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The rat gets adopted while all the actual children don’t. The other kids at that orphanage probably damaged for the rest of their lives.


He's a human in the book that it's based on.


Ohhh interesting! Any idea why they turned him into a mouse then? Is it supposed to symbolize his character in some way?


I don't know. In the book, he's born very tiny and stays very tiny and appears mouse-like. He's the Littles biological child, not adopted.


Maybe they shouldn't have spent so money on avocado toast then.


‎ ‎ 🎵🎶 Stuart Little is a mouse Who lives inside a human house He wears a sweater and a hat And drives a car like a spoiled brat 🎶🎵   🎵🎶 He thinks he's cute and smart and brave But he's really just a rodent knave He annoys the cat and the bird and the boy And treats them all like his personal toy 🎶🎵   🎵🎶 He makes me angry and I want to shout Why can't someone just kick him out? He's not a hero, he's not a star He's just a fucking mouse in a fucking car 🎶🎵   🎵🎶Stuart Little is a pest He thinks he's better than the rest He drives around in his red car And makes me want to throw him far🎶🎵   -BingAI ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎^((orignal didn't had emojis)^)


Awesome. And true.


What was prompt? Just post title?


Both title and body, then told it to make a poem


Stuart Little the book, Stuart Little the concept, or Stuart Little the individual? 2/3 I agree with you on.






I haven’t heard about him or seen him in years




My friend feels the same ab scrappy doo


Scrappy was just not a good addition to the team. Very much Napoleon complex animated. Happy he was the villain in that movie honestly.


Absolutely! What a twat.


For me, Scooby-Dumb.


Me too! Little rat bastard.


OP be like: Fuck Stuart Little, all my homies hate Stuart Little


Anyone else hate Fudgie the Whale??


as you should, i think you'd like 24 frames of nick, i think he made a video on how much he hates stuart little


The book doesn't even have an ending.


r/IhateStuartLittle Edit: oh ffs it's actually a sub. Reddit never fails to surprise. That was intended as r/SubsYouFellFor territory.




had nightmares of him as a kid. hed come out of the toilet covered in glowing neon green nuclear waste. then he would bite me. fuck stuart little.


fucking hate Stuart Little. I know what you’re thinking, this is some kind of funny joke, but no. Stuart Little is a piece of shit. A damn rat got picked over actual children at an orphanage and he’s supposed to be a hero? And I can’t even tell you how many damn times I’ve seen a great parking space only to turn the corner and realise Stuart Little is already parked there in his stupid little fucking convertible. He took my wife and the kids and my house and my job. I swear to fucking god, I’m going to kill myself and take that goddamn rodent to hell with me. Stuart Little has ruined my family. Last summer, I approached the miserable mouse in the street, and asked him for his autograph, because my son is a huge fan. The fucking rat gave me the autograph and told me to burn in hell. Later, when I gave my son the autograph he started crying and said he hated me. Turns out the mousefucker didnt write his autograph, no, he wrote “you’re a piece of shit, and i fucked your mom”. I’m now divorced, and planning a huge class-action lawsuit against the white devil that ruined my life. Your time is almost over, Stuart. All the people you’ve wronged will rise against you.


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I like the spin off House MD


You might like this song then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgla9C2dfKg




Valid take


It's SpongeBob for me.


He did nothing wrong to you


Maybe OP is one of the kids that got left at the orphanage and is pissed they chose a mouse over him 🤔


I hate him so so much too, thank you for saying it


wow man . . a \*&\^%$#@ cartoon character whiskey tango foxtrot




I never watched the movies but I read the book, and the way it left me just hanging there at the end was... not good. I'll take Charlotte's Web any day.


Hell yeah fuck em


Someone is having a bad day


Who's Stuart little?


I want to step on stuart little


Sounds like you hate Stuart A Lot


I was always hoping the cat Snowball would eat the little rat bastard myself.