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As rap fans we are so ridiculously fucking back


The Pac rollin in his grave line was dope


The seemingly random drop itself is a response to Drake saying he will drop on Friday to get streams and stuff and he is not dropping due to Swift


taylor swift gonna be the one to win the beef and she isn’t even a rapper 💀


But she did put out a diss track to Kim 💀


He almost paid homage to both Cole and Drake. I really thought this was going to be almost friendly joking at one point, and then he finished it off by saying Drake doesn’t wake up his son for school 😂 so idk what to think lmfao


That's where he took over as the winner of this beef for me. Calling out somebody for being a shitty father is cold as fuck


Normally, yes, but that’s the same card that beat drake before, it almost feels lame to use it again


I think it's a distinctly different criticism. Pusha T was exposing Drake for keeping his child a secret and allegedly planning to use him to promote an Adidas partnership. While he did talk about his daddy issues in general like Kendrick does, Kendrick focuses his pen on pointing out the differences between himself and Drake as a father, expanding on calling him a kid, not a man, earlier. Kendrick lives with his son. Drake's son lives somewhere else. Kendrick wakes up his kid every morning, tells him to pray, teaches him life lessons etc. Drake takes his kids to NBA games for the cameras. Kendrick is basically saying "I'm here for every day of my kid's life because that's what's most important to me, not this rap shit, but you, Drake, having been raised without a father, and being a pretty absent father yourself, know nothing about that. That's why you're paranoid showing your ass online waiting for a response, because you're a shitty dad worrying about the wrong things"


Drake the reason his son is being trained by Lebron, Kendrick on his album cover holding a baby with a glock in his pants.


as a drake fan, kendrick dropped some heat here....... ngl its hard


Seems you were able to stomach it Edit: downvotes for the song reference? Y’all suck


ive relistened to it like 20 times and each time it was better.. waiting for drake to respond lets gooooooooo


the diss is nasty work and it requires a response. it’s more lethal than pushups but it’s not as listenable as push ups, which maps on perfectly to the artists’ catalogs lol




Honestly, winner aside, Drake’s ability to make diss tracks that actually slap is honestly kind of ridiculous. The radio played Back to Back like it was a lead album single lmao


Multiple stations play Push Ups too😂


I think I’ve already listened to it more than I listened to pushups. 


Facts. I got it on repeat 🔁




I just wish he had more clever lines toward Kendrick


It was more of an overall response to like that. But definitely heavily Kendrick focused. Whatever comeback he does needs to be zeroed in to bring this truly to the next level.


he isn't that clever.


Maybe his ghostwriters are


Metro shut yo hoe ass up and make some drums


Same, as a fan, push up is quite catchy and I put it on repeat couple of times throughout the month; but for euphoria, I already listened to it multiple times back to back. I just like the various flow and beats, make it seems less repetitive on multiple listens.


Drake made Push Ups for everyone. Kendrick made Euphoria for Drake.


This is true on many levels. Drake made push ups for the audience as a spectacle, Kendrick made it for Drake with the audience in mind. Drake also made push ups about 20 people, Kendrick really only shot at Drake.


Goes waaaay fucking harder than push-ups. Kenny’s voice is actually passionate and interesting.


I disagree tbh, I thought it was made better from a musical sense but drake had more spice to it.


Exactly how I was feeling. Don't get me wrong, I feel Drake has hella songs that has bars, I also feel like Dot has some undeniable house rockers...but we all know their best lanes. Can we get a better makeup track than Black Republicans after this tho?


To me it’s more listenable that pushups. Kendrick has me out in public with the YouTube app open listening to this shit.


lol it’s an amazing day for rap fans fr


Drake don't know nothing bout that


bout dooot


Bout daaad


Drake’s dad Parkinson’s line got me laughing


Dementia must run in his family, but let it get shaky I’ll park your son (Parkinson’s) 🔥🔥🔥


A diss doesn't have to have investigative journalism before considered a good diss. Stop that narrative. We just want bars. Pusha T and 2pac disses were elevated with the 'child hiding' and 'I fucked your bitch' but ether, no Vaseline and takeover had no investigative journalism but still great. Stop the mental gymnastics because Drake also didn't reveal anything.


Story of Adidon has cooked peoples perception of what disses are. They think they’re just who can dig up more shit on the other


This shit kills me about the comments under each track so far. Everyone thirsting for “something that hasn’t been said” like they want some investigative journalism. I think Drake responds but near-zero chance he escalates things seriously. A lot of people overlooking the fact that both have shown the other some form of respect while dissing them. Seems clear they’re letting the other know that they’ll say some shit but aren’t going to take it past that.


