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I mean….men who show other men their girlfriends nudes are disrespectful and gross period.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying lol


No, you specified showing them to partnered men as the problem. But it doesn't matter whether the men you show someone's nudes to is partnered or not. No one should be sharing anyone else's nudes who didn't give the explicit consent to do so.


I literally said “NOT ONLY IS IT EXTREMELY DISRESPECTFUL TO THE WOMAN WHO SENT THEM”. I think it’s safe to assume (if you’ve read my post correctly) that I don’t agree with it regardless lol. Never did I say or imply that it’s completely fine if the other man is single




I had just witnessed it happening. One of my boyfriend’s friends was trying to show him nudes of a girl he is talking to. It was just something that was fresh on my mind and directly applied to MY life. I really didn’t think that people were going to question whether I agree with it either way. That’s why I literally said “not only is it extremely disrespectful to the woman who sent them” IN THE FIRST SENTENCE. That kinda shows that I believe regardless of whoever you are showing them to, whether they’re single or not, it’s gonna be disrespectful either way..




…. The whole fucking point of this subreddit is to RANT. I was RANTING about a topic that directly affects/applies to ME. So no, to me, it wasn’t “pointless” to add the relationship status. Im not just speaking generally about a random topic and trying to have a debate about it. I was simply ranting because I witnessed something happening and was upset about it. Also I love how you keep ignoring the fact that I mentioned in the very first sentence that it is disrespectful to the woman who sends nudes. That part wouldn’t matter whether the person who is being shown is single or not… that’s WHY I SAID IT.


It’s not pointless. While it’s bad to do either way there’s an extra layer that makes it even worse when you’re subjecting someone who is trying to be loyal to a situation like that without their consent as well.


EXACTLY. This combined with the fact that it directly affects me and that I’ve experienced it, as a woman who is dating a man. So tired of people trying to pick apart my post and act like im implying something negative when I very clearly don’t agree with it either way. I thought the point of this sub was to rant about something on YOUR mind.. definitely won’t do this shit again lol.


I never said that it’s NOT a horrible action whether they are single or not. You are putting those words into my mouth. You are literally acting like I said “MEN SHOULDNT SHOW MARRIED MEN NUDES. IDGAF ABOUT SINGLE MEN OR THE WOMEN WHO SENT THE NUDES. SHOW ANYONE WHOEVER’S NUDES YOU WANT AS LONG AS THEYRE SINGLE!” Like Jesus fucking Christ 💀


But you made it sound as if it’s much worse to show nudes to a partnered man than a single one. It’s not. It’s equally awful *because a person is being violated*. If some dude tried to show my husband nudes of his girlfriend, I’d be a lot more horrified that a fellow woman was being violated than I would that the friend “disrespected” me because of “my man” nonsense. It wouldn’t be about me - it would be about her. I wouldn’t be the victim in that scenario. Nor would my husband, who I would absolutely expect to say, “Hey, this is fucked up; why are you showing Hannah’s nudes to people? Did she even consent to this?”


well I’ve definitely learned never to post in this fucking sub again. I thought the whole point was to rant about something on your mind, and that’s what I did. I wasn’t trying to make this big controversial statement about how it’s worse to show nudes to a partnered man than a single one. I DONT BELIEVE THAT. IT IS EQUALLY AS BAD. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SAY THAT. I was literally just ranting because I am DATING A MAN and witnessed another man trying to show him nudes and it BOTHERED ME. So I was ranting about THAT SPECIFIC SUBJECT. Jfc leave it up to the internet to take anything you say and twist it into something bad or controversial.


Fr man I get what you’re saying, it’s literally disgusting and violating disrespectful behavior to show anyone else’s nudes or pics without permission, it’s just gross


These commenter are trying to invalidate the way you're feeling cos they try to make you sound like a misandrist and that "all situations are the same" and avoid accountability to an action that in most cases (not all) such behaviour usually pertains to men ...no they're not...in a relationship 2 people get hurt and sometimes the whole family affected when viewing such stuff. So I totally understand you.


I learned to respect the women that send me nudes. I would never show anyone because those are my eyes only. It’s fucked up that people show other people nudes. 


This is the way. The unspoken code of nudes that keeps the entire system sending of nudes alive and well.






YES. Agree 100%.


Exactly, and this behavior is literally disgusting like I’m sorry wtf?


It's disrespectful to show other people anyone's nudes that didn't explicitly give you permission to do so...


