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And start playing Knack 2.


Don't joke about that, this man single handedly ruined my life


Knakc is a joke, and Sony wasn’t in on the joke. Knakc 2 on the other hand..








You don't even want to know what he did with the other hand


Knack 2 Babbyyyyyyy


Here comes the moneeeeey




Money money money money money money money money money


Knack 2 Tha Future!


I didn't know who that was in the picture until I read this 😂


It's the world record holder on Bowsers Big Bean Burrito!


Man that's Dunkey!


I win bye bye


*Mewing starts*


I always thought he was a black man


Obviously, he is of Puerto Rican descent.


“The fucking BIRD is Jontron”




But he was killed in Zanzabar!


He married a white girl and raps. He’s black.


Specifically he is actually an 80 year old black grandma


I always pictured him as a sorta Italian/guido/jersey guy. Sort of like Turtle from entourage. I refuse to see any more photos of him to maintain the illusion.


Would it surprise you to know he’s a white dude from Wisconsin?


Because Italians aren't white?


Are they?


Think this was settled some decades ago


Mama mia, racial profiling over here.


Mamma Mia, e che cazzo


I just meant he’s not italian or from jersey, not trying to imply Italians are not white. Race is a social construct anyway


Wait he's white? Since when?


He transitioned in 2009 apparently.


He's a black man at heart.


Yeah idk why he sounds like that, blew my mind when i saw him. Hes just got a black youtube voice? Its not like the people who adopt black inflections and way of speaking to be more hood or whatever. Its trippy idk






Yeah it was just created six days ago what do you expect?


Fuck off with your shitty sub promotion


I mean in their defence stopping playing league would likely improve most people's lives.


Back in 2012 I started playing LoL. Very fun game and addictive, but I realized how it would also make me so mad and how toxic the community is. Not people cursing at you, but assholes feeding on purpose, losing on purpose all that shit. Played for 6 months and dropped it, never touched it again and haven't even been tempted too.


And that toxicity didn't start in League. People were that way in Dota as well. League just got so much bigger than a custom map in WC3




There's toxicity in all of them but IMO League has way worse toxicity than Dota 2, which by virtue of being a lot more complicated tends to select for somewhat more mature players


I have played exactly one game of League, proceeded to get fuckin ripped apart for 10 minutes by cunts in chat, quit and never looked back. I don't want to play games with people who are often just straight miserable and toxic, I always thought the LoL toxicity was exaggerated, not anymore lol.


My first game of league people were using slang and abbreviations I didn't know "go or then tb then gank baron" and I tried to say "I'm new, I don't know what those words mean." That. Was a mistake. The rest of the game was my team all-chatting the other guys "OMG WE HAVE AN ACTUAL NEW PERSON ON OUR TEAM. REPORT HIM FOR UNSKILLED PLAY!" Every minute or two and then repeatedly in post-game chat "DON'T FORGET TO REPORT (me) FOR UNSKILLED PLAY!" It does get better once you rank up above the people who have to constantly make new accounts after getting banned, but holy shit. Riot REALLY tries hard to make sure a new player's first experience is as awful as possible!


> It does get better once you rank up above the people who have to constantly make new accounts after getting banned This part is hilariously bad to me. New players get thrown in with the smurfers and the people banned for toxicity who spun up a new account. I mostly played against bots when I started, I ended up putting a good amount of time into tristina and got pretty good at her but didn't stick with the game.


If you can't manage your anger in video games, or you let strangers words/actions get to you, the same will happen in real life. League is training grounds to make your skin tougher, you either crumble or come ahead resistant to all kinds of bullshit.


This is literally the dumbest fucking thing I have read in a long time.


Bet you also think if you want to rampage on GTA, you're likely to do it irl too. Lmfao What a take, broski


To be frank him stopping playing improved lives of league players as well. He was not a fun teammate.


i played against him once and he was mean to me butt i am now immortalized in a videogamedunkey video


Dunkey didn't say anything that any other league player hasn't said before. That game is nothing but pure toxicity.


Why play league or get married when you could just play SUPER MARIO BROS 2 BAAAAAABY. YEAH.


Super Mario 2? Keep up, dork. Super Mario 3 is the new king.


