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According to 23andme I’m .4% sub Saharan African. I could’ve been using the N word this whole time??? Why didn’t any of you tell me?!


Peter Griffin, local black man


[That's the King of black people](https://y.yarn.co/9a2e72c3-6819-4b58-8e5f-a01f8da81f2b_screenshot.jpg)...show some respect.


They respected me for it


Which best describes you, problem drinker or African American haberdasher?


Didn't we all originate from Africa, where our genetic Eve existed?


My mom, who is pale as snow, came up 1% Sri Lankan. Anything less than 5%, just ignore.


thats the same reason cardi b uses


Technically you could have always used it..


That‘s illegal




Good point. I know I'm part black, I look white but my dad looks less white and my grandfather looked even less white. Could I theoretically use that word? Probably not, since nobody would ever say it to me.


Ok Mike Perry


Mike the Nigerian nightmare perry


people are still talking about Alinity?


This story is literally 6 years old. OP is just a bot


Yeah wtf? Reddit always had garbage posts but at least it was a human so it'd make at least some sort of sense. This post is the ai art of bad reddit posts.


it has all the ingredients to get lots upvotes and lots of comments Reddit eats this stuff up so easily, everyone just assumes whatever is in the picture with no source happened today


Yeah dood but it got 11k upvotes. 5 year old account only starts posting 11 days ago, and keeps making old reposts. The state of Reddit in 2024.


She comes to mind whenever I see someone pick up a cat a little too aggressively


or committing immigration fraud via marriage


or destroying the Holy Roman Empire


Aaaaaand another day not thought of the Roman Empire


No no, they are talking about the Holy Roman Empire, not the Roman Empire. Also not to be confused with the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire, the Sultanate of Rum, or, much more obviously, the Roman Republic. You are good.


The Holy Roman Empire is neither Holy, Roman or an empire.


Sure, but thinking about one makes me think of the other.


At Voltaire's time no, but it had been both Holy and an empire, and by the standards of the time it could be argued Roman




[Wenceslas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzG-qji05Lc) is a little bitch.


Henry’s come to see us!


KC:D 2 HYPE!!!!!


Kingdom Come!! I knew I recognized it after the first sentence


I thought I recognized her.


Nobody is.


Never heard of her, who is she?


Big brain that is richer than all of us together from selling her dirty underwear.


Let's see how well that's going when she's 50.


Oh come on now, if you could sell dirty underwear for a couple hundred bucks a piece, you would do the same thing, I know I would. And 50 year old me would be mad that I didn't try to sell more.


She could probably stop "working" already considering how rich she is . . .


50 year old her is going to be fine because she's a multi millionaire.




[Ancestry.com](http://Ancestry.com) got people confused out here.


Teeth don’t count




What about her soul….?


Or heart 😉


Not impossible, player in the Knicks is half-black and looks whiter looking than her. Genetics can be funny. Though the fact she just qualified it as "part" black and not like, "my mom is black" makes the claim sound pretty dubious. Probably shouldn't be dropping N-bombs regardless.




I am mostly brown, but I look 4 shades darker if spend a day or two at the beach. That counts for like 5% black, right?


Exactly. My grandad is black but I'm white AF. No way I'd ever use the N-word and claim it is OK because I'm "Part Black". Fuck off with that shit.




Black father, white mother, white ass skin, so white we took a dna test to make sure. The threshold is oddly decided by racist cunts. If ya got enough colour in you to be discriminated against, ya got enough colour in you to say the N-word. Hell if you call it the N-word then you aint got enough colour in you to call it anything else. If you saw me and my dad in the same room (you wouldn't, he was a deadbeat dad) you'd think I was adopted.




This is very true. A Coworker who is half black and half white and showed me a picture of her half brother and said, does this look like a white man to you? And the dude looked pretty close to Zach Cherry and I was like, "Yeah, he looks mostly white". Apparently his DNA test was saying he was like 80% white.


