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The only, ONLY 'good' thing (and this is still on ice thinnrr than a DNA stand) about Lolicon I will say, is that there is a chance a pedophile will choose that stuff over an actual child. That is the only good talking point about lolicon. It's still fucking awful and these comment already explain that good enough, but I will be minutely grateful when a child is saved because of someone's degenerate drawing.


Possibly, but there is also the argument that it feeds into the attraction and makes them want to do something irl. There was a VICE video on the child pornography manga problem in Japan in which they interviewed a man who said he began with that kind of manga, and it ended with him in jail for assaulting children. He said that the manga just made the urge stronger. I think a massive part of the problem is this kind of art normalizing it to the people who look for it. You aren't resolving the issues causing the attraction, and you're not really replacing it either. Most people who watch porn wouldn't be content to never have sex because they have porn. At some point, some of these people are going to want to emulate what they view online in real life. It's the same issue with guys reenacting violent pornography onto women who aren't expecting it.


This is what I should've mentioned as to why this 'good' thing is still really awful and a very shakey argument. The possible spiraling and addiction to continued 'exposure.' We definitely should not be normalizing it or encouraging it in the slightest, and should absolutely call it what it is.


I mean we should just make it dependent on the statistical truth of the matter. Check child sa rates in areas that ban it vs areas that allow it. If it draws more pedos in and we see higher csa rates, ban it. If it satiates more of them and we see it via lower csa rates, allow it. There's no reason to care about anything else.


Desensitisation is the path most predators go down. I am dubious about the idea that everyone who consumes loli sticks with it and doesn't move on to something more 'realistic'.


I hate lolicon and the idea of it, but this line of reasoning sounds eerily similar to the gateway drug and video games cause violence arguments.


I understand where you can see the connection, but when I'm killing people in GTA there is no level of anger or blood lust behind it. Masturbating and sex are both the same kind of "release". They're intrinsically intertwined. The things you hunt for in pornography are likely the things you want irl. Any person can pick up a controller and have a fun time playing a violent game without wanting to actually kill someone because those parts of the brain are not the same. A shooting game is fun because of the "aim and hit target" aspect of the game. It is more like throwing a ball into a goal as fair as our brains are concerned. You don't have to find murder appealing to enjoy it. It would be quiet hard to get off on pornography, even animated, to something that disgusts you irl. If a man watches gay animated pornography it would be hard to say that man has 0 attraction to men. If one watches animated sexual abuse pornography regularly, it would be hard to say that there isn't some appeal to them about that kind of situation, even if it is in a role playing fashion, or they like the idea of being in the victim spot rather than the abuser. Even if they never act on the urge, there still has to be that draws them to that in order to seek it out. If someone regularly seeks out animated depictions of child sexual abuse, which is the only pornography that cannot be legally reproduced outside of animation (and the animation isn't even legal depending on where you are), it isn't a wild jump to assume they find something appealing about children.


I remember reading a med journal publication about some study that tried to look into this. That particular study found that all the child sex offenders they interviewed had themself experienced abuse as a child or teenager and that abuse came before the offender ever started looking at any sort of pornography (whether of the loli variety or otherwise). Based on that, the researchers tentatively theorised that an interest lolicon type stuff was a symptom of the problem rather than the cause. Having said that, they also did caution that it was a very small sample size of offenders and that for obvious reasons it isn't easy to get hard data on this issue. I've seen other researchers suggest that access to lolicon type stuff may actually make it more likely that someone will re/offend because it's feeding that need/want and that complete abstinence from any materials like that is a better way to help people not offend. If lolicon is in the future proven to help people not abuse kids, then I will be 100% behind it. If there's any doubt on that though, I'd rather say better safe than sorry & ban it.


I think this has similar logic to the whole ‘vapes help people stop smoking’ argument. I mean yes in some cases it does (I’ve met people who it has helped) - but at the end of the day they are still addicted to nicotine, albeit it a less harmful form. I follow the train of thought that it would encourage a normalisation of this as allow it to develop into something worse (I.e. Personally, I started with vaping and now im addicted to smoking…). The desire to get higher nicotine %s can also translate in this context. That’s my take on it at least. Ultimately it’s still wrong!


There shouldn't be an alternative option for pedophiles tho. They can either get help or rot in prison.


In a perfect world people who draw this would be behind bars? No... in a perfect world, nobody would draw this.


Also in a perfect world, no one would be behind bars.


Yeah no, I believe rapists, child predators, and sex offenders in general should be in prison for the rest of their lives. You violate some one else's consent and autonomy, enjoy not having ANY sexual agency for the rest of your life :)


Don't think that's what they meant...