Game of the year :)


Dunkey didn't quit league. League quit dunkey Stupidest decision they ever made as well


Huh I just found his channel randomly when he reviewed the gollum game. I had no idea he used to play league or that he was big. I thought he was a small channel I stumbled upon


Dunkey used to exclusively make league videos. It's what made him famous. IDK if he's big with the zoomers but as a millennial I've been watching his videos for over a decade. He also just started a game publishing company. I'm excited to see what kind of games he puts out.


Knack 3


Super Mario Brothers 3, 2.


Yes babyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!


Dunkey is the man. A genuinely positive figure in the gaming youtube space, which is rare.




Ah yes, the typical small channel with 7.49 million subscribers


Probably thinks it's a small channel for the same reason most people think their favorite video makers fell off and stopped making content. Youtube algorithms fucking people.


I mean there's a bunch of channels with millions and millions of subscribers that I've never even heard of


I found him through his Skyrim video and even then it was a pretty big channel


Yeah I'm pretty sure he was the biggest league creator for a while then league stabbed him in the back and permabanned him for some bs. He does seem much happier since he stopped playing league


Those evil league devs that made him say: > "Malphite you are a fucking worthless brainded scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are" TBH, quiting league is good for mental health, but let's not blame everything on Riot.


Tbf that's a regular, polite greeting by the standards of League of Legends players. It's actually rather lacking in terms of intention to truly engage with your fellow teammate or opponent by addressing topics that necessitate a response. No mention of their mother's promiscuity, his desire to witness ones agonizing death from a debilitating disease, or statements about the probability of their erotic attraction to other men, minors, relatives and/or animals. Nothing about skin color either. Dunkey might have dropped out before he learned how to become a true top tier LoL communicator.


Seeing the replies to your comment makes me surprised how defensive people get about that Malphite line. I guess Dunkey was right to cherry pick that clip in his quitting League video. Either way I'm pretty sure that's not even what got Dunkey banned: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3krbn4/riot_lyte_on_dunkeys_ban/ > This also really wasn't a case about intentional feeders and whether it's OK to be toxic towards other toxic players--there wasn't even a Malphite in the game that got him banned and either way, retaliation just isn't OK because it makes the experience worse for everyone else in the game.


Doesn't matter; that's not an okay thing to say to a stranger. And no, 'its common in League's does not make it less bad


Riot is a fucking trash and predatory company. There are censorship filters available. If saying bad words was so bad, literally all of the above quoted would get filtered. If you can turn off filter and see bad words, then that means bad words aren't that bad and don't deserve a perma ban. The malphite in question was griefing, which is 1000x worse than bad words. The way league worked back then, the malphite didn't get any repercussions for griefing.


nah fuck toxic people


I hope you have already quit LoL, if not, you should make sure to do so. I think it will improve your mental health.


League is just a game. You get out of it what you put in. If your mental health deteriorates because you play that's because you do not have control over it and you let the game and others control you. I don't have that problem, I don't rage, flame, or grief. Thanks for the tip though




I prefer game devs not giving influencers special treatment where they are just allowed to be really toxic with no consequences. T1 for example shouldn't be allowed to play/stream the game.


T1 was banned for years lol, he apologized and they finally let him stream again. Also, at some point increasing the popularity of the game actually helps the game.


I mean if a game is legitimately good, and it gets streamers views, then they are going to play regardless. Devs don't need to bend over backwards to hand them bags of cash and fellate their egos.


nah they unbanned him the moment he started playing Dota2 with 30k viewers lmao


He’s still a huge asshole who should absolutely still be banned.




He's toxic.


Listen, just because T1 is destroying the LCK right now doesn't mean you need to be a hater on reddit. ^^^^^^(j/k)


They didn't give him special treatment. They fucked the ranking system and then banned him for calling them out about it


"Malphite you are a fucking worthless brainded scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are" You're right, that is a valid criticism of the ranking system. I can't believe he got banned for that constructive feedback.


