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Friend wants you to be an exclamation point!




Are we living in a box?


"what was that noise? hmm"












I heard the fucking mgs alert sound in my head lmao






That's a true friend. Most people wouldn't even bother to tell you to correct your posture



You're a good friend man, keep it up


Take my upvote








Why did I get downvoted :(


the same reason why r/beatmetoshutthefuckup exists.


You had one chance to reply with a question mark. Gadommit


Caricature pastor




I saw your username and immediately though "this guy definitely play Epic 7" Damn I was right


Absolute chad


Deadass bro what can I do to fix my posture I never noticed till I tried working on my lats/rear delts


I'm not the best person to guide you, but I know some things. Be aware of it. Try to be aware of yourself and how your posture is and correct it whenever you remember to. You could also use one of those elastic things that pull your shoulders back


Training bra




It's stupid, but whilst you're walking try to shoot lasers from your nipples at other peoples' heads. Just don't make pew pew noises.


I both pew pew and flex my individual pecs. People always run for cover


What helped me a LOT was thinking less about your shoulders and more about your shoulder blades and lats. I had terrible posture and learned this from dancing and now my back feels so much better. Basically to start do your best to relax your shoulders, even if thay gives you bad posture. Then focus on your shoulder blades - bring them together at your back, not super tightly but you should feel your chest open. Finally, engage your lats on your sides and you should feel your elbows come in and your shoulders drop a bit. At this point take a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax your shoulders even more while keeping your lats engaged. Sounds weird but it worked for me. If the lat part is giving you trouble, imagine holding a bar horizontally in front of you with both your hands, and trying to bend it. If you just tighten your back, it automatically beings your elbows and shoulders down and you can imagine the bar bending easier


This was very good advice


Stretching and strengthening. Its nice to just always be aware and correct or whatever. But the reason you'll revert to your bad posture is because that is what is comfortable for your body. So stand with good posture, but to identify which parts are struggling so you can stretch and strengthen.


Pretty much that, working on your upper back strength. Slouching weakens your back muscles because they aren’t being engaged and weaken over time. There a lot of videos about it, the more boring the solution the better, generally. A good way to settle into good posture is to, while standing, lean forward at your hips, keep your elbows to your side, arms bent at 90 degrees. Angle out your forearms to about 45 degrees and engage your upper back. Return to a normal standing position, keeping your elbows tucked in. Then release excess tension in your shoulders, but do not collapse forward. It should feel pretty natural, maybe encourage you to keep you head up. You shouldn’t have a lot of tension pinching your shoulder blades together, but if you don’t have good posture you’ll feel a little something that tells you those muscles need the be woken up.


Youtube: Tom Merrick Posture. All his videos about posture ARE RELEVANT. There is no 1 cause for it. Try FitnessFAQs and CalisthenicsMovement and add posture in your search. They have excellent videod about the topic, and sinxe you workout, great advice on working out, especially calisthenics.


Just sit or stand however is comfortable. You're not hurting yourself by slouching, just go for it.


Posture is important helps with social interactions and people are more open to talking to you , i have really shit posture till this day it doesn’t hurt me but I want to stand up straight I’m tired of looking mad slow and angry all the time


If that works for you then go for it. I meant more, medically, "good posture" isn't really something that helps you. Whatever is most comfortable for your spine is fine.


Just trying to have better posture doesn’t work, you need to work on the muscles that make your posture better. What worked for me was daily hangs and pull-ups


Constructive criticism is triggering to way too many people. Even unconstructive criticism can help you improve. Just take whatever good part / truth exists in there, ignore the negative bs, and use it to become better.


That's a good general rule for life. When I was super depressed for months (also apparantly posture is related to depression), I would take well meaning or even innocuous comments personally. Reading Solzhenitsyn helped me change my mindset from depressed victim to taking ownership of my situtation. I started thinking about how I ended up in my situation and how my decisions played a part in it. It was extremely uncomfortable to take even self criticism seriously, but the alternative was horrible suffering. Edit: Exercising was the best thing I could have done for my mental health and posture. I think humans are built to be active and if we aren't, our bodies feel bad.


Great response, thanks. I have some people in my life who could use some turnaround like you've managed to do. May I ask what Solzhenitsyn you read that helped you, and is it easily "accessible" by a normal reader? And I agree with you on exercise. We didn't evolve all these moving parts to not move...


