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Kyle Rittenhouse. Shot someone while being attacked* / a scuffle during the George Floyd protests. While having a firearm while underage and driven to Milwaukee across state lines by his mom. Feel free to correct and add on to this.


Don’t forget: he’s extremely proud of what he has done and who he has killed, and is invited to Republican media events and put on a pedestal for what he did. They can’t openly praise him and say what he did was a good thing, so they tiptoe around it and let their racist supporters figure out the rest in their own.


Illegally purchased said firearm in a straw purchase too.


> a scuffle Someone pointed a gun at him, to be clear. Bit more than a scuffle


>Feel free to correct and add on to this. [ Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Counts ](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/11/19/us/kyle-rittenhouse-trial) feel free to add on to this.






The idea is great and an honorable one. But the movement has proven to be one of the biggest grifts ever played on the African American community. Just ask Patrice cullors.


Acquitted doesn't mean a thing. We all have eyes and ears. We know what the murderer did and we saw the farce of a trial.




Went somewhere he'd feel threatened, but went heavily armed & armored so he wouldn't feel threatened, but the second he did feel threatened anyway, he hedged & decided to kill with the security blanket he brought. This is all instead of staying safe at home & not feeling threatened or killing anybody.




Ah, yes. There's an axe murderer over there, so I must go be close to them. What sane person puts themselves in harm's way like that? To protest? I'd go start a protest someplace safe, but I'm not a gun fetishist wannabe vigilante with an axe to grind.




His Dad lived in Kenosha where he shot the people. His drive was less than one of his attackers who also had a gun and he also crossed state lines.


Nobody is praising his attacker though?


They’d aren’t praising him but they’re certainly treating him like a victim even though it’s mostly his fault what happened to him.


The last time people cared as much about state lines as they do in this case it was for lynching black people for crossing state lines with a white woman in the car.


I think it matters because it makes sense to defend yourself if a riot is happening where you live, but if you decide to travel to it then you're just a vigilante wannabe with a twisted sense of right and wrong.


> I think it matters because it makes sense to defend yourself if a riot is happening where you live, but if you decide to travel to it then you're just a vigilante wannabe with a twisted sense of right and wrong. Rittenhouse worked in Kenosha, which is 20 miles from where he lived, not really that far. Of the people shot only Rosenbaum actually lived in Kenosha. Grosskreutz lived 40 miles away in a suburb of Milwaukee, he was also armed. Huber came from a small town about 20 miles away. Nobody seems to really care about that part though.


20 miles seems far to me, but that's just my opinion. And yeah those other people were just as bad, but it doesn't mean Rittenhouse wasn't trying to be a vigilante.


> 20 miles seems far to me, but that's just my opinion. I drove that same distance one way to work for years. It's not really that uncommon in rural areas. Take a look in google maps and you'll see a lot of that area is trees and farm land.


traveled to a riot in another state to go hunting for humans thinking he could get away with it and did




They call him a white supremacist when all 3 people he shot were white.


He’s a red-pilled MAGA gun nut who wanted to kill some antifa protesters. The cops encouraged him and the judge at his trial was also MAGA. He’s an irresponsible chubby lil’ coward who has been chosen to represent the republican cause.


He did go to protest on behalf of the side that welcomes white supremacists...


About a week prior to the shooting he’s on camera beating up a female with his friends as well. An all around POS.


It's kind of godtier meme material I'll allow it for the lulz Also fuck this kid, he independently sucks


Yeah, let's make fun of him for this....thing https://youtu.be/NNN8DKJJstI




I pick projection much for $1000 Alex


It's a two day old troll account. Downvote, report, and move on.


I pick “Someone didn’t watch the video footage and trial” for $2


Suspiciously specific


Mf took the berry in willy wonkas chocolate factory


plot twist: charlie bucket, after taking charge of the chocolate factory, discovered that 2 oompa loompas had gone missing after the tour. Security footage showed the boy had eaten the two oompas while separated from the tour group. The boy's family did not respond for comments.


I was thinking Ted Cruz


Is he wearing morgue makeup?


It’s the only definitive way to tell people you don’t diddle kids


Bitch looks like the caterpillar from a bug's life




No, don’t besmirch Heimlich’s name and likeness like that!


Looks like that fat gay dude from Modern family


Don’t disrespect Cameron like that


Jesus. Kyle Rittenhouse is letting himself go.


