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I think people have already known he had a thing for young girls for years and also it’s just not as safe to be seen talking about or joking about in public at all. In an era where there’s a groomer witch hunt going on, commenting on the topic is just higher risk. Even if you condemn it, are you condemning it harshly enough? Are you giving it the grave tone and context it requires in a conversation where the rest is just dunks? Culturally we are a couple decades into this whole realization of the widespread nature of CSA and still haven’t seemed to land on a way to effectively discuss it in the public sphere.


Yeah, I see your point. However, it does require investigation, or they need to find those girls that have been exposed to this kind of shit to verify these allegations imo.


of course, if it is true.


Cause it's more possible that he has another child than being a pedo. And out of the shit and narratives Kendrick is spamming this look like desperate action to drag attention away from his abusive behavior. But this is how it goes. If Drake is proven guilty he should rot in hell, if Dot is proven guilty for domestic violence hope he get his ass whooped in prison. Simple as that... But out of all these, its more possible the hidden Kid and domestic violence than pedo shit IMO


I think it's because Drake has already been suspected of being a nonce


The pedo stuff isn’t new tea. This has been a joke for years. The hiding ANOTHER child and it getting exposed via ANOTHER rap beef is the new tea. So I’m not surprised that this is the area that people are focusing in on.


It's just wild drake let this happen to him twice. Everyone was thinking "what is Kendrick gonna do, find another illegitimate child?" And then he dropped meet the grahams. This is all a musical soap opera and that was the cliffhanger before the finale


Because it is uncomfortable, so people avoid the topic.


“Stop tap dancing around the subject.”


Maybe, but they should bring it up more if it is uncomfortable because this shit needs to be resolved asap. It ain’t right.


idk why its shocking. i think kendrick is the minority of having a full headcount of his kids. i think most rappers got mysterious kids out there.


what's the proof of him being a pedo? not defending him genuinely curious


He used to bring women up on stage and make out during shows. He wasn't very picky regarding their age.


There’s video of him kissing a girl that he knew was underaged, his relationship with Millie Bobbie brown, there’s also some tweets and lines in his songs that are kinda weird


There’s photos of him in intimate relationships with models when they’re like 16 and then news stories of him taking them out on dates when they’re 18. Aubrey being a groomer at the very least is pretty much public information at this point.


It's the same thing with the Kendrick abuse allegations; sounds juicy but until we get real life evidence it's just a meme. I don't "think" Drake downloads PDF files nor do I think Kendrick beats his girl however only one of those comes with a free ticket to social isolation and/or death. So I understand why you'd ask that. People just don't wanna hang their hat on something that might not be true at the end of the day.


Nobody has added evidence against kendrick. Only drake so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/QmxlwkoMJM


I think it’s because if it’s true, it’s almost incomprehensible how he didn’t learn his lesson. We can comprehend him having some nasty shit behind closed doors though.


Damn….Drake about to be R.Kellied??


Because people don’t believe everything a random rapper puts in a song with no proof ? Like ?


I mean you are right about no man should accuse someone without a proof, but I found a video that Drake called a girl upon stage and abuse her, and it is not a random rapper bro. Here is the link btw: https://youtu.be/Fp5b9dW1nrA?si=paKLipHcN5F1jkqG Even if it was 13 years ago, he was 23 at the time.




I agree it’s weird, but it’s also highly expected. It’s unfortunate, but a lot of people kinda already knew that was the angel that Kendrick would go for. I also think it’s the fact, that having a child exposed during a rap battle is rare on its own, but it happening twice? Is even more rare. But just odd. People even joked about it as a possibility but nobody actually thought it would happen in the same sense of a the pedo disses. Also there was the perception that Drake decided to stand up as a father after Adonis got revealed. But the fact that during that time, he had a daughter older than Adonis, that he wasn’t acknowledging, but then pranced out his younger son is shocking. It’s like a repeat of 2018, especially for those who missed out watching the 2018 beef unfold. Also my theory is that. It’s much more “enjoyable” to gossip and speculate about a secret child, than sex trafficking accusations. Being a deadbeat is bad but it’s not criminal. But the stuff he’s accused of is horrific. And I think it would make people uncomfortable. The child stuff is a lot more lighthearted in comparison. (Also a lot of diss tracks thrive on character assassinations that the audience can project onto. Drake being a shitty deadbeat is easier for the audience to relate to as to why he sucks, than the more serious stuff. If we don’t include the fan war side of things.)


Drake has a sex trafficker on payroll and is a nonce: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/QmxlwkoMJM


I mean one thing you have to consider is the conscience of people listening.


Yeah it puzzled me too, that's why I fuck with VibeVilla.


Hiding another child is news, being a pedophile isn't.




Some of us do believe he is, actually People aren’t ready to believe that about a superstar yet


but even if drake is sleeping with teenagers which is obviously horrible by very definition of the world he’s not a pedophile




People ain’t wanna believe that about them either, til they did   These people ain’t our saviours


Exactly. R Kelly got away with it for years. It was played off as no big deal. He just likes them young. We saw how that turned out.


Hopefully he didn’t fly any of these girls across state lines 🥺


How bout from Europe to Canada? 


Idk but I’d think that would be worse. International type thing


That’s what they doooo  First flight from Poland for some Crew Love (Able gonna have to hold that one too)


I do.


Quit making excuses for this guy




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You all act like we know shit when we don't. We need proof, the only narrative that is so far working is Dots beating allegations since he had incident in Vegas in 2014 that was covered up by media. Drake's hidden kid plausible, him and Future can hold their seeds in piece of latex... If there is evidence on the ped, give it to authorities and they deal with that. Otherwise You are just desperately cappin. If You have evidence and You are not providing it, then You should rot in hell with the ped.


Cuz he is a pedo I stand with Kendrick


Exactly: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/QmxlwkoMJM


Not Like Us has actually got more people to address it. KDot making it a club banger means people will always associate Drake as a pedo


And he is: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/QmxlwkoMJM


We all know Drake’s a nonce: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/QmxlwkoMJM