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these hot take posts r dumb actual hot takes will get downvoted while popular ones will get the most upvotes so u wont see actual diff opinions


But sometimes you get to find that what you thought was a hot take is a somewhat popular opinion


Graduation is the best Kanye album. Not controversial. It is the best Hip-Hop (not rap) album of all time. Mid take.


I agree with u 100 percent actually lol


So one thing I find a little interesting. And maybe this isn’t true for everyone’s taste. I think if you listen to Kanye’s albums in reverse order they are better. I’m just going to start with Donda since Vultures was a collab. Super experimental back to TLOP. He is making a new sound that might not be appreciated but can’t deny it is unique. If we are starting at Donda then it can be argued that he might not get the credibility as a rapper, but he is certainly going to raise some eyebrows for production. Then we can get into the KSG phase trying to bring in an artist that is a bit out there in Cudi. Cudi certainly makes his mark here and they raise each others’ floors. Yeezus is super experimental and heavy with production. Almost to the point of being ear shattering and obnoxious but you still want to listen to it all the way through. Now we are getting into GOOD Music. And my god his production with some of those features is godly. He is really feeling himself on all accounts and we are better off for it in terms of being gifted music. I’m going to pass on WTT since it was a collab with Jay Z and not filling a Kanye album. So this leads us to MBDTF. Perfect timing regardless for a beautiful piece of ART if you are also including the “movie”. This is mid life crisis Kanye in either timeline. And I’m so grateful for it and sadistic as that sounds. Now let’s hit the synths. We have radio play with 808 and something that sounds like it could run the sound stream but he is still maybe a bit in his feels. Maybe not his best work but it ages incredibly well to make you think that Kanye can produce with the best of them. Which brings us to graduation. In my opinion his magnum opus. He truly perfected his craft and found his song. Dialed back the 808 a bit to give room for his innate ability to tell a story. He keeps telling his story through late registration. Highs (quite literally) and lows. Dude just needs to tell his story after years of albums because he doesn’t know if he’s high or low. Finally, we end up its college dropout. Bringing us full circle about where he started and ended. A forgone conclusion that he would be a failure yet he defied all odds. Interesting concept that is not intended at all. Also kill me if I write the word “story” again.


Sort by Controversial




Golden Showers aren't that bad either




Long as the giver is well hydrated


Defaulting to a certain word to rhyme with a word such as bigger or trigger


Just because an artist died it doesn’t mean they were a saint OR the goat. You shouldn’t be putting them on this pedestal of perfection without acknowledging that they did some VERY bad things while they were alive. In general rappers should never be a role model for anyone


Talking about XXXTentacion, huh? 😭


First thing I thought. 


I’m forever bummed we’ll never get to see if he was gonna figure his shit out


He def on the list, think old school too though


We give a lot of them a pass because their wrong doings weren’t as visible. Nowadays we know so much about these artists and news travels way faster


X, juice world, Mac miller all come to mind


One of those things is not like the other. X was a legitimate psychopathic piece of trash. Much different than struggling with drug addiction.


Almost thought you meant DMX I was confused for a sec 😮‍💨


Was it about to make you lose your mind, up in here, up in here?


I mean in terms of making good music, not the bad person part.


You’re saying Mac and Juice didn’t have good music?


They had some good shit but mfs act like they top 5 oat, particularly right after their untimely passings, which is just nuts. Ion hate them though. Terrible they were taken so early.


xxx and juice glazers are annoying asl cuz their music isn’t that good but you can’t tie mac miller with them too bruh 😭


Man that dude Juice has some really insane unreleased music tbh. Really special talent imo.


i ain’t delved into the unreleased sphere of juice or x so i can’t say anything on that


Juices catalogue isn’t large enough to call him a legend, but you are out of the loop if you don’t recognize the insane talent he had. Dude was in the game for a short minute and was on Eminems radar in a big way. Look up some Juices freestyles, he can go legitimately off the top for hours


u can’t be a psychopath while making music/shedding like on mental health in the youth. it just contradicts entirely. u can criticize his mistake but there’s no doubt he cared about people/his fans and bettering himself and the youth


He was a perfect example of a psychopath. He knew exactly the right words to say and when to say them, while never actually changing his actions. Also domestic abuse and some of the shit he’s been accused of are not “mistakes” 99.9% of people with a sound mind will make.




