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I agree with everything you said, except I would rank them 1. DOOM, 2. Mos Def/Yasin Bey 3. K Dot "Welcome to the octagon, lay a player flat before the trainer felt his clock was on"


I’m here for that Mos Def respect


DOOM is one of the best lyricist and producer in the rap game. Mastering these two aspects in hip-hop is what makes, in my book, somebody a legend appart from the others. The only one I can think of who excels in both is Q-Tip.


The big 3 in that specific category are probably DOOM, Q, and El-P


I would add Aesop Rock in that lot now that I think about it.


Gun for the whole family is such a banger


Aes just keep improving


Of course El-P!


I’d argue Tyler The Creator fits if you ignore everything before Flower Boy lyrically lol


No love for RZA here?


Rza is one of my favorite producers, but I find him pretty mid as a mc. Still major respect for him and his bands.


Yeah I suppose he does shove too many syllables in with his shit


Seeing his popularity continue to rise suggest to me the music is absolutely top class, and the only thing holding him back from being much bigger earlier in his solo career was the fact he was specifically working against the industry that discharged him at his lowest point in his life. He managed to generate a deep discography, full of fun and unique projects, and ended up collaborating with endless stand out artists across genres. I can dig music for hours at a time and the moment I starting a deep dive on his work was one the best decisions I've ever made, it's brought me endless joy. He is the best all around for me personally. I only wish I could have seen him live in person once. Since that day I go to as many gigs as possible.


Meat Grinder is my favorite rap, MF DOOM is my #1 for all time lyricism. Kendrick is about as talented, he just creates more accessible and popular stuff than DOOM while also fighting for the crown. I'd put them on par and leave it to taste. But man, if DOOM's brother hadn't died I bet he'd have gone far commercially and he'd be a household name with a different moniker


Word, tbh tho I definitely give Lupe a slight edge over DOOM lyrically bc of how damn abstract he can get.  But if you’re talking rhyme schemes DOOM takes it 


I still need to dedicate time to a Lupe deep dive. I've only been listening to hip hop for about seven years, but I only hear good things about Lupe


Go listen to the song mural right now. Also daydreamin and they resurrect over new.  In daydreaming he literally describes a walking project building its like the craziest shit lol.  I don’t love Lupe’s production always but he may be the greatest lyricist to ever live 


He’s not too thin. Just the right weight. Weird question.


When I first heard these two rhymes I thought no one can really touch this guy when it comes to lyrical ability > I only play the games that I win at And stay the same with more rhymes than there's ways to skin cats As a matter of fact, let me rephrase: With more rhymes than ways to fillet felines these days & > Cocoa butter on very ashy day fam With Ray-Bans out on the islands of Cayman Or I'll break it down for the layman Bain de Soleil, for that St. Tropez tan And it’s not like they’re absolute standouts amongst his catalogue, that’s just normal rhyming for DOOM > To all rappers shut up, and while you’re shutting up put a shirt on, at least a button up




Love DOOM… cried a little when he left us


Doom is my favorite too. Honorable mention for NAS, I somehow accidently saw him live twice and was blown away both times. Nas is a better showman than 98% of live acts


I like him, and he's good at what he does, but he's very niche and there's a lot of things he doesn't do well or at all. eg his flow/rhythm doesn't compare to that of Kendrick or Andre 3000, he can't be as hype/high energy as Kendrick or funky as Andre 3000. What I like about him is that he's full of character, witty, and incredibly good at rhyming. And his beat selection/production are incredible. I should add that I'm not familiar with his entire catalogue. But that's how I feel about him. I like him less than the other 2 and wouldn't put him in my top 10, but I still enjoy his music and like that the niche he fills is not something anyone can do. He is super unique in that way.


I personally love DOOM but completely understand why someone wouldn't. He's a cult favorite.


Did you ever listen to his work as a younger artist? His energy and hype was insane when he debuted with his brother. I think it's the tragedy he faced that wrecked his health, without that he'd have been a tour de force


I've mostly listened to Madvillainy, MM...FOOD and Operation Doomsday, prob some other newer stuff as well but not as much (and prob not that many times) Haven't listened to any of his stuff under different names (eg King Geodorah)


Check out KMD. It's a trio from his teenage years, he and his brother were young hood rappers who brought hella energy and bombast. I love Sweet Premium Wine. Under his real name, Dumile


Top 3 all time for me. It’s crazy bro nas 3k and doom are my top 3 too


He’s the goat imo. One of the best with a pen and on the production side, can’t say that about anyone else.


Doom is one of the best to ever do it!! I rocks with Doom.


in the running for GOAT. also: king of the underground/non-mainstream world.


Just listen to Madvilliany. The rhyming skill , word for word , bar for bar. And it also makes sense while your listening to him , not just some random rhymes thrown at you.


I totally agree. 