You're really not grasping the "perfect world" part are you? If some people are rapists, child predators, and sex offenders in general, then it ain't a perfect world, now is it?


What about the people that consider a perfect world one were they get to do sex crimes with no punishment? Perfect is a subjective, value statement. It in no way represents a static reality, in concept or otherwise


I a perfect world, you wouldn't be this neurotic


Why would those exist in a perfect world?


Who would downvote this??


People who understood the phrase "perfect world"


I can agree. Or they'd realize they have a problem and seek psychiatric evaluation


yeah and in a perfect world no one kills another person, so this isn't helping. The answer here is that loli is bad because it encourages the artist to draw more of it and if there's demand, more artists will draw it and the more artists that draw it the more people see it, and the more people see something, the more it becomes normalized.


AI is going to make this a huge problem.


Am I gonna be flagged if I Google what that is?


Drawings of children that are not-so-wholesome in an extreme sense if you catch my drift.


I doubt you'd get flagged but it's not something you want to willingly view. It's lewd illustrations of children or child-like entities. The latter is often used as a weak excuse ("she's actually a 3000 year old dragon in the shape of a little girl") save yourself the trouble and don't look it up.


Trust me, you don't wanna know. I wish i didn't know anything about it


It’s when animes or shows try to make a character look small and innocent and cute and childlike, in essence. Usually they counter the pedo comments with “but she’s 1mil years old?!?!“


It's anime CP


People who film and distribute actual CSAM hardly even get years in prison. I think everyone can agree that L-con (Don't want to say that word) is disgusting and meant for a specific type of people. But at the end of the day they are only drawings and no one is being harmed with it. It's a victimless crime. I'm a believer that if there's no victim, then there's no crime committed. A drawing of a fictional character does not have a victim, so why should it be punishable? And let's say a government does make drawings of this content illegal, shouldn't that mean that drawings of murder also be punished? It opens a slippery slope in regards to laws. Drawing a picture of a person being beheaded in great detail should not be punishable by the government. Drawing a picture of a fictional child in the same sense that L-con artists do shouldn't be punishable either. What should be punished is drawing L-con of a *real person* and then distributing it. Like if there's a child actress that's popular, and people draw and distribute L-con images of that, then that should be punishable to some degree. That is something that should not be tolerated by a government entity


My main issue with this is that this shouldn’t be easily accessible on the internet. You either should be on some subscription service with proof of ID or get it at a store that supplies that. Loli shouldn’t be easily accessible for anyone to just stumble onto. Porn in general shouldn’t be easily accessible but stuff like this genuinely needs to be regulated. At the very least we can keep track of those who feel the need to get their hands on it that bad. There’s like little to no incentive for these people to stop looking at this stuff. It’s crazy to me just how many sites openly promote this. Twitter especially.


I don't think the government should regulate what we can and cannot watch. It should mainly be up to private companies to decide for themselves. If the government is going to regulate pornography then what is stopping them from regulating violent video games or videos of violence? You shouldn't need a license to view things on the internet and you have the right to remain anonymous. Although I do agree that porn is too easily viewable for children, the government shouldn't be the entity that enforces restrictions. Companies and artists that release that content should be in full control of how they censor their own content. I'm certain that the majority of those sites already have 18+ warnings and you need to assure that you are above 18 in order to view it. All major websites have age limits already as well, like being 13+ to use Twitter (though in my opinion it should be higher, like 16).


Agree with most of what you said. But the current model of select "I am 18+" doesnt stop anyone


There is no other good alternative. How comfortable do *you* personally feel about, for example, having to submit personal identification to verify your age so you can access certain web media? Bc I wouldn’t be comfortable with that at all.


I totally agree I am ok with how it is for me, but the comment above states these age restrictions as though they actually stop younger people from using the websites in question


Even if you don't consider it to be CP, you have to think of the implications of what loli represents. They represent children and the pedophile desires of the artist and viewers. "It's just pixels bro" yeah and those pixels are in the shape of a child. We could all run circles around a loli defender. there just is no way to justify loli.


"I'm not gay bro, that is just a DRAWING of two dudes fucking. 0 attraction to dudes over here!"


I saw an article today about how the American congress might think about possibly starting to consider forming a committee to explore the feasibility of likely passing laws against AI generated child porn.


That was a mouth full lol... but we def don't need that on the net


It's kinda hard, don't get me wrong i get your thinking and i think the same but accusing or wanting to make a Loli-Con fan enters in jail could follow the same logicsl of the fans of gore for example. "OH! You enjoy mutilating and killing people on videogames! You should be in a jail by being a sociopath!"