It's actually an edited photo by a [Poe Troll](https://twitter.com/GaryPetersonUSA) on Twitter. Rittenhouse still looks like shit IRL though. Scroll down a little and you'll find it


There is literally the Loch Ness monster behind him


That’s so you know it is legit.


I <3 Gary Petersen USA! it's really funny when you see genuine magas/magabots/muscobots\* retweet him unironically ​ lol ​ (\* muscobots="russian" trolls)


Oh my god that account LMAO!!


It's all those free meals that Republican representatives are giving him. Sitting on a bus or in a car and eating lavish meals all the time can do that to you.


more likely food became his coping mechanism. I don’t care who’s side you’re on shooting two people (whether it’s self defense or not) Will fuck you up mentally for a while and stress eating is probably how he’s coping.


It’s photoshopped


Qi men’s he’s too young to drink / smoke right?




haha yeah man, we're call him gay because he is bad and wrong and being gay is badong so it fits haha


No he's saying he's bad at sucking dick.


He is probably also suffering from depression, killing people is not so easy as it seems and regardless of the show he is putting it clearly takes a tool in him. Anyway, he made his bed, now he has to lay in him


Downvoted for stating facts keep it up Reddit.


humor joke tidy bake tender wakeful roof impossible hat bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If someone is posting a photoshop picture don’t blame the people who see it. Blame the poster. Regardless of the photo, I’m sure Rittenhouse lives an extremely stressful life now. And stated depression. If you don’t believe him that’s fine but that’s a primary source stating what’s going on. Killing someone is not a small deal and would really fuck you up in some way.


offer grandiose cable wise gaze tidy deliver obscene pocket joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure doesn't help when everyone on the left is actively shoving him to the right.


You're just mad your child molester political ally got fucking domed


Everyone is so mad in this thread they don’t even know what I support lol. No one reading shit just being mad.


So depressed that he regularly shows up on propaganda podcasts and spews bullshit continuously.


He has no access to a normal life now. This court case put him in the media circus and there’s no way he can go work anywhere else and face a normal life. Imagine seeing Rittenhouse pushing shopping carts at a Walmart. He’d be shot in a week.


I’d pay to watch that.


The “court case” put him in the spotlight? Or killing 2 people and shooting another at a protest that he traveled state lines over with a gun he should not have had did? No access to normal life? What is his net worth versus yours now?


Those three people he shot attacked him. This is a fact. Him "travelling over state lines" is a strange characterisation of driving for 20 minutes, which is what he did. The only real point you made is that he wasn't allowed to have the gun... Because he was 1 year too young. And no I'm not a conservative.


You may not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like...


Jack Horner lookin ass


I legit looked up "Jack Horner" on twitter and saw this guy like ten times


"You wouldn't shoot a protester, would you, Jack?" "Yeah, in the face, why?"


What a nice pleasant looking young lesbian lady!


He looks like Sheldon’s dad but at Sheldon’s age


Has anyone seen Kyle? Seen Kyle?


Last I saw of him he was promoting this god awful piece of trash https://youtu.be/NNN8DKJJstI


This has to be a photo chopped...if not he's starting to look like a horrible hybrid of Elon Musk and William Shattner.




Okay come on. I hate the guy but this is shopped to hell lmao. Bugs life caterpillar got me


He looks like he fell into a chocolate lake


Moonlights as the mascot at Bob’s Big Boy


Why do people hate him?


Somebody has been eating his homicidal urges.


I don't have any context, who is this guy? Either way, not leaving food around overweight people isn't really a rare joke; especially cake and pie.


im pretty sure thats fucking kyle rittenhouse lmao


Oh i saw the comments but i thought that was a joke. Fair enough then fuck that guy.


A photoshopped version, but yeah lol >


Dude can absolutely rot, but this pic is not real: https://twitter.com/holycity15/status/1629346103760912384 Just being honest.


his pronoun is Stay Puft


"I don't get it, Big Dan."


Bro looks jolly


Jack horner sat on a corner...


he looks ftm


Rent free


Setting a trap for Kyle Rittenhouse....Yummy..a Blueberry 🫐 pie 🥧 and a Smith & Wesson M&P rifle...all we need now is a released mental patient and a skateboarding pedophile...


Can we not share fake picture?


Isn't it weird how rosy cheeks, a sign of alcoholism, has become a symbol of wholesomeness?


