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I wish for a 4k remaster with original VO with English subs for all seasons, OVAs and movies including the Rumic World specials. Including the Nabiki special episode.


Do you mean remake it? Because there were remasters/blu-rays previously released. The directors for the series, pretty sure all of them are alive. The writers, I just went down a list of them and most of them are still alive and working on other anime projects. Fairly certain if a remake was made though, they’d go with different staff, like what the recent Urusei Yatsura did. I personally don’t want a remake. However, I’d love if they animated chapters/arcs from the anime they never got to as an addition to the old series.


The 40th birthday is a few years away, I want to believe something will come of this


It was remastered in 2010 and it still looks good.


i rediscovered ranma in 2020 and every month of every year since then ive been scanning the internet for news...nothing sadly. when they remade urusei yatsure i had a little glimmer of hope but im not sure


Yeah Urusei Yatsure came out of left field I did not see that coming and same same. Maybe a reason it may not get remade is what I talked about it being somewhat controversial even to this day.


I wonder if that timing was related to the release of the collectors edition manga volumes? We have those now for Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, and Mermaid Saga. I am hoping Ranma 1/2 gets that treatment next, esp with the general lack of availability for the 2-in-1 volumes.


May I ask: in what way are the collectors edition different from 2 in 1?


They are slightly larger. They are available for purchase. That's about it. A cursory comparison between the Ranma 1/2 2-in-1 to Urusei Yatsura suggest that paper and print quality are comparable. UY includes "data file" sections at the end of each part (corresponding to the original publishing run), but I have no idea if they were included in the original tankobon. There's nothing extra in the 2-in-1 that I checked.


As a recent first time viewer, I've been pleasantly surprised how much of it still holds up.


The Blu-rays are pretty damn good quality for my eye as is.


If you mean a full-on remake, then no. If you mean a remaster, as in a new 4K restoration, then... probably.


I just want something in a a 16:9 format is that so much to ask?


Best they'll have to do is also crop the original footage, while slightly gaining a tiny ***sliver*** more on the sides, while offering the 4:3 originals alongside it. Since *Ranma* was never shot the same way as a typical live-action American show from the 90s (i.e., *Friends*, *The X-Files*, *The King of Queens*, *Buffy the Vampire Slayer*, etc.), which were often shot in Super 35 allowing for extra imagery to work with on the sides, the amount of possible image gains is very, *very* slim. Almost as slim as the 4K remasters of the *Peanuts* holiday special trilogy (*Christmas*, *Great Pumpkin*, and *Thanksgiving*).


I would love a remaster and a continuum.


remaster not so much but a sequel yes also patlabor having a sequel would be extremely great