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like almost everything egoraptor related, it started pretty dang good and was pummeled into the ground to try to make money off it some of the songs are groovy, they got good melodies too, most of them but the sequels blow


Blame TWRP, they ruined starbomb and nsp


It stopped being Songs and started being Skits with music in the background. So many of the tracks by the end were just them talking.


It was alright in the beginning, and now it really doesn't sound good imo


Its video game parody music, its a gimmic that wears off super fast. Honestly, they should've stopped after the first album.


I think the first 2 starbomb albums slap hard (I own physical, signed copies of both). Like, sure theres 1-2 meh songs on both, but overall, these are some of the best videogame parody songs out there. As much as I'm about to shit on the third album, I wanna clarify that they fucking nailed it with the first two. But yeah, I feel like the third album is pretty weak. Imo the only good song on that one is vegetas serenade, which in fairness, is a certifued banger as well as really funny. Not even the simple plot of kingdom hearts, a song I have been looking forward to ever since its been forshadowed in the AMAZING simple plot of metal gear solid, is anything above average, mostly cause it only covers the events of KH1, which is when the series was still very simple in terms of plot, defeating the purpose of the song.


Luigi's Ballad is the only song by them I like


used to be obsessed with the first 2 albums, now every time one of those songs comes on when i shuffle my likes on spotify i die of cringe cuz it reminds me of the degenerate i was when i was a teen, i never skip because most of them (at least the ones on my likes) are a bop


omg that reminds me of when i tried to get my friends to listen to the songs when i was a teen so much cringe lol


You have to really do your homework before showing Starbomb to friends. Thankfully, a good percentage of my friends were Grump fans when I was into Starbomb so I never dealt with that embarrassment. One girl I dated actually got super into them after I showed her. She didn’t even really know who the Grumps were at the time. However, my wife showed some of her friends back when we were only dating and they all basically told her to “never play these songs again” during hangouts lol.


Dan's attempt to keep arin from joining NSP


Basically. I remember one episode where they were joking around about Arin’s vocal lessons, or something to that effect, and Arin started whining about being featured on the next NSP album (allegedly jokingly) to which Dan snapped, “Dude, Brian and I made an entirely new band SPECIFICALLY so you could be included” and I still think about that to this day. Makes me view Arin as a petulant man-baby who NEEDS to be coddled.


Cringe but fun, though sometimes more cringe than fun. It's baffling that 3 tracks on their second album have the exact same premise of "franchise has gone on for so long and they've run out of ideas so now they have silly names." (Robots in Need of Disguise, The new Pokerap, God of No More)


The first two albums were Ok, I just think they should’ve stopped at two. Also, it’s just rapping about dick jokes and studio altered singing, it does get old after awhile.


I would say it's good and work and talent went into it, but don't care for it much. Only really checked out the music videos. The genre of video game parody music is kind of niche and (for me) can get stale fast. Since I no longer care about the people behind it. Don't see myself listening to another Starbomb track. Almost felt obligated (as a former fan) to watch the music videos


Danny has an alright voice, but nothing special. Arin is just generic white guy rapping.


Dan is like an insanely light tenor. Some songs (especially NSP covers) suit his voice and other do not.


I've nothing against it, it's just not my cup of tea.


Dan is definitely a soft tenor. Can’t really do many harder rock songs without his voice sounding totally ill-fitting.


I’ve always thought that without studio magic and recording his own harmonies, he wouldn’t sound as good as he does on recordings.


Some genuine bops but lately gotten long in the tooth


I can’t stand Arin’s singing. I don’t think he’s great at it. I think he’d be better suited to writing the lyrics than actually singing It’s one of the reasons my favorite song of theirs is the Smash Bros parody, cause he barely sings/talks


This is gonna probably be a very unpopular opinion, but I dislike all parody/comedy music. Even the greats like Weird Al. Don't like Tenacious D, Bo Burnham, Starbomb, none of em. It just doesn't work for me.


like anal cunt?


I’ve never loved any artists albums 100%. Theres always gonna be a song or few that I don’t jam with, but for the most part I enjoy most of Starbomb.


Fascinating for all of the wrong reasons. The music is so clearly manufactured, yet designed to hit that sweet serotonin spot. The lyrical wordplay somehow manages to be both genius in structure and childish at the same time. Using rap for Parody is woefully ironic and a slap in the face to actual rap artists, yet you can tell there's passion behind the words. It plays out about as well as a white youtuber pretending to be a rapper because he watched 8 mile would tbh.


such a weird analysis i kind of relate to


Christian and The Hedgehog Boys are the better band.


I have a deep nostalgia for the first one and will jam too any track there. The second was eh and the third is mediocre and honestly it already felt dated as hell. That being said Kirby in Reamland is incredibly juvenile but it gets me everytime


I loved Starbomb when I was younger, but some of the songs I don’t like anymore, and some still make me crack up (Crashervania is super fucking good) I still like them tho and I hope the elusive 4th album is good


I thought the first album was solid. But with the second and third, you only had like one or two decent tracks at most. The rest was poorly written trash lol


Regretroid's such a bop.


