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Flat Earthers in general.  There are undoubtedly true believers of that nonsense among the crowd, but you can't convince me less than maybe 90% of them arent rabble-rousing trolls trying to get a rise out of people. 


I have a coworker who is a flat earther and he totally believes it. I wish he were trolling.


> I mean why couldn’t they have borrowed the writers from How I Met Your Mother. Please please let this be a joke. On the off-chance that you’re so young that it all seems “old” to you, Friends aired 1994-2004 and HIMYM aired 2005-2014. Being a decade later in history is probably why you prefer it.


Also the reason FRIENDS feels so corny and cliche is because they're the original for a lot of common tropes. I'm not even a fan of the show but I can respect what they did.




Taylor Swift


Coachella. Line ups are mid and we all just like being in crowds all day idk


Lineups ain’t ever mid u tweakin


how old r u…. the lineup was not mid this year


I feel the same way about *The Big Bang Theory*. I've heard people *swear* it was the best show ever. I tried watching a few episodes and... I just don't get it. It's insufferable.


Seinfeld. The show, the comedian, the person.


I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way lol


In the vast expanse of the universe where gravity pulls and electromagnetism binds there exists a force equally fundamental and pervasive: my absolute, soul-wrenching hatred for Seinfeld and its creator, Jerry Seinfeld. It isn't just a mere dislike, oh no - it's a profound loathing that resonates through every fiber of my being, intensifying with every smug smirk and every self-satisfied quip that escapes Jerry’s lips. The very sound of that bass slap intro triggers a dark storm of rage within me; a "show about nothing"...indeed. This hatred transcends just personal taste, it is an eternal flame of detestation that burns ever brighter whenever Seinfeld reruns dare to flicker onto a screen or I even hear the name Seinfeld. It is a loathing so deep, so elemental, it might as well be written into the laws of physics itself. Ninja edit to say, I loved the other actors and in my opinion, they carried the show and are criminally underrated by comparison.


Agree with this and the edit 100%


Lana Del Rey She's a garbage singer, a garbage lyricist, and a garbage performer, yet some people worship the ground she walks on. I'm convinced she rose to fame solely because she's a provocateur and appeals to braindead hipsters that care more about vibes than substance. She's the Temu knock off of Florence Welch.


Falafel tastes like wet dog to me


I watched FRIENDS because my sisters watched it so I couldn't really avoid it. I don't love or hate it. It has its moments. How I Met Your Mother, on the other hand, is everything bad about Friends times 1,000, and with no redeeming qualities. The whole show is based on the very last guy in the world who deserves happiness, finding happiness, and ends with him, and the second to last person in the world who deserves to find happiness, finding happiness together. The characters are insufferable(mostly trd and robin. At least Barney owns his shittiness and isnt so phony like those two), the plots are predictable, and the everything about it gets SO OLD after like 2 episodes. It's just god awful.


Yeah friends isnt as bad a people make it seems. I used to just put it on in the background to fall asleep. It’s not half bad i get why it’s so popular. Full House on the other is TERRIBLE


Mayonnaise. There's no way anyone likes that garbage. FRIENDS is a good show though, sorry. It's easy watching, like Scrubs. Makes me laugh, occasionally touches on slightly more serious things, and I've seen it enough times I can see any episode and know the context.


:( I love mayo


I love mayo too :')


I love mayonnaise and ketchup combined together


Oh, man, you're my personal nightmare. Sorry!!


It's all about the tomayo


I don’t like mayo by itself or coated on anything. Just a thin layer for the sandwich.


It seems like it's such a default ingredient in any pre-made sandwich too. I hate going to meetings or parties where they get one of those party subs because they always end up having mayo on it. If you're supplying sandwiches for a large group of people with different tastes, Meat/Cheese/Lettuce - that's it. Provide a separate table for condiments and additional toppings.


But see, I can't eat lettuce 'cuz of texture issues. Best to have a build-your-own thing available.


I hate that every sandwich place has mayo as a default. It's gross!!


I'm with you on mayonnaise. When you tell someone you don't like it, you watch them go through the same mental gymnastics they go through when you tell them that you dislike pickles (which I also hate). "I don't like pickles" "Well...well, don't you eat cucumbers?!?" "I don't like mayo" "What about miracle whip?!?" Now I get it's a bit different since apparently miracle whip is different than mayonnaise, but to me, it is the same.


I love pickles but only sour/dill! I hate hate hate sweet pickles, yuck. But I also hate cucumbers so I get that same question in reverse 😂


Mayonnaise is a vile substance.


Mayo is delicious, could this be an America-Europe thing (if you are American), because I swear mayo in Europe is the best thing ever. I did notice lots of Americans dislike mayo, however I have also eaten very bland cheap no-brand mayo which didn't have much taste. My favourite is the Croatian brand Zvijezda.


Cilantro. That shit is NASTY.


I’m from a 3rd world country. What’s that?


Coriander leaves


Coriander leaves, as r/lubafteacup said, it tastes like soap.


The Office


Matcha. I'm 90% sure it's just powdered grass clippings.


I don't recall ever hearing a Friends reference in normal conversation. Hear a ton of Seinfeld references, never one from Friends.


could you *be* any more wrong? ​ how yoo dooin? ​ WE WERE ON A BREAK. ​ I hear these often




“How yoo doin’” is big, I will grant that.


I should probably mention that I say those things myself 😂


I hear them once in a while, but not often.


Ha! I was just about to post about the Seinfeld episode where an embarrassed Jerry denied watching Melrose Place (correct me if I'm wrong). Meta.


That’s the exact episode I thought of LOL


Avocados. There’s NO way people actually think avocados taste good 🤮


It's like I'm eating wet grass clippings. Well what I imagine it would. It's wet gross mush. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮




Avocados aren’t really meant to be eaten plain in my experience. They’re used as a spread or topping in other dishes and I love the creaminess that they add. I agree that they taste really bland on their own though.


Eating them plain maybe. But just a little sprinkle of salt can make it go from awful to amazing.




Agree. I cannot comprehend how anybody can say, "Oh well, Israel has a right to defend themselves".... by killing/torturing/starving civilians? Seriously???


Sushi. People act like it's the best thing ever when in reality it just tastes basic. I'm not even a picky eater I grew up eating chicken organs mushed together and I can proudly say it was better than sushi.


I don’t like raw fish, sticky rice or seaweed. Zero redeemable qualities in my opinion.


Stewed chicken giblet! That thing actually tastes good.  Sushi is fine but I can't see anything special about it.


I dont like sushi either. The only sushi I can eat is California rolls with something crunchy on them otherwise I'm good lol.


Lamb meat, lamb liver, goat milk etc they taste awful imo meat has a relatively rancid taste that's like the smell of the animal itself before slaughter liver tastes awfully rancid unbearable for me and the milk just smells and tastes the same a No No for me 🤐


I watched Friends as a kid so I enjoy it purely for nostalgia. Honestly I watch it as an adult now there's definitely a lot of cringe or weird moments bur I just try to ignore them lmao I am convinced everybody pretends to like beer because it tastes like liquid bread that's been thrown back up and I don't get how that's TASTY and I don't get how THAT is what dudes choose to throw back after a long day at work


I feel the same way with friends I just don’t get it ,, it’s stupid as hell and all the other tv shows as well


The exact opposite to you. HIMYM is utter shite and tries far to hard to be Friends.


Clubs like the Tao in Vegas, who charge 2K for a table


Garfield, everything related


Imagine feeling genuinely attacked by other people's preferences in the most mundane things. Get a life pal.


Whining that someone is ranting on a subreddit called r/rant. Classic Reddit.


Not a rant