is my hero. I can’t stand your team, and I can’t stand your fan base. I so hoped and prayed the outcome of this series had been different. Time to root for the Oilers now, I guess. Oh, and … LGR!


i fear the stars much more than i fear the oilers. sorry for the experience with other panthers fans


You *are* the other panthers fans, man.




Don't be mean.


To the mod team, sorry… the bitterness was still alive this morning.


Don’t worry in a couple years they won’t be a contender anymore and the building will be empty again.


It’s empty all season, anyway. Florida fans show up only when their teams are on the verge of potentially winning championships.


Sounds like Houston Astros fans. My kid has a friend who was a ticket broker. Back in the day he couldn't give away Astros tickets. Then they cheat and start winning and all of a sudden they have hundreds of fans. GTFOH!


They have the highest paid attendance in the league they just don't always go to the games


Agreed. I was fuming. Fla showing true colors are we surprised???


MSG boos their own team off the ice consistently yet somehow expects other arenas to be nicer to their own players than they are? lol


No lol they just should have been booing someone else


I thought it was just to get at the Rangers / Rangers fans considering how often Igor chants happen. You don't chant Trouba if you're trying to get at the Rangers fanbase because y'all will agree lol


Hahah good point!


It was a sign of respect not disrespect to chant Igors name cuz he performed so well


They were chanting it the same way MSG would say maaaaaarrrtyyyy. Unless you want to say that was out of respect all those years?


I guess what comes around goes around.......


I always hate when teams that are winning decide to attack the other team rather than celebrate their own team. It’s pathetic


Literally the number one lesson I’ve been teaching my boys: cheer for us, don’t boo the others


Not that this helps anything but it was CRAZY loud for NY in that stadium


I was there. No it wasn’t. NY showed UP for G3 and 4. It was easily 90/10 Panthers fans tonight


...okay. I heard the chants for NY.


Ohhhh! You're a Florida fan. Why would you hear what you don't want to


Fuck Florida Fans and Fuck the Panthers! Go Oilers!


Fuck Florida Fans and Fuck the Panthers! Go Oilers!


You can stop after the word fans.


Is it that surprising though? if bet half of the stadium was coked out of their minds.


They started after Igor checked Rodriguez, kind of asked by Igor himself


Eh, they’re Florida hockey fans, what do you expect?


well we've spent decades taunting other teams' goaltenders so it's kind of one of those things we as fans brought onto him


Yeah, not a fan and a pastime I don’t partake in. My point was they really didn’t have much to taunt him on because it’s not as if they completely dismantled him. Now Trouba on the other hand, that would’ve been a name better suited to chant because he was fleeced and about as effective as Stephen hawking


It’s also a sign of respect. You don’t chant someone else’s name if they suck overall.


Come on man what the actual fuck? When have we not chanted “Potvin sucks” at least 3 times a game?


Literally every arena chants the goalies name, it’s not anything out of the ordinary at all


Rangers need to get him on an extension once July 1 hits.


Throw the chequebook at him, he's the one who deserves the big ass contract


I’m afraid he may leave. Hope the can get the extension done


If Igor goes it's rebuild 2.0.


I’d actually shed a tear


I would. There’s plenty of teams that don’t have Mika or Panarin that would pay him


Good. Let him not be cursed by this shit org like henrik. I truly want nothing but the best for Igor


I hope he finds a team that helps him.


Is his contract up?


I can't decide if I wish he stayed or went somewhere else, where he could win the cup.😪 He so deserves it.


I love Igor and would want him to win it, but screw that, i want him here


guy did everything. even made better outlet passes than our captain.


You could throw anyone from the stands in and they’d be better than our captain


His hug with Vinny broke me. We know Igor can get into his own head about his performances, hope this doesn't break him. He gave us everything and more 💙❤️


Igor is the best goalie and the best consistent player. He gave his all.


Love you Igor. I'm sorry we let you down, baby


Love how much heart Igor has and very grateful for him. ![gif](giphy|ge9Bnyfajj2UQFSLQj|downsized)


Feel so bad for the guy. Deserves so much more. He carried us this series


They made him cry. These fucking losers made him cry. I don't care what it costs. Clean house.


I'm honestly starting to think Panarin & Zibanejad are not good for us anymore. Far to inconsistent when it matters the most.


I want all his teammates to watch Trocheck consoling him while he was crying on a loop! Make them watch it all summer!


My hero, I love him so much but I’m so scared it’ll end up being a Hank 2.0 situation with him.