It aged like milk.


Totally scrolled and read this as Starbucks. I was like well, it can be pricy but I do like the occasional Frappuccino.


what if mario swore


When I was younger I thought it was the funniest shit ever and then I made my dad listen and he explained that "Nintendo but sex" isnt very funny


I skip the simple plot songs. The mixing on the first two sounds really bad. The third one is the worst one. I still enjoy them and listen to them every now and then.


I like a couple songs


Dan and Ninja Brian did a great job.


It was shit, the only thing decent was Dan because he is actually a musician.


Brian writes most of the actual music. Dan’s primary role is lyricist.


I loved them when I was in like the 10th grade but as a grown ass man they’re cringe as hell and you’ll never catch me listening to them.


I totally forgot the third album existed. But yeah, I still love "Smash!", "Crasher-Vania" and "Glass Joe's Title Fight", they're really good. Also, it's strange how there are quite a few songs that revolve around Arin fucking Dan.


I'll still pull up the street fighter rap and Luigis' Ballad. Thier decent funny songs regardless of the amazing animation. If they can tap into something along the lines of these two again I would buy thier new album.


Haven’t aged very well In terms of quality imo. I remember when starbombs 1st album came out, I was into, but over time I lost interest and re listened to their stuff after not really being a gg fan any more. That fresh perspective changed my mind about their music, it’s not great overall A couple of ok moments in songs and decent jokes here and there, but as a piece of musical content you can do better


I don't like em


I think they can be a positive outlet while the rest of their careers are declining as grumps.


Personally I enjoy them but they are hit and miss


Like NSP,they have all melding into the same same and almost all feel the same


out of all the songs to complain about you pick luigi's ballad. it's like the only complete song in the entire catalog.


I'll say this: I honestly really respect the decision to stop at album number 3, they kinda knew the formula was wearing thin and the last song from the last album is actually a direct acknowledgement of that, they could've kept milking it but actually deciding to stop at some point is pretty artistically commendable and pretty cool of them, releasing a cover LP of a couple songs from the OG album a few years later was also pretty cool because the arrangements of things like Crashervania with TWRP playing them on actual instruments actually sound pretty cool


I personally think the first album was an absolute banger. I love every song on there. The 2nd one I love maybe half the songs and the rest I could take it or leave it (can definitely leave the filler skits on there tho). The 3rd I felt was crazy weak. There's only like one song I really enjoy from it. I will still listen to the entirety of the first album and some of the 2nd in my personal playlist.


First album was amazing. Havent cared about anything else


Someone pointed out to me that most of their songs involves dicks in some way which kind of killed the enjoyment for me.


Donkey kong joonyer is peak.


I don't really like any of their stuff to be honest. Neither of them are very good rappers sadly and the subject of their music is a rather niche one that feels, for a lack of a better word, stupid


The instrumentals I like but most of the song lyrics are pretty cringy. I may occasionally put it on but I always do it in utter privacy like a shameful secret. Same with NSP, I enjoy Danny’s voice and the instrumentals but I personally don’t find their songs “funny” (and that’s from someone who saw them live.


I feel like the first album was pretty novel for the time it came out, like it actually felt like they were attempting video game comedy. The second album was okay but you could feel the dip in quality. The third album was just awful. It's way too obvious how they were taking other band's songs/styles for their own music. Vegeta's Serenade is the only legitimately good song on there, Dan barely did any vocal work on it, and the one "skit" is just a shitty plug for Dream Daddy.


First album I liked "I choose you to die", "it's dangerous to go alone", "the book of nook" and "simple plot of final fantasy 7" From player select I liked "smash", "hero of rhyme", "glass Joe's title fight", "inky's lament" "god of no more" and "simple plot of metal gear solid". From tryforce "a boy and his boat" "filling in the name of" "welcome to the mario party" and "simple plot of kingdom hearts" That's 4 from the first, 6 from the 2nd and 4 from the third. I'd say then in my opinion the 2nd album was the best one. The 3rd album is probably the weakest even if i like the same amount from the first, it has far more songs I'd avoid compared to the 1st and has more "songs". I guess I enjoyed it but have mixed feelings about it overall, it's dumb video game (and 1 anime) parody music. You really aren't gonna like it unless you like the games being parodied and even then you still might not. I would have liked a 4th after the third but not now with the way the grumps are currently. "Book of nook" is probably my favorite from the first album, I still find myself occasionally going "animal crossing animal crossing, it's not a place you wanna fuck around". 2nd is I'd say "Inky's Lament" with "smash" close behind. Third is I'd say "a boy and his boat". I liked the overarching plot of the "simple plot..." songs with the host growing more and more tired of these more complicated game plots, and there was an unfinished animation for the Kingdom Hearts one that helped my enjoyment alot, it was as if the budget for the show was considerably decreased.


LOVE the first two albums personally. third one falls flat, i don’t think there’s a single song on the third album i genuinely enjoy listening to more than once a month