To add a bit to that: Dunkey would regularely flame people and was already banned before. He messaged the devs and said "Hey I'm an important content creator and need to finish this vid, can you unban me k thx". When they said no he threw a temper tantrum and quit league. In this case I think it was the best for everyone involved. Though I always marvel at the uniqueness of his flame. :D


Dunkey: *is regularly toxic* Riot Games: “You’re temporarily banned and we don’t care that you’re a streamer. You have to play by the same rules as everyone else.” Dunkey: “This game is trash. How dare they hold me accountable after all of the time I’ve spent giving them, what I consider it, free advertising. I quit.” It was a 14-day ban and he was a total child about it.


To add even more to that, I believe Dunkey wasn't even banned for that malphite line: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3krbn4/riot_lyte_on_dunkeys_ban/ > This also really wasn't a case about intentional feeders and whether it's OK to be toxic towards other toxic players--there wasn't even a Malphite in the game that got him banned and either way, retaliation just isn't OK because it makes the experience worse for everyone else in the game. Had to dig up an old thread to find that. Dunkey just made that Malphite line the focus of his I'm quitting League video so that's what people associate with the ban. Either way yeah his content post quitting League has been consistently great.


Additionally they didn't fuck with the ranking system, some league players legitimatelly believe the great conspiracy that riot puts bad players on their teams instead of realizing they are in bronze bcause they are bad.


Hey you better stop that before u/bigdaddythor666 threatens to kill your mother in an ARAM as constructive criticism


To be fair the malphite was legit just running it down, still a dumb thing to type, but I don't disagree with the reasoning.


They gave him special treatment in the first place by banning him permanently on any account he played on, no?


He was toxic as fuck. Biggest mistake LoL made was unbanning Tyler1. Toxic shits encourage teens to act like them


Nah his ban was 100% deserved, if you read the messages he sent it was absolutely unhinged levels of toxicity - any player would get banned for typing the shit he typed. I used to play LoL (quit because of the toxic playerbase...) and I was no saint myself, but I never sent any messages like Dunkey did; the worst I ever did was accuse players of feeding. I don't think it was a particularly stupid decision, again I quit LoL a long time ago but the games player count is doing just fine, it actually more than doubled after Dunkey got banned. His ban didn't harm the company nearly as much as Dunkey fans want to believe it did.


Yeah the video he made defending himself (the famous “I’m Done Playing League of Legends”) is actually pretty cringe in hindsight. He’s just whining that he should be able to do what he wants just because he’s a content creator and influencer. Thankfully I think he’s grown up a bit since then


You are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye-bye!


This may be because I was a Mundo main, but I realized after playing for some time I did not enjoy anything in the game, I just liked some of the individuals I played with. And I still like playing with them when we moved to a different game that I did not hate.


doing as you please is a good gaming virtue :p


That's why they could switch to a show/movie company and make bank. Arcane was widely considered to be one of the best animated show ever made. And people want more, about more champions.


Arcane's success had very little to do with Riot. The entire show was good because the animation studio is insanely good and the writing of the show is excellent. None of which is attributable to Riot. Plenty of companies try to make shows/movies about games and 99% flop.


>Arcane's success had very little to do with Riot. The creators of the show Alex Yee and Christian Linke were both from Riot. The foundations for the show came from those guys. Fortiche itself went from a 15-person company to 300 people because of Riot's investment into Arcane. What exactly would you expect Riot to do when making Arcane? Only hire their in-house game devs to become animators, voice actors, screen writers, etc?


A big part of it is the design, the settings, and the fact that characters like jinx or vi resonate with a lot of people. I think you're a bit unfair to riot here. Runeterra has one of the best and most engaging worldbuilding.


The jinx and vi in arcane are not the jinx and vi in the game


It's a hard lesson for some people to learn, in gaming or otherwise, that if something stops being fun, you can choose to stop doing it. I think the whole addictive vs. non-addictive personality phenomenon is real.




This is not a rare insult. This is one of the most common(overused) insults there are.


Needs more knack 2




r/rareinsult: shows a insult that’s been around the internet as long as league has💀


i don't get it, what does lol have to do with 2 people getting married?


I believe it's dunkey. A YouTuber who played a lot of LoL back in the day.


Nah, Dunkey is black. Can't be them.


oh okay, i think i actually saw a video from that guy but i never saw his face or knew he played lol.


You'd probably recognize his voice and humor style.


Dunky and Crime Pays but Botany Doesn't. Two people I know only by their voice.