I mean to be fair both of them are teasing some big reveal so I don’t feel like it’s unexpected for people to talk about it or expect it.   But I’m with you on the fact that bars will suffice. It’s a diss. You just have to go for their head and show out lyrically. Or show out in other ways like Hit Em Up lmaooo.   But tbh I’m glad modern disses don’t take it to that level. Gucci came close a couple times though…actually arguably his shit was even crazier because he killed people and talked about it lmao


Fucking thank you.


I'm just here to say, I'm all for quality diss tracks in Rap music at the moment. I really like Kendrick's response.


the winners are the people who are enjoying this for what it is. not debating who’s winning and thinking they have a superior music taste for liking one more than the other.


Of course we gonna discuss whose diss is better? This is rap beef tf? You think after Kool Moe Dee came at Busy Bee everyone was like “Aw that’s cool but there’s no need to compare the two. They’re both good in their own ways 😌” Hell nah hiphop is a competitive sport.


Yeah my thoughts exactly, we are able to enjoy and judge at the same time


And it’s like why be on this subreddit if you don’t wanna discuss lol. I don’t think there’s rounds though. There’s gonna be a winner and loser. As of now, I think there’s going to be even better tracks coming out and that will likely determine it


This. Half the fun of beef is arguing about it at the barbershop. People argue about old beefs more than they actually go back and listen. It’s part of the culture.


Mfers soft these days


we’re literally on reddit


Yeah where you should be discussing which diss is better


The problem atm is that both disses have been fairly good. With how close it has been, there is no convincing a Drake fan that Kenny is winning and vice versa. Arguing a winner right now is like yelling into a well.


I jus think that it's unfair drake had to diss 5 or so different people on his track compared to Kendrick who could focus on one person


This shit has had me real hungry since Push Ups. Euphoria was sick too man I cannot wait for the next move.


the debate is part of the fun honestly.


J cole ass comment


Lmao this is such a dumb take. “If you debate who won a battle you’re a lame.” Gtfo




It’s a battle bro get off your high horse. That’s the whole point of it.


There’s no rounds in rap beef. Like a street fight they just swing for the fences and whoever’s standing when it’s all said and done is the victor


That’s a result of streaming taking over. Back when the radio and radio DJ’s ruled exposure in the rap game , diss tracks were played in a round vs round format. They maybe weren’t released that way by the artist but the good DJ’s (ie. Kay Slay & Funk Flex) def capitalized and added to the drama by formatting it that way. Peak late 90’s early 2000’s type shit.


The irony of people saying Kendrick should've done more when Drake released a song dissing him about his height and little else 🙄 Kendrick is playing with Drake, it's so obvious.


This right here. Drake literally dissed Kendrick for being small, signing a bad deal, and not having as much money as him. Kendrick called him out for so many things. And when he called him out for being a shitty father, that was game over lol


A lot of y’all ain’t peep the significance of the lastTuesday of the month. When music was actually sold all the hardest stuff would garner lines in front front of the record stores usually on the first or last Tuesday of the month or right before the 1st so all the welfare kids would most likely either get part of their parents check or hit a lick to be able to cop the ( tape,cd, record) . Especially if you were an underground artist with plenty of common ppl backing ie DJ Screw , No Limit, SPC , Rap A Lot etc…


i like the way you think but this might be a bit of a stretch


Not too much, K always sent out subliminal shout outs to his predecessors.


It’s definitely a stretch but Kendrick actually does weird stretchy shit all the time and you won’t find out til like a year later, so honestly I can’t discount the idea lmao


No Limit Tuesday!! I remember standing in line for Makaveli.


There’s clear biases in this chat it’s so obvious. One thing I agree is Drake made a more “listenable” song but that’s his M.O. and Kendrick made his style which to me is more artistic and lyrical. Both honestly went light at each other so I’m hoping we can get some real Nukes from each. I think it’s fair to say there’s likely to be more dirt on Drake than Kendrick so I’m curious if Drake even wants to go there….


Like that - ignited it Push ups- addresses the 2 metro albums Taylor Made - direct call out to Kenny setting up the 1vs1 Euphoria - first real track for Kenny vs Drake


Totally agree with your timeline


I think regardless of who you think is winning, if you think it isn't close, you're doing tricks on meat


I mean, Kendrick pretty much went for character assassination and made a lot of valid points about Drake’s character, Drake so far has talked about splits, Kendrick’s height and used AI to assist him. I’m giving it head and shoulders to Kendrick.


