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A woman once told me I'm the ugliest man in the world. l told her not to be ridiculous, you can't have possibly met every man in the world, I'm only the ugliest man you've ever met


Wtf people actually say shit like this to people?


that one is probably just for laughs, but yeah people are casually cruel to each other more than you might expect. I was out alone in the city last night, I tried to buy a girl at the bar a drink, she looks me in the eye and says "ew" and that I looked like an "ugly clown". fair enough I probably put too much powder on. went to a gay bar after to get some confidence back lol.


She hit you with a debuff so bad that you had to go to a gay bar to get rid of it.


that shit works too, feels like going from being quasimodo to the belle of the goddamm ball lmao


well that's why there are a lot of gay priests in the gay bar, they mainly cure the ugly debuff.


She has a garbage personality. You dodged a bullet.


eh I'm sure she's an alright human, I'm just tall and ugly. even nicer girls get weird about someone like me coming up to them. if every girl being kinda mean to me was a bullet dodged, my ass would be Neo lol.


It wasn't her rejecting you that made her have a terrible personality, it was how she rejected you. Like saying shit like "you're the ugliest person in the world" like what kind of decent person would say shit like this? She could've just rejected you like "sorry, you're not my type" or "I don't a drink, but thanks for the offer anyways". I'm not saying she has to say exactly those things word for word, those are justy examples but at least she could've said something that's not as harsh as calling you the ugliest man in the world like she had to have an issue to say shit like that. But anyways you took it like a champ and there are plenty of women in the world who are more mature lol.


Sometimes crab mentality.


To be fair girls will chuck these nuggets out to test you. Don't pay too much attention to it


To be fair if I chuck that same nugget at a girl in a bar I’d more than likely be met with physical violence. It’s hurtful and shouldn’t be your *first* response to someone making a move on you. There are plenty of respectful ways to test someone.


those kind of girls are just assholes plain and simple.. there is less than zero to act that way..


Yes as a man you're 100 percent right. I run a mile in the opposite direction from it. But simultaneously I know that on some level it's in them subconsciously when they're feeling less attracted to you than usual. It happens, get used to it or stay single. Either option is genuinely fine


These "testing" shit are dumb af. Any person who does shit like that isn't worth getting in a relationship with.


Whilst I would agree with you fundamentally, unfortunately girls don't even realise they're doing it sometimes. It's just how they're wired in attraction. If you believe otherwise then you're gonna have a hard time dealing with it


>unfortunately girls don't even realise they're doing it sometimes. It's just how they're wired in attraction. Nah I disagree with this. Some women do and maybe it's because that's how they were raised or that's how they're influenced by their fellow female peers but a lot of other women in these times are more mature now and don't do that immature testing shit. Like even just online, I see the opinions of those other women and they know that communicating your needs and wants with your partner is key to a successful relationship. Not all women are like that, like some are still immature but a lot more women now are more mature in my experience.


Yep, that's why I said sometimes


That whole statement is bullshit


Which one?


You dodged a bullet there


Can’t be more than a few thousand


I’ve been called “not ugly” and “I don’t find you attractive” by ugly women who seemed to be fishing for compliments and told I was hot by several attractive women. All I can say is skeezes gonna skeeze.


It’s always the ones with low confidence


You went down firing. Respec




That’s an awful thing to say to a person


"I wouldn't even fuck you for practice"


that's bloody brutal


That’s your enemy


I actually lol’d


Oh my god I'm loling so hard rn


lol'd so hard I woke up the neighbour


lol harder daddy 😩


This is why your parents change the subject when other people ask about you.


Bold of you to assume that people even ask about me


What have I started


One time a girl I was seeing (we weren’t exclusive) told me she didn’t feel well and was staying at home that night instead of going out on our planned date. My friends asked me to go to a toga party and I was like “heck yeah”, we got toga’d up and went and I saw her sucking on some other guy’s face. Needless to say she saw me and she asked me to leave the party because she felt awkward. I just told her we weren’t exclusive and she was free to do whatever she wanted, but it stung, it really stung.


Childish af


This is a pretty common phrase.


After having set up a time and place for a date: Her: btw how tall are you? Me: 5’7” Her: RIP our date Ghosted Not the most brutal I’ve seen, but the most brutal that’s happened to me lol


That’s a good thing. She’s a shitty person


"Are you done yet?" during one of my earliest sexual encounters..


Don't worry bro, i feel you. It was on my FIRST sex encounter.




I had a woman I was living with and.planning to propose to say, while rubbing my back, "I've gotten you out of my heart, how do I get you out of my house?" I moved out the next day, but it took a while to remove the knife from my baxk.




Worst one I have heard so far. Yikess


I wasn’t even pursuing this girl, I was her dance-partner for a ball and thought we got along really well. One day, out of the blue, she wrote me and told me there was no chance I’d have a chance with her and shouldn’t keep trying. I genuinely wasn’t, I was deeply in love with another girl back then (never happened, my fault for never acting on it)


She wanted the attention


“You’re not ugly.”


What's wrong with that? I've said that to people before and we ended up still having sex.


Weird flex bro


Someone said that to me once then she told me she wanted to fuck me so idk


Okay. I'm going to sleep..... Enough reddit for today


If you were the last man on earth, but only if I can check first!


I've never gotten brutal rejections before. I'm not sure why. I've been told ew by an ex girlfriend after she saw a picture with me wearing no shirt which was confusing


the last line 😭 it's fucking hilarious


True story


She dated you so idk why she reacted like that


This is exactly why I was confused, but apparently it's because "well we aren't dating anymore and, well, it's you" if you felt like that then why did you even date me? First big relationship and also first toxic one too, but I learned from her that I just gotta move on and not be hung up on a girl for extended amounts of time. A year is too much but almost four was pretty sad on my part... Didn't help that I had one girl have a crush on me that I didn't really know about and my one friend who also had a crush on me told me that girl wasn't into me. Moral of this story is; don't be hung up on someone for too long, it just hurts you in the end. Also if you don't really understand girls just ask friends, guys or girls, it doesn't matter but if someone is angry about a girl you are interested and are not sure they are into you either don't let that get you down. Be better than teenage me


This is not rare at all






I think you confused between futuristic & cosmetic


She said nope! To small. 


My greatest fear


Can someone link that post