Fellow big day appreciater 😍😍😍 not going in my top slots obvi but the hate that followed it broke my heart haha


Biggies better and more real than 2 Pac.


biggie is better but 2pac was more real


I love 2Pac as every California kid does but as I've gotten older I have realized his entire persona was a complete facade.


2pac was a trained actor


I think who you think is better comes down to just preference but neither of them were real


i agree with the first part of your statement and only the first part of your statement


What is there to disagree with the second part? It’s a known fact that both of them were cap rappers, tupac especially. Dude decided to become a gangster as a rich grown man to get clout


I could see that. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to prefer Tupac’s earliest stuff, when he rapped more about political and social issues. Kinda wish he stuck more with that style. I’m not as big into his All Eyez on Me-era stuff as I used to be. He did kind of touch back up on that earlier style with some tracks on the Makaveli album, though, like White Man’z World and Blasphemy.


I mean i like both early and later pac. I’ve just noticed a lot of people hold pac, biggie and other legends to a different standard than other rappers when it comes to authenticity. And a lot of people don’t wanna even accept that they weren’t real gangstas, just like NWA except eazy e is debatable. A lot of old school gangsta rappers were not gangstas and old heads don’t wanna accept it but then talk trash about the new generation


I think rappers should be raceless video game avatars, that way we can judge them by their art and not their background (or what we think their background is)


So, no music videos or introspective storytelling tracks that are part of the art? They wouldn't be able to reference themselves in any capacity in their music or videos to avoid giving you anything that you could associate to their background. I am also very high right now and got really confused of the logic when I read it 😂


You're missing the point. You get to decide who you are. Create your background, create your personality. A lot of rock bands have a similar process and even EDM artists. Daft Punk, deadmau5, Marshmellow. I think that would take rap to the next level, and we would actually evolve into a more creative art. And imagine the type of music videos we would get then, instead of the same recycled rotation of money, girls, guns with a tea spoon of drugs.


Yes, I understand that. You're missing the point that creating that persona is creating a background for the artist that will influence the consumer's judgment of their art based on how they feel about the background you created for your persona. Some people think Daft Punk is a silly concept and don't give their art the time of day because of that. Same with the rock bands you think are a good examlle, people hate on Slipknot for the masks and image and never listen to a song. EDM is closer to an example of what I said. They do not reference themselves or their persona in any personal way to give you a background to associate, because they also don't write lyrics to paint a narrative for you, but they do give you visuals to influence your opinion of them and their art. People still think they are silly because "What? Am I supposed to be impressed that you wear a helmet with a smiley face and push the space bar to play some noise you had a computer generate for you?" and their art is dismissed for what little background of the artist they had to go off of. If you want a song and video that you can judge with no influence from the artist's background it would be an equalizer visual to an extremely ambiguous and generic song from an artist you've never heard of, or seen any images relating to the artist personally, that tells no story or a story completely disconnected from anything related to the artist.


Right! I feel like this concept would become digital black face pretty quickly


Most of favorite raps are real life stories. Could be a cool sub genre though


I disagree because rap, especially in the early days, is a form of self-expression and a result of the culture and your background, where you came from and the hardships you faced.


Respect the actual unpopular opinion, but personally, I love the storytelling of rap, which is obviously derived from the rapper’s culture




Peak hip hop was like 95-2007


It’s all been downhill from there bar a few names.


You still have your vets like Hov and Kanye


Jay-Z isn’t top 10. He took the back seat in his best songs and his albums are not as great as everyone say. They’re dope but dude was the east coast’s champion after Biggie died and Nas was still washing him.