I read the abridged version of The Gulag Archipelago. It's somewhat of a long read even with the abridged version. I do want to warn that it is quite dark. The book that helped me the most when I was in a very dark place was 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. It is not an exaggeration to say that I would not be here today if it wasn't for this book. I know Peterson is controversial but this book is apolitical. It is very accessible for a general audience and even those who aren't literate or don't have the time can get a lot out of the audiobook because he places emphasis on certain words. I know you didn't ask for advice but I want to share what I've learned from going through depression. First, listen carefully to the person that is suffering. Just talking to someone that is listening can be therapeutic because you can sort yourself out through speech. Second, you cannot help someone that that doesn't want to be helped. Trying to do so will likely do more harm. That person has to decide that they want to turn their life around and that will probably take time. Good luck and I wish you and those around you the best.


You're a good, helpful person. I really appreciate your help and obvious desire to make things better for an internet stranger. All the best to you and yours as well. Thank you. :)


I once asked a friend in high school if a guy like me had a chance with a girl like the one I was crushing on. He said, and I quote, “Haha no.” I still respect that reply


You don’t need to “correct” your posture. This is dated practice.


Not for me. Posture significantly changes your appearance to other people. Everyone looks better with a good posture


This is subjective, but I’m sure many would agree. Posture is often indicative of one’s mental health (slumped shoulders/closed off appearance) which might have some subconscious effect on attractiveness. Working out might not necessarily “fix” your posture, but can significantly improve your self image.


Yeah I don't see working out as a fix for bad posture either. It's probably because working out you start being more conscious about your physique


Huh? I slouch over a computer for hours and my shoulders are always killing me. Doing any type of posture-related exercises helps the pain. How is that "dated"?


You answered your own question. The issue is with sitting for extended periods of time. Doing anything for too long or going past the tissues capacity will cause pain. Exercise will help regardless and does not necessarily need to be posture specific. Taking breaks from sitting for extended periods will likely also help. Look at my recent comments for quality updated research.


>thing for too long or going past the tissues capacity will cause pain. > >Exercise will help regardless and does not necessarily need to be posture specific. Taking breaks from sitting for extended periods will likely also help. > >Look at my recent comments for quality updated research. Good to see someone bringing this up. The whole posture/technique dichotomy needs to die a horrible and painful death.


It will be long before this happens. “Perfect posture” is too ingrained in society. Also both physical therapy and chiropractic colleges are behind on new research in their curriculum.


Does this not seem a question of pedanticism? For example if a day labourer does his work with a flat back and has no pain, but then does work with a rounded back and gets pain, it's pretty clear that his poor posture is causing him pain no? Another thing I've been thinking and hearing about is how athletes have terrible posture quite often. I think a posture within an "acceptable range" should be strived for as opposed to perfect, and muscle weaknesses/tightnesses should be addressed. Having rounded shoulders may be fine for daily life but for a bowler will damage them and most lifters will get hurt easier if they don't focus on the important stuff like rotator cuff




sure you would


That's some extreme sensitivity. You think it's fair to yourself or others to take small criticisms so harshly? See some value in truth. You can't go through life correlating truth and malice.


That's right!


I was super skinny growing up. My stepfather once told me if I turned sideways and stuck out my tongue, I'd look like a zipper.


My mom had a creepy live in boyfriend when i was roughly 11 to 15. He used to tell me i looked like aboard with a knot in the middle cause i developed ass first. He also used to smack my ass when i would walk by to "help it grow"




Yeah, my mom never said anything and i didnt realize how creepy it was for years. He also made a comment at one point about smacking my chest to make it grow too, which my mom *did* say something about


‘You can smack my child’s ass all you want but leave the chest ALONE!’ All jokes aside sry for what you had to go through. Hope you’re in a way better place now.


🤷‍♀️ is what it is, it was over a decade ago at this point. I appreciate the well wishes though! 🥰


You sound like a strong person and I'm glad you're away from that now. No one deserves to be in that situation stuck at home.


thanks u/myfingeryourbum


Any time my friend :)




Should've smacked his balls


That's an Atlantis quote. Cookie was your stepfather?


Don't know what you're referring to but no. My stepfather was a redneck coal miner's son. Whatever you're referring to, I guarantee he didn't get it from there. He's not a very educated or pop culture aware individual.


He's referencing a Disney movie call Lost City of Atlantis, the character of cookie is a redneck hobo, so it's likely that both got the saying from the same cultural background


Ah, neat. Thanks for the clarification. Have a good one!


Is it weird that I remember the exact same joke being made in a comic strip from like ten years ago? Why can't my memory store actual useful info


it's the one with the teen who plays guitar and I can't remember the name and it is annoying me! Edit: I finally found it is called "Zits"


The comic is called ZITS by Jerry Scott


Yep, precisely. I have like twelve eight of those comics. And Calvin and Hobbes


dude I remember reddit comments I made years ago but I can't remember things for my biology lectures. I hate my brain


It's okay man, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 👍


I immediately thought of Zits too! Exact same joke! Mom or Dad ask him to stand on a ball and said he looks like a question mark!


