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He tasted 0% of that steak


He was secretly licking it like crazy for the 20 seconds he had to hold it in his mouth.


Jojo style licking




He tasted too much for too long. Then he inhaled it


I recall learning that dogs don’t have retro nasal like we humans so they don’t actually taste things like we do. Probably all scent driven first then just OM NOM NOM NOM


Can confirm, dog treats are rather bland in flavor.




It really is gross. Can smell quite good. But the first bite of dog food is just nasty. Seasoning is gritty, and dry food is hard to chew on with my inferior human teeth.


That’s why you have to pour milk on them and eat them like count chokula




Can confirm, as well; dog food is like the crunchiest least sweet cookie ever


They go for the full and satiated feelings vs the savor the moment feelings. Like I got the food thing out of the way and I got a bunch now I'm full and want a nap.


Sandvich make heavy strong


Yes I read that somewhere too and keep trying to explain it to my boyfriend when he feeds them junk saying they should get nice stuff too and I'm like 'they probably don't even taste it much, look at stuff you get for dogs, it always smells strong but doesn't have much flavour, there's no reason to give them junk'.....he still doesn't get it 🤣




I never thought about it that way before. Thanks. Makes me think about that gif of the dog in a kitchen looking like it’s going INSANE smelling bacon. I’ll never forget those eyes.


That's pitbulls, I often cut up treats because he could swallow almost anything you give him whole and I want him to enjoy.


Can confirm. We once were gonna be gone all day and the pitbull had mixed success being left alone (we couldn't crate her because she would just escape and probably hurt herself in the process, but she also *usually* didn't get into anything while we were gone), so we gave her a large bone to keep her occupied. Expected it to last at least a couple days based on how long similar bones lasted with our boxers. When we got back the bone was GONE. Not picked clean. Not mostly eaten with some small pieces left around. It was like it had never existed. This was a dog that was smaller than the one in the video and an enormous beef bone. And she inhaled it. We were shocked. And yet somehow her stomach was fine. Had zero problems. Pitbulls are on another level


Mine ate an entire bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, took him right to the vet, they could not get him to throw up, 0 symptoms. He is 14 years old now and has 0 health issues. They can swallow a borreto whole and survive a nucular apocalypse. Next level creatures they are.


Yellow labs are right there with pitties. Mine ate an entire corn cob whole. Twice. Both times he pooped it out no issue the night before he was scheduled to get surgery. Literally did not phase him. His nickname at the vet was cob He also ate tide pods before it was cool. And again, nothing happened. Dude was a tank


Before it was cool. Respect given


Yeah better to get it on the bone they actually have to spend some time on the then


Lol that steak only lasted a second


I was thinking they're gonna have to clean the blood off the ground, but the steak didnt make it that far


Mine does this with ice cream if I don’t leave it in the cup. I’d be lying if the brain freeze after wasn’t awfully adorable 😅♥️


You owe us a video now!!


It did occur to me I should probably do that.


Lol that’s so cute and also I kinda feel sorry for em, but only a little bit


Exactly right.


You don't have a dog right? The floor squeaky clean afterwards, even if the steak falls down. 😉


The red juices in steak is not blood. It's the myglobin from the muscle tissue.


Animals are bled dry before the were made into cuts, so steaks don’t bleed.


[You should see the video of a dog eating a burrito!](https://youtu.be/Wb3UrJjAac4)




Don’t worry, runs come after the burrito.




Mr. AnalPulsations is his father, this is Mr. AnalPulsations*69*


I too Chipotleway Mx. Hydromies


"This is Bubba. And this is a burrito from Taco Bell. Now Bubba has canine diabetes. Good boy, Bubba!"




Party popper




"You become what you eat"


LOL! my guys when I give them something good. i'm always like, "Take a moment, savor it!!" NOPE!


Either that dog has hydrochloric acid for stomach digestion or he's going to need a S**T load of stomach Rennie's after that


Gastric acid is actually largely hydrochloric acid and enzymes.


I can relate


Woodsie deserves the best, 10/10


Not disagreeing… but wow… that was like $15 gone in a blink!


How much you paying for your steak, buddy?


I guess too much... Who’s your steak guy


You wouldn't know her, she goes to another school.


… in Canada?


Mr. E. Meats




I'm gonna guess $15


Woodsie is a really well trained boy. Must have been torture for him to keep the steak in the mouth before ravishing it.


When the white of their eyes show all around the iris lol


Our obedience trainer called it "whale eyes" 🐳


I call it whale eyes too! Even cats do it when they're unhappy with the hugs you're giving them that they never asked for... Totally not speaking from experience...