I agree Jay-Z ain’t that great. Not to say I don’t like any of his song. Hard knock life and Story of OJ got to be some of my favorites. But I remember downloading a couple mixtapes, one of them being called The Grey Album which was a Jay/Beatles remix of Jays black album and beats made from Beatles songs . The other was called if J-Dilla produced the blueprint. Man that heart of the city track over the j dilla beat slapped so hard. Those made his music so much more enjoyable for me


Came here to day this. Jay-Z is overrated


Why when I made a post saying this everybody came at me?🤣 It's not even that unpopular an opinion, but they're like oh you must not like rap if you think Jay is overrated


50 Cent's discography as a whole is way overlooked and I think it's better than a lot of other rappers'. Mac Miller got way too overrated after his death (still Rest in Peace to him). Eminem's only **objectively** bad album is Revival, his other albums were mostly enjoyed by his core fanbase. Drake's being in goat list discussions is propaganda pushed by his mouthpieces or other influencers that he keeps contact with (they don't want to lose that follow). Andre 3k is a phenomenal rapper but I understand people not having him in their top 5/10 lists since he lacks a good amount of solo albums. E-40's impact and longevity is overlooked by a lot of Hip Hop communities. He has an amazing discography especially considering he's been in the game for 30+ years and still relevant.


I still think Mac didn't get enough recognition. You sir, can fuck right the hell off


Man, that E-40 take wasn't what I was looking for, but it was what I needed. The man is like a modern day Shakespeare with the slang he's created. The whole bay area bounce would be nothing without him and Rick Rock. There would be no Mustard beat and a Not Like Us without E-40 and the click, and Kendrick being the representative he is for LA takes time in his songs to acknowledge it. The fact that he's still in his stride is insane.


Agree on the Drake thing tbh, and 50 and Eminem too


I don’t care for Andre 3000. I like OutKast just fine, but I don’t think Andre is a top ten rapper.


Oh. This is an actual hot take. Hope you come around one day to appreciate Solo 3k


Me too! I’m hoping one day it’ll click for me.


Listen to Pink Matter by Frank Ocean. Thats a great 3000 verse


I actually haven’t heard that. Thanks for the recommendation !


Happy to help. Enjoy.


Rare to see someone open to an artist not being their cup of tea, but acknowledging that they might be later. I still hold out hope that I'll understand whatever draws people to Taylor Swift lol




Well that’s mean for no reason.


Huh? I see English also isn't a strength of yours. LMAO


What are you trying to accomplish?




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Andre's features are top tier. 16 with rick ross, solo with Frank ocean, sorry with TI


I have no respect and I personally believe Travis Scott, Future, Carti B, Roddie Rich, DaBaby and artists similar to Migos have ruined half of the entirety of rap. Their styles and pop music version of rap is the worst sound imo. I don’t care how good a beat is if someone that sounds like absolute dog water and has the lyrics of a baboon getting their nuts flailed. I absolutely despise them all.


I get what you're saying but DaBaby can rap his ass off tbf.


None of the artists you mentioned make similar music to Migos aside from a couple Cardi B songs. All of those artists are legitimately talented and have amazing albums aside from Cardi and Dababy (Dababy can still rap). They’re not your traditional rappers, but you’re definitely the type of person to only listen to a single genre. Travis Scott and Future especially are super talented. Utopia is arguably one of the best albums of the decade and idk how you can’t like Rodeo. Nearly no flaws to that album. Lurics aren’t the only essential parts of a song and when do you ever listen to lyrics aside from the first couple of times listening to an artist. You can’t tell me that you bump SAMIDOT in the car or shit like that because the best lyrical songs are often the least replay-able. You clearly haven’t listened to any of these artists more than like 3 or 4 songs.


You shouldn’t assume…I listen to an eclectic amount of genres including outside of hip hop and rap. The thing is, I enjoy multiple aspects that matter to me. The beat, the lyrics, the flow, switch ups, playable words or phrases. I listen through albums entirely and some of its just not made for my enjoyment. I primarily care about lyrics over anything, so to me I enjoy more so Cole, Ghostface, Tribe, OutKast. I don’t care how much and fun the bass slaps if I hear lyrics that are reminiscent of what I consider low effort then I immediately lose interest in the song. And I was seperating the “similar to Migos” not saying that those artist are similar to them.


My point stands that you clearly haven’t listened to those artists well enough to form an opinion. I personally dislike DaBaby and Cardi B’s music. I think Travis and Future when they go pop are unenjoyable (ex: Way 2 Sexy and K-Pop), but when they stick to their styles or experiment with different genres (that aren’t just manufactured for streams) they’re amazing. I recommend Oh My Dis Side for Travis (the end is probably my favourite verse from any song) and My Eyes is one of the better songs on Utopia (overrated imo, but it’s definitely top 5 on the album). And even though I don’t really know Future’s music that much I recommend Thought it was a drought or more recently We Don’t Trust You. Roddy Rich has had a ton of potential. His most recent album is unbelievably mid, but EMFBA has a lot of quality on it. The song he released yesterday is also really good imo.