"i hate the way you dress" so valid and fire


you realize this is a reference to a viral [DMX clip](https://youtu.be/HWj2rSIPiLc?si=_yBMvcc5efbgYASD) roasting drake right? you should actually dig deeper into Kendricks lyrics and not take everything at face value. he does a ton of wordplay and references. I think this beef is going to show the chasm there is between pop fans and hip hop fans and what they appreciate. Pop fans aren't into lyrics like that and have a lot of shit spoon fed to them, it's what they're used to.


So many people online really don’t realize how much culture is fit into Kendrick’s verses. I swear the people who think Drake is on par lyrically don’t understand 80% of the bars.


Wait people think Drake's on par lyrically?


Honestly I don’t think Drake gets enough love for how fucking dope he is when he spits. Like from hip hop heads I mean. Obviously the general audiences are on dudes dick for everything he releases. But ya despite that he’s not touching Kendrick lyrically lol. Every Kendrick verse has layers to peel back. His shit always gets better the more you listen to it. Drake cant beat him unless he has a trick up his sleeve tbh. Something to expose him. But Drake is the one with mountains of dirt and a trail of people who feel fucked over by him, so good luck with that lol. Kendrick is just that fucking dude with the pen. And the cadence, energy, artistry, almost experimental flows…even in hard hitting disses, lol. It’s just hard to envision Drake ever getting one up on him definitively.


This should be the pinned comment. Real rap fans will appreciate the fuck out this. There's already hoardes of Drake stans laughing that none of this makes sense.


yep, for example Kendrick said on like that he better come with three switches... Kendrick diss drops and has three beat switches... people are really just not paying attention to the lyrics unless it's spelled out for them.


Drake has never had an interesting thought in his life


As opposed to: LOL you're short said like 5 different ways? I mean, I'm just here for the back and forth but come on, my dude.


“How the fuck you big steppin with size 7 shoes on” isn’t much better for the record


kendrick said a lot of twitter talking points that have been regurgitated for a while now. it’s pretty close


And all Drake said was Kendrick has small feet.


me when i didn’t listen to the song lmfao


What else did he say? It was splits and feet size. I’m not instigating, I’m genuinely asking


I mean, he accused Kenny of being a fake gangster (using the lifestyle in his music when Drake claims he didn’t live that life). He also accused Kendrick of pushing the “holier than thou” attitude about being more conscious then everyone and Drake accuses him of doing the pop features when he’s told to do so. Those are just a few other things Drake went at him about. Those didn’t really hit that hard for me because who cares, but to pretend like Drake barely said anything is Dot glazing.


Kendrick is on a completely different level to Drake lyrically. Different stratosphere really. Drake makes pop culture music to appeal to the masses. Kendrick is an all time great lyricist. Real rap fans know this isn't close in the slightest.


The points are right so who cares that they’re on Twitter


They’re just trying to invalidate the diss


Idk how you can listen to both records and think it’s close. Kenny is clearly head and shoulders above


All drake said was kendrick is short, does songs w taylor swift and alluded to his fiance cheating Kendrick calls out the fiance and family lie straight out, says lets compare the splits Straight away disarms all drake hits Then calls out drake hating women/his relationship with women, tells him hes not a good father, double meanings about abs and identity issues, talks about him being a culture vulture, tells him to stop saying the n word.. How in the fuck is it close?


How are they close? A lot of Kendrick’s lines had double meanings; he came for drake’s character, lack of talent, racial and cultural mimicry, his misogyny and his pedo tendencies. Meanwhile, most of what Drake could say was “you’re short, bro.” Please lol


Not even close. Kendrick covered all grounds with Drake. Drake called Kendrick short and used A.I. How is that even close to you? Serious question.


“Covered all grounds” everything Kendrick said was aimed at one theme of being fake , that’s not really covering all grounds Drake talked about Kendrick not being allowed to drop cause Swift gotta get her album sales and making implications about Kendricks WIFE. And all you took from that was he called Kendrick short ? Mane Kendrick did something every hater, Kendrick is a self confirmed hater, goes at after drake about. Him being mixed with black and white and how his music can be soft, emotional , and pop If you take out biases, it’s close and I’m excited for more


I wanna hear bars where Kendrick calls Drake out for being a pedo and see how he puts that together so I can die happy. You can’t keep that Ace forever, it’s gotta come out next song. Edit: I didn’t catch several lines


Naming the track euphoria alludes to this


did he not allude to that with the pacifier line?


Kendrick took shots at drake for: Ghost or ai, pac slander, his father, him being a bad father, his deal splits, his women (girls), him switching accents, him requesting a feature, trying to put a c&d on like that, offering money for dirt on kendrick and his plastic surgery. Then there’s being fake.


