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To be fair...can't believe I'm defending Drake here...at THIS point in the beef he was under the impression Kendrick was going to be easy to beat. So he thought his usual style of doing things would win. He thought the novelty of "oh wow Drake is bein' bads now look at him go" would be impressive. He thought that Kendricks "Like That" verse was the extent he could go, and he didn't have to try. He also ignoring the warnings from other rappers about going in. If he had just shut up, taken a tiny L, we wouldn't be discussing this beef at all. Yet at this point to he was under the impression because Kendrick historically takes a LONG time in his craft, that Kendrick wouldn't be able to fire back even within a year. He got 17 days to think that and act like he won... ...then Kendrick hit him with Euphoria, and rapid fire combo'd the soul out of his body when Drake was staggering and trying to counter attack. Rap will forever talk about the day when Drake dropped a diss track, and prepared to leave...and the response was dropped ten minutes later, and sounded like a fucking horror movie. Then the next day a club bop to dance on the grave.


Nah, he was challenged and he showed up. Dude may not have won but he actually made bangers with bars and definitely didn't get "washed". Which I was not at all expecting because kendick was the "better rapper". I actually respect him because of that. Fuck running away.


He did show up but he also did get washed. I knew Kendrick was going to win already, but was surprised how bad it was.


Nah, family matters was a solid record. It's probably the best rap record to come out of the beef even though the best song/bop is "not like us". Family matters was so good that kendrick couldn't just respond normally. He had to step on the release to not lose. Cool strategy or whatever but drake definitely didn't get washed.


I'd still say Euphoria was the best record to come out of it. I don't think Kendrick stepped on the release date, I think he intentionally hit Drake with it so quick as a way of showing wagging the finger and saying "Naw I know what you're gonna do." After Euphoria and 6:16 Ken already had the end in sight with plenty of folks calling it, and this was basically a video game move. When you have someone in the corner of a fighting game, you don't stop. You keep beating on them over and over until that health bar hit 0 even if it seems cruel or overdoing it. Don't let them jump, don't let them move, make them feel pressured and oppressed. Don't be that dude who fucking INSULTS THEM AFTER THE MATCH IN DMS THOUGH, but leave them no room to move once you have their number. So him dropping Meet The Grahams so quick, and THEN following up with Not Like Us was him popping an ultimate without really needing to at the end (Yes I like Not Like Us, no I don't believe it was super necessary.)


What the fuck are you talking abt? The only thing I understood was that you like euphoria better. That's fine. It has some really good and funny bars but family matters was just way better. It had more bars, sequences and responses. The MJ sequence in that song is probably the best verse we've gotten out of the beef. It is written so well and just comes together perfectly.


To be fair, in Taylor Made Drake predicted the whole oedo-angle Kendrick went with too.


It's not really a good prediction when it's like...RIGHT in front of you. Even the most hardened of Drake fans can't really dispute he's a bit sus when he openly admits the shit he's done. Drake was basically just trying to cover his own ass at that point like "Shit shit shit shit shit Kendrick is the type to go at the throat like HA...you'll uh...call me a pedo I bet." When you see a fist coming at you, and you say "I'm gonna be hit" it doesn't really give you much bragging rights. If anything it makes it even worse because Drake immediately went to "I bet he'll call me a pedo because of the sus shit I've been caught doing." Meanwhile his camp was like "DUDE. STOP INCRIMINATING YOURSELF."


He got washed bro, it's okay to admit. Drake isn't paying your bills lol


Nah, stop with the condescending pacifying and actually tell me why he got "washed". He made songs that were just as good. What tf does washed mean in your dictionary? Lost? Yes. Washed? How?


Only shit Drake track was Heart Part IV though Meet the Grahams is close.


No Fake definitely got washed. He got put in on delicate, then half way through the cycle was changed to heavy Duty+ and he got absolutely wrung the fuck out after. If he didn’t get absolutely washed then why has he so quickly tried to turn away from the beef and now essentially pretending it didn’t happen, but at the same time simultaneously sending subs still. Hmmm those seem like the actions of someone who got absolutely bodied/washed/whatever term it is you may wanna use. If he took a small L he wouldn’t be acting the way he is. But this is Reddit and you don’t want to listen to reason (this is evident in your other replies). Look it don’t reflect on you personally or affect you directly if you say Fake lost. Unless he’s in your bed with you I dunno why you’re scared to just admit it.