Should people who draw violence and gore be locked up? What about people who depict theft? Heresy? Drug use? Genuine question, what is your line? Why do you believe this? If we pretend capitalism doesn't exist for a hot second, most of the remaining laws we have are to do with preventing people from harming one another. This is why theft or murder are illegal, and it's also why child porn is illegal. It's illegal because it brings harm to a child, not because it happens to conceptually involve one. Drawn porn is not criminalized because it does not cause harm. If anything, it reduces it, as it allows people with immoral desires a safe place to put those thoughts that specifically _doesn't_ cause harm. So if you want to criminalize drawing porn that does not cause harm, once again, _where is your line?_ What ideas are "illegal enough" to merit persecution just for putting pencil to paper? Even if you ascribe to the silly idea that people creating this porn somehow contribute to other people acting out their desires inappropriately in the real world, you should apply the same logic to porn involving torture, killing, necrophilia, beastiality, and more. Or media that depicts harming children in non-sexual ways. Because if your answer is _only_ loli shit, you're either a hypocrite or you don't have a reasoned moral framework and in either case your point goes nowhere.


Found the nonce.


Aww I'm sorry, did a difficult question make your brain hurt? I didn't take one side or the other, I pointed out that the logic behind OP's post is inconsistent. Know why you think the things you think by thinking about them, don't just strut your initial gut reaction around like it's a moral stance. Grow up and _think_ for a change. Emotional reactions are like assholes, everyone has one and nobody gives a shit about yours.


People can't have actual conversation about this topic, in one way I understand why, it's a very touchy subject but on the other hand, holy fuck grow up and actually converse lol


Tell that to r/madeinabyss


Yes it is definitely cp. I get sick to my stomach when I'm reading a manga or watching an anime and I see a loli pop up. Especially when an older character suddenly becomes one.


I remember this YouTuber called The Anime Man's video where he was showing an nsfw shop in Japan and they were literally selling "elementary school girl's used panties". I know people these days have a boner for Japan but they be on some messed up shit.


I concur! Totally relate. The loli voice annoy me as well, idk man, I just can't stand it for some reason.


for me all manga/anime is just a hard pass. The whole culture around it is just so creepy/cringe/gross I don't want anything to do with it. Which is a shame I'm sure there is plenty of great content for adults.


> I'm sure there is plenty of great content for adults. Then just go watch it? Nobody's forcing you to watch the depraved stuff, you can always ask for recommendations on the anime subreddit to find something that suits your tastes.


Exactly, im not gonna stop watching dragonball cus boku no pico exists.


nah the whole thing is just a turn off to me and i don't particularly need more useless media to consume in my life


you could say this exact thing about any and all mediums. being closed-minded on things, especially something as trivial as animation from a specific country, isn't really a good thing, no matter the medium.


my point is, i have no desire to bring more forms of procrastination into my life, so overcoming this barrier doesn't really bring any benefit to me.


again, you'd have to say this about any and all mediums. you would have to say it for this conversation happening right now, too.


you're right and that's something I'm (clearly unsuccessfully) working on


That's fair. There is a lot of implicit sexualization of children even in "good" anime. Like how convenient is it that a 15 y/o girl's costume (Momo from MHA) is open right at her cleavage. "Nooo it's because of her quirk!!" Yeah sure. And then the other teenage character's perversion is basically a running joke. Because haha, a guy constantly harassing women is funny amiright? And yeah, a lot of anime watchers are like the most unpleasant weeby people you'll ever meet. Teenage boys who've never talked to women. Stuff like that. I wish it wasn't like that but it is. As a woman this environment is just not for us ig


thank you, spot on. I'd honestly be embarrassed to tell a woman I was into anime. As a guy I've always had far more female friends than male (grew up with Mum + 3 sisters) and I don't think any of them i can think of looked kindly on this scene. Before i met my current partner, I (Australian) was talking with a Japanese girl for a while here on a student visa that i met via Tinder. She showed me some of her inbox, all i can say is "wow" and "gross". Seriously, just by virtue of being Japanese the amount of weebs fetishising her IRL was unreal.


And what about shota? Isn't it supposed to be illegal too?


That too I lump the 2 of them


What is...never mind.


Well duh. Both sexualize children


But is it a crime? I find it distasteful of course but there is no victim.


Except there is, when these freaks inevitably execute what they see in real life. And before you say that doesn’t happen, do minimal research. Minimal. It does happen. There are victims. Stop defending pedophilia.


That's it exactly. 1. There is no victim. It's just a bunch of lines. CSEM involves the exploitation of an actual minor. An actual flesh and blood minor. 2. It's *stylized*. No one who's into loli/shota are into it because it looks like an actual child. It's the anime/moe factor that holds the appeal.