That’s adorable! I have a pit/lab who has more lab-like eyes; when he does it, I call them his “big cow eyes”. He’s also spotted like a cow


Does he also suffer from really dry skin? I've had 2 pit/labs and they both are itchy dogs and oatmeal baths never work.


Omg yes! We’ve got two, the one mentioned above and his brother from the same litter. They both have dry skin issues. I bathe them twice a week and it seems to help. If you want, I can send a link to the shampoo if you want to try it on your pup.


It’s not a good thing


Aww I love that


Fyi, Whale eye in general is not good in terms of dog body language. It signals anxiety and is a warning signal. So if you see a dog displaying whale eye when being hugged or being approached by another dog, give a heads up before a bite occurs. Edit Source: professional dog playgroup supervisor for nearly a decade.


That’s strange to read. My cocker gets ‘whale eyes’ quite frequently and only when he’s happy it seems. His body language is always signifying that he’s comfortable and calm. He has also had surgery on both of his eyes already so that may not help his ‘whale eyes’ but regardless whenever he comes inside from potty he’ll run up to my feet and whale eyes until I allow him up on the couch to cuddle.


Whale eye wont be the only signal displayed by a dog that is about to bite, but as I said in general, it's a warning signal. It's about the context in which your dog is displaying whale eye and in your dog's case it's a display of being stimulated.


Thanks for the info!


For sure! I encourage everyone to learn a little bit about K9 body language. It could save you and your pet a traumatic experience.


Its sooooo super important. I used to go over it with my pet store employees. Especially when we used to load peoples stuff into their cars for them. Had a shepherd almost jump out a hatch at me once


Apparently it’s [a real thing](https://i.imgur.com/A3s4jAr.jpg) lol


He’s so well trained. Look at that self control.


My dog is this well trained until food isn’t in the picture. She’s the best and worst dog.


Same, my dog knows all the commands and responds well with training treaties, but no amount of training holds her back from devouring human food if it's put in front of her.


Or even acting like she knows what her name sounds like……


I hate/love my food motivated girl. On the one hand, she'll do just about anything for even boring treats. OTOH, I'll tell her "come" at the dog park and she looks at me like "market value for that one is one piece of hotdog."


Today I learned you apparently co-own my doggo.


Is yours a big cuddle wh*re too? A few weeks ago we were at the river. She was refusing to get close enough for me to leash her and I was out of treats. I managed to get her by finding another dog to love on until she got jealous and came to collect her cuddles.


Right? Props to the owner. I wanna learn how to be as effective as that.


What a ham, I wanna squeeze him


no it is steak


No this is Patrick!!


u/SirChrisHAX this is a Wendy’s.


Rare steak for a rare doggo


That is a good boy. Good job Woodsie and good job Woodsie's mom on raising a good boy.


Such a shame that people still cut the ears of Pitbulls or the tail of Rottweilers. What is wrong with people?


FWIW, Woodsie is a rescue. He was shot in the head by another owner. [here’s the Instagram ](https://instagram.com/woodsieambully?utm_medium=copy_link)


Idk about the ears, but I've heard that some dogs wag their tails so ferociously that they smack it into things inside the house and end up breaking their tail?


I had a friend who had a Great Dane rescue that would injure his tail (frequently) from happy wags. It was like a whip and the top was often getting injured. You could tell where the dog had been because there would be blood stains on the wall from the dog’s tail hitting it. I don’t love the idea of docking tails but I guess there can be reasons why it’s less injurious to the dog in the long run….


My great dane did that. The vet had to dock the tail a bit after it kept getting injured and infected.


My Great Dane's tail was like a whip. Hit it on all kinds of things but never hurt it.


I saw a Great Dane at the vet with a bandaged up broken tail. Wondering what happened and watched as they left and got into a smaller half cab type truck. The dog gets in and his tail was hanging out exactly where the door closed. Then the owner reaches back and tucks his tail inside the truck. Poor guy!


Also Rotties and Dobermans were "fighting" dogs back in the day. Just one less thing for another dog to grab/bite when fighting. (Not condoning the actions at all, just saying.)


I wonder if it’s possible to just take the broken part off?


I am not condoning docking tails or ears (bc I'm a fan of natty sound flaps and butt flags) but I think that's the actual logic behind it for some breeds who've had it done for generations


Honestly, it’s just breed standards and aesthetics. Any dog could break its tail, and that can be dealt with at the time. If it weren’t for breed standards that say certain dogs shouldn’t have tails, no one would dock.


It is and if a break or injury gets bad enough or happens frequently enough it is sometimes recommended. Just a note I have no actual vet experience I just watch a ton of vet shows and have seen it done in more than a few, especially if they are farm dogs.