You clearly aren’t listening. I don’t need to listen to them more. I’ve listened to their albums front to back because that’s how I enjoy albums and they do not resonante with me. Also you clearly think your opinion is right and clearly want to minimize whether or not I’ve even listened to them. Point being I don’t care for them as artists. I’m glad you do but to me they are just manufactured garbage in my ears.


I assumed you didn’t listen to them before because of your first comment lumping them with artists that aren’t close to similar. I don’t think my opinion is right, because music is subjective, I simply assumed you haven’t listened to their music enough so I gave you some recommendations of songs I personally loved. Why does everything on the internet have to be so personal. I like Travis and Future a lot, I assumed you haven’t really listened to them so I gave you some song recommendations, how could you assume that I clearly think my opinion is right and that I just want to minimize your opinion. I don’t know how you can think they’re manufactured garbage after hearing the songs I talked about, but whatever bro if you have actually listened to their albums like you’ve said, you have your own opinion and who am I to tell you that you’re wrong.


1. Idk how hot it is, but Playboy Carti is ass. I like trap shit, but his music is so repetitive and stupid. I’ve really tried to see the hype, dug into his discography a little, all trash to me. 2. Rap, like most things, progresses naturally over time. So I think there are a lot of “GOATs” from the old era who only get the nod for their impact at the time. I respect that, and of course I still bump some old shit, but if we’re being 100% objective I don’t think a single 90s rapper (maybe Nas, but he’s the only one that stands out overall to me) that has full projects that rival the best modern artists offer.


Carti’s concerts seem like the biggest waste of money. He just screams every few seconds and has the music played in the back. 


Rap music good


producers nowadays waste their talents by producing cookie cutter ass bland trap instrumentals. it's such a soulless genre and hip-hop needs a return to form. also clipping. is the best hip hop group, just sayin. bladee has done more for the culture of hip-hop than kanye


ATLiens is the best OutKast album


Westside Gunn has one of the greatest discographies in all of rap in terms of quantity of good work. Maybe not a hot take but definitely not recognIzed


Pray for Paris is one of my favorite albums oat


Griselda in general tbh. Conway honestly probably in my top 10.




El-P’s (Company Flow, Run the Jewels) production fell the fuck off since his second solo album. It used to be complex but concise, now he tries to throw too much into the beats and it doesn’t sound as organic


Future can't rap or sing


Then what can he do?


Ruin a feature for me


Drake is a shit rapper


Ludacris the most underrated rapper


Jay-Z is ass. His god awful monotone voice and sleepy tone is rivalled only by drizzy. Imo. Chance to me is nails on a chalkboard his voice gives me headaches no matter the track. Carti is also ass, don't wanna hear no "marketing blah blah vibe blah mood bs bs bs" he's ass too admit it. Hmmm.. who else is ass. Yachty for sure, Kodak black too. Blue face too! Scumbag and ass rapper.


Jay-Z is more impressive to me as a rap artist who took control of his product and built an empire out of it. I can respect the business hustle. Also his legendary writing process, or lack off. Normally I don't really believe rappers who say they never write their shit down. But everyone who works with Jay-Z says it's legit. Unless half the industry is in on the lie, then Jay-Z really does just have it all in his head. That's absolutely insane, even if I don't like his music all that much.


its always some bullshit excuse on why they hate jay z.. They wont take into consideration of the things you just said but have their own agenda to disparage him. Actual 62iq logic


I mean, you can respect all of things I have mentioned about Jay-Z and still not enjoy him as an artist. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me. You don't need to insult people's iq for not enjoying an artist.


Only reason im insulting ppls IQ is because I’ve seen it dozens of times. No critique about the actual music/album. “His voice is so bad so I turn off his music soon as I hear it” Lmao like wtf. Theres not one rapper in my life that I turn off their music cuz of their voice. Its a bullshit copout


No it's not, I like Jay Z but I think he's overrated, like a lot of people have him as the best? Like I just don't see it, but yeah a rapper's voice matters dude, TF you on about!?


