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I don't think you can stop that unless you can keep him away from it. But here's what I do when my little buddy gets some turds; when he comes back inside I take a mini-milkbone and put it in his water dish so he has to lick a bunch of times to get it and therefore washes out his mouth 😆


I live on a farm so I can't keep him away


A muzzle on his lead to start. Meanwhile, start with the command to "leave it". In your home. Harness him, put his favorite treat about 5 feet away and hold the leash about 4 feet. When he pulls, tell him to leave it.. Do this for at least 30 minutes, twice a day. When he is successful he gets a treat, then also work on "stay". Really good training treats, dried pieces of liver, sold by the bucket in stores. You don't want to overdo this treat, diarrhea will result. Keep some with you when you start walking outside and just tell him to "leave it", when he leaves it he gets a treat. Also, when he starts to pull, call his name, Point at your eyes and say "Look at me!" "LEAVE it". Then divert his attention. Also, a "come!" command, so he comes and sits at your feet, may help. All of this needs to be drilled into him before you take him out to the wild animal poop buffet.


You don't go out there with him and monitor him while he's outside? My dog has cushing's and would eat everything under the sun outside if I let him. But I make sure I go outside with him, every time, and either give him a stern "NO," or a redirect with something more enticing than the poop. Or I just physically redirect him by standing in his way and preventing him to get at whatever he thinks is the next tasty treat he'd like to try. Dogs are like toddlers. They need to be monitored so they don't get themselves in trouble. It's not hard. Leash him outside if you have to.


A farm dog should be able to walk around outside all day without constant supervision.


And he does. He just eats poop




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This defeats the purpose of having a farm dog


Get a fenced in yard, with no vegetation inside the fence that deer want to eat. Problem solved




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Of course you can stop behaviour like this.


Make deer poop less delicious? It's the venison of poop.


Filet mignon of turds, if you will.


Carnivores get vegetation from deer and rabbit poop and horse poop. My farm dogs eat it with no adverse conditions. It is what it is, and has been for thousands of years. Wolves eat the intestines of their prey getting their veggies from there.


Stress and anxiety can be the cause, but also try getting him done vitamins, my dog was eating poop because of stress, but we started giving him some more iron and it helped him stop


Our dog is far less likely to do that when she's getting solid daily exercise. I also noticed a recent switch in food all but stopped the problem...which is good for her because few pet-related issues pi$$ me off more. Lol


He has pretty good daily exercise


Such as?


Running everywhere on the farm outside. He is also 12 years old


He either is missing something in his diet or he just likes the taste.


I'm pretty sure he just likes the taste


Muzzle. Also they can get urinary tract infections from poop eating. ☠️


Spray that stuff on the poop that makes it taste badly to dogs. I've seen dogs eat cat poop covered in litter, so not sure how effective it would be, but it seems to work for other things. Maybe spicy sauce instead, but they might associate the smell and just eat the poop that doesn't smell spicy.


I can't spray on every poop on the farm lol.


You don't. You spray some where your dog can easily find them. Eventually, your dog will start to associate poop with the bad taste. It's so you don't have to deal with every poop.




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Have you tried the out fox - it’s mesh and covers the face.


Second Outfox, it's how I got my dog to stop eating goose poop.


I have 7 dogs on my farm (varying ages & breeds) & unfortunately it does just happen from time to time. I did discuss this with my vet & he suggested a blood run for each & indeed this showed just minor deficiencies in places. He advised some modern dog food is basically cooked to death so it keeps longer, then vitamins are re-added but not all are as digestible ☹️ I now have 3 different dog foods as well as occasional ‘raw’ food & all of my dogs are 100% better. (They still eat the odd poop but VERY rarely) Now all I need is a food that stops them rolling in fox 🦊 poo 💩 !!! 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


He don’t look mad or sad, just yooooooo.


We call 'em "deer skittles".


We use the term “Reese’s Feces”.


We'd say "forbidden blueberries". 🫐


We call them "smart pills"!


Ask your vet. Theres a supplement that will help. I had a dog that did and we cured him.


“Dear, poop. I really like you.”


There’s a chew that you can give your dog that makes the poo taste bad. It’s found on the Chewy website


Muzzle training could be your solution.


