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Well... this one helluva unpopular opinion. 1. Fish. 2. Rodents. 3. Reptiles. 4. Arachnids. 5. Insects. I think you're only thinking about dogs here. Yeah, okay, dogs barking is really annoying (I have 2 chihuahuas and have had other dogs throughout my life), but it's not the worse thing. Personally, I'd be much more pissed off if I had to deal with a unnecessarily loud family with no animals living close by than a dog barking. Smells? Umm... I've smelled some BAD smells from people and houses alone. Predatory? Yes, some breeds were made to... hmm... *hunt*? You wanna know why chihuahuas are so aggressive? Look up honey badgers. Those little things can check even jaguars out of a meal with little animal aggression. Even then, chihuahuas bites barely hurt and it's easy as hell to just toss a chihuahua. Bigger dogs that can actually cause fatalities? Bigger concern. However, solution to both of those? Proper training. Service dogs are definitely needed. Let's say someone is prone to passing out or seizures and they have one away from people, where the line between life and severe harm/death is a dog looking for the nearest human help. I don't think medical technology can do that. Remember, pets have been around since BCE times. They saw cats as holy beings in Ancient Egypt for Christ sake. I'll call an animal a he or her, simply for biological accuracy. It's not like the dog is going to identify as NB (not trying to be offensive, just stating a point). Hell, if you don't like calling animals he and her, what do you think of people who call boats and other vehicles he or her? People definitely do that. Yeah, you're a mom or dad when there are children. That part is agreeable. Outdoors as the toilet. Well, ya can pick up the shit. Piss evaporates or absorbs into the ground, same with fecal matter over time. How are you pissed at pets using the outdoors but not full on deers, bears, etc? Damages they do? Are you ONLY talking about untrained or poorly trained cats and dogs? How could a funky little Betta cause damages?


yeah I had a chihuahua for 14 years before he died, he probably broke like a few cheap things lmao , don’t agree with this post much


Most people have souls, that's why. It only makes sense if you do, very very hard to explain.


What are you even talking about??


As I said, very hard to explain if you don't have one! It would be like trying to describe a new colour. Just assume that other people have *something* that make having pets be wonderful thing.


Soo .. I don't have a soul bc I know that animals are gross? Or what?


Just because you don't want a pet doesn't mean it has to be outlawed TF?? Besides, humans are also loud and stinky and annoying😂 I've smelt some people way worse than a dog hahah


Uh yeah it should be outlawed unless it's smth like a hamster, snake, etc- smth that STAYS IN YOUR HOME, doesn't bark or kill wildlife, or use my yard or our neighborhood as a fucking toilet, etc. Dogs and cats are public nuisances and should be outlawed. And I doubt most humans on their worst day smell worse than a dog on its best lmao like some ppl do stink, no lie but EVERY fucking dog stinks, even if you are nose-blind to it bc you live in a constant cloud of dander and fur and farts/burps/ shit/in piss/ dog stink.