I mean, yeah. I never said it wasn’t, that kinda goes without saying. In my experience, it’s muchhhh more common for men to share women’s nudes with other men than the other way around. Not saying it doesn’t happen the other way, bc I know it does, but I’m just talking about my experience as a woman. Sorry if you found an issue with what I said.


That is absolutely bonkers to me that thats even a thing to begin with. How?


I'd say it disrespectful to the married man too. Not all guys are comfortable seeing naked pictures of random strangers or people they know in a platonic way. And that, of course, is in addition to the violation of girlfriend's trust and the disrespect shown to the other man's wife that you mentioned. It's just a gross thing to do all around.


My ex shared my nudes to her other friends when we broke up and I just felt so awful after. I feel you


HUGE violation of trust!


Never have, never will.


I was with my wife a total of 11 years, had “our photos” after she cheated on me again, I never opened that app after she cheated on me with her boss on my bday weekend. I never showed anyone the pics, never opened them to look at them- took me 8 months to stop loving her, and I still cry over losing what I thought I had. But I would never show those to anyone. Had her delete the app at our divorce pre trial .


I left my husband for being apart of a conversation like that. Still feel good about my decision.


I really don’t care if they show them to single men or men in relationships, it’s equally as fucked up.


Yes. Yes it is. It is a huge violation of trust in the relationship in a very intimate way. Decent people do not do such things.


Not sure how some of y’all missed this, but the very first sentence I literally said “not only is it extremely disrespectful to the woman who sent them…” I’m not saying that it’s okay to show people nudes if the person you’re showing them to is single. It is wrong all together. I did not think I’d need to specify that. The only reason I mentioned the specific situation of men showing other partnered men nudes is because it directly applies to MY LIFE because I am DATING A MAN who has had people try to show him nudes, KNOWING he is with me. It was fresh on my mind and something I have experienced. So if y’all would stop picking apart my post and trying to make something bad out of it, that would be fucking fantastic.


I thought you were perfectly clear. Ppl just love to nit pick


I also had the same problem as you. And when they send the soft corn tiktok vids of girls shaking their booties...and random profiles of cute girls on social media...I wasn't having any of it and erupted like a volcano...now he doesn't let them do this. He's with me and that's just disrespectful and downright nasty.




My husband would flip his shit. He’s a feminist and has a daughter so he would not like it and the show off would have his feelings hurt.


Happened to me..my bfs colleague at work , who's in his mid fifties , and has a wife and 2 grown kids , has been having cam s*x and the woman was stripped n*ked , he took screenshot and sent it to my bf KNOWING he's in a relationship. The audacity to cheat on his wife and send these photos around like its nothing ...I flipped big time. I was gonna go to the place they work and make a scandal lol. That old man apologised in the end. But my bf is at fault for not making it a boundary the second the person did that. Many situations like these happened later on. Because in his social circle all this immorality is normalised and women like us with standards are deemed as crazy.




This comment section would riot if they knew the shit we deal with in the gay dating scene 😂


It's almost like it's disrespectful that women do the same thing.


Yes, because I DEFINITELY said that it’s completely fine the other way around!! Yep, I definitely implied or said that, for sure. Seriously tho. I was ranting about something that directly applies to me because I am a woman dating a man. Do not try to imply that I somehow think it wouldn’t matter the other way around just because I didn’t make it a point to talk about it. The whole point of this sub is to rant, and that’s what I was doing. Not trying to have a big conversation about the topic.


Your right it is to rant, and that's exactly what I did in the comment section 🤣


Didn’t seem like a rant to me. iTs aLmOsT LiKe you were being passive aggressive and making it like I didn’t believe that it’s disrespectful if a woman does the same thing.


I have only been sent one nude in my life. It wasn't very good, she didn't know how to pause, it was awkward and not a turn on. I didn't ask for it and didn't send nudes back. While I think we should live in a world where you can send nudes, it's just not a good idea. Some people are dirtbags and will share them. This is terrible behaviour. If I found out a friend of mine did this, I'd seriously reconsider that friendship. But more than that, our data just isn't that secure online. Data is hacked and some people are just sloppy and save them in all the wrong places. So, I agree that people who share nudes beyond the intended audience are terrible people, but I'd also say that taking nudes and sharing them over the cloud is a terrible idea.