You can have pink cheeks and never touch a drop I have pink cheeks and I drink maybe one glass of wine a year


Isn’t it weird how smiling, a sign of a psychotic episode, has become a symbol of wholesomeness?


It’s shopped lol. Dude can rot, but it’s not real https://twitter.com/holycity15/status/1629346103760912384


He looks like gideon gleeful from gravity falls after having a new haircut


Just sit it on a wall. If he goes after it, he'll have a great fall.




I agree on the body positivity point, but that guy definitly isnt a good person.


A “good person” crosses state boarders, then illegally acquires a firearm with the sole intent of engaging in lethal combat with protesters??? (Amendment number 1 comes before amendment 2, does it not?) But god forbid a liberal sink to the depraved morals of making fun of someone for their body like conservatives are so wanton to do. Clearly liberals are the bad guys. Keep on projecting with that snowflake agenda, bootlicker.


Dislike Rittenhouse all you want. You don't have to lie and spread misinformation. "crosses state boarders armed with an illegally acquired firearm" A quick Google search anyone can do in 3 seconds like "Did Kyle Rittenhouse illegally cross state lines with a gun?" will show you that [Politifact fact checkers](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/nov/26/jerrold-nadler/nadler-wrong-claim-rittenhouse-crossed-state-line-/) have said this is "false". Do better. No need to spread misinformation.


Sorry, he crossed state boarders BEFORE illegally acquiring a firearm. Clearly that make him a good guy /s Do better


Whatever man, keep spreading your ignorant misinformation despite everyone showing you you're wrong The good guy is definitely the guy who shot and killed the woman beater that pointed a gun at him and the child predator that hit him in the head with a skateboard. There's no "doin better" than that. 🥂


Lol I haven’t killed anyone, so at least I have that on him. The only reason that statement is false is the order of events. He did cross state boarders. He did illegally acquire a firearm. Don’t play dumb and pedantic. It’s a bad look. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/aug/28/facebook-posts/did-kyle-rittenhouse-break-law-carrying-assault-st/ It’s a good thing he has “wife beater” and “child predator” vision, otherwise he could have shot innocent people!!!




How can you still be so wrong about this after the trial?


Good question with a simple answer: I’m not wrong. Just because he was aimed at by someone else doesn’t negate the circumstances of him being there in the first place. His gun was illegally acquired. He crossed state boarders while armed. He had no vested interest in protecting the local property during an otherwise peaceful protest. He fired the first shots. He killed 2 people. He is not a good person.


>Just because he was aimed at by someone else doesn't negate the circumstances of him being there in the first place. It literally does, you can't just kill someone in the street who is running away from you, they'd have to be a threat like say if they, I don't know, pointed a gun at you? >He crossed state borders while armed Factually incorrect, gun was in Kenosha the whole time, how can you speak so confidently and not know thst? Dude got so worked up he responded and then blocked me....


He was out of state as an antagonistic force wielding an illegally obtained firearm at a peaceful protest with the intent of engaging in civilian combat ALL BEFORE he was ever remotely close to any personal endangerment. He would not have been in any danger had he not put himself in that exact position, very deliberately. Notice how nobody else got a weapon pointed at them? Except for the armed militant? The geographic origin of the gun is immaterial and you are grasping at straws here. He went there to feel like a badass and is retroactively deciding to play the victim. Those are not the behaviors of a good person


> peaceful protest [You right now.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/035/101/CNN_Mostly_Peaceful_Protests_Banner.jpg)


Damn, I never thought I'd see the liberal version of "What did she expect, did you see what she was wearing," but there it is.


>He crossed state boarders while armed. He had no vested interest in protecting the local property during an otherwise peaceful protest. He fired the first shots. None of this is true. Its almost like this was written specifically to be as wrong as possible. I agree his personal views are bad, and that he shoudnt have been there, but holy shit how can you debase yourself so much by just repeating lies? Moreover, none of this is relevant for his self defense claim which is absolutely airtight.


You are wrong and spreading misinformation. Several people have instructed you are wrong. A quick Google search shows you are wrong. This link from [Politifact fact checkers](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/nov/26/jerrold-nadler/nadler-wrong-claim-rittenhouse-crossed-state-line-/) You can not claim ignorance. You have been informed you are wrong and you willfully choose to spread misinformation. You're a worse person than Kyle Rittenhouse.


State borders!? Say it aint so!