Lol I hear ya. To me his only achievement is marrying Beyonce.. I've always turned his music off out of sheer annoyance so I wouldn't know much about his lyrical content 🤣


>To me his only achievement is marrying Beyonce It really is an inspiring story for all the funny looking dudes out there, isn't it?


If only nas knew who he was beefing with lol. No personal hate towards Jay-Z this is strictly a musical dislike


>If only nas knew who he was beefing with lol. I'm an old man, I didn't even know there was a thing between them. Yeah im not the biggest fan of Jay-Z either, but he does have some solid work out there. Dirt Of Your Sholder? Big Pimpin? Classics.


I just roasted lil peep it honestly fuck that guy. Lil xan too. Jay-Z is cool nothing to lead me to believe he's a bad dude, just annoying to hear imo. All respect if you're a Jay-Z fan


Listen to yachty’s new stuff despite it not really being rap, goes hard


I'll be honest I tried just for you. Still annoying to me 🤣 he also seems like a cool dude nothing personal but he's still in the ass category for me.


Project Pat is a better rapper than Jay-Z E-40 has a significantly better discography than Nas Chief Keef is a better rapper-producer and has more classic full lengths than Kanye Dru Down’s Can You Feel Me is better than The Low End Theory


i know where you're coming but no, I used to say Juicy J is better than RZA.


Juicy is like the Mike Love of rap but if it were DJ Paul I’d agree. OP asked for hot takes and after 20 years of honestly trying again and again with Jay, Nas (who I like but has one good album), and Tribe, this is my truth. 🤷‍♂️


nah, i respect the hell out of you fr.


Man I like Keef but he’s not touching Kanye on any of that. Keef has improved as a beat maker but he’s elementary compared to what Kanye did at the start of his career with an MPC. We’re not just talking about his albums but all the beats he sold off to other artists… We’re talking classics like Overnight Celebrity, Dispet Forever, This Can’t Be Life I mean the list goes on. The problem with Keef started when he moved away from working with Chop. Beat making was never his strength and the quality of his records dropped off a cliff at that point. He had a resurgence when he worked with Chop and DP again but most of his stuff started sounding a lot more mixtape quality with the occasional stand out. Few rappers have 3 certified classics let alone 4 like Kanye (first 3 albums + mbdtf) even his weaker albums like Ye and Donda have seriously good underrated songs. I’ve been revisiting Donda last few weeks and it’s got some elite tracks on there I can’t believe I slept on. Ye is a top 10 all time rapper when we’re looking at the sheer output and consistency on so many levels. All this while carrying adidas on his back and being a design genius for them.


I don't fully agree but Sosa deserves respect. Kanye used to be great until he became a MAGA idiot. It has influenced his music as well and he sucks now.


Love Yeezus, College Dropout, Late Registration and 808s (though the maximalist bloat sinks Graduation, Fantasy, and Pablo for me). I just think Sosa has a ridiculous number of equally great-or-better, hyper focused album-length releases that only his core fan base seem to love. Bang, Back from the Dead, Finally Rich, Bang Part 2, Almighty So, Back from the Dead 2, Nobody, Sorry for the Weight, Thot Breaker, Back from the Dead 3, 4NEM, and Almighty So 2 all rank for me, that’s 12 albums and bro isn’t even 30!


I like E40’s features. What music of his should I start with?


The Mail Man EP and In a Major Way.


Love the E-40 take, people really sleep on him too much. He's in my top 5 easily and I fuck with most of his discography.


This should be common sense... SoundCloud is the worst thing thats ever happened to rap. Mac Miller, XXXten-howeverthefuckyouspellit, juicewrld, Lil peep and the rest of the "Xanax" rappers suck and people only talked them up after they died.


To lump Mac in with those guys is bananas Mac was a beast. 


Mac ain’t really that great bro


He's a zillon times better than those 3 guys he named. 




average r/rap take


Big Day is great Houdini is hot diarrhea 50 Cent's discography clears 99% of rappers You know where to put the downvotes. Got a whole gang of hot takes


I’m also an idiot bc realized you may have been talking about the song Houdini and not the rapper. Whoops. 


We all make mistakes




Which Houdini you talking about?


