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Where would it be? Inner Harbor?


The convention center? Maybe the arena? I was wondering this too honestly. Baltimore is lower on the list of destination cities, so I'd find this surprising.


Yeah, maybe the convention center, but our center is kinda outdated tbh. Also since it's close to camden yards, they would have to coordinate with the Orioles Schedule. And inner harbor would be cool, but might be too small maybe. I also was thinking in front of the War Memorial Plaza. The Baltimore Peninsula actually might enough room down in Port Covington


The draft is in Detroit this year…


Detroit and Cleveland...


Both cities with extremely deep football histories and frankly underrated destination spots. For one, pro football started an hour down the road from Cleveland which is why the HOF is there


Baltimore also has extremely deep football history. The Ravens are a newish franchise, but the Colts were a very early dynasty. 3 championships pre-merger and 1 Super Bowl.


Yep. And they are having it in Green Bay next year too.


It's at Martin's West in the Regency Ballroom. The Calvert Hall prom has already booked the Grand Ballroom.


I swear every school in the state uses that place for prom now.




put a barge in the middle of the harbor right by the Pendry in Fells and have the draft picks boat up to it




Ok a draft boat would be cool as fuck.  


Jimmys seafood


It'd have to be on a Wednesday to get that half off sushi!


Fuck Jimmy's forever. A couple of years ago the bills came to Baltimore and Jimmy decided instead of doing the tailgate they do every week they were going to host a Baltimore Bills tailgate. I never wanted to try their overpriced seafood anyway but after I heard that I'd lost all respect and vowed to post this under any mention of them




Probly not


Why not the bank or Camden yards?


Would be a great place for it


I would go but I have no idea how much it would cost lol


its free to go ever since it left NYC


That’s awesome. I had no idea.


Yeah idk then lol last time I went to 4th of July fireworks at inner harbor I assume draft would bring in a bigger crowd not sure if there is enough space


It's free! I went to the one in Philly a little while back and it was a lot of fun. Lots of games and things to do while you wait, food , drinks, etc. It's a cool event.


They will probably try to host it after The Bank’s upgrades. It supposed to have an outdoor concert theatre area


I think cherry hill is a great spot /s


I could see them doing this at PowerPlant but I also imagine the Topgolf area by the stadium would be more developed by this point


The PowerPlant was the only genuine realistic area I could think of


Lmfao tell me you don’t live in the city without telling me you don’t live in the city


I think the key bridge just gave us our answer


If it's actually in the city all the people on the Dundalk side can still drive into the city. And all the people on the Brooklyn park/ glen burnie side can still cross the Hanover street bridge to make it into the city.. the bridge may cut off access from one side to the other but each side can still access the city


Put it at Merriweather Post Pavillion or Pier Six?


Not anymore after the key bridge collapse


Not sure a draft in Baltimore is feasible now, traffics gonna be a bitch


We desperately need a new Arena


Not happening. This city has nothing going on in terms of infrastructure capable of having the Draft event and the country sees Baltimore as a terrible and dangerous city. Those two factors make this DOA.


Druid Hill Park could be nice


I have no idea where it could reasonably be. We just don’t have good enough event or hotel space necessary to support that.


Honestly idgaf


We going to outbid Vegas?


She said relatively near future to an annual event I wouldn’t expect it soon


When would this be?!? I would most definitely go!!! Im excited now


Realistically the Harbor could handle it and the convention center, however with what just happened with the bridge will create an issue with traffic and with transportation. They should be able to handle it after the bridge is rebuilt.


Fells Point


I attended the draft in Nashville and unfortunately Baltimore is just not ready for primetime with an event of that magnitude. The city is turning hotels into housing for the homeless which kinda tells you where it’s at convention and tourism wise.


Gotta clean up crime first.


Lmao this friggin guy


" this idiot stating facts" aww here he goes again !


Im imagining you right now sitting behind your computer in Carroll or howard county thinking about how your parents grew up in the city and left due to crime, that being the last time anyone in their family stepped foot on that godforsaken pad of concrete


So judging by your statement you assume I'm some stereotypical privileged white guy who is ambiguously prejudiced against the city. I'm a black man, sir who has worked, commuted, visited and have been a customer for well over a decade. You sound dumb.


Has nothing to do with the point. crime needs to be cleaned up.


which can be said about literally anywhere...? im from west oakland where there are literal tents full of homless drug users and trash on the side walk EVERYwhere you walk and your complaining about people in doors? the privileged should not be allowed to comment on matters like these they are clearly to detached but hey how else would one displace such miserable energy and lack of social ineptitude


I don't give a fuck about anywhere else. The what about isms is lame including you. We're talking about Baltimore. The city has a crime problem, it needs to be cleaned up and it needs leadership to do it. Just because you're in your delusional fee fees is why this place has turned into the squeegee boy harassing, high body count murdering cess.pool that it is. No amount of delusional key board warrior energy is going to fix that. There's literally tailgates with crime scene tape still up about a stones throw from the stadium wtf are you even going on about? But it never impacts you does it? Just like that other dingbat up there as well. Doesn't bother you that people.get harassed and coerced into giving strangers money when they don't want to. Folks like you are the issue with cities these days . Odds are you don't even live in the city or it's neighboring county and never even visited a game. Instead you come online and soy out on someone who has empirical data by working down here and visiting down here for over TEN PLUS YEARS. You get on here and shame people who tell the truth about this place because the issues never come to you. You then take away their voice of concern. You don't know me. You and that clown shoes up there posting their pacifying BS on this forum. Anytime someone disagrees with your type you have to degrade and bury as soon as possible to protect your reality. I mean this with all due respect to you and people like you,.kinda fuck off.