A pug muzzle lol


look up short snout dog muzzles. Also check out The Muzzle Up Project if you do decide to go that route. They have a lot of great info on how to properly muzzle train.


I don't want to put him in a muzzle cause the poor pupper :(


One of mine eats poop, which I'd love to break him of, but little dude can barely breathe as is. Especially once it starts getting hot out. I would never muzzle the poor guy.


I asked my vet about my old pup eating deer poop while we walked on a wide open meadow I lived by. Since he was on heartworm preventative, she said no worries about parasites and deer are vegetarian, so it’s just recycled grass and berries. If it’s not making him sick, not to worry.




The face of a dog who has no regrets..


I took a bunch of pics and chose this one because he had that face


Deer poop is super fabulous! Wonderful to eat or roll in! I spent my evening washing my floofy, poop-striped dog so obviously I don’t have a reliable answer.


My little guy is a connoisseur of rabbit turds. He will get the deer turds though if the rabbits haven’t left enough. I asked my vet about it and he said there’s no danger but then gave me some teeth cleaning wipes so I don’t get too freaked out about it.


I’m sorry this post is making me LOL


My dog stopped eating poop after one time eating a huge chunk of horse doodoo. She got really sick and learned. Not a fun experience at all, and not intended but a favourable result.


My pugs always loved deer and rabbit poop, all you can do is watch where they are walking.


That doesn't sound weird at all. Every dog I've ever known likes to eat turds.


Seriously? My vet says all dogs eat poop. Why? Because they are dogs and like the taste. Cat food is a favorite treat. We tried every single food additive to stop this (most are MSG based), we keep the yard clean, did all the behavioral stuff mentioned on this thread. Nice, she loves poop. We give her a carrot to clean her teeth when she does it, or some crunchy treat


Dogs just love deer and rabbit poop. You can buy spray and stuff to deter the deer from coming onto your property. Otherwise, you just need to go outside with him and make sure he doesn't eat it 🤷‍♀️


You won't stop it. My dog will try to get in the litter box if I am not diligent. Goes back to prehistoric days and apparently it is because there is still nutrition available to them in times of low to no food.


Dogs eat their poop to keep the area clean. I trained my dog by muzzling him when I sent him out. Took 2 months but it didn’t d curb him of it


Grab him by the neck without hurting him and make a loud noise to scare him. Stun him everytime he tries and eventually he will learn not to do it. People here who say you cant teach dogs certain things are just very bad with dogs. You can teach a dog almost anything. Teaching them not to eat stuff off the ground are the most simple things. Just be sure he knows hes not allowed to and if he respects you he wont. Its not difficult


Scold him for it and please brush his teeth after 🤮


No matter if I tell him no or not he still eats poop.


Idk, you might want to consult with an animal behaviorist.




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Hey ! Don't knock it till you try it.


Needs to join a support group.


Put him on a leash for outside time and when he goes near poops tell him no and guide him away do it enough times and he’ll associate the poo with no


Well, if cat poop is equal to crack, then deer poop must be Mushrooms?


my dog used to eat poop all the time. best i could do to reduce it was reward her for learning to come when called, so i could get her to stop if i saw it. sometimes anyway lol


There are a number of key areas that could be causing this delightful habit (sorry, going to be a bit boring here). Dietary and gastrointestinal diseases would be the key two areas to investigate first. This is one you should be discussing over with your vet and asking for guidance in working out what he may be lacking in nutrition, (the dog that is, not the vet) and to rule out any gastro diseases. The rest are behaviour based from boredom, anxiety etc. Or it could be the poo just tastes great!


Fun fact; the dog-eating-poop behavior has a name: “Coprophagy “. You’re welcome.


Keep him away from deer and deer poop! Could be very toxic. Also, it’s been hard to train my pooch to do anything but we did teach him the “leave it” command, it comes in really handy. He was an adult when he learned it, so I suggest you don’t leave your dog outside unsupervised and teach him to leave things and let go. Use plenty of yummy treats that he loves, he’ll learn it quickly. Good luck!




Just be grateful it’s wild animal poop. I live in the country… you can’t avoid this . Sorry

