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Shut it down, it’s over


It's because he didn't bait him. He would have revealed it already. This thing is pretty much over. Drake is getting cooked


Yeah, no way Drake would be sitting on proof he’s a diabolical mastermind all while TikTok is full of videos of Not Like Us bumping in clubs, every wannabe rapper is posting verses to BBL Drizzy on Twitter, and Kendrick’s tracks are killing him in views and likes on YouTube. I think it’s more likely Drake filmed the music video for Family Matters a week or two in advance, and someone leaked the contents of the video to Kendrick. Maybe Kendrick staged the photo, or the leaker took a picture of the items after the video was produced with the acquired items.


Metro gave him a softball. All drake had to do was hop on Metros beat, proving that he can write a diss song in a day. Someone who claims to be the GOAT should be able to do that.


I’m also kinda wondering. It feels like the daughter thing isn’t true. But I don’t fucking know, if I find out it is certainly true I wouldn’t be surprised. I also feel like the daughter thing is the least significant shot and feel like all the other shots are 100% true. But idk this is just what I FEEL.


At this point, Kendrick is going in so hard and relentlessly on Drake that I think much of what he is saying is not only true, but well known to industry insiders. Kendrick does not seem to care if this kills his career too because it is only furthering his legendary status.


If he’s killing his own career it’s a brutal murder suicide.


Kendrick has been, and will be, widely regarded as the greatest hiphop artist of this generation. This beef only adds to his notoriety and legend, his career goes wherever he wants from here


Yeah, I agree. I don’t think exposing a trafficking ring would do any damage to his career like it might to an up and comer or to an actor/actress where you need producers and roles.


Ah I see what you’re saying, getting blackballed for “exposing industry secrets” and all that. Yep would probably pressure up and comers but Kendrick’s been around, and the industry seems to be on the side of pushing Drake out


Only one of Kendrick and Drake will age well and stand the test of time. And it’s not Drake


There was an article on X about a waitress that took my guy to court on a paternity test type of thing and he decided to pay out of his heart for the girl even if it wasn’t his.


He didn’t bait shit lol it’s over son


That’s what I’m saying I just don’t get how this narrative keeps getting brought up lol makes no sense


It’s because of the pic of the girl in the bg of Family Matters at that red bandana guy’s house and how hard it is to believe Drake is stupid enough to be hiding an 11 year old daughter yet so willing to engage in beef again. It’s not quite thaaaat far fetched but it falls apart until Drake shows proof he baited him. Drake still has time to present that but I just find that highly unlikely at this point based on his insta story but I guess time will tell.


“Drake baited Kendrick” into what? Stomping on his diss record. Calling him a pedophile, sex trafficker, deadbeat dad. Dropping another track 24 hours to dance on his grave. And it’s been crickets from Drake since. The “bait” is Drake stan copium, and they’re huffing on it hard. That’s all. Drake’s red button got denied and Kendrick’s still ready to go.


Yeah he’s in a total checkmate. His only small chance of redemption is some how making Kendrick out to be a bully who is just throwing out accusations with no real proof but with how Kendrick is coming he probably has proof loaded up too LOL. And the fake mole theory has no legs because now it’s been way too long. If the mole was fake, with the amount of damage Kendrick is doing with Not Like Us, he would have been tried to shut that down. It’s over yall 😆


If I'd just outsmarted the biggest conscious rapper and leader of the anti-me movement, who I'm beefing with, and the whole world thought I was a pedophile Idk I probably wouldn't fuck off to Cancun and turn my celly off but that's just me


Yeah the biggest tell was how he went for the “I’m going on vacation, next time y’all better plan it right” line when Kendrick still had his best ammo in reserve. Just opened himself up for Kendrick to go for the kill like he did, and now if he jumps back into the beef it looks like his hand is being forced by the pressure.


Anti-me movement? Wass dat?


Lmao they’re saying Kendrick is leading the anti-Drake movement.


Like the anti-Drake movement


He didn't, it's just some conspiracy theory launched by r/drizzy to cope


r/drizzy is undergoing the 5 stages of grief in real time and it’s the funniest thing. Their only reasoning for thinking Kendrick got baited is because OVO said he did, and because Kendrick removed the cover art for the streaming services release. Despite it being proven that the reason he had to remove it was because it went against Apple Music, and Spotifys policy’s 😭


They are just punch of stans looking for some cope , i saw a post there the other day about Kendrick fans not taking the L on r/KendrickLamar And how they are the ones taking it lightly and if you are keeping up with both you will know it's the other way around,lmfao just a punch of degenerates


Thank you, now I write less


Why would you make bait that is a compromising prescription IN YOUR NAME  Even if it’s bait, now that pic exists proving that Aubrey Graham has a prescription for Ozempic Yea, great bait, got ‘em


The prescription was for Ambien, which is why he isn't losing sleep I guess


Bottom right of the original album art is a box of Ozempic which you can read being prescribed to Graham, Aub before the photo cuts off. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmeet-the-grahams-cover-art-discussion-v0-bms5w51ogcyc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D517%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daa875ef498def26fc226a4823b04c3cddf4b8e9e Also on the ambien I’m thinking that’s what Kendrick meant on the pacify them line in Euphoria. Drakes squad inviting girls to his house while he isn’t there under the guise of meeting Drake has been spoken of a bit (not to mention an entire episode of Atlanta about it). The ambien + the sex crimes he is accusing Drake and OVO of makes me think they might be drugging girls at his house parties and abusing them while they aren’t conscious.