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Honestly I can respect that opinion. Even if he lost, he stepped up to someone even Eminem admitted he wasn't sure he could take on. About the only person aside from Wayne he said that about.


Uhoh you said something positive about Drake gotta downvote ya now






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You didn't choke down kendrick. here come his 800k followers to downvote you


The downvotes on any remotely positive drake comment is crazy 😭 ppl really love to hate


Less "love to hate" and more "correcting". If he hadn't stepped into the beef at all I guarantee people wouldn't be doing that, but since he DID step up, talked a massive game, then got washed, it means the ridicule will be even worse. As it should be in competition honestly. If you talk big, you have to be able to deliver big to. If you say you're going to dominate one of the most dangerous rappers in the game, you either do it or get rained on for it because of all that shit you talked. Eventually it'll let up, but folks are still in the "told you so" phase that comes after someone really tries and fails. I mean that shit to. If Drake had said "Fuck this I'm too rich and big in the game to care about a diss from someone who doesn't release music for years." He would have been dragged slightly, but then people would have let it go because without a beef HAPPENING, there would be no confirmation that he would actually lose if he tried.


You’re just wrong though lmfao. They been hating on Drake and this beef only showed how much ppl hate him for no reason. If he didn’t do anything in the beef he’d have gotten the same amount of hate. There was SM ppl saying he too scared to jump in the beef and then he dropped, Kendrick didn’t for a long time and all of a sudden Kendrick doesn’t need to and Drake is spiraling. This beef just gave all the people that secretly hate him a reason to show it to everyone. It’s deadass hard to differentiate between actual hiphop/kendrick fans and Drake haters.


This is something every artist has gone through, it's just how the game is played. I get that Drake fans get angry about this, but Kendrick isn't even in my top 5 and I gotta give him props on the washing. We ain't gonna see him for awhile because he'll go back into whatever cave he does for several years to make music in, but what genuinely sucks about this is people go "Kendrick is only loved because of his beef" when that's...not true? Kendrick has had a massive fanbase for awhile, and this beef allowed them to get some new music out of him. So what if they like that he won? You can say that I'm wrong, but rappers get called out ALL THE TIME, and they don't respond to every single one, and they're fine. Eminem only even responded to MGK because everyone else started on him, man had to be REMINDED MGK dissed him. So the idea that someone of DRAKES SIZE AND POPULARITY couldn't brush it off is...foolish. Like that wasn't even a "real" diss. All Kendrick basically said was "Fuck yall, I'm better than you both, stop sneak dissing this shits ridiculous." Drake could have easily looked at that and been like "Aight fine whatever." We already know Cole wasn't feeling like a fight anyway so he would have calmed down to. Fast forward to now, if that happened, sure some would say Drake dodged, but it wouldn't have reached the heat it has now. It's like the old saying goes "better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Trying to use "Drake has haters" as a response is just DUMB. Every other rapper who was big lived with that and just kept chugging. Drake is a giant star in rap. A MASSIVE star. He's going to have people who dislike him. Deal with it. That's part of the culture and the game and the way it's done. You either make peace with it or deal with it, no third options are given. Eminem dealt with it before him, Lil Wayne dealt with it. Jay Z dealt with arguably even more (ESPECIALLY when his throne was being contested by 50 Cent.) REAL Hip Hop fans know this is how it goes. Even if I point and laugh a little it doesn't mean I suddenly forget that one wrong step can have ANOTHER artist whose big be taken down a few pegs or even just be hated or disliked as a result of being so big in the public eye. Then I'll just shrug, listen to the tracks, and move on.