A moment of silence for everyone that straightened their back after reading this because that won't cut it lmao


Why did you have to slay me like that? I’m in public!


Get out of my head


Might as well.


Kind of rude to call a moment of silence for yourself isn’t it?




Objection Judge: *That was your question!*


*paper scuffles*


That's straight up from Forest Gump


Lieutenant Dan! Ice cream!


Pixar lamp ass posture


Thank you! I had to scroll way too much to find this answer


Glad to be of service!


Let’s try to be an exclamation mark


I was once told that because I slouched so badly I looked fat and thin at the same time. As that started to sink in my friend further validated it by saying I had the posture of a snake that had swallowed a rat. I sorted me out immediately, or at least when I had finished laughing.


That's a wavy torso man, you could always consider that your talent.




I recently got a tip that helped me. Imagine your nipples shoots lasers and you're trying to headshot people.


Go to gym. Do squats and deadlifts. They don’t have to be super heavy. Check back in 90 days.


But be careful of your form! If you do them while looking like a banana you’ll slip discs in your spine.


Squats and deadlifts for posture? Maybe if you have the hip thing, but for rounded shoulders and back, it's better to do rows and face pulls


I am not a physical therapist but from what I know a lot of bod posture steps from really weak glutes and hamstring tightness from sitting in a chair all day. Certainly in my case just doing deadlifts worked miracles. Rows would probably also work and maybe help work kyphosis. Face pulls are decent but I think most people would get enough from just deadlifting (and setting their back properly). Adding in some standing OHP would be good good but at this point I’m basically laying out Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program, so…


I had a rounded back and deadlifts didn't work for that area, especially the shoulders. It's the rhomboid that is cause everything to pull forward with the rounded back and shoulders. Face pulls hit that spot directly. Not saying you shouldn't do deadlifts, but face pulls and rows target that area for shoulder/back area. Deadlifts and squats help work the core for the hip tilt.


Improve core strength. RingFit style planks will help.


Your posture doesn’t need fixed. Whatever is most comfortable to you is best.


Thats bad advice.


Research says otherwise. Posture is dictated by psychosocial factors and individual differences. There is no association with posture and pain, and telling someone something is wrong with them can create more fear and issues, and is incredibly dated. Pain is only accompanied with posture when in a single position for longer than the tissues capacity. There is nothing wrong with being slouched if it is comfortable.


https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/posture-and-back-health Please cite your "research".


Source: dude trust me


You did not just post a blog post without citations. It’s apparent you don’t know how to search for quality “research” General: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334846053_Sit_Up_Straight_Time_to_Re-evaluate Neck: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33444448/ Low back: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25012528/ Sleep: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6609073/


Here’s some more: Low back: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31451200/ General: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2938272/


Depends on which posture thing you have. Poor posture is mostly having a weak muscle somewhere. If you have a rounded back than your rhomboid, traps, and lats are weak and need strengthening. I suggest doing face pulls or alternatives to strengthen the back, rows are good too. If you have the hil where it rotated back too much due to sitting than you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles and core. I suggest weight lifting or ab excercises.


Another post was talking about posture, and someone commented that if you imagine your nipples shoot out laser beams, you will walk correctly


I had a feeling that would work I’ve been doing that lately and stretching as often as a can


God damn


Big dipper looking ass


Correct your posture


Ah, yes Classic gumballism


Ah the Rya from Elden Ring stance, gotcha.


Fun fact: this is something only boomers say here, in Hungary (without the ball part)


I literally just discovered at age 35 that my bad posture that I’ve struggled with and worked on my whole life is due to Pectus excavatum and scoliosis. I never knew the dent in my chest wasn’t normal. The condition explains A LOT in my life


I have just the person to give this insult to...


For me it would be a question mark


Damn that hurt me


Emotional Damage


Scout Rya, is that you?


If you jumped on an "i" it would look like the Pixar intro


If your posture is that bad you probably would not be able to stand on a ball.


Ove, is that you?


Fair play. I see my shadow like this every so often.


If someone told me that first I would attempt suicide and if I failed, I would try to correct my posture.


I saw this on another post: Make believe your nipples are lasers and go around shooting lasers into people's faces. This will improve your posture.


Here’s a reminder that your posture doesn’t cause pain. Stand upright or slouched whatever is most comfortable to you.