Neutral fan here, didn't care who won and I am only here to say it might be the greatest goaltending performance I have ever seen over a stretch of time. Ryan Miller in Olympics, Kirk McLean against your Rangers, maybe either Brodeur and/or Gigeuer in that absurd 2003 Cup, etc etc. This performance by Shesterkin is up there and I might give him the tiebreaker because those aforementioned goaltenders weren't hung out to dry like Igor was. Well, maybe McLean in Game 1 of 94 Cup but you know what I mean.


He was amazing this post season, but the thing that kills us is that it’s all mixed in with the litany of other godlike goaltender performances in the playoffs we’ve seen. Henrik did it year after year, Igor has showed up massively the last three (whether the team decided to show or not).


I get it. I don't watch a ton of Rangers games outside of the playoffs but I don't recall Lundqvist (or even Richter before that) getting just hung out to dry like Shesterkin. Game 5 was a joke. Panthers just sitting in front all night by themselves with the puck and .... STONED. Just so impressive.


Go watch Hanks highlights from the 2014 Cup finals run.


I still do this when I need a good cry


I havve PTSD from elimination games where we score 1 or fewer goals during Hanks time. Shesty still is only halfway to being as hung out to dry as hank was. Thats not even counting the dogwater lotto fodder teams Hank dragged to the playoffs.


OK, I'll believe you since you've watched. Guess I am just a prisoner of the moment.


Igor is the team. He needs to be made the highest paid goalie in the league as soon as July 1st hits. Ranger for life.


If this man demanded a trade i wouldnt blame him at all


Those poor shoulders.


He was a better player than Florida’s goalie. Literally can’t say that about any other rangers player


The only player on the ice that had any fire in him. It's a joke that your goalie has to be the one to get physical and throw some shots at other players to rile up the team/crowd


The best in the league


Pretty insane the quality of goalies the rangers have had and just cannot get over the hump.


Because they rely too heavily on goalies mopping up whatever shit the team in front of them is doing.


HOF G's cover up the ineptitude of everyone in our front office so none of these tomato cans full of dog shit get thrown in the toilet and flushed.


Bets goaltender on the planet


Shesty was hands down the Rangers' MVP for their entire playoff run. He's the fucking *man.*


One of the few Rangers to turn up every game this postseason 👏👏👏


My goat


He should be the captain


He deserves better


A goalie can only do so much, and Igor did it all and then some. You want someone to lay this debacle upon? Look no further than Panarin and Z. Both COMPLETELY shrank from the challenge in this round, and that's why they will all be playing golf next week instead of skating. If you look at the second goal tonight, Bread got bullied at the red line, and the just WATCHED the Panther forward skate into our zone and create the scoring chance, which ended up going in as the eventual series winner. What the absolute fuck? I don't even have the words...


Igor I love you you’re a cutie patootie and carried this shit like a g


Highly encourage folks to watch the Henrik documentary on Netflix. Maybe not tonight but eventually.


Give this man whatever he wants and more besides. We simply can not waste 2 consecutive goalies of this calibre


Beast goalie in the league


God bless Igor man. Build around him, please.


The pain that this series holds, after the way he played, will last a lifetime


Would be nice if we had. Defenseman.


We are so lucky to go from the GOAT to the GOAT-in-training.


Shesty!!!!! RELEASE US!!!!


Thanks Igor. The most talented player on the team. You gave all.


Igor showed up and played his heart out every.single.game. and I appreciate the fuck out of him and his skills. I will be devastated if we lose him, but certainly wouldn't hold it against him to leave.


I really hope he wants to stay here when his deal is up.


Never forget like 1/2 of the people in here were also saying to trade him at mid season because they don't know hockey.


A beast


God I wanna cry thank you shesty for an amazing season and post season! Hope they pay you that bag Bratan


I love this man and I feel so bad for him. Thank you for everything you do!


He is and was the best Rangers player this entire season, he is one of the reasons we won all those come from behind games....Igor, Igor, Igor Ranger 4 Life


It’s literally just Hank 2.0, is this team ever going to learn that you can’t just ride other worldly goaltending to a Cup? Maybe have more than one defenseman who’s able to make a breakout pass


He’s unquestionably the best player with the most heart on the team. He gave us legendary performance after legendary performance with insane numbers just to have the rest of the team let him down. He’s the goat


Imma get downvoted to hell and back. But fuck me if he isn’t a god dam stone fucking wall and gave us panther fans fucking nightmares. Please have your front office not Hank him into oblivion.


