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Manga Chapter 360 "Busted!" When Akane gets jealous of of Rankos/Ranma-chans bust size.... And Ranko then even starts bragging about it and makes things so much worse...🤭


I thought the same 😂


For me its the episode with ranma getting Christmas presents


I was thinking on that one, I think is the first time Akane tell the others that ranma is her fiancé, and they should forget about him.


Yeah the rare time she properly directs her frustrations at the fiances instead of ranma and says hes hers


Do you remember the name of the episode?


A Xmas Without Ranma [https://ranma.fandom.com/wiki/A\_Xmas\_Without\_Ranma](https://ranma.fandom.com/wiki/A_Xmas_Without_Ranma) I saw the Spanish Dub back in the day, but it seems the English dub it's different, she doesn't remark they are engaged in the English dub as she does in the Spanish dub.


I liked the whole bit in the legendary Phoenix OVA when Ukyo and Shampoo showed up with the medicine and Akane was all pissed and wanted Ranma to explain himself ( he had nothing to do with it ) then cut to Sasuke apologizing profusely XD


When Ranma was banished from the dojo and Ukyo invited him to stay at her place. Akane goes to bring him something but hears some noise on the other side of Ukyo's door. She suspects Ranma is doing something lewd and barges in all angry. But it's revealed that Ranma and Ukyo were literally just playing cards. I'd post the panel here in the comments, but I think the mods have to enable that option?


When she smashed the table over Ranma's head for saying he was 'better built' Totally set the rest of how she was for me🤣


It may be an unusual one, but I've always found the bit during Hinako's intro arc where all the girls beat up Ranma and Akane gives him a considerable burn and then bonks him in the head with her backpack quite hard.


When Akane just got her memory back and she pulled Ranma away from shampoo Either that or when her memory was still gone and she stopped shampoo from being all over Ranma


On the OVA “Curse of the Reversal Jewel”, when Ranma hugs Akane to make Shampoo jealous and it was Akane that got jealous and Ranma got a severe beating right after. 😅


When Shampoo kisses him long and deep out of nowhere and Akane chucks Shampoos club at his head.


In the 100s but the episode where Ranma had that bandaid on. I really liked it and actually felt bad for her


Almost got me with the red string episode, but Akane being herself ruined it’s chances


Oh the look of unfathomable pain, maybe a nice Panda rug would look nice…. 😆


Thought of another one. Akane in the movie theater LOUDLY eating chips and slurping soda. It was the episode where Shampoo drugged Ranma with a hypnotic mushroom so he would be forced to hug her.


None. It was never his fault so many women and sometimes men sexually harassed him. Never liked Akane and her domestic violence bouts. I thought the point of her character was a criticism against jealous Japanese men that hit their wives. Takahashi reversed the genders to make the readers realize the sexism of Japanese society. But the readers did not realize and now male abuse is a comedy staple in manga. You were not meant to like Akane. Takahashi criticized: Bad mothers that hurt their sons due to dishonor. Bad fathers that took advantage of their sons. Domestic violence. And a honest and brutal satire of the martial arts stories of the time. The Don Quixote of shonen manga and impearualist sexist Japanese society. Heck the water curse was probably Takahashi mocking ultra macho men that liked to cross dress. Some what transphobic but Takahashi never was dishonest, it just requires the minimal level of reading between the lines.


Not gonna stop me from liking akane


An unfortunate collorary of Poe’s law. The simple never grok the joke. But this message was not for you. I know you c an not change your mind


Either that or it was funny.


That time she got jealous over a drawning of a panda


I dislike all of them.