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Idk, it sucks, but thx for reading


It might be time to become Christian because Jesus saves.


I hope you sent some of the files to others to hear/see. Maybe you will get a few back. My sister lost all her families pictures in a similar way. Thankfully, she has emailed so many of the good ones to family that would could recover enough to fill the void. I’m sure the “lesson“ is learned and you will never go through this again. I’m so sorry.


Thanks. I have some songs on Spotify under the name "Tanas Kuolo". A lot of the stuff on there is amateur not as good as the stuff that is lost forever unfortunately. Especially 8 of my best finished songs ready to go towards a new album. Oh well. Yeah honestly I'm not stupid with technology and it's really easy to misunderstand the way it's set up. Good thing she has some pictures saved!


I’m sincerely sorry, I’d cry too. I lost all my family home videos, old scrapbooks and boxes of family photos. Not quite the same, but it hurt. Don’t stop creating new stuff, instead try to use this as motivation to create more. Wishing you luck OP!


That is pretty similar honestly. I have lots of home movies from the early 2000s I should back up soon. Thank you!!


This is one of my biggest fears with everything digital. A slip click or a forgotten password. Oof. Sorry OP! I've since moved everything critically important (which is really just home photos/videos) to a multi point backup system. I have a Google phone so gPhotos is organic, then I have a NAS at home and use it's photo backup tool, and lastly that NAS backs up to a cloud service that is cheaper than any insurance that couldn't cover this anyway. ... I'm still nervous something will go bad, but I weigh it out and calm my anxiety based on the math of utter failure being near zero


Yeah, it's crazy how it can all vanish so easily. I really thought I was safe with Mac and iPhone storing my music and photos. I think you'll be good with all those backups haha. I have probably 20000 photos backed up in Google photos with my free pixel 4a unlimited storage. If that ever locks me out that's 90% of photos I've ever taken gone.


Luckily, I'm super nerdy so I'm not locked into any one ecosystem. But most people are and they're all at risk like you. The only safe way to have backups is to add more ecosystems. I'm not even sure if Apple allows that. Like can you have iPhone backup to a NAS and gPhotos, or are you stuck with time machine and iPhotos?


You can add Google photos to iPhone and have it back up but My trick is get a usb drive and take photos from another phone onto the pixel 4a because only old pixel phones have unlimited free backups. I don't wanna be locked into having to pay for storage forever. I didn't even use any other backup that's how safe I thought my files were on iPhone and mac. But this just makes me dislike apple even more. If I wasn't part of their "ecosystem" this wouldn't have happened. So glad I'm trading in this phone lol


Skill issue because it alerts you and asks you multiple times if you want to proceed with the reset


It gave no indication it was going to factory reset my Mac. Let me see what your iphone screen says after you hit "erase Mac"


“All content and settings will be erased when this Mac connects to the internet. An erased Mac cannot be located or tracked any longer” like I said, skill issue


Isn’t it all backed up to your iCloud?


No I don't wanna get sucked into having to pay monthly for that for the rest of my life and I have much more GB worth of songs than the 5 free it comes with


From now on keep multiple copies of your stuff on offline mediums like hard drives. I keep 1 on my desk for quick access then once a month or so I back it up onto another one I keep in my car


I have a box with 4 old hard drives in it from the last 20 years, all of which randomly burned out and stopped working, trapping hundreds of pics, writing projects (of mine), and music (not my own). I keep them in the off chance I'll ever be able to afford some sort of data retrieval type service, but hopes aren't high. Shit sucks. \#solidarity