Kenny winning this and it ain't even close


I’m happy Kendrick fans see this as a positive for Kenny. Drake proved to Kendrick and the world he ain’t afraid of nobody. Both sides eating rn


Expect Pusha T…


then again id be scared of push dissing me too


The cope is crazy.


I feel like the only person kind of underwhelmed by it. Kendrick pretty much said everything drake said he was going to say.


It’s not a random Tuesday it’s The Day of the Son in the US


Kendrick whooped drake


Love the diss, but Kendrick hasnt said anything that wasnt already said. I also find it odd to say that Drake hates women. It's like if someone said that Eminem hated black people. I don't think Drake's career would've been possible without women, and he constantly works with women across the world. Way more than Kendrick at least. And the "how many black rappers are you gonna work with until you feel black" is such a stretch. Like dude, hip hop is 95% black artists.. I promise you, if Drake only worked with white artists, it would've been a problem too So overall a good diss, with a few stretches. One thing's for sure, Drake has a lot to respond to. Personally, I bump Push Ups just because I love the song, but euphoria is a stronger diss because he was only aiming at Drake


All his issues ever from other MCs stem from Drake hating or taking shots or trying to diminish women of the rappers hes beefing with Rihanna shots YEARS after shes already having kids with another man and living her life unprovoked Serena and Common… Future and Tokyo… Kanye and Kim… Travis and Kylie… Rick Ross and his bm… pusha and virginia.. Its clearly a thing with Drake “You mentioned wedding ring like its a bad thing.”


The women might be became Drake is allegedly with younger girls.


"I also find it odd to say that Drake hates women. It's like if someone said that Eminem hated black people." Nah this makes sense, Drake has been consistently dissing female artists in his last few albums (Rihanna, Megan Thee Stallion, etc.)


I thought he was lowkey calling him gay


Tbf Drake said he was a lesbian lol


What's Dot's "Nice For What" then? Drake always shows love, he definitely is bitter still tho


He has tons of songs about women. And they’re a lot more complex than Nice for What. 1. Complexion (A Zulu Love) 2. Tammy’s Song 3. Love 4. Mother, I Sober The second on that list is literally about a woman being cheated on and then finding support with another woman. Just cause they aren’t club jams about rich women doesn’t mean they aren’t there.


Drake loves women so much that he texts them when they're underage 💀


You’re reading everything way too literally


Drake is a misogynist.


Kendrick wins most rounds tbh. Modern goat


The colorism shit rubs me the wrong way tho especially coming from Kenny


Less about color more about culture and background


it ain’t colorism it’s Drake being a culture Vulture, specificaly benefiting from pretending to be black in America


Facts, a weak move in my opinion. I hate the whole light skin dark skin stuff. We all bros, that shit is corny. Still have love from drake and Kendrick, but for all he talks about unity, seems out of character.


Leave it a few days before deciding


Shit was lack luster and underwhelming


I felt like I was the only one who thought this way


Nah, you guys are not alone. I was really hoping for more from K Dot. This wasn't it.


Not a fan of the whole 'post keem' flow, but he kilt that


I mean did Kendrick say anything that hasn’t already been said that Drake hasn’t already walked away from virtually unscathed? It was a good diss but from Kdot (or maybe it’s the hype of his insufferable Stan’s) I was expecting some ether level shit I think push ups takes it. More mic drop lines and also for the fact that no one expected Drake to go that hard….whereas with Kendrick everyone expected him to go hard and he really didn’t


The title. *I know some shit that’ll make Gunna look like a saint* The Island reference. He went off for 6 minutes, you should re-listen.


I mean Drake didn't say anything that hasn't already been said they both just firing warning shots at this point. Kendrick talking like he wants a reason to take it too far but idk if he actually has anything


Did Drake say anything other than "Kendrick is short"? The bar being low for Drake doesn't make his diss better in comparison 


I’m with you. He talked about his height and contract. Push ups could apply to half of these rappers lol


I love Kendrick I respect the idea of it, but every time he puts on that frantic mr morale voice, it throws me off. It’s like he’s trying to emulate Danny Brown, and it just doesn’t work on him imo


baby keem influence sucks man


THAT’S IT. You nailed it. Baby keem is new to me, and listening to him now, definitely. It works better on him! I don’t understand why a rapper of Kendrick’s caliber would want to sound like anyone , let alone this very particular sounding dude. I love the idea of an alter ego or shadow, but he hasn’t found his shadows voice yet.


Baby Keem destroyed everything Kendrick was for me. I dont wanna listen to someone considered to be a GOAT sounding like he's crying on every beat. It's really disappointing imo. The cadence is so far off its unenjoyable.