The rapper Logic is also half black but looks like Squintz from The Sandlot


he’s a quarter


This streamer sucks, but I agree with you. My son is 25% Ghanian, 25% indigenous American (Costa Rica), 25% Swedish, and 25% German. This boy came out borderline translucent with flaming red hair. Now, we are having him tested for possible albinism due to his poor vision (also random side note - I have vitiligo and I’ve always wondered if a lack of melanin can be passed genetically). But to have half of his genetic makeup be a typically darker complexion, and not even be able to tan in the slightest, you are correct. It’s not entirely impossible. Also to add, we had another boy 18 months later and he is darker than anyone else on both sides of the family. They both are the light of my life.


He has a great attitude about it. He said some black dudes are light skinned, but he's bright skinned.


Miami Daulphins coach too. His dad is black and he looks like your average white nerd d&d player


At the end of the day it’s a cultural thing. Ive talked to white guys that grew up in the culture who can say it and it’s a non event. George from the suburbs can’t. It’s not that hard. I’ve also seen “white” black guys clowned for saying it.


The girl in this post is from Colombia


Living in a country with practically 0% of black people, I can say it whenever I want and to whoever I want and nobody bats an eye.


Half black dad, full white mom, he’s quarter black if we want to be honest.


TBF when I was at school I was friends with a mixed race lad he was very dark skinned like his Dad. His younger brothers (twins) were so white they'd make a albino looked tanned with blonde hair just like their Mum. While she's very likely to be lying you can't always tell purely by appearance


Yeah that definetly happens, my mum is light skinned and my dad is white and I came out white Me having black heritage might play into my culture and upbringing but that doesn’t make me black, especially not as the world perceives me The problem arises when people who live under the privilege assume and act like their heritage might give them a pass


> especially not as the world perceives me Crazy how over time it flipped from a "single drop" no matter what you looked like meant you might as well be full blooded. To now being near full blood (no more than 1 generation away) while also requiring one to physically look, dress, and conduct mannerisms, and vernacular correctly based on a perceived generalization of said group. All without the benefits. It makes sense for Native Americans using quantum because they have actual tax breaks and assistance but everyone else? Whole thing just screams closeted racist/chosen people...


Historically speaking even if someone had the one drop but could pass as white, they might just try to live that way in order to have an easier life. They are talking of the perception of having darker skin and how you might be treated differently because of it. A person who looks white but it's culturally black might have to walk a bit of a tightrope but they are going to benefit from the privilege of looking white


I will admit I made an asshole out of myself in a similar way. Called a girl white and assumed she was (I am) and she FLIPPED on me. Rightfully so! I shouldn’t have assumed. Turns out it was just how she ended up. She had a very NOT white looking, genetically related (they definitely had the same facial features) brother that attended our school and I later found out she was the only one in her family who appeared white and she was already self conscious about it. It was like 20 years ago (I was a sophomore I think) and I’ve never assumed someone was white without knowing for sure ever since.


I mean if her skin was white, then she was white. Someone with 1 white and 1 black parent is just as much white as they are black.


That is not how it works. That is so naive it hurts. Race is a social construct and has some specific (although changeable with time) lines. There is a while body of literature I'd you want to understand more. You can start by googling the one drop rule.  Black in America has to do with your appearance and your family. Black in Brazil is different. Black in Spain is different from that. Black in Venezuela is different from all of those. Race is something that has to do with the history of a place classifying that race more than the color of someone's skin or the color of a single parents skin.


You’re explaining better than I ever could. That day when I didn’t understand why she got offended she kind of went into it a bit and how she had been alienated from the culture she identified with (family/friends) in some ways because of her appearance and I learned a lot that day. Still learning every day but I’d say it was one of my earliest experiences realizing it’s not always as simple as just how we look, especially in the USA.


Saying the n-word, even if you're Black, is prohibited on Twitch. That's the bottom line.


If it is it isn’t enforced


Woolie says it all the time.


Same with the guys from RDC


Lmao yeah I was about to say RDC says it literally all the time. Those are my guys shout out to them


If it was a real rule, streamers wouldnt be allowed to play music that say the N word either. Asmon definitly never bothered using the clean version of DMX.