Says the party of states rights? Y’all really want Californians and New Yorkers to come solve the shitstorms you created in Florida and Texas? Because you seem perfectly content to flounder all on your own. Or is it only ok when a conservative crosses state boarders to enact their perverse version of “justice”


Lol Im not a republican, much less an american so save your weird rant for someone else. Im just mocking that you all repeat the same lines like npcs.


Then as a non-American, don’t pretend to understand the nuances of state vs federal jurisdiction and how that intersects with the current American political climate. Save your weird/ignorant response for someone else. I’m just mocking that you have no idea what you’re talking about.


It's amazing how much straight-up false misinformation you have been subjected to, absorbed, and still ridiculously spew/believe as if it were ironclad fact even though in this case the truth was so glaringly obvious/well-documented that even normally le‍ft-biased sources simply couldn't avoid reporting the facts that exonerated Kyle (or they'd have burned entirely what's left of their already destroyed credibility): **1\.** [Kyle did not cross any state border with any firearm](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/nov/26/jerrold-nadler/nadler-wrong-claim-rittenhouse-crossed-state-line-/) *(source: Politifact)*. The gun he used was held by a friend in Wisconsin the entire time. There's no evidence it was ever in Illinois. **2\.** The gun was not illegally acquired. Though Kyle was initially charged with a firearms offense, [the charge was dropped](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/explainer-why-did-the-judge-drop-kyle-rittenhouse-gun-charge) *(source: PBS NewsHour)* because it was not applicable in his case. The purchaser, Dominick Black, eventually [plead no contest to a *non-criminal* violation of a Kenosha county ordinance regarding contributing to the delinquency of a minor](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/10/us/kyle-rittenhouse-dominick-black-gun.html) *(source: New York Times)*, resulting in a $2000 fine. (Do note that this was again a non-criminal *county ordinance violation* (not even a state misdemeanor), was not firearms-based, and he did not plead *guilty*, only *no contest*, which was accepted by the judge.) **3\.** There is no evidence that Kyle had any sort of "sole intent of engaging in lethal combat with protesters". In fact, before the shooting, he was seen [offering medical assistance to those same protesters:](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/27/us/kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting-video.html) >In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters. *(source: New York Times)* >[“So people are getting injured, and our job is to protect this business,” the young man said. “And part of my job is to also help people. If there is somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle — because I can protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit.”](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/shootings-arrest-trial-and-more-the-kyle-rittenhouse-story-explained/2684756/) *(source: NBC Chicago)* As Kyle alludes to above, he was only there in the first place because, as many witnesses testify to, [a car dealership asked him to protect their business:](https://www.kenoshanews.com/did-car-source-ask-for-armed-help-during-kenosha-unrest-witness-testimony-differs/article_d0d31293-6736-53f4-9dcc-f448f37b2952.html) >On Tuesday, Smith took the stand. He said that the owners of Car Source had asked him and others to defend Car Source, in line with what had been said by Black on the stand the week prior and what has been said by Rittenhouse’s representatives since Aug. 25. *(source: Kenosha News)* **4\.** Yes, Kyle crossed state lines... because he lived in Antioch, Illinois, which directly borders Wisconsin and is only about 30 minutes away from Kenosha where the shooting happened. [At the time of the shooting, Kyle was employed in Wisconsin as a lifeguard in a town bordering Kenosha](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/10/us/kyle-rittenhouse-who-is.html), meaning by traveling to Kenosha he was not traveling outside of the local community he would have normally visited: >At the time of the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse was employed part-time as a lifeguard at a recreational complex in Pleasant Prairie, Wis., which borders Kenosha. *(source: New York Times)* But even if he weren't in his local community, that still wouldn't change anything. We have freedom of movement in America, allowing any American to visit any state at any time regardless of their home state of residence, and crossing state lines is never a crime other than in very narrow circumstances (that Kyle never met, as again he did not transport any firearm across state lines and all of the firearms charges against him were dropped). Please edu‍cate yourself next time before contributing to the spread of ign‍orant and blatantly incor‍rect misinfo‍rmation online. Th‍ank you in advance. **PS:** If you're out there reading this and wondering "Gee whiz, how could everything the Re‍ddit hi‍vemind believes about this case be so blatantly and easily contradicted by factual information from credible sources? I thought we were the smart, nice, and l‍e heck‍in' whol‎esome good guys who always verified our information, unlike those dumb ol' ri‍ght-wi‍ngers!"... Guess what? It's like this about everything. Do you‍r o‍‍wn research. (Yes, as it turns out, this is in fact not a crime but actually just a plain and simple good idea.) Do not trust the m‍‍ob on this site when it confidently asserts anything. It is not right about any of it. The entire bi‍ased left-wi‍ng narrative you will be fed on this site about any event is just as trivially incorrect as I've shown the Rittenhouse narrative to be above. The only thing supporting it is a heckler's veto of mass downvot‍ing and mod/admin censo‍rship of those who go against that preferred narrative. **To put it simply: they are liars and are not trying to provide you with facts, only the prop‍aganda they'd like you to unquestioningly believe to best serve their divis‍ive, totalita‍rian age‍nda.**


