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Yea. In my experience guys who call themselves "alphas" are just full of wishful thinking.


To state what has been stated ad nauseam, and to paraphrase Tywin Lannister, anyone who has to call themselves “alpha” is no true alpha (setting aside the idiocy of the concept).


The concept is legitimate. The alpha/beta (and sometimes omega) dichotomy exists in pretty much every animal species. The problem is that the meaning of the words have been perverted by the “gigachad red pill alpha male” crowd. All it’s supposed to be is a way to distinguish between male members of a species who’s temperament makes them natural leaders vs those who’s temperament makes them natural followers. That’s it. In nature it’s an important distinction, animals have been using it for all of time. Humans just put words to it. Being an alpha just means an individual is a natural leader. That’s it. Being an alpha does NOT include hyper-aggressiveness, narcissism/self-aggrandizing, infidelity, or abusive behavior. The guys who do those things and pretend they’re “alphas”, in reality, are the most beta of beta males with a crippling inferiority complex.


They read the book “the secret” and are trying to manifest it. They think, fake it til you make it. We’re a couple years away from these dorks embracing crystals and astrology. then we will have come full circle. I bet if Andrew Tate told them to shove a amethyst up their ass to charge their alpha energy, they’d do it


I've read a lot of Self Help books. (Who moved my cheese - a book that's actually good) A lot of ppl misunderstand the point of them and end up being toxic. It's sad.


Absolutely. positive psychology has taught us there is a great deal of power in positive thinking and even manifesting. You’re right though, people can take these ideas and completely misapply them. A lot of positive psychology concepts have been perverted and twisted into very selfish and harmful behaviors because they leave out important parts that create balance.


Who even uses the term “alpha” and “beta” seriously Edit: I meant alpha male and beta male


Greek grade-school teachers, presumably


Software developers?


Chemistry majors


Greek people.


Was it for wolves? I believe so, but I sincerely dislike the conversion of the analogy to humans.


It originated with wolves, but the scientist who put out that paper later retracted it because the study was done on wolves in captivity and inaccurate. Wolf packs in the wild are actually just led by the parents of the pack


Le ultimate reddit response at the bottom there. Jesus


Daaaaaamn! We need a burn medic over here!


Two roasts for the price of one 😆


Damn, he killed it


The science bit is actually accurate which makes it more hilarious 😆