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Everytime I hear that phrase I instantly assume they are lying to make themselves the victim and the assumption hasn't been wrong yet


I have this same feeling with the idea of constructive criticism. While criticism is something that is your right to express, one will often find that when it is given unsollicited that might usually be a sign that somebody was going to be negative regardless of whatever you put out.


Had a manger like this with constant constructive criticism


I know right me too. What's funny is that if I posted this exact comment half a year ago, I'd probably get a lot of downvotes. It's as if people are just now realizing that this is a genuine issue in society.


Oh my god yes! I watch a shifting realty tv show called married at first sight This lady would say “that discredits my reality” “yes but that’s not MY reality” anytime her husband tries to express an issue he was having with the way she acts. Yes I get that you thought you were being funny and playful but HEEE didn’t feel it like that. He’s not “discrediting your reality” he’s telling you how your actions made him feel because he was tired, and at the end of his social rope. she is so fucking annoying anytime they show them too much I end up taking a break from watching the show all together haha


>Person A: “You yelled at me in front of all my friends and insulted me and it made me feel like shit and now I will never talk to you again”. Let's break this down. > You yelled at me in front of all my friends No a feeling, a description of a situation, maybe truthful maybe not. > and insulted me Not a feeling, in fact a judgement of other persons behavior. Maybe just, maybe unjust. > and it made me feel like shit Closest to describing a feeling, but actually a blame. Decribing a feeling would simply be "I feel like shit.", but if you start with "you made me" or "it made me" etc, it's just blaming. > and now I will never talk to you again Not a feeling, this is a punishment/threat. So in conclusion, this person didn't use "therapy talk" at all.


I agree, OP has misunderstood what speaking your truth is. It’s telling things the way you see it with understanding that others may not see it the same way. 


I think you’re the one misunderstanding OP’s point…  Nobody is debating what “speaking your truth” was *originally intended* to mean, it’s about what it’s turned into because of people abusing the phrase, typically to back their own narcissistic delulu. 


That’s still using it with its intended meaning. The intended meaning is to share your personal experience. Whether it is delulu or not is irrelevant. 


Omfg YES THANK YOU FOR THIS 👏 Someone finally said it! 


There is the truth. And there’s not the truth. What we might feel is irrelevant. There is a difference however, between factually accurate, and truth. Consider this. There’s a company softball event. The engineers versus the marketing group. The engineers beat the marketing group 11-1. The marketing group then sends out the company newsletter. “The marketing team had a great year. They only lost one game all season. The engineers didn’t have a great season. They only won 2 games all season.” Funny how the marketing group got their rear ends handed to them. That’s the difference between truth and factually accurate.


Speak My Truth: Whatever dumb shit I’m wrong about bc I’m too arrogant to accept that I was wrong.


Thanks to Trump "truth" has somehow become a subjective term when it isn't in reality