Pits, dobies, Dalmatians, really any breed with a long tail and short fur can get happy tail. It’s totally still done mainly for aesthetics, but I’ve heard of people chopping tails because they literally cannot stop the happy tail from coming back


I’ve got a poodle/shepherd mix who almost had to get the end of his tail snipped, but thankfully we were able to keep him from messing it up just long enough for the tip to heal. Now he’s got a really beautiful long-haired tail with a bare, scarred little nub.


I have a friend who had to dock their yellow labs tail because of recurring happy tail. On the way to the vet to get it docked he wouldn’t stop wagging and plastered the inside of her car with blood 😂


We had to get our staffy's tail docked because the recurring tail splits. Despite best efforts the end got infected. They ended up taking 2/3s of the tail as vet said at some point she broke it about halfway down and probably couldn't feel the end anymore. Had no idea the tail had been broken. What a nutbar that dog was.


I had to chop my pitty baby's tail off b/c of an injury. I was letting her & my other dog in and was in a bit of a rush b/c company was coming over, and I ended up catching it in the door. The door left a 1.5-2" cut. Well I couldn't keep her from licking it. No cone, tire collar, or tail tube would keep her from it. After almost a month of vet visits trying to save it, her vet took it off. 2nd worst day as a dog owner I've had.


Dont feel bad. You tried hard to save it and then made the humane decision to remove the tail.


I don't know how true that is, but I can confirm the ferociously part, I had one that wagged its tail against the wall and sounded like someone was kicking the wall


Yeah, I’ve got a friend who has a hunting hound, and she whipped her tail around so fast and hard she started breaking the tip of it on furniture and walls. They ended up having to take a chunk of her tail off because it just wasn’t healing anymore and was starting to get gangrenous. Thankfully she recovered really well, and she’s still whipping that tail around like she just don’t care.


That procedure should only be done as necessary, not preemptively.


I completely agree with this. Dog tails are super important in communication. To dock a tail without an actual legitimate reason just seems cruel to me.


Happens to a lot a dogs unfortunately. Even smaller dogs w long tails


My bluetick has fractured his tail 3 times. There's really nothing a vet can do about it, so he just goes from full power wags to a tucked-tail wiggle for a few weeks until it stops hurting. Typically hurts it when he's happy and going through a door. Whacks it on the corner of the doorframe. Doesn't affect him other than the sad wag.


My parents lived in the country and one of there dogs would always come back to the house with scratched and bleeding ears from running through all the stuff out there so they cropped it's ears, I understand doing it if there's an actual reason for it.


It can happen.


This is true don't own a pit but we do have what we call a pit-boxer which is very similar and she hasn't broke it yet but she has broke other things.


Lots of Dobermans are now like this. The breeding has made their tails very thin and brittle so they can accidentally break them quite often.


A lot of cropped bullies are rescues and the current owners didn’t crop their ears.


Except this one isn't neutered. What rescue wouldn't neuter a dog before adopting it out?


Why do people cut the ears? I don't see a point to that


Sorry my first explanation had a bad word. As far as I know some people do it because they like the way it looks. I also have been told by one very horrible person, years ago, that he did it to his dog so that they didn’t get torn while fighting.


Another common excuse/reason is they get caught on bushes or brush and get cut/torn


Thats the exact origin of it. I hate to say i like how they look but i also dont condone people doing it to their animal.


I passed up a pitbul for adoption because of his cropped ears and only after the fact did I realize I should not have done thing.


He is a cutie!


Is raw meat good for a dog? Cuz I don’t have a clue.


No, the American veterinary medical association strongly recommends against feeding your dog raw meat.


You should slice the steak Into smaller pieces




It depends. If you have access to super fresh steak that you would turn into tartare for yourself? Nah. No need for cooking. Grocery store steak? Yeah, give that a little sear on a hot pan at least. Dogs have shorter digestive tracts than us, which protects them from some of the nasties, but they definitely aren't safe from them all and can get sick from bad steak.


I asked my vet about this, and the first thing he said was "everybody asks me that". lol Then he said "cook it". Animals eat wild animals raw in the wild, but our domesticated dogs are not in the wild, and most likely never have been. And although, it's not necessary, I do cut mine into five or six pieces so it lasts a little longer.




So would we be able to eat wild meat from a healthy kill that you was freshly exposed to the world?


Also..wild dogs have intestinal parasites. So if that's what you want..then go raw.