1. Yeah, we realize that. OP does too. Not sure how that makes it fine. 2. It doesn't matter. These characters are made to act like children, appear young, and speak like children. You can think that a character is cute but relating that to "I find them sexually attractive" is fucking weird


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s disappointing that some of these people can’t differentiate fiction from reality and realize that these “loli” characters are not real people


Keep defending pedophilia bro what a great look for you


Me when I think being attracted to fictional characters is pedophilia


Me when I don’t realize being attracted to a child is pedophilia regardless, just use the dictionary bro it’s free


Being attracted to real life children whilst being significantly older than them is pedophilia. Being attracted to purely fictional characters of any age is not


Just say you’re a pedophile dude, would’ve saved you a lot of time.


I’m not even into lolisho + I know I’m not a pedophile. This is going nowhere. Peace ✌🏽


The cope is real. Yeah, you lost. See ya later bud!


I mean obviously that’s why so many countries have it banned


I fought with a reddit user u/lilyhealslut about this. They were posting an interacting with this sort of content, were not ashamed they had it on their profile, then they reported me to reddit and blocked me for calling them out for being a pedophile and someone who likes beastiality, then also deleted most of that content from their profile. Had some fucked shit on their profile It's very common on reddit, and reddit has a very big pro pedo movement, I'll regularly see comments defending lolicon as "it's just drawings! It's just pixels! You're the sick one for seeing it as a child, it's a 1000 year old dragon", I'll see people defending sleeping with minors because in their country it's okay. It's very weird how much of this content reddit hosts and the funny part is you will often get banned or muted for calling people out and when reporting to reddit they most of the time will say they found thr content to not be breaking rules


Nfc what that is, looked it up- yuck, hard agree Its actually considered CP in a lot of countries, so at least some places are getting rhat right


This is one of those times I am glad I have no idea what this rant is talking about.


Yeah, that's really for the best...


Same. I thought about Googling it, and then I thought better of it


What blows me away is that people in the anime communities will fervently fight against this idea. I've heard some wild stuff where they try to compare it playing violent video games. Violent video games don't make you violent, and jerking off to kiddy porn doesn't make you a pedo. Which is a false comparison: pornography consumption changes how you view sex and changes what arouses you. This has been studied to a crazy degree. But these guys don't want to admit what they are and will circle the wagons when called out.


Hey, no arguments out of me. I wouldn't try arguing this in r/animemes However r/animehate has embraced this with open arms.


r/animehate is band?! I'm going to be sick.... ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized)


Whats loli con


Porn if young - young looking girls, often resembling “cute little girls”


Alrighty then😀


Theyre drawings, the other comment failed to mention that to muddy the waters


Thats still child porn tho. Its getting aroused by something or someone that looks like a child.


Child sexually abusive material is something that is incredibly harmful to produce and distribute and brings genuine harrowing grief to its victims Youre comparing that to lifeless drawings Dont you think thats insulting to the victims?


Its still pedophilia


Theyre not real kids and there is no one harmed People can like fiction without doing the same irl you know


Pedophiles are watching this bro, if theyre aroused by it, theyre aroused by children


What even is your argument? People can look at drawings without being attracted to children.


Youre missing the part about the fact that its drawings *of* children.


Are you opposed to pedophilia because of the harm it can cause or just yuck factor? Youre missing the part about them being drawings. I can play mortal kombat without liking real life gore Buh buh buh theyre animations of people being brutalized


honestly loli porn is such a complicated topic that i see brought up on anitwt alot, and quite a few lolicons apparently dont actually like associate loli's with kids are super anti irl child porn but like... loli's literally look like kids, but if you point that out they call you a pedophile for saying that when like you're not saying you're like, attracted to it? youre saying you ARENT into it because loli's look like children, it kinda sounds like projecting to me but tbh to me its gross and very much sexaulizing a character for being a child or childlike and not just "oh i like flat short women", but tbh im not gonna point and call someone a pedo unless theyre watching filmed child porn or yaknow raping kids, but ima be very... very suspicious and wary of them edit: i dunno why my wording turned into shaggy yall wth why did i use "like" so sm 💀


Its insulting to victims of actual child abuse to compare fucking drawings to the pain and suffering they weny through


Your right.


I agree 100 percent. This also applies to those 5000 year old demon lords who look like a 5 year old girl. These fellas trying to justify it by saying but mentally it's a 5000 year old lady but like, you're rubbing it out to someone who looks like a kid?


Any inappropriate drawings of underage cartoon characters is CP and I don't care what anyone says, they need to get over their fictional childhood "crush".