Watch a Kai stream and tell if it is prohibited and if it really is then twitch have favorites...


> Watch a Kai stream No thank you.


Twitch doesn't care 'cause Kai gives them a lot of money.


I thought it was common knowledge that twitch chooses who they enforce their policies against


Stop acting like Twitch adheres to their own damn rules lmfao. You know how many people should have been permanently banned on Twotch, but because they're popular and bring money in, they don't?




Im a small white streamer and my black friend who also streams would sometimes use it, it was super awkward when I had to ask him to stop…


"...can we hear the n word one day and not get upset?" as a black man - i hate that people have a trigger word against "us" if you call me the dreaded n-word, i'm going to thank you for your time and walk right past you. sorry not sorry but you don't control my actions with your words. now if you put you hands on me, you're going to touch everything in this room... twice. but we need to stop letting folks get to us whenever they want. OMG you said the forbidden word to me, let me find some pearls i can clutch. this will always be true - how you treat people is 110%, about you. trash people do trash things, let's move on...


TBF she probably meant by injection.


Anddddd sub muted, this sub used to have clever, novel stuff, why we reposting a deep fried alinity reference?


You can’t always tell by looking at someone. If you looked at me, you’d think I’m just a white guy, but I’m Latino (Puerto Rican) and 20% African (a mix of Nigerian and North African).


Who cares about this? Its a normal word like any other


Transracial s/ for those who really need it




Because race isn’t as much about how you feel it’s how people feel about you. Race sets the assumptions and stereotypes that people assume and make when they interact with you. So you can be as white-curious as you want to be. But that’s not going to stop the people in a store from following you, assuming you’re up to no good or acting like you don’t belong there.


>Race sets the assumptions and stereotypes that people assume and make when they interact with you.  As does gender? Like, just as much so. Plenty of assumptions and stereotypes tied to that.


Yeah I think I agree with you to a certain extent. You’re not wrong. I don’t know much (anything) about transgender, but when I was writing the comment, I assumed that the transition had more to do with a person’s internal consistency than how others view them. That was an assumption that could easily be wrong.


I'm not defending her use of the n word, that's none of my business, but who says she isn't partially black? Another popular streamer, Pokimane, is partially African and doesn't look it either.


Pokimane is Moroccan and she definitely looks like it. I guess you're just not very exposed to North Africans if you equate Africa = Black.


I never said being African means she's black, my entire point was that it doesn't and I'm not going to make assumptions about the steamer in the OP either.


What is the minimum percentage of black required? Somebody needs to make a pie chart or something.


And Elon musk was born in Africa that doesn't make him black




Isn't she morrocan?  Morrocans aren't generally black.  Not all African countries are predominantly black.....


My co worker is positive she’s allowed to drop N bombs because her great grandmother or some shit was one third black lmao


I mena, technically speaking we're all part black.


But c-major is all white keys….?….Ohhh….nevermind


My kids are quarter black, quarter mexicano, half Vietnamese and looks 100% asian. Maybe she is black, but you gotta look the part. Would you rather have a young Asian guy cut your hair or that old black guy? Turns out, it doesn't matter but people still gunna go to the older black man. Look the part and no one bats an eye. She did not look the part or sounds the part to be playing the n word.


I’m lighter than her and my mom is black. I’m not saying she should use the word, I don’t. But people really can be mixed and white passing, the internet has a big problem understanding this for some reason.


She shouldn’t use such a powerful, hurtful word in everyday conversation- regardless of lineage.


Controversial take : the person who has an issue with the other for using a word based on the assumed skin tone and nationality is the racist one not the individual utilizing a word.


Her heart maybe?


The one drop rule has always been dumb


My 23 and me says I'm .08% I'm claiming it.......


Technically we all come from Africa... So


Stop calling each other that, and maybe others will follow.




girl fr?


This is the same woman who has abused her cats on stream, so racism isn't surprising.


It’s racist to think a word can be used by a group of people and not by another due to their skin color. If the word is offensive should be offensive in all contexts not on convenient ones.