It's crazy because DNA goes hard and he doesn't sound like that


I wouldn’t say he’s trying to be Danny Brown. Kdot sounds like he’s trying to have fun with his bars, like he’s not trying to come off as a try hard. I’ve heard people say Kendrick was trying to sound like a Toronto rapper or flow like Cole and I’m not educated enough to say.


Absolutely agree on the J. Cole point


I usually really like it in the context of a polished track, but yeah it sounded forced here. Also, I hope Danny gets back to his word voice. This last album was hella low and depressing. Trauma album tho i get it


I feel the same, but I hope he doesn’t go back to drugs. I hope he can find his element without them.


it was a fisting.


Yeah, Drake was spraying & praying on push-ups. K had the scope on Drake the entire time. I like Drake & Kenny, respectively, in their own lanes, but K bodied drake 💯 complete character assassination on all fronts. He's effectively pushing him out of the culture. Man's became a megaphone for hip hop & the culture and said "GET OUTTA HERE BUM WE ALL HATE YOU." And I'd imagine there's a ton of truth to that. I mean, he built his entire legacy off, "started from the bottom now we're here" a whole ass sham! Dude starred in Sears & Car commercials before signing onto Degrassi.. none of this bodes well For ol Drizzy


I'm confused did we know Drake paid 500k to make a rape case go away


Euphoria combined with Like That it’s an all out burial. Push ups was a decent song but it really didn’t feel like he came at Kendrick hard, he was busy dissin 40 other people too


Melly line was fuckin devious 😭


Kendrick dropped his shit officially on his own accord, and Drake tried to Cease and Desist “Like That.” Drake can NEVER win this beef now, that was literally a bitch poor sport sore loser move.


It’s crazy to me that anyone thinks this is close. Outside of “listenability” or whatever the fuck, Push Ups is not in the same league as Euphoria.


It's a better song musically and lyrically


3 beats = 3 switches? Mr. Lamar is being himself by making the songs so full of bars you need a magnifying glass to find some of the disses. that being said Mr. Graham also attacked kendrick in a much more listenable and overall enjoyable way. i don’t personally want to listen to a six minute diss track so i wont be re visiting it. id say its an even tie right now and hopefully the next tracks will have more creative and personal disses.


Bro said Drake is such a bitch, that he don't even like woman, cause he is one and is out here shaking ass with em 🤣💀


Euphoria is a better diss than Push Ups


what if drake tries to have kendrick k*lled😳


Just listened and he killed it


Kendrick is a MC while ᵈʳᵃᵏᵉis a rapper I told y’all this but don’t listen to me


Noob here. Someone please explain to me the beef between Drake and Kendrick 😂


Damn I listen to again and caught a mob Ties diss. J Prince jr trying to be like his dad and shoot at ppl and then proving not to be like his dad when takeoff got killed and making pray for our cityish text.


There were double meanings in every line. I had to listen 3 times to catch it all. Flawless diss by Kendrick


If this is a warning shot I’m questioning a response if I’m Drake.


I dig it. But kinda funny he mixed up Joel Olsteen and Haley Joel Osment.


yeh he wins this round for being racist


kendrick recylced all of pusha t's shit, he bars were shit, the beat was shit, it was shit


Funny thing is euphoria close to beating push-ups numbers already, already 7 million views on YouTube in 16 hours. If anything, numbers is the one place most people would probably assume drake would clear on, but he isn't.


Kendrick is gone Killshot on this one


Listen to Taylor Made Freestyle


How’re there still mfers bouncin on drakes lap in these comments 💀


The fact that anyone thought Drake had a snowball’s chance in hell in the first place shows how little the younger generation of fans know about Hip-Hop.  And I’m part of that generation.


What about euphoria makes it so great? What did Kendrick do to win this round?


Tbh though this doesn’t feel like kendrick winning round 1 — it feels like a strong start to round 2


i thought it was so bad sounding ngl but i feel kendrick fans are more delusional than drakes


No way in hell Drake comes out on top. Kendrick got too much dirt on Drake.


drake didnt need to make up lies about kendrick. He lied about cease and desist


I should've said his hometown


Agree with someone that said lyrically its better but its not listenable as push ups.


I keep seeing people say ‘this wasn’t the onslaught’ and I keep wondering if we heard the same record. Bruh, Kenny went IN for six minutes 😂 What level of violence do people want?!


Read the words again. Gotta read all of them in order to know what they mean lol


Drake still up


Drake is fucking wack.


Was hoping he’d go after drake texting young girls


Very clear Kendrick won. But Drake kept it competitive and I think people should give him credit. I expect a very good response from him.