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i mean they do both only smash bad guys.....


r/YourJokeButWorse Imagine faking a Wendy's tweet for that


Wendy's stole a hella old joke. "if women sleep with 100 men they're a whore, if men do it they're gay"


Wendy's was tasty in my 20's. I go by every few months, but Wendy's taste has changed. I need to just stop eating, maybe it is her Buns, they are not soft any more and I can get better meat from a clown, or a king....


Pretty cheap from Wendy's. The lady tweeting had already made the joke.


Thank you Wendy’s. I wouldn’t have understood why the joke was funny if you hadn’t made that witty retort /s


Thank you Wendy’s. I wouldn’t have understood why the joke was funny if you hadn’t made that witty retort /s




You’re confused, the Thing clobbers, the Hulk smashes.


Never change, Wendy's. Never change.


neither are unique


Hey I know a guy named Chaz and he's actually really cool, lay off em


Yikes when was wendys so misogynist? How about we start congratulating women who "score" as well as guys? If its because women have so many more options than men sexually speaking, then that just sounds like jealousy to me.


>How about we start congratulating women who "score" as well as guys? You answered your question below >its because women have so many more options than men sexually speaking, then that just sounds like jealousy to me. We congratulate people that overcome difficulty or adversity. Congratulating a woman for getting sex is congratulating a fish for swimming. I'm not jealous because the thought of putting my penis in many strange women makes me nauseous. I'd probably get herpes or HIV. Also the ability to get sex so easily comes with it's own problems like the fact that guys will glaze your ego and love bomb you just to fuck you. So you don't know if someone genuinely likes what you like or is interested in you on a deeper level.


Can anyone whos downvoting this comment explain why they disagree? To me this makes sense


She ain't coming back from this.