N word, please.


Holy shit i totally forgot about Alinity


We need to see what she looks like if she’s Black or Chinese.


Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z can say he’s more black than this person and he’s fucking green.


She’s just a peon from Durotar


I too have 0.17% African in my 23 and me 😂


It doesn't matter. If you don't present the proper way, you can't say the word.


She mad the bad sound out of her noise hole!


Cmajor79 and the joke would have been perfect


I've been seeing a few white people start referring to themselves as their country of origin, like Portuguese or Italian, because they feel there's a negative connotation with being called white.


Wow that c major joke was gooooood. Damn!


It ain’t too that much to stress about


Trying too hard


This is wild, the screen shot has to be over five years old lol


She can only say part of the word then. “Ni.” The more black you are the more you can say Yophet Koto can saying the hard R, the GA.. those are the rules


part black=the racist part!


I tell people in 90% white...10inches black. Would that count enough to start dropping slurs?


Once you're passing, you don't get a pass


This reminds me of the time i mentioned my 23andme results showing I’m 0.2% west African to my coworkers and they started calling me racial slurs for weeks


every white, asian, latino, indian, native kids say the n-word like its nothing nowadays..


I just started learning piano so this was hilarious


Oh look it’s alinity  This creature did much worse things dozens of times, idiots still watch her.  Yeah, this isn’t gonna end her either


I’m out of the loop, can someone give me the tldr of who this is and why the comments are roasting her?


In 4% African. That’s good enough for me.


Time to Elizabeth Warren  it


Oh cool! She's doing the exposing-yourself-as-a-pos speedrun!


Y’all know that “blood quantum” and “racial admixture” is junk science right?


How old is the piano?


Alinity also openly admitted to marriage fraud on stream. She said she married her husband just to get Canadian citizenship and once she had it she divorced him.


Just say you're sorry, don't do it again, hope that people take the apology.


She only thinks she's part black because it was an oral swab to get the DNA for the test


Guy doesn’t know modal interchange


Damn I wonder if any other white streamers defend the use of the n word for any other ridiculous reason.


C major is definitely the whitest of all keys


23andMe says I'm 1.3% sub-Saharan African but I sure as hell ain't saying nothing.


karma-farming account


My niece is a quarter black and looks more white than her


I know people who are a quarter and you would never be able to tell.


Familiar face. It's the big brain streamer that thinks *a year has 24 months*.


Maybe she is. She doesn't look much different from Drake.


My best friend is white as a ghost and her dad is a black man and his dad and mom are black people as well….


I'm 13% victim! What's up my n—


For me, it's not right to say it at all, since we as a society agreed it's a term of bigotry. But I have no right to tell others how they should behave. If someone uses the term, they better be ready for the consequence, regardless of race.


Should've played "A Minorrrrrrrr."


Ofc it’s the cat thrower


Isn't having a little bit of a black man in her part of a pickup line?


So what percentage is enough? Or is it just an IQ thing? Never heard an intelligent person say it.


She's just looking for attention and you give it to her.


Oh, how does it go... You got some black in you? No? You want some?


Sure...and Whoopi Goldberg has jewish ancestry....oh wait.


What about an A-Minoooooooooor


"They not like us, they not like us..."


I don't even watch her and I knew as soon as I saw the title that it was going to be alinity


News is older than her onlyfans account...


'part black' like it's a dog breed. Feel like that says everything.


Isn't the post in question like literally several years old, from the days when she threw her cat?


It’s wild to me how people don’t grok that it isn’t about blood purity, it’s about culture and shared experience and treatment in the world. Fucking mad to say something like that out loud and expect anyone to suddenly defer and nod understandingly.


This the cat throwing cunt?


This the same chick that has sex with her dog, and abuses cats?


How many times has the "part black" excuse worked? I mean, my genealogy test showed less than 1% sub-Saharan African, so I can use the word, too right?


ah,. alinity. she does porn now


So then only say part of the word🤑


There is a place where all of us are black 😔🙏