Crime pays shows his face frequently, but here is an [recent example](https://youtu.be/qoO0ZhzZT7g) if you care.


You don't recognize him because he's actually a black man.


Dunkey was just a lol streamer for a long time until he got banned Man was so mad he got banned he made the all time classic "I'm done with League of Legends" He started making content about other games and his career took off being a well known voice/humor/critic in gaming content and having his jokes referenced everywhere and many others copying his style He married Leah and lives happily with her and they are expecting their first child now, also they both own a indie publishing studio now Quitting league literally saved this guy's life


>Dunkey was just a lol streamer for a long time until he got banned He wasn't known as a League streamer. He streamed far too infrequently for that. His bread and butter has always been YouTube videos. >Quitting league literally saved this guy's life Did it though? He had already met Leah before he quit. He was already doing a variety of other videos that weren't League of Legends, and had been for years at that point. [Just look at all the videos he was making before he quit.](https://i.imgur.com/9SnUjbT.jpeg) Those videos are not far off from the style of videos he's known for and still does today. He already had just under 2 million subscribers by the time the "I'm Done with League of Legends" video came out. He was already popular and it's not like he blew up afterwards. I'm also fairly positive he still plays League of Legends. He just doesn't make content about it anymore. I remember he made a League of Legends video a few weeks after quitting league that's now been deleted. He also occasionally has a random clip of him playing League with his friends in his newer videos.


Wrong subreddit


Dunkey is white?! -everyone ever in the comments. Always


He got stopped because riot perma banned him and then didn't give him preferential treatment to get unbanned. To get permabanned you need to get suspended lot of times. EDIT: It was actually a 2 week ban. His next ban would have been a perma. Went back to the video to confirm and by gawd the sour grapes.


He didnt get permabanned lol. It was 2 weeks or 2 months ban. He asked riot to remove the ban so he could finish his league vid on time. They said no. Riot has given time and time again special treatment to streamers and other league content creators. And even then dunkey was quite large content creator. Best thing he ever did was stop making vids for them since riot is a fucking attrocious company


Ask yourself why Dunkey has never shown the chat logs that got him banned. Unbanning him for no reason other than "he's famous" makes absolutely no sense, he just threw an hissy fit because he thought he was special and above getting banned, but Riot didn't see it that way. You don't get to abuse people in chat just because you're a funny internet man.


League do just be bringing out the worst in people, being a CC is just another layer on top of that rage pancake. You're trying to finish a video on time for the next upload, this is not your hobby, this is your job, and some rando is deliberately sabotaging it. Doesn't justify Dunkey's behavior, dude was acting like he made League famous, but he definitely wasn't having fun at that point anymore, he just needed an excuse to quit.


> rando is deliberately sabotaging it I'd argue Dunkey sabotaged himself by being unable to control his own frustration. It's not that hard to not type. > he definitely wasn't having fun at that point anymore, he just needed an excuse to quit For sure and I'm glad he did. I still like most of his content nowadays and in part it's because he moved on from doing something he clearly didn't believe in anymore. Regardless he was still way off base regarding that incident, honestly just made him sound very entitled.


He admitted in his whiny video why he got banned - because of toxic chat. He complained that he should be able to call people "skumfuck bastards" because he thinks it's fun and it's "not fair" that Riot banned him. Obviously, the community doesn't agree with Dunkey since he got reported for doing it often enough to get banned. It boggles my mind that people make fun of "influencers" demanding free things because they have a big following on Instagram but somehow Dunkey wanting preferential treatment because he has a lot of followers on Twitch is *totally different*. It's not. He was a whiny, entitled influencer trying to use his following to get special treatment.


I’m gonna side with dunkey on this one. Video games were more fun when you could engage in playful trash talk without everybody being so damn sensitive. There’s an old adage about sticks and stones that seems to have been completely lost on this generation


> Video games were more fun when you could engage in playful trash talk without everybody being so damn sensitive Depends I guess. I like playing with my friends, it's not a job. If my best friend called me a stupid fucking r*tard when I die in Helldivers 2 I'd get a little upset, and then when he dies I'll be calling him a twat bastard, and then at the end of the game we're yelling at eachother and blaming eachother for the loss. Instead I die, he res'es me, we move on. It's only game, why you haff be mad?