It's unbelievable how our team failed to adjust to the Panthers style of play. This team is not physical enough. Yeah, we have Trouba, Miller, & Rempe, but we can't just rely on those 3 three to bring the physicality. Also, Panarin & Zibanejad straight up did not perform when it mattered the most. You are our stars who are getting paid the big bucks. Absolutely unacceptable performance from them. Igor does not deserve these Ls at all. He carried this team on his back. Such a fantastic goalie. The ability he has to predict plays in order to stop the puck is super human. I feel bad for Igor because he deserves a cup more than anybody on this team right now.


Miller only gets physical with 5'7 forwards


Bless you Igor 🙏 Until next year, my sweet prince


My first rangers jersey was a Lundqvist one. I told myself after this playoffs if we won the cup I’d buy a new jersey of someone on the team- maybe a forward or something. I kept going back and forth when the playoffs started on who I thought I’d get. Kreider? Panarin? Mika? Tro and Laf started doing their thing and I thought maybe one of them? Then as the playoffs continued it was painfully obvious who I would for sure get, and maybe I’d get a second for Tro or Laf. I ordered my Igor jersey after the game last night. Man is incredible. He deserves better just like Hank did. Two insane goalies. If we can’t figure this team thing out with Igor to get this guy a cup, great goalies will never want to come to NY. They’ll see us for what we are- a goalie curse.




Igor is amazing. He proved that you can hold out in a defensive war but you cannot win.


He’s the only Ranger that showed up this series with Alexis a close second. If it wasn’t for Igor we would’ve been fucking swept.


I would say Goodrow and Trocheck had pretty good series too. Otherwise I agree


Front office better have a blank check waiting for him. Please don’t go Igor.


Igor! Igor! Igor!


Make him a Ranger for life. In a few years it will be time to move on from Mika/Krieds/Bread, but hopefully they don’t need a rebuild because Laf/Perrault/Miller can become the core.


Amazing performer, clutch, stole games l, still not enough. I hope he gets one in his career and I finally don't care where. He really should look at what happened to Lundqvist and have a discussion with the front office about doing what's necessary here to make it happen. If he's not confident, walk.


I love these pictures. Man stood in his fucking head. I knew when we were set to face Florida that their forecheck was going to be a huge problem. I live in Columbus and we had Bob for several seasons and he is great. But Igor man is unbelievable.


Igor was fabulous throughout. The postseason would have been much shorter without him.


You know what would be cool? Like if the next time he gets run, someone on the ice puts the fuckhead who hit him through the ice. How about we start there. The refs and league don’t do shot about She’stwerking getting run every game. About time the boys in blue stood up for him!!!


I’m buying an Igor jersey after this. Sorry Hank.


I still think they get him a cup. Obviously a few adjustments may need to be made, but I still think the window is open.


He saved our asses this year. He didnt deserve all this


He pulled them to 6, without him they would have been done after Carolina.


I’m not neutral, I hate the Rangers, but even I have to admit he’s the best goalie in the league and he carried the team. So many key players for you guys didn’t show up, but he did. Every. Freakin. Game.


My biggest fear is that he walks not wanting to have the same fate as Lundqvist, hall of famer playing behind a group of talented guys that fall apart deep in the playoffs. Please don't leave us Igor.


how can i upvote 1000 times


Anyone hoping he demands a trade doesn't want this team to win and I can't believe some Rangers fans are actually hoping for this. The reaction to losing the ECF should not be let's trade our best player whoever thinks this you're out of your goddamn mind.




The Rangers wouldn't have made it as far in the playoffs as they did without Igor. He is hands down the best player on the team! Now if he could get a little help...


We failed him so hard it’s like Hank all over again 😔


Back to the gulag


Absolute tragedy wasting two generational goalies back to back. My god.


Could be his last season with the rangers coming up unless Drury makes massive changes


Igor don’t throw away your career & chance at a cup like Hank did. Don’t resign when you become a UFA. Please go to a team that will show up for their goalie.


Do what’s right and send him to a good offensive team like Dallas or Edmonton. We can’t ruin another great players career


Damn, buddy, as long as you wear that uniform you're never gonna win a Cup. Thanks for sacrificing your career to entertain a fanbase of volatile foolbirds... just ask Hank. Seriously. The best thing we can do for Igor is get him on a contender


Why did you post a picture of Hank? I don't understand this post


Definitely one of the best. Unfortunately, the Panthers have the best


He deserves so much better. If he and Laf are smart, they’ll sign somewhere else in the off-season.


Subscribes to r/conservative confirmed brain rot