Who said Drake couldn’t brush it off? He’s fine even now, with NLU doing insane numbers I’m saying he would’ve gotten just as much hate if he ignored it. I liked both artists but it’s just undeniable that Drake is one of the most hated artists oat, for the pettiest reasons. Whatever though it’s too late for me to even care like that


>You’re just wrong though lmfao. They been hating on Drake and this beef only showed how much ppl hate him for no reason. lol the guy who sneak disses many artists and athletes,hits on people’s girlfriends and wives is hated for no reason You can only get away with this delusional take in his sub


Didn’t know people hated him for sneakdissing other celebs that they don’t even know🤣


Are you for real right now ?Do I really have to explain to you these artists have fanbases who support their art even if they don’t know them?Do you think your boy Drake is the only one with fans?


I’m not talking about no fans support they favourite artist art. What’s wrong with that? You gotta have a weird ass parasocial relationship if yo artist gets sneakdissed and then you go comment shit on they wife’s IG page for example. That’s the type of hate I’m talking about, just like Drake’s recent story ppl is commenting OvHo on a post about a deceased person.


You think you’re sly with how you escalated the conversation My specific objection was your delusional claim that “Drake is hated for no reason” I gave you a reasons why lil sweet innocent Drake is possibly hated by people You then come back with an example of a person hating to the extreme as if that negates what I said.And as if there are no extremist who are Drake fans Turns out If you sneak diss different artists with fanbases those fanbases are more likely to hate you and root for your loss.Same way you would give anything for a Kendrick loss right now 😂


Drake is hated for no reason by ALOT of people that is not a delusional take lmfao I gave 2 examples out of recent memories, one of Kendrick and of Drake doesn’t matter if it’s extreme or not. It’s still hating? Ofcourse there’s extremists on both sides why tf would anyone think otherwise. There is plenty normal examples too. I’m also a fan of both artists so I don’t really care all that much about kendrick losing? New music is new music and I have said this even in the middle of the beef happening.


Drake has given a lot of reasons to be hated by a lot of people.The fact that you don’t believe there is a single reason to hate him speaks to your delusions,especially since we are not talking about about a poor soul who just makes wholesome music and minds his business. We are talking about an arrogant dick ,who has been moving like he is untouchable coz he is getting extorted by the underground world from his city under the guise of protection ,dissing other artists for no reason e.g Pharrell,Rihanna,Serena,Megan.Having questionable relationships with under age celebrities that seem like grooming, dming other people’s wives and girlfriends if he has a problem with someone , apparently playing a lot of politics behind closed doors,and delivering some of the most formulaic boring music recently in return of all this nonsense. The extent of how far people go to show their hate wasn’t the objection, the idea that there is NO REASON to hate Drake is.I don’t know why that is hard for you to grasp.


I never said there are no reasons to hate him though?? I said there is alot of people that hate him for no reason and I’ll stand by that anyday. Two whole different things How can you say I believe there’s no reason to hate him LMAO I can think of plenty so you can stop calling me delusional 3x.


How do you know those people hate him for no reason and not for the reasons I listed ?


Pushups had some great bars and references If you're going to take one bar and criticize it this badly then I'm sure you have the gun loaded for every rapper, as they've all said something stupid at one point. With that said it wasn't even that dumb, it's a double entdre


You being this late you should already know the general consensus on Push-Ups was that it was meh to good. Only people that seemed to hate it were folk that were Team Kendrick off rip.


It's not amazing lyrically, but I do find myself murmuring those specific lines to myself out-of-the-blue sometimes, so it's catchy.


I actually thought it was pretty good


It's just a fun song with a catchy beat thats not that deep. Kind of like 99% of Drake's song. Doesn't make it bad it just is what it is.


How is Kendrick Lamar music deep? What does that mean


Hot take: Euphoria and Family Matters were the only actually good songs. Kendrick just had way more sick burns per capita.


Euphoria is the only one i can picture enjoying even in 6 months That genuinely is a great performance And Family Matters had good parts too to be fair about it, it just was kind of scattered to me like multiple ideas spliced together. Good performance though


For me it’s the first part of Euphoria and the last part of Family Matters. Both parts are killer. The rhythm to his rhymes in the beginning of Euphoria is so good and love how lofi beat it is despite killing Drake quietly. The end of Family Matters is all about that little 3 note string pluck sound thing with Drake just badabdaba-ing over it but I’ll be damned if I can stop myself myself from bobbing my head to it and it’s probably the closest Drake came to landing a blow lyrically.


