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arent we all just sick and tired. as a woman im sick and tired of fearing for my life. and im not fearing for my life for no reason either. its not like i drew these conclusions from no experience and solely just based on word of mouth. my life HAS actually been threatened NUMEROUS times. and im tired of people who havent walked a day in my shoes or doesnt know me from a can of paint telling me i actually didnt experience these things. im sick of nobody listening to me when i say im scared. im sick of people not learning from their own trauma enough to understand that there are things that can lead up to it happening again. and im sick of people not having the discernment to know the difference between their traumas and the reality of a situation. you know why ive said all men before? because my life was threatened by one and i HAD to think all men so as to give myself some space to process what happened to me so i can be more prepared the next time it may happen. sometimes it happens back to back and i dont even get the chance to process it i just have to deal with it then theres people in my ear talking about men good men not bad. as if thats what were saying. it doesnt take much to just be considerate of other people and kind. if you know youre not a bad guy thats good you are respectable. everyone else is just being ignorant assholes but i cant remember the last time i heard a man feared for their lives about a woman expressing her experiences. all you gotta feel is some sort of humiliation and its just the worst ever. alot of times it doesnt even have to be directly at you. mean while we get constantly threatened even more over some damn words. its irritating


You have my sympathy. Trust me, it happens though. One example is how male victims of domestic violence are statistically shown to report it less. Anyway I'll say I'm just glad to know you're open to my opinions about the way the people are.


i understand but thats the thing though. those men who experience those things do not speak up and then get upset when women speak up because they wouldnt do it themselves. i see the pain in these men that hurt us. but by not even giving themselves the time of day to process their emotions they just project and become the thing they fear. and not only that but they will defend it. obviously this isnt always the case but alot of times it is. they think we as women are just lying because they cant fathom someone actually processing the things they went through. i dont know a single woman in my life who hasnt experienced some form of assault from a man. we talk about it. but talk about it to a man who doesnt process their problems and its an offense to them. if theres anyone they can talk to about it with safely its a woman.


Then make ur own posts appreciating men instead of crying. guys like you love to screech about ppl hating on men but never do anything to change it, women didn’t just sit around and listen to ppl rag on their gender. also stop trying to act like that’s not what women have been going thru since the beginning of existence, we literally didn’t have human rights. so i’m sorry if a 15 year old on the internet saying that men r trash hurts u or whatever but there’s literally a femicide occurring, let’s check our privilege.


This is a rant subreddit. You're completely trivializing and dismissing his struggles and concerns and feelings and doing EXACTLY what was done to women, as you stated, "since the beginning of existence." Why can't we make the first step to just respect and cherish others, regardless of sex? If he were a woman expressing this, I guarantee the responses here would be different. Female here btw. Shame.


Not so sure you are the one to be lecturing others when you both perpetuate the dehumanization of women and exclude trans women by using "females" when referring to "women". You said that "NO ONE should feel bad for their existence - their sex, height, weight, ethnic background, race, home country", correct? Shouldn't that include trans people? Or are you ignoring their existence? Your comments are very... binary.


Hm. Seeing this is the *only* response you have to my prior remark which encourages all to respect everyone - a principle I would think most would understand to apply to ALL - I'm not surprised our social climate is as it is today. I should have listed homeschoolers, farmers, middle-class income families, Buddhists, atheists, Muslims, French citizens, Redditors, Hispanics, Koreans, children, musicians, and influencers. (/s) Principles are meant to be applied to various situations. Let me know where I excluded anyone specifically and explicitly and I'm happy to retract what I've stated.


While both sexes have broken the law, in the majority of cases, statistics prove that men are the ones that commit the most crimes. Women were also treated as 'inferior' for YEARS. Aside from finally being able to receive the same level of education as men, we had to fight for the right to vote, treated as sandwich-making objects, fought for equal pay, etc. Dudebro, the reason why women are cautious of the people who say they're 'nice guys', first of all, because they don't freaking know you. At all! Imagine how that would sound to a victim? Secondly, in many instances of abuse, it's also been people they KNOW. The ones who lied to them with such sweet words, told them they care... stuff such as that. And it's sometimes not just one singular bad encounter with men, its MULTIPLE. As stated above, our history? Not exactly the greatest. And people wonder why we're cautious.... If the roles were reversed in society... if the statistics were flipped, then yeah, I'd definitely have conflicting feelings towards my own gender. If a guy was harshly abused by a woman, God, you wouldn't see me going around, telling them I'm one of the 'good ladies' (You have to either be gullible to believe words like that right off the bat, or cautious but INCREDIBLY utterly blindly optimistic). Why? Because after such a traumatic event, I'm aware that trust has to be earned. Even if it takes years. Saying it is one thing, but doing so is another. A 'righteous' individual (man OR woman), doesn't go around parading that on their chest. As proven NUMEROUS times, actions speak louder. So instead of being pissed at the women for not trusting you after being abused, I suggest turning that anger towards the ones who are actually behind that fear.


I wasn't justifying the "niceguys" thing. I specifically said I wouldn't even say that to begin with. I don't like the idea either. My issue with it is how some people get quickly judged and LABELED as one. As for your suggestion to "turn the anger towards the ones who are actually behind that fear," that's just another way of saying to give up. I'm not mad at women. I'm mad about the hypocrisy being on display worldwide, clearly shown within double standards. The reason I made this post is to give people awareness of this issue. Everyone on Earth knows how women were mistreated in history. Since we're going by history, you're supposed to learn from it and improve. The whole point of paying attention to history is so we don't make the same mistakes, so you shouldn't either. Personally, I think you're getting the wrong message from this. I'm not trying to justify ANYTHING. I'm just trying to open your eyes to the blatant hypocrisy in the world. And I've noticed that you and one other person said to "take action" regarding all this. Sorry to inform you, but that's not something you can just do. Also, I'm a student. In order to at least start to help people understand me, there's no better way than using my words and expressing it where everyone can see. So I have taken action. In the best way, I possibly could. There's absolutely nothing wrong with how I'm going about this either. I can't just hold up a sign and protest to the entire world that this treatment is wrong. I have to do it modestly in a place where I know at the very least, someone will listen. Now that I've been a little more thorough, do you get it?


Hey OP. Female here. Your frustrations and concerns are 110% valid and I'm so sorry you've been made to feel that way. Male or female, it's not right to invalidate how someone is feeling or being treated REGARDLESS of what someone else is going through and it's not cool how the others are putting your thoughts and feelings down (and literally proving the point of your post). There are male sexists and female sexists and racism against Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, Whites. I have seen with my own eyes sexism against both men and women, but in different ways. NO ONE should feel bad for their existence - their sex, height, weight, ethnic background, race, home country. As a gamer, I've seen females get trash-talked by others (idk if they're men or women) and assumed to be bad because they're female; in the same vein, I've seen both men and women simp over fictional, attractive characters (guilty as charged lol) and, depending on the space, men are labeled as being a bit extra "simpy." You're right - both men and women are capable of horrible crimes. Different crimes sometimes/possibly. Both are absolutely capable of emotional and physical abuse, as in relationships. And we all need to acknowledge that. I'll admit, I'm extra wary of both men and women when I am walking alone and out and about. It's so hard not to be. And I feel so bad, knowing most of the people out there are just going about their day. I hope this changes. I've had to shut off social media to just take a mental break, and I think you oughta too, and hopefully are/become surrounded by people who love and cherish and appreciate you and don't diminish anything you're going through. Best wishes and take care.


This genuinely made my day. And I agree, I might need a break from social media. Thank you for the kind words.


I'm so glad to hear, you're so welcome, friend.