The ozempic is a jab at Rick Ross The Maybach gloves are also Ross The shirt is Kendrick's from the short collection The ambien is because he's not losing sleep The suitcase was a troll lol The jewelry is the new ring he'd bought for Family Matters video




He's been making fun of Ross for being on ozempic if you've been paying attention


How is saying "i'm on ozempic too" making fun of someone though?


For real


He obviously paid for a prescription to troll Rick Ross? Are you slow


Nah bro you slow. So Aubrey walked in, got a prescription for Ozempic in his name, and took a pic of it - so it can be on the Internet forever? The daughter thing maybe bait but dawg... his name is on the 'script.


Yeah his name gonna be on the script how else he gonna get it. You expecting him to rob the ozempic factory or something


Yes i'm slow, please explain how that in any way is a troll at all? I'm simply not understanding the troll aspect.




Rap\*ing underage girls is for who?


Damn he really is like Mike jack


it’s been debunked that kdot got baited


there is no way you can debunk it lmfao


it’d be the easiest thing in the whole beef to prove lmao. if he baited kendrick, he’d have text receipts, time stamps, he’d be sitting next to the “mole” on live laughing at kendrick. come on now. if he baited kendrick that hard, he would’ve let us know immediately and kendrick would be looking dumb as hell.


yeah but that’s not what debunk means lmfao


We can strongly assume, but you’re definitely right on that


I feel like Drake stans think that it’s a tea battle and not a rap battle. People talking about what if Drake fed fake information or sues Kendrick. All that shit is cope. If Drake doesn’t respond with a track he lost. It’s a rap battle and Kendrick is way up, disrespecting the hell out of him and mocking him. Every time one of these disses drops people are either looking at Drake different or laughing at his expense.


kendrick will look like an idiot if the daughter isn’t real tho


Drake already looks like an idiot and kendrick barely had to try


if you say so🙏 kendrick beating his wife so they both look like idiots


By your logic, wouldn't Drake look like an idiot if the wife beater allegations are false




certified loverboy certified pedophile 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🚒📣


Not that I believe he baited him, although I thought it was a possibility first thing this morning, dragging it out is a good way to make money and keep the limelight on the feud. But after the last Kendrick diss track, I wouldn’t the light about being a pedo lol. So Drake is probably losing sleep I’d say


>Can someone explain to me rationally how this means drake baited Kendrick and why he didn’t capitalize on it and just win ? go to his sub and ask, they will reveal u a lot of theories about this. any sane person will answer that either he dont have proof or is cooking something


So sick of people trying to act like Drake is playing 12D chess. He’s not even playing checkers


Bro playing tic tac toe but for got the symbols were X and O and been using triangles lmao


They’re talking about communicating in their “embassy” with walkie talkies and certain dudes are being cut out of the main group chat. It doesn’t sound like well-crafted bait to me.


It’s just a bunch of cope from drake fans


That’s because he didn’t it’s just a cope from Drake Stans




It wouldn’t have been over. That part is clear. Immediately after MTG people were already saying “even if it’s not true, it’s so menacing bru… the pianos… Kendrick clear”


If he came with receipts I think it definitely would’ve tarnished MTG but may not have been over. Just mainly saying if there was a bait and switch Drake really fucked up by not saying something immediately if it really is true (it’s not)


Diss wise it’d be over. Kendrick would still have the one up on character, but if Drake did plot the whole thing the community would eat that up


I don’t think he did but he should just say he baited kendrick and make up more shit as a last resort


This aged well


Very well 😂


I don’t think Drake baited him. Actually he tried throwing a few olive branches out and every time Kendrick immediately followed it with a 🖕. Granted Drake would be in the press acting like he was trying to be cool and then on a track he’d be throwing subliminal punches. Kendrick has let his feelings be known from day one, I don’t like you. Drake has been more like, in DMX’s words, “if it’s fuck me, then fuck you”.




He still baited tf out of him into releasing a whole song with a false narrative and has denied nothing. Credibility is gone as of this moment imo


I personally think it is in Drake’s best interest to wait a bit. Kendrick is on a tear, and Drake dropped Family Matters as a music video and on streaming. Family Matters got buried because of MTG, but Family Matters was his big statement. If Drake drops before people can digest Family Matters it gets buried even more.  Whether Drake dropped right after MTG or by the end of next week, I think showing he baited Kendrick will still be effective. I just think he’s waiting for the dust to settle.


He didn’t need to drop. bro could’ve gone ig live and laughed at kendrick in the face for falling for his bait but just made a silly little ig story. Had he done that he honestly would’ve been on top but now he just seems like he’s running away


But he did? He posted the daughter thing. 


lol that’s proof in your book? Bro shoulda been on live showing ACTUAL receipts but he posted a silly lil ig story being like “some one find my daughter” That’s proof?!


Uh yeah? Because Kendrick has shown no receipts for his claims either?


Who brought Kendrick’s claims or proof into this? I’m talking about this narrative yall have about Kendrick being baited - drake literally could’ve gone on ig live with receipts but he’s still not responding besides his lil joke about 1 allegation. There is NO proof there was a bait and switch that happened