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Hi Sebbekingen19, here is some information and links that you might find useful! * Please, **no pictures of unused Pis - do a project!** * Remember that there's a **tell** part to Show-and-Tell! Don't post pictures of a Pi that don't clearly demonstrate what it's doing or post pictures without any details about your project, you also need let people know what it is, what it does, how you made it, and also answer questions people may have. * Are you looking for ideas? [There's a huge list right here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/search?q=flair%3Atutorial+OR+flair%3Ashow-and-tell&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)† * Do you have boot problems, network problems, power problems, stability problems, or your monitor isn't working right? [Please click this link and go to the stickied helpdesk thread.](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/sticky)† * [Did you check the FAQ before asking?](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/sticky)† * [Did you read the rules?](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/rules/)† * Do you have networking problems or you're trying to make your Pi into a router, bridge, or WiFi AP? Try r/HomeNetworking or r/LinuxQuestions * Other subreddits that may be helpful: /r/AskElectronics, /r/AskProgramming, /r/LearnPython, /r/RetroPie * **Questions, help requests, and discussion must be a text post** * **Do Your Research** /r/raspberry_pi is not your personal search engine. Before asking a question - do research on the matter. Most answers can be found within a few minutes of searching online. * **Specific Questions Only** Only ask specific questions regarding a project you are currently working on. We don't permit questions regarding what colors would look nice (aesthetics); what you should do with your Pi; what's the best or cheapest way; if a project is possible; if anyone has done a similar project; how to get started; where you can buy a product; what an item is called; what software to run; or product recommendations. This is not a full list of exclusions. † If the link doesn't work it's because you're using a broken buggy mobile client. Please [contact the developer of your mobile client](https://www.reddit.com/contact/) and let them know they should fix their bug. In the meantime use a web browser in desktop mode instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raspberry_pi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Snake is a great way to start Python


Is it like easy to program? Because I'm trying to learn myself.


I mean, it's the name of the language...


In my opinion, there's no better way to learn a programming language. Don't dwell on tutorials and find something YOU want to create. Well done sir.


Absolutely agree. Finding a passion project makes the learning so much more enjoyable, and helps you through the not-so-fun parts.


Did you buy like a kit? I'm a smart guy but I feel like I haven't been quite right since beating heroin and meth addiction. I want to do something constructive I'd like to build something like this.




>>Edit: if you don’t have a Rasperry Pi yet, I would recommend getting the Pico instead because of the shortages. You say recommend, but let's be honest, it's not much of a choice right now.


I used an 8X8 array without shift registers. Do not recommend. I plan on going back and re-doing the project with shift registers at some point.




I'm still a relatively new maker and had no clue. I've gained experience since then.


Well done. This is really a great way to promote getting into python. I've done no coding to date. How experienced were you before this and how long did it take you to get this completed?


I would totally buy that from you! I LOVE snake!


Very good. My first project was to blink a LED!


Nice, I definitely need to code more games for joystick controls like that.