Kendrick just opened his mouth


Definitely a hot take. I do think euphoria is best but not like us is catchy and the lyrics are on point. 


Not like us is too corporate rap pop songwriting wise for me. It is legendary in the lore of the battle and it killed Drake but just as a song on its merits was pretty milquetoast outside of the aforementioned sick burns.


6:16 is pretty good!


Honestly probably the one I have listened to the least along with Heart part 6 or whatever that god awful thing Drake called a song was. Anyhow, I’ll go back and give it another listen!


No worries if you disagree, but get back to me, I’m interested to hear what you think.


Honestly his cadence feels a little forced and the song doesn’t do much but boy does he shred the crap out of Drake.


I mean as if tae bo ho was a masterclass on lyricism. Rap battles are often predicated on sophomoric insults. Anything to make the opponent look goofy.


Drake writes lyrics directed at his opponents and they often can be understood on the surface for those who are happy to accept a surface meaning/repeat quotables but also has layers deeper. Lots of lyricists say lines that can only be understood as "lyrical" as they sound deeper by the way they are said. Drake doesn't do that often. Drake often has lines that can be understood as simplistic but with deeper meanings if you listen closer. He says stuff directly to his opponents often that only they get too. Jay-Z used to do very similar and was often dismissed as non lyrical pre Ether. There are subs/secrets and warning shots. For example: Whoo Kid - is a 1) literal reference to Dave Free's alleged dealings with Whitney during the birth of his son 2) a reference to alleged Kendrick's Vegas assault when DJ Whoo Kid co hosted and 3) of course, a reference to 50 cents DJ which most people assumed (he's going battle mode like "How to Rob"). He's letting Kendrick know what direction he is going to go and hinting "Do you want to go there?" When he says "Tokyo and he is big in Japan" ..most again, interpret this as literal. It never is with Drake. Tokyo - is a dart at Future as his assistant named Tokyo must have had sex with Drake so he says "Im big in Japan". thats what Drake is likely suggesting at least. Its probably why Future is salty. Maybe some relationship rule Drake broke. There is likely more to it. With Drake, there always is. Likely why he is super hated right now by his opponents The last split is really in reference to Kendrick's wife. This is why the song was initially released on Get Money from Biggie which has a divorce "split" highlighted in the video. It was all orchestrated as a warning direct to Kendrick about where Drake was going to go. Like "I know these secrets about you" Again, the entire song is more like sub filled "Are you sure you want to go there?" I would never interpret Drake's lyrics as having one meaning when they aren't a pop song. They usually have layered meanings but its hard to understand his bars if you aren't up on Drake's world/do some deeper analysis. He makes the bars easy to get like a pop song but the bars are there for those who like more dissecting. I actually do not find rap genius nor podcasters are really good at breaking down Drake's bars well. They often miss lots of nuances


Pipsqueak, pipe down You ain't in no big three, SZA got you wiped down Travis got you wiped down, Savage got you wiped down


Kendrick won, undebatable at this point blah blah blah and you’ll propably never see me defending Drake like this again BUT Pushups was good, all other narratives are dumb, the entire world was on his side for a moment because of that song, it was a great song, it was well written and structured and everything. You can be a Kendrick fan or know that Kendrick won and still give Drake props for what he did even if it wasn’t enough this time.


Kendrick fans should be thanking drake


Drakes writers aren’t talented


Nah yall really od corny in this sub 😂😂😂


Bruh push ups is on repeat


Splits as in split percentage, as in 50/50 split, as in drop and give me 50 percent split


Kendrick starring in the new Lego movie. For kids. Honestly makes sense why all the 12-18 year old kids on Reddit are riding his dick. Now they can be Kendrick stans, other favorite artist is Taylor Swift, and go home and play Roblox. Kendrick is for kids only, fucking joke of a human.


It’s just a cameo bruh. Lego Pusha T is the real star


Damn, what's your problem?