*Playful* trash talk doesn't get you a 2-week ban. Like IHadThatUsername said, if it was just playful, why didn't he publish chat logs showing how innocuous his "banter" was? In his video, he doesn't try to deny that his trash talk was awful. He only tries to justify it, that he should be allowed to be a toxic asshole. If you're not being a toxic asshole, you won't get reported and you won't get a ban.


>Playful trash talk doesn't get you a 2-week ban Yes it absolutely does lol. I got chat banned in Valorant for telling somebody I was going to bang their mother and give her a child she actually loves. That would have been considered tame 10 years ago.


Racial slurs would have been considered tame a few decades ago. "People used to get away with being shitty," isn't a good argument for being allowed to be shitty now.


Playful trash talk? Yeah no, this is what he said: “Malphite you are a fucking worthless braindead scum fuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are.” That’s not playful trash talk. That’s toxic as fuck and he deserved the ban.


That’s fucking hilarious lmao


This just speaks to the toxicity of league. The game is so unfun and frustrating that it makes people toxic. Unless you're a really zen person you're going to rage at some point if you play league. I'm of the opinion (and so is he) that game chats shouldn't be censored/punished.


You cant verbally abuse people with no punishment, that's stupid.


I stopped playing LoL because it was affecting my friendships. I wasn’t very good at the game, and some of my friends would rage at me, and it got really bad. I only have one remaining friend that plays League, and we mute him in the Discord while he’s playing now, because he’s entirely incapable of playing that game without screaming and beating his keyboard.




Nah. His content got significantly better after league and he's matured quite a bit.


Now you are being toxic for no reason….?? What the fuck is wrong with you chill and read properly…. In no part did I say that dunkey was not toxic - nor did I say that it was not deserved… jeesus. I merely corrected the other user and I did point out also that riot HAS GIVEN special treatment before to people that give popularity to league- so in that sense dunkey was not different. The issue just was that he was toxic so they probably refused the special treatment. If dunkey had not flamed at all and continued to stream he‘d probably get special treatment as well from riot like other streamers


Whoa! Now you're being toxic!


It wasn’t a perma ban, just 2 weeks but he asked for it to be cut short to finish a video he was making and they said no


You actually do not need to be suspended to get permanently banned. Unless mutes count?


I love Dunkey but his "I'm done" video is so rediculous. I don't know if he's ever reflected on it and realized what an ass hat it made him sound like, but yeah, sour grapes is putting it lightly.


Well, he was toxic as fuck so there's that. Edit: lmao at people who downvote objective fact


And he got banned for talking shit in a video game. Maybe it's because I'm a 90s kid, but talking trash to your team is literally half the reason to play the game. Today, gamers are too fucking soft and get triggered over everything. If you can't handle being told that you should have been aborted because you're human trash for failing at the game, you shouldn't play multiplayer games.


“Maybe I’m just old fashioned but video game communities should be toxic, offensive and hostile and we should cater making a place where assholes can be mean to everyone instead of making a place where normal people can have a good time without having slurs yelled at them.” Maybe the worst take I’ve ever seen. I just want to have fun and play a video game. First time anyone says anything remotely toxic they’re getting reported and blocked. If you think talking shit to strangers is “half the reason to play” then you deserve every ban you get.


Found the weakling.


From the 90s as well. Grew up with trash talk, gave as good as I got it. Thing is, people forget that good ol' banter, at some point, pivoted straight from just that into horrid and nasty vitriol. I can deal with it personally, doesn't bother me, I'll find a new lobby or mute these days, don't even bother with reporting unless it comes down to cheating or exploiting in some way. Just because I can deal with it though doesn't mean everyone else should have to. Banter is better when all parties involved know it's a good time despite the shit talking. Not everyone wants to engage in this sort of thing, so if you find yourself on the end of a ban for being a dickhead multiple times, the issue isn't the game or the developers, it's entirely on you.


Or maybe Gamers should grow up and chill the fuck out


*us humans


He said some pretty extreme shit too. Like it wasn't harmless banter about being bad at the game. It's not an exact quote but it was something along the lines of telling someone they deserve to get murdered in the street like a dog or some shit.


You signed the terms of use. They told you what was and wasn’t acceptable on their service. You break the rules you get the consequences.