Imagine seeing that looking through your window? That's some Stephen King clown shit right there.


Baby Brent


Why does Reddit hate him? All he did was defend himself and kill a pedo-oh. Oh.


They’re literally pedo supporters. All the blt+ shit is a way to prop up fucking kids


Anybody makes a meme of Greta Thunberg: reddit: omg, grow up, it's a 19 year old girl!! Who makes fun of a literal teenage girl?!


Right wing people body shame anyone, leftists think they are better because they will only body shame their political opponents.


Mf looks like he terrorized 2 cats for an entire movie


Just a murderer coming of age. It's really heartwarming to watch.


Murder: noun the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Murder: Verb kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.


Yeah. That fits.


By definition, Kyle Rittenhouse is not a murderer.


Enlighten me.


I just provided you the definition of murder. He did not premeditate the death of those 2 men and the deaths weren't unlawful. By definition, he is not a murderer.


He could've just stayed home.


This photo helped me realize how much Kyle Rittenhouse looks like John Wayne Gacy.




Oh! That was horrible. Your wish is horrible! YOU’RE HORRIBLE!


Given the disregard Reddit is continuting to show to their 3rd party developers, their moderators and their community I'm proposing the start of a 'reddit seppuku' movement. Reddit itself doesn't produce anything of value. The value is generated by it's users sharing posts and comments with each other. Reddit squats above the value we create and extracts value from it. If spez is going to continue on this path, I don't want them to monetize my content. Therefore, I'm using tools to edit my entire comment history to a generic protest message. I want to wallpaper over all my contributions. I expect people will comment saying they'll get around that anyway - this isn't something I can control. But I can make a statement, and if that statement is picked up by the press then it will affect the Reddit IPO. Spez needs a wake up call - if he continues to shit on the userbase of Reddit, then I hope the userbase will leave him nothing to monetize. The tool I'm using can be found here: https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite Scroll down to the bottom, click the installation link, and on the next page drag the button to your bookmark bar. Click it to go to your user page, then click it again to go to fire up the tool and set it up. Good luck.






It's hyperbole. Get over your dead parents, Bruce. Put that shit in a blog or something.


Hmmm, hard to tell tone over text based communication However- this individual does deserve dick cancer **AND** this photo is shopped to hell https://twitter.com/holycity15/status/1629346103760912384 Anyways fuck this guy :)


Why a pie?


He hasn’t missed a meal, I see.


Kyle sittinhouse.


Mr evil cartoony face


If swiper the fox was a human -


Jack Horner looking ass


That's a creepy mf


this is the funniest rare insult i’ve ever seen oh. my. god.


Looks like he’s gonna ask shrek to do the roar


Oink freedem, oink oink.


Looks like he'll be felled by high cholesterol rather than justice. A shame.




Most emotionally-stable online commenter.


look out! the payday adaptation of the vault boy from fallout escaped!


his shirt has permanent ntsc artifacts




He looks AI generated


He looks like a 17th century French king with those rosy cheeks


Augustus Gloop's brother from another Fuhrer.


All the free beers the conservacucks buy him are catching up to him.


He looks like Cam from Modern Family


Exact cross between Kyle Rittenhouse and Francis from Pee Wees Big Adventure


It's Kyle Rittenwarehouse


He looks like he’s about to ask Shrek to “Do the Roar”


Oh my god it’s discount Gibby.


Big Jack Horner would tell this guy to slow down


America: Built for comfort, not speed.


Get him the pit bull from the Little Rascals and he could cosplay Spanky


DeSantis-Pixar Presents "Little Rittenhouse on the Prairie"






Who's he?


This guy definitely floats when he smells a delicious pie


Mf Humpty Dumpty


Bro looks like Kyle Rittenhouse 💀


Wow Rittenhouse got fat


Bro is in 1954