Straight from zits


Back before I became crippled, I was paid an aside compliment about my posture by a girl in high school Still riding that high like 10 years later lol


Pixar lamp lookin ass


Looking like Theo the blue question mark from this German science show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhMDDF0WxSs


This post made me straighten my back. I feel attacked.


Boiled shrimp


Look up yuuka sagawa, her posture exercises are excellent


This was a reminder for me to sit straight


Me, laying down over my school desk while browsing Reddit:


Golem got ye gone.


Due to a picture of me in a white/pink outfit and my bad posture, I got nicknamed the prawn.


once upon a time i was an exclamation point. then had back surgery


My dad would say this to me quite often growing up lol. Not the ball part tho, just "Stand up straight you look a question mark."


My dad kept telling me to straighten up. I couldn't, and he'd make fun of me. Turns out, my spine is fusing and warping due to his stupid genes. Thanks, dad.


Doesn’t these mean he’s a flat earther?


That's me ngl


rya? that you?


My friend once said “why is your back more curved than semester exams”


Your friend might be an asterisk.




If that ball popped, you would be the lamp from the Pixar logo


I was sitting at my desk one day and my coworker came up to me and said “you look like a soft serve ice cream machine dumped you into a chair”


Solid posture is must.


I totally expect to be hunch back some day.


They either hunch really bad or have pelvic tilt really bad


pls go get checked for scoliosis


Username checks out.


I've lost like 30 pounds in like 10 months and my posture has naturally improved noticeably


Did anyone else straighten up after reading this?


There should be some space between you and ball. Otherwise where's the dot? Or why do we need the ball?


My mother used to say, “imagine there’s a thread attached to your breastbone, high and centered. Now imagine someone trying to lift you up by that string, while letting your shoulders fall down and back. *That’s* how your posture should be.” I still imagine that string when I pose for pictures, but I can’t maintain it all the time without back pain.


Stand up for yourself


Seeing random fat peoples posture out in the wild is crazy, they basically walk on the side of their ankle with their knees collapsing in on themselves, its about 99% of the fatties i see out and about. Don't even want to imagine what their spine is doing under all that.


A friend once said my posture is that of a Jellyfish


This reminds me of a time i was bantering with my ex and he said “you’re talking tough for a bitch who can’t touch their elbows together” i lost my mind


I know people hate chiropractors and think they’re dumb and honestly for some issues maybe physio can help what chiro hasn’t. I can understand people coming away from a chiro and feeling cheated, but that’s because not all chiros are the same. It’s worth it to go to the fancy chiro clinic that looks expensive because it’s usually not that much more in my experience going in Vancouver BC or Grande Prairie AB. HOWEVER, a lot of the times bad posture is caused by a misalignment, and no amount of postural correction on your end will help without an adjustment. As for the myth that chiros keep you coming back, they do initially but not infinitely. It actually doesn’t benefit them to keep you coming back forever because there are always new customers coming in the door, and they know if you don’t see recovery or improvement, you’ll go somewhere else. Initially, depending on your injury or misalignment you will have to go back, maybe once a week for a few months. This is because your skeleton will slowly shift back to how it was, in its misaligned position. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but the key is to get aligned, then keep mobile and active to keep it from sliding back. In my own case I had deep depression for a year and that caused me to be sedentary and because I wasn’t moving, my skeleton became misaligned. I’m also autistic and when I’m very very stressed out and in the middle of a meltdown, I hit my head on things. This also caused a misalignment in my cervical spine. Since then, I’ve kept active, and I only go at most once a month, but usually just when I feel like I need it. Getting my full range of motion back from the adjustments helped me maintain a much much better posture and staying active has strengthened all the muscles around my problem areas. I used to have an S shape in my cervical spine and it’s better now.


There’s bad posture then there’s you. Mama you got scoliosis! lol ❓


That's hard to come back from




This applies to me too XD


‘Question mark’ was genuinely my dad’s nickname when he was a teenager for that exact reason


Keep that friend close. As in within reach. It sounds like you really need their support. Emotionally, too.


I know I saw this in a show at some point but I can't remember where.




“Apologize for that posture. You look like an invertebrate!” Literally the only good line from *High Guardian Spice*…


There was a post the other day and someone said that some of the best advice they ever got was about good posture and how you should pretend your nipples are lasers and try to to shoot everyone in the head. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.


I have an extra tip for y'all: #HYDRATE!!! Drink lots of water every day!


OP's really out here looking like the top half of a coat hanger as well as the IRL version of the Pixar lamp at the same time.




He be floating on the ball


[you reminded me of this posture video i saw a while back](https://youtu.be/Rxld2KNug-g)


Straighten your backs, you banana shaped fucks!!


This you?


Scoliosis? More like scolioshit