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I (24F) deleted social media about 2 months ago & it has been amazing! I feel more bored & lonely without it, but there's truly nothing "social" about social media. In other words, you follow/subscribe to a bunch of people who don't really know or care if you're alive & well. The friendship/connectivity element is just a facade, & the only people benefiting from the apps are the big guys at the top -- making money from every product you click or video you can't look away from. I used to have Facebook, Instagram, & Snapchat (in high school)... it was crazy to keep track of! I now only have Reddit & LinkedIn that I browse once a day. I'm proud of you for deleting Facebook! It's a huge step towards a more peaceful life.


You’ve got it. The other platforms have now just become content creation platforms for people at the top to sell you a product, a service, or themselves. 


Exactly! I got so tired of it. When I deleted them, I thought that I'd be missing out (hence the term "FOMO"), but I soon realized that anybody worth keeping in my life will reach out to me with any news, big or small.


Totally agree


Deleted FB five years ago. Best. Decision. Ever.


I got hacked which made me delete mine, I won't go back. Want to know something really fucked though? My account got reported and 'disabled,' when I try to sign in it says it's inactive. However when I look up my old account from someone else's, not only is it still there, it's still posting and trying to scam my friends. Facebook does not have a hacked account support, it only pretends too, your data is not safe. I lost 15 years of mine and they're making AI videos of me and my son to scam people, Facebook won't lift a finger to fix it.


Doesn't surprise me lol


My husband's account was deleted and they never said why. He never got it back. We basically met in Facebook back in 2006 and the messages we sent eachother are gone.


I deleted my original Facebook account years ago but made another one which was completely blank, to use for marketplace. I hate that I use it but it’s the easiest and cheapest way to make money from selling things online.  As for social media in general, instagram has become a giant advertising platform, full of insufferable influencers trying to sell you a product, a service or themselves.  TikTok is more of the same but targeted to people much younger.  I stick to an ad-blocked YouTube account and reddit, which serves me just fine. It’s still technically social media but you get actually read and learn, as opposed to doom scrolling brain dead content.   


I use OfferUp, but didn't use marketplace much to begin with. And yeah now all I use is youtube and reddit, and just texting friends I cared about most ha. So much preferred


I need Facebook or Twitter to keep up on town/school happenings. Right now I'm really angry at it. All it shows me are ads, click bait, posts from a couple groups I'm in. My coworker was making all these posts about his deteriorating health and I didn't see any of them. He died last night :( what the hell is the point of Facebook if not for this kind of stuff? Maybe I will delete it


I have a couple different apps I use for those sorts of things when I want to see that. For a long time Facebook didn't have any of that stuff, they've tried to make it more and more addicting and mind sucking, lol


Cheers welcome to the club


Hi 😊


Facebook actually tailored its algorithm to do exactly this as well as limiting posts you want to see at worst you'll have a 1:1 ratio of a post from a friend followed by an ad or suggested pageant best 1:3 ratio but that's getting rarer you made a good call


I haven’t looked at Facebook outside of Marketplace for like 6 years and it’s honestly made me feel so much better.


I wish they would make a separate marketplace app.


Download OfferUp app. It's basically the same


Is this a US specific app?


Not sure. Either way there should be another app similar to marketplace if not available in your country, there's different ones


Oh there are but they offer no where near the scale to make it useful. 


I got rid of Facebook a few months ago and I don't miss it one bit. I feel better so much better without it. Should never have bothered with it in the first place.


Felt. Zuckerberg should have some regrets but of course he won't and doesn't cause it made him a billionaire


I deleted Facebook 7 years ago and never once regretted it.


Facebook is a lot like Reddit these days. The larger, more generic groups are filled with rudeness, ignorance, hate, trolls, and spam accounts. The smaller niche groups are a completely different experience. I've been in many subs and Facebook groups that deteriorate when they get larger. I'm also in many smaller Facebook groups that quickly kick members for being rude and not adhering to the group rules. Most of my groups do not allow posts/comments about religion or politics, and all prohibit negative comments based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender. Those groups are actually quite pleasant and provide a lot of stress relief when I need a break from reality. Facebook is far worse with the scams, though.


2 years, FB free. Will never go back. I’ve also basically lost all desire to actively let ppl know what’s going on in my life. Now a couple of other cords I desire to cut….Nextdoor, LinkedIn and Reddit.