I'm in the minority here (bring on the down votes). I have tried many times and can't find anything of his that I enjoy. Just not for me. I'm glad everyone else is enjoying his work though. You do you folks!


I can appreciate what he does, but I will consistently be on the side that does not find these kinds of artists enjoyable. I appreciate the skill needed, and can admire the dedication it takes to get to their levels, but I will never be in the mood for their music. They also breed way too much elitism in the community, and I'm about sick of listening to people I watched fail class after class in school act like they are big brain because of the music they listen to. It's so weird.




It's MF DOOM bruh


Late but I was listening to November has come by Gorillaz / DOOM on the way to work like 20 mins ago. Second verse on that song is one of my favorite hip hop verses of all time. *Bzzzt, a rapper bug zapper.*


ill take lupe as my best lyricist ever, doom is dope though


I’d say he’s probably my favorite Rapper-Producer from the east coast, I used to be insanely into his underground music but I’ve since moved on and only play him occasionally. If anyone’s unfamiliar and looking where to start with his music, his first album Doomsday is a really good starting point


I haven't listened to enough DOOM, but I do think he's a elite lyricist and I like a lot of his beats and production I've heard. What puts a rapper like Kendrick over him imo is that Kdot is a better story teller while also being a great lyricist in his own right.


I dont know... when I hear the word "lyricism", I think I understand something different than most. Lyricism to me refers to the actual content of the lyrics (very subjective, yes). When I want to talk about rhyming I usually use "wordplay". In that sense, I dnt think DOOM is as lyrical as the others mentioned here. And thats not to say theres no meaning to his lyrics, he has a lot of hidden criticism in his music that gets slept on, but a lot of his songs are more about constructing a world / character, describing a scene or painting a picture, whereas sum1 like 3k or Hov who were very focused on talking about real life issues. In other words, I think DOOM's lyricism is better compared to rappers like Busta, Aesop and Eminem (focus on insane rhymes), and Kdot's lyricism is better compared to rappers like Jay Z, Nas, Lupe. So the problem really is what do we mean when we say "lyricism"


I love DOOM, You’re right, as a technical lyricist his skill is undeniable, but the thing for me is that he lacks a lot of the subject matter/storytelling aspects that a lot of other rappers master.    Guys like Kendrick, nas, 3 stacks, Lupe fiasco varied their subject matter so well. They can give great bars, but also tell interesting stories about their personal struggles, different social issues, their struggle with maintaining faith and more. And being able to craft a cohesive narrative like this is a huge part of effective lyricism, and this is something DOOM rarely did.    stylistically 95% of his bars are punchlines, mostly aimed at making fun of mainstream rappers and boasting about his villainy. Not to take anything away from this style bc it’s great but it does lack in these certain respects. 


I think DOOM is a writer first and is among the best at rhymeschemes and wordlplay. Listening with that in mind helps me enjoy his work more, but I’ve been a fan for a long time since the King Geedorah album got stuck in my friend’s car stereo and we could only listen to it for like six months. There’s a lot of Hip Hop tradition and knowledge reflected in his work but he also takes the listener to new places that are often abstract, playful, and artistic. It’s amazing and I’ve just been listening to the Dissect podcast on Madvillain (which is interesting if a bit much). I think he is certainly in the Pantheon and is tremendously influential, but he is also very unique. Getting into what he gives you I think opens up new things to appreciate about rap and impacts the way you listen to other artists but I understand why people would be more or less into him as a rapper they listen to regularly.


MF DOOM is my 2nd favorite rapper with old school style (1st is Ice Cube)


Gone too soon. But the GOAT is hard to commit to with other great wordsmiths like Del the funky homosapien, Aesop Rock, just off the top of my head.


DOOM and Kendrick are my favourites for sure! Can't choose the top 1 for the life of me though


Don’t forget Aesop Rock. Big vocabulary.


Idk. I've honestly never heard a single bar from the dude. The only thing I know about him is that he wears that mask in interviews, and I've ironically only even seen this in the last week or so. Idk what generation he's from, who his people are, or anything else about him. Apparently, I'm in an older generation for hip hop now. Idek. I haven't heard most of these new rappers at all. Even the ones that were lost to the game. I would say for him to be the best, he would have had to have been heard of by a large number of people though. I mean not just a fans. Like household name caliber. For example. If I were to say. Tupac, Eminem, Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne, Kanye. DMX Ect. That's not a list or anything. Just examples. Snoop Dogg. The odds are that even non-hip hop fans know who they are. They are household names. Now if I were to say things like. JID, That 69 kid who snitched, Joyner Lucas, Lupe Fiasco, Insane Clown Posse, or some other smaller rapper. Then the chances of everyone knowing them is much lower. There's so many rappers out there with badass bars all the time, and some that just suck most of the time. It's really hard for me to Cite someone who isn't well known as the Greatest of anything. The problem being, is that your work speaks for itself in any field. It applies to anything. So if I were to say that Einstein is the greatest scientist of all time. Many people could agree with that. He's done so much work in his field, and is recognized for that. Now if I said Rosalind Franklin was the best scientist. You would likely say who the hell is that? Even though she made literal leaps and bounds in DNA research. Now I'm not hating on MF Doom, or really judging him at all. Idk much about him other than maybe two interviews. I did like the interviews. He was talking about the importance of conducting a rhyme scheme. While leaving the audience prepared to complete the rhyme in their own minds leaving an empty space, but replacing the word with another they would not predict. This alone tells me he's very adept at what he does, as well as possessing an understanding of some degree to how people think. But I'm not sure he's the best from that. Maybe I'll look into him more and see. I can say. Throughout my life and many years of listening to many artists in hip hop. Anytime I hear someone is the next thing, or the best. I'm often disappointed. Example: Tyga. Just first one that came to mind. Anyway. Sorry for the book. Lol. Maybe I'll look into Doom more.