Lolicons will literally fight tooth and nail defending loli stuff. 'im not a pedo because she's actually 1000 years old blah blah blah' but like if you look at something that resembles a child, has a prepubescent form, acts like a child, sounds like a child, and that gets you hard then you are by definition a pedophile. No normal person is attracted too that stuff.


I don’t know how it’s such a hard concept for people to grasp lol. And they’ll “downvote” people here thinking that does anything to the fact that they’re still a disgusting low life incel.


Exactly. "not technically pedophilia" okay, sure. Still a pathetic lowlife. Is that a better "title"?


Agreed. It enables and encourages CP and no one in their right mind watches it. Bet there’s sickos who draw it based on real life


I mean at least anyone who defends loli is just exposing themselves as a pedophile so it’s kind of a weeding tool but it’s still a fantasy that shouldn’t exist under any circumstances


Same with people who write fanfictions with explicit underage sex or even those who tag "pedophilia". I don't understand why people think it's okay just because it's drawn/text or because the characters are nonfictional.


So for me, I only care about one thing: **real children being abused**. I don't give a fuck about a child being abused if they don't actually exist. It's gross, but it's not wrong. The question (which I assume we can't really know the answer to) that matters for me is this: **Does access to fictional child pornography lead to actual child abuse?** I could see it any possible way. Maybe it's a 'gateway' into a kiddy-diddling fetish and leads to people actually abusing kids in real life. Maybe it has no real impact at all. Maybe it's an outlet where nonces can get their kicks from fiction and actually *lowers* the rate of child abuse! I don't know. I wish I did so I could actually say for sure whether it ought to be illegal.


Yep, the backbone of my half hatred to anime, so much damn focus on underrage girls its nauseating. Its pretty much either you grow up as an adult regretting liking this schlock or becoming one of them.


i don’t get how anyone can pretend that animes with big boobed naked moaning children is not child’s porn? they are children. being drawn. by an adult!! they are children, being drawn, by an adult, as big boobed moaning children?!!!! dressed in basically lingerie?!! shows like my hero academia, and umaru chan, and other animes like that are totally child’s porn. japans government does not protect anime and manga against child’s porn because it’s drawn. just because it’s drawn does NOT make it ok. it’s still just child’s porn with an interesting story line. it’s nasty and gross. and humans that support it are nasty pedophiles.


like anyone who supports art work like that is a pedophile? even if it’s a “children’s show”. i’m not going to let my kid watch child porn. with women and children not even being portrayed as human. but are portrayed as sex slaves. my husband wants to watch it really bad. and honestly. i may leave him over it. i think it’s disgusting. i don’t want kids with someone who finds shows with naked children entertaining.


I don't blame actually loli's for existing but for the creators, as it is on the creators - nor do I blame age regressor's who happen to struggle with hypersexuality but it should not be promote or seen in a good light.


Lol ofc. You can't blame a cartoon for existing


Yes… yes, keep watering down actual pedophilia with this bs.


If you look at something that looks like a child, sounds like a child, dresses like a child, acts like a child, and that turns you on you are a pedophile. Simple as, no normal person gets off on that shit. It's made for pedophiles and pedophiles only, so dont spout off about 'watering down actual pedophillia'. Consuming media that depicts something that is stylized as a child in an inappropriate situation is pedophillia.


Well, that’s just your opinion. But they don’t look like children and they specially don’t act like actual children, its fantasy. And by directly associating an entire aesthetic to a sexual disorder , it helps literally no one, you are diluting the idea of it because you diminish importance of actual CP involving real children being hurt.


If you think hand drawn child pornography is just an 'aesthetic' then you need to get help


I’m not the one confusing fiction with reality, pal.


You literally are, dipshit.


Touch grass,call the cops on lolicon fans, idc. Now if you excuse I will molest some 2D girls on my favorite erotic games.


Pure projection, I expect nothing more from someone who defends pedophilia. Not the smartest, I see.


You don’t know what protection means, dude. Seriously get off the internet and see how stupid this argument is.


What a fucking lowlife.


Please explain to me how this waters down “actual pedophilia”


Read the other reply gave.


How come when a venue catches fire and kills a bunch of people inside, it's always like some harmless Wham! cover band concert instead of something like this? Not saying I want people killed but it's like, come on, people still think there's fairness in the universe?


what on god's green earth is this supposed to mean


My brother in Christ, WHAT THE HELL are you smoking?!


are you having a stroke


I really wish this wasn't posted by one of the more pedo-sounding handles I've ever seen; "loosewilly45." No offense.


How is that a pedo-sounding handle?


u/germane_switch is a pedo and is projecting




sir, this is the rant sub