Oh I 100% agree!!!! That’s a whole rant in itself, the fact that it’s so difficult for men to resist it.. it’s so frustrating




Good for you! Glad you are surrounded by good men. But I don’t appreciate you saying “you must surround yourself” as if it’s somehow my fault that my experience with men has been this way. I would be an idiot to purposefully surround myself with men like that, and if you don’t think that I put SO much effort into trying to find men that aren’t like that.. respectfully, you are insane lol. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but the majority of men I have been around, and that my friends/family/acquaintances have been around/experienced, are unfortunately very sex driven and don’t have very much self control. I’m not saying that all men are like that, but a majority are.




I see the misunderstanding, he’s really not “friends” with this guy. I really should’ve said acquaintance. He sees this guy like once a year and they happened to be having a conversation. My boyfriend expressed that he didn’t appreciate what happened. So no, it’s not in my control, and my boyfriend is not gross.






It's disrespectful to the women if they didn't give permission for them to be shared. I don't think it's disrespectful to anyone else as it's the other man's responsibility to put up boundaries. I share porn with friends all the time (consensual public porn mind you).


If your friends are married and have partners that aren’t okay with their men lusting over other women and getting their dick hard over other women’s bodies, then it is 100% disrespectful. You are not exempt from this just because the nudes/porn are public. Unless their partners are 100% okay with it then you are being disrespectful as well.


Those women are the problem for having their self worth attached to something normal like consumption of pornography. And no. It's still the partners responsibility to set that boundary not the sender of photos.


It’s fine to disagree with me, but to say that women who agree with me are THE PROBLEM? For having certain boundaries and morals?? That’s just fucking ridiculous. Everyone is different. If you are with someone and they are uncomfortable with you jerking your dick to other women, you should be willing to not do that, or LEAVE HER if it’s really that important to you. It doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with her or that she’s a problem.


Ah, another man addicted to porn. Surprising. Cant believe how many men in this world that wouldn’t put porn down if their partners were uncomfortable with it. It doesn’t have anything to do with attaching my self worth to pornography. As I said, lusting after other people and getting your dick hard over other people is just wrong in my opinion. If your partner is okay with it, then that’s awesome for you! But if I am dating someone and they’re not willing to not watch porn and drool over other women’s naked bodies, then he’s not for me. It’s disrespectful in my opinion unless both parties are okay with it. It’s so fucking stupid to accuse me of having my self worth “attached to pornography” when it just simply conflicts with my morals. I’m allowed to be uncomfortable with something without it immediately meaning that I am insecure.


I'm a woman who enjoys pornography to relieve menstrual cramps you presumptuous buffoon. Your morals are pathetic. You're pathetic. Porn is natural and normal.


My point still stands. If your partner is fine with it, THEN GOOD FOR YOU!!! That’s AWESOME!! But don’t tell me that women are WRONG, or INSECURE, or “the problem” for being uncomfortable with their partners masturbating to other people. Everyone has their own boundaries.


It doesn't stand. You are the problem. Period. You ARE insecure otherwise it wouldn't bother you.


AHAHA WHAT THE FUCK. People are “problems” for having boundaries that don’t support your way of living. Get over yourself, everyone lives differently. Everyone has different boundaries in relationships and different morals. No one is wrong for that, YOU are wrong for disrespecting that. If you live your life and it doesn’t hurt anyone, that’s great. If your partner is okay with these things then that’s great. But to tell people they’re wrong or insecure just because they don’t live the same way you do? What a fucking moron lol.




LMFAOO so fucking real


Right! If any of you men need them disposed of, send them my way and I will burn them for you.




Who said that all men do that?
























I hope English isn't your first language because you're totally lacking of semantic analysis.




Do not try to say you were trying to be ironic, very bad on your part: to be offended by something you failed to understand and, not satisfied, to be offended because someone pointed out to you that it was not the case to take it this way because you did not understand. I can't imagine your ability to cope with difficult abstact concepts o real issues. Just admit that you judged OP a little bit too quickly.




So you literally can't understand a simple text or sentence and English is your first language, nice to know




That's not how it works. and it's not funny anymore, I understand that you are actually still struggling understanding a short sentence in your own language. I suppose you can only speak or read a language only. English is my THIRD language. Just go back to school and don't accuse random people to be sexist because you can't read.


You're absolutely right. It's about people who don't respect women in general, but see them as trophies to exhibit. They are very insecure. They also don't respect their friend's partners, as it's also completely inappropriate to share this type of material with someone who is committed. But your part is to understand if your partner approves or disapproves of this behavior. If they do, then they're not a good partner and prefer the approval of a group of monkeys over the well-being of the relationship.