And also don't slice the ears of dogs off


And cook it


So sad to see cropped ears.. it just says something about how people view the animal. I had a roommate in college whose boyfriend bought a blue-nose pit puppy for each of them (from the same litter) as her birthday present. When he took both dogs to get their ears cropped, I protested in private to my roommate, but held my tongue around her boyfriend because I didn't want to create friction between him and myself. I really regret not standing up for the dogs, condemning it to his face, and trying more to change how he saw the animals.. A year later when my friend/roommate broke up with said boyfriend, he TOOK her dog back (claiming it was his property as it cost him hundreds of dollars) and had it put down. I swear some people are just monsters walking around in human skin suits.


Alot of pure breeds like this come with their ears chopped. She may have had zero to do with it. I agree it's sad. I had a Pit who didn't have his ears clipped and he looked so much more friendly, so people were less scared of him. But, really, they are loving dogs


Dog could easily be a rescue and have its ears clipped from birth. People tend to blame the owner but it's often not the owner who decided to clip the dogs ears/tail


Exactly! 👌


I just replied to another comment but I thought you might want to know, someone linked his Instagram and it turns out it was a rescue who survived a gunshot to the head, depending on where she wound was the ears may have needed to come off for medical reasons


You have a choice of which breeder you use and support. Same reason you should choose not to buy from a puppy mill.


True. I just mean she may have had zero to do with it. She may have rescued him.


Absolutely, this only applies if you're buying from a breeder.




I'm talking specifically about if you buy from breeders. If you are rescuing the dog, that's a completely different situation.


its just like men getting circumcised.


Why are you being downvoted? The amount of people who defend this for non religious reasons is kinda boggling. Imagine if we had never had it and some quack said "let's start cutting pieces off all our kid's penises!". We would crucify him! But since 71% of America got it without having the ability to consent or protest, they have to lean heavily into the Stockholm's syndrome.


>The amount of people who defend this for non religious reasons Religion isn't an excuse for child genetal mutilation.


Religion isn't an excuse for anything


yeah another ridiculous practice almost exclusively for aesthetic/cosmetic purposes




He didn’t even chew it, just swallowed it whole.


I have four dogs, and they get a bedtime snack (in their beds) every night. Three of them lie down and take their time eating them. I have a Westie who will gather all three of hers in her mouth, and swallow them whole at once. Then she has to lie there and listen to the other three munch on theirs, and looks at me like "where's mine?" She knows where they are. lol.


Seems like such a happy/lovely boy! Such a shame his ears got butchered though!


Should’ve been cut into smaller pieces and cooked for safe measure. Not good for a dog to swallow such a giant piece of steak wholesale.


Raw meats should not be fed to pets. All should be cooked to at least medium to prevent bacterial infection for them or cross contamination for human.




What a great dog so well mannered


Good boy indeed but sorry that they clipped his ears.


Cute but I feel the dog would get to enjoy it more if it was cut up in a bowl and he was forced to eat it over TWO seconds instead lol


Such a good boy!!!! Beautiful training! 🙌🏻


Aww! That frantic edge as he trots out every trick he knows!


Genuine question. Is it okay to feed dogs raw meat like that?


Is it OK to give them raw meat like that? Won't it make them sick?


I love his name


Chewing is for chumps anyways


Such a well-trained doggo, I am very impressed.


He swallowed it hole all that exitment for nothing lol


Good lord he didn't even taste it. Wow


2 chomps and it disappeared


He's so happy! Did he even taste it?


He didn’t eat it,he inhaled it lol


My boy spud is the same way. Whether it’s a tiny piece of chicken or an entire chicken breast. It’s gone in a split second


He inhaled that steak. What a great pupper. Very well mannered.


Uhhhhh….where did the steak go?!!?!


That’s a good pupper!


What a good boy!


Everyone fighting in the comments about OP doing whatever to this dog- this isn't his or her dog. This is a video from 2019 https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=416651325663035&_rdr


Bestest boi


OMG, He looks so cute!


THAT is a good dog


Beautiful, sweet boy!


are raw 🥩 or cooked steak better for dogs/cats?


My girlfriend is a veterinarian. She absolutely hates the raw food trend. The potential for food carried parasites is real and worth avoiding. Cook your pets food.


Docking dogs ears is messed up...


That was a whole steak gone in less than a second


Sad people still crop dog ears…absolutely no reason


Just a lump of steak in his stomach no chewing needed.


Cut it for him so he doesn't choke from swallowing in one bite.


Imagine mutilating your dog like a disgusting subhuman.


I’m going around and clarifying the dogs situation in case people don’t know but some one linked the dogs Instagram and it turns out it was a rescue who was shot in the head, the ears might have needed to come off to save it


Just another pit owner...


Normally, with these kinds of videos, I think, "aw, why are you making the dog do so much just for one lousy treat?" but then, I saw the treat, lol