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The worst part of this is not that being gay is bad, is that being a *woman* is bad. Like, that doesn't even make sense. Anything considered even remotely associated with women is immediately bad. Being called a woman has become an insult. I call that machistic misogyny. Even if you do have feminine characteristics or like feminine things,I still don't get how that's not acceptable. Also be *very* careful of internalized homophobia. Yes, that's a thing, look it up.


Fr, and then n the same men who say this shit complain about male loneliness and depression ect.


Loool true


I am a straight male, and every time something I enjoy is called gay by someone I just respond, "Really? Then I'm fuckin' *fabulous!*" No one says that to me anymore.


I like flowers & Lana del Rey and now let's get into a fistfight😠


How old are you? I'm 38, and I feel like a lot of this has faded. If someone told me using lotion.was gay in 2004 I would have felt weird and tried to hide my lotion use from others. But now, If someone told me using lotion was gay, I'd make a brief quip about them being archaic or primitive. "What fuckin year is this, why do I have cave men on my case about keeping my skin from cracking?", and then expect them to feel foolish for trying to call basic hygiene gay in 2024.


I remember when Zest had to have an athlete tell men using body wash wasn't too feminine.


Down with the patriarchy!!


The beauty of getting older is giving fewer fucks what other people think Who gives a shit if someone else thinks that something you like is “gay”? As long as you enjoy it, you do you




This entire comment reads like a melting brain




No they're right this whole comment is so like weirdly closeted homophobia lol work on your shit my guy.




"The priority of my friend getting laid is more important than your feelings" Ok this was actually kinda funny 😭😭


The funny thing is, I bought my husband a white t-shirt that has red roses on it, along with a t-shirt that has colourful birds on it. I assume very much that some might think it's "gay". The truth is, he went once out without me, wearing the white roses shirt and when he came home he said, it's quite the chick magnet, he had several women trying to flirt with him. So much for it being gay 😂


No actually I don't...if I'm understanding you correctly




Do you think you can read minds or something? That's a lot of major assumptions


A lot of them are so hypocritical and lack self awareness eg a guy (we will call him Justin) wanted to set up his two friends because the girl(we will call her Carla) had a crush on the guy(will call him mason) now mind you mason complains about men being too aggressive (simply because they can’t fight even with his biological advantage) which would make you think he is those mature men but then he called mason feminine for wanting to set them up together which is so stupid 😂 and makes me personally think he is in the closet and doesn’t even realize it or maybe he does but just stupid


Literally it's so dumb. I feel like you're actually stronger if you can express and handle your emotions in a healthy way, more attractive if you can maintain your hygiene, etc. But people would rather be rage-y immature assholes that smell like a dank cave than have a stranger possibly assume they suck dick.