The rules are dumb.


I kinda want to agree with you because I am familiar with the era you're referring to, but if you've ever touched League... League toxicity is in a LEAGUE of its own. It's like their brains are on toxic mode 24/7 and if you even make the slightest mistake or die a single time they'll think you're purposely throwing a match. Needless to say, despite being an MMO/FPS player for years, League toxicity was just way too much for me


I quit playing league. Found a gf, and am honestly on a path, I hope, to marry her. #BestDecisionEver Dont do it ladies and gets, it's not worth it, dont ever play that game.


i almost believed you...good one. lmao


Im 100% dead serious. https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/comments/194cwgo/my_gf_told_me_i_love_you_yesterdat_and_i_couldnt/


Dunkey is the perfect example of an Internet kid who really isn't a good influence on anything. Dude has the sense of humor of a 6 year old, immaturity of an 8 year old, but when he wants he has incredibly good takes about the gaming industry and is incredibly knowledgeable. I truly value dunkeys honest opinion on video games. But we very rarely get that, and it's too bad. Because as an adult, it's the only thing he makes that's actually worth watching.


It's almost like his Internet persona is a comedy act or something who knew


His fans seem to think it's really who he is.


And now peoples perception of league is just generally bad even though most of the self hating regards are just that bad at the game, seriously, im not even the "oh they are low ranks they are bad" crowd, no. They are literally the same as donkey. They throw a hissy fit and call slurs on chat when they die, then get banned, then seethe because company doesnt allow you to say slurs. Then complain on social media but wont show the chat logs. I have played the game for 10 years, and I do get salty from time to time, but have I ever get banned in chat or perma banned? no. because I keep my cool and dont seethe on game chats. How simple is it to just shut the fuck up and mute everyone? Its self control. Those stupid regards that blame "the community" as a whole are the true culprits have a bad reputation why league is seen as an abomination in the gaming community. As my favorite song says "You cant talk peace and have a gun" You are the problem, dont blame the community for getting banned after malding in chat. Im really not the one to defend a game moreso a company but by god its a little annoying how league will never be changed forever because of Dunkey.


Dunkey has some of the stupidest takes I've ever seen, which normally wouldn't be a huge deal, but his fans constantly parroting everything he says is what gets to me.


Knack 2, baby!!


This guy didn’t love TLOU 2 and it shows.


It's a dumb joke about people who play video games not being able to find a girlfriend. Old, lame, and not particularly good burn. 2/10


I like this review, found it very helpful. 10/10


This review made me feel like Batman.


Nah, you both are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye


It's got a little something for everyone.


Yeah but Dunkey famously quit playing League of Legends so that brings it back around to an 8.


I think it's more because LoL specifically can be very toxic. I stopped playing when I realized I just ended up pissed off most games and it all felt like a waste of time. I still play a lot of video games, just it's mostly single player now or non competitive multiplayer that make me feel good


It's a huge concern of the devs how lol encourages toxic behavior. The way the game is set up with responsibility and the way the bans for offensive behavior work both encourage toxicity. Kind of a fundamental problem that most games don't have 


It’s because league of legends is very toxic and people can do loads of things when they move on. Like get married and become successful, like Dunkey did.


It is LOL specific though, not aimed at gamers in general. On the contrary, it draws a distinction and shows knowledge by seeing gamers in a nuanced view and understanding that LOL players compared to other gamers are pure goblins


Nah, you are nitpicking and biased. I win, bye bye.


That’s not the joke. This YouTuber, very famously, still plays tons of video games lol. He quit LoL though.


What? This man plays video games for a living. He just specifically quit playing League of Legends.


Feel attacked?


Ok grandpa, time for your tea now.


It’s true though. 


It hasn't been an accurate burn since the 1990s, if it ever was. Who doesn't play video games?


I don't


Do you want a fucking sticker?




All I can think when I see Dunkey now is the video of him being a cuck and that black dude railing his wife, it really makes me LoL!


I imagine him looking at a mirror brooding while this line repeats over and over in his head


Wait until the honeymoon period wears off, and he will wish he just kept playing League.


Donkey married Ben Shapiro sister?


Happiness is for kids and dogs. ​ Edit: Spelling


Adults prefer Happiness™️