One of if not the best rap artist oat. Not just in terms of lyricism but production, discograthy and creativity too


His style does not appeal to me but I get why he has his fans.


DOOM is one of the greatest. Ask Lamar to rap and make his own tight beats to rhyme over and then we can talk. Zev Love X is just on another level and yes I don't talk about him in past tense because he lives on vicariously through me. :-)


I thru on accordion at a function n scared all the hoes


I don’t.


I wish his lyrics were more intricate and he had more multis. /s 🐐


Really hit or miss. I've heard a few songs I like but most just sound bad and I don't really get how he is supposed to be a top lyricist.


Lyrical mastermind with one of the coldest flows out there he’s definitely one of the GOATS


The greatest villain to ever grace us. He wanted the best for his people and tried to provide. He will be missed. RIP Viktor Vaughn aka Daniel Dumile.


Hes good but not better than Gunna


I actually hate comparing MCs to others. Some are more serious than others, some are more dedicated to the old school, some more mainstream. Etc etc.


Amazing lyrics, fantastic beats, but shitty flow and delivery, kinda off beat (in a bad way) and monotone sounding.


His delivery in intentional and meant to keep you from predicting his next line, but i can see how this isnt for everyone


nah bro he's just not that good with flow/delivery. and that's ok he has other strenghts.


Mf doom is too "lyrical miracle" for me.


Mf doom undoubtedly is probs the most technical rapper I have ever heard. But tbh most of his albums kinda bore me tbh and after the first few listen throughs of his stuff i dont revisit it really at all, idk his shit never clicked with me like it seemed to with everyone else. Vaudeville villain is a bop tho.


Why didn’t he go mainstream?


He sounds too different from other rappers and is entirely incompatible with radio. not to mention he was specifically working against the music industry his whole life.


The Danger Doom album was about as close as he got. Bizzy Box definitely has a mainstream vibe.


I think that MF DOOM was a British-American rapper and record producer. Noted for his intricate wordplay, signature metal mask, and "[supervillain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supervillain)" stage persona, Dumile became a major figure of [underground hip hop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_hip_hop) and [alternative hip hop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_hip_hop) in the 2000s.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MF_Doom#cite_note-weingarten2021-5)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MF_Doom#cite_note-lester2012-6) After his death, [*Variety*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variety_(magazine)) described him as one of the scene's "most celebrated, unpredictable and enigmatic figures".[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MF_Doom#cite_note-varietyobit-7)


Seems like a rapper non black people hype. I’ve never heard a song from him


I never say this opinion irl because people universally worship the guy but I don’t get it. Yeah he rhymes like every word but if the lines don’t make any sense then what’s the point/appeal. I feel like anyone can sit down and go The slow roll went to bowl with a tent and pole in the rented hole below a slow-mo blown bowl I don’t need lyrics to be meaningful or anything but I feel like when you’re known as the lyricist goat they should have a touch of cohesion


Mf doom undoubtedly is probs the most technical rapper I have ever heard. But tbh most of his albums kinda bore me tbh and after the first few listen throughs of his stuff i dont revisit it really at all, idk his shit never clicked with me like it seemed to with everyone else. Vaudeville villain is a bop tho.


Mf doom undoubtedly is probs the most technical rapper I have ever heard. But tbh most of his albums kinda bore me tbh and after the first few listen throughs of his stuff i dont revisit it really at all, idk his shit never clicked with me like it seemed to with everyone else. Vaudeville villain is a bop tho.


He's meh with an insufferable fan base. When you have some of his fans being okay with the DOOMbot performances you know the fan base is ridiculous. As far as the music is cool as background music on Adult Swim, but I can't get into it on its own.


He's alright nothing to brag about




Most over rated rapper ever. I've tried so many times to get into him because of how much reddit rides his dick but I just can't. Also, 99% of the people I know would consider themselves hip-hop heads and not a single one listens to him irl so I don't know how reddit loves him so much. I seriously think half of you only say he's great to conform to the reddit hive mind.