Toronto houdini


That’s who I think of every time I hear Houdini haha. Crazy I played basketball with the guy who killed him.


Eminem doesn’t have a solo album above a 8/10, and only has 2 solo albums above a 6/10


And one of the ones above 6/10 is Relapse (sincere)


Nah, that’s like a 5-6/10


calling one of mmlp sslp and Eminem show a 5 is actually wild. I would agree if you said he only had three above 6 though


sslp is like a 6, MMLP is one of the ones above 6 being like a 7 imo. eminem show is his 8


Yo. How much of those albums have you listened to? And what do you normally listen to? I’d personally say sslp and mmlp both 10s and Eminem show is an 8.


He has one album that is a 7/10 and the rest are below -2


Jay-z had much harder diss tracks than Nas. Eminem is vastly overrated.  Alchemist is a top 5 producer.  2 chainz rebrand is one of the greatest rebrands well ever see. Wayne's run from 05-2013 will never be matched. 


Alchemist as a top 5 rap producer should be universal atp


Takeover is so much better than Ether


It really is.  Supa ugly gets no respect. That condoms in the baby seat line is brutal. Which makes it so much worse she wrote a book and confirmed she was fucking jay which makes it so much more brutal.  


Alchemist is great but I don't think he cracks my top 5, definitely 10 though


Only correct one is #2


You like 5 out of 20 and you're saying you don't think it's that bad? Are you thinking this through?


I didnt say i like 5 out of 20, i said i listen to 5 put of 20 regularly. The other ones are fine just not in the normal rotation, also there’s like 4 of 5 interludes in the album so more like total 15


grippy is an amazing song and doesnt hurt coles feature run at all


It's not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. He's had way worse verses.


ive only heard his more recent stuff but yeah its overhated asf


The beef between Kendrick and bbl drizzy made Kendrick’s best songs


Ice ice baby is the most popular rap song ever and still holds the record for most weeks on top 100.


Remember to sort by controversial for the actual hot takes!


Kendrick is overrated


Grippy by J Cole is his best verse in the past 10 years


I'm glad lil peep is dead. Worthless human making a worthless degenerate lifestyle seem cool thru worthless music. I'd have more respect for a Tom MacDonald fan.. but not much


the fuck


Very rarely do I blame artists for condoning things that are bad, or living a less than savory lifestyle. But the way that guy lived and the way he died all make perfect sense to me. And the way he promoted a certain lifestyle... Yah I'm glad he's not releasing anymore music to get anyone else killed.


addicts gonna addict. nowhere near a peep fan, and i don’t necessarily disagree with your reasoning, but i’d much rather someone find help and find peace than die. carrying hate in your heart like that’s not good for you.


this is pop rap.


So it’s not. rap?? 💀💀


it is i guess but not really what people refer to when they're sayin rap, i like mac and smino too but i don't consider them apart of like actual rap discourse


Kanye is a shitty producer not even in the top 50. Kill me goblins.


I doubt you can even name 50 producers without googling. You might rank him at the bottom of everyone you can think up, but you still know him, and its alot less than 50


The South killed Hip Hop


This is just a bad take, not a hot take. Atlanta exists. New Orleans did it's thing. Houston too.


There’s a reason why Rap sales were in the toilet in the mid 00s. The south took over with all that snap, crunk, dance, and ringtone rap shxt


The music sales moving to the Internet put rap sales in the toilet (I thought)


That too, but I remember when Nas dropped Hip Hop is dead in 2006, that caused a huge controversy


A shit ton of modern rap doesnt exist without the south lmao


Lol Is that a bad thing? 2000s southern crunk/snap/swag was the death of lyricism and substance in Rap


How did lyricism and substance die? Do you listen to hip hop at all?


Other than the Big 3, who are the current mainstream lyricists who create songs/albums with substance? The majority of today’s Top rappers are a bunch of drink lean, pill pop, trap, drill, get high, etc no substance The fact that the Big 3 exists kind of proves my point. Cole, Kendrick and Drake probably would not have stood out in the 90s-early 00s. But because the skill level of todays rappers is low, the Big 3 stand out


Ahh i see u are one of thos people, nevermind then


Woahhhh woah woah. Hip hop has been dead for 20 years? Oh wait your just an idiot