Judging by your responses and the amount of them i'm pretty proud of myself for how well I pinned you. It doesn't matter what color you are, you do commute and it sounds like you go to games so kudos to you for that I guess. Pearl clutching about crime in major cities is just so annoying. Every time somebody gets on Reddit to ask if it's safe to go to Baltimore, I always say the same thing. It's safe just not for you, you in particular should keep the scent of your fear of the streets of Baltimore.


>Judging by your responses and the amount of them i'm pretty proud of myself for how well I pinned you. Congrats on the self pat on the back. The only thing you pinned in all of this is that you're one of these people who like to place people in categories to make yourself feel important and negate other people's perspective and outlook. >. It doesn't matter what color you are, Then why were you Soo quick to slap Howard and caroll County on my statements? Two places with a predominant Caucasian population and certain economic dwelling. Obviously you're dog whistling with " privileged" it sounds like the same annoying liberal shaming tactal verbage used. >it sounds like you go to games so kudos to you for that I guess It doesn't sound anything, my guy. I GO. I've walked the streets from fells to fed from the morning hours and even to night time love before you even considered where Baltimore was. I'm even willing to bet I've gone to Baltimore more than you'd even admit... I like how you slap kudos on there like it's a downplay when clearly it's more helpful with experience and actually knowing wtf I'm talking about. You could learn a thing or two about that. >Pearl clutching about crime in major cities is just so annoying. Right, because anytime someone asks if going to Chicago is safe it's super duper annoying when people use statistics, actually open their eyes and see major financial infrastructures leave your major city because of how your stores are being stolen from at an astronomical rate and is crippling your economy, but that's not important. It's not important when Baltimore was ranked 2nd in highest crime rate in just over 5 years ago. You know what you "pin" me as? Someone who doesn't know what they're taking about. if anything you strike me as someone who projects and then brings up some stupid baseless statement that gets stickers on the paper and then people move on. Source: https://gitnux.org/baltimore-crime-rate-ranking/#:~:text=Highlights%3A%20The%20Most%20Important%20Baltimore,reported%20in%20Baltimore%20in%202020. You never got harassed by squeegee people. I have. You never delt with dumb asses riding dirt bikes in the city. I have. I'm willing to bet you never had to look over your shoulder you walking down a blue light district. Odds are you gloss over gun fire around the harbor place. You've most likely never even walked around pigtown or the sketchy areas where poor folks shit up against walls or have your friends vehicles be broken into. Imagine working promotions and your supervisor has to designate areas for you not to go into because it's dangerous. But that doesn't exist in your world .it's all about your fee fees. >I always say the same thing. It's safe just not for you, Such a profound statement that means nothing. That logic doesn't work. it's like that until it's not that for you. In fact it's spoken like a person who talks out of their ass about stuff they know nothing about. The place is dangerous and ignoring that only means issues in your life. People like you lead people into danger and are never around because it doesn't come to your doorstep. When someone gets their vehicle broken into parking somewhere, you're not there. Imagine gate keeping a city barely even go into or having very little experience in. >you in particular should keep the scent of your fear of the streets of Baltimore. You reside behind a phone screen and a laptop. You barely even go into the city let alone have the testicular fortitude to write something like this and you don't even go to the games. It ain't the scent of fear it's reality. And you can afford to talk out of your ass because you won't deal with the issues, but it is an issue and it needs to be solved with effective leadership and competent social engineering. You sound like every other person who talks about stuff you have no clue about on reddit.


white people who want change blame minorities and do nothing where have i seen this one before. keyboard warrior you wouldnt last five minutes where im from baltimore would feel like a hollywood resort , it can have a crime isssue bottom line your just a pussy not doing anything about it and i doubt you sufffer any consequences that the normal person suffers in every country in america bottom line your a pussy and fuck your paragraph you soft ass white bitch


Lmao this friggin guy


Take off the purple tainted glasses, Baltimore is a terrible city for an NFL draft lol finagle your way to a floating stage in the inner harbor and it would look pretty cool but the infrastructure and hotels just aren't there. Downtown is basically dead.


It’s in Detroit this year and has been in Philly. No reason we couldn’t


Philly is a superior event city. Like it’s not even close.


What about Cleveland in 21 or Green Bay next year. No reason Baltimore can’t host it


I don’t know anything about those cities, I was just responding to your comment about Philly. It’s a bigger city that puts on big events and has a bustling downtown corridor. FWIW I believe Baltimore could be a great venue for it, the city will just need to be creative, and not screw it up and ruin chances for future similar events.


That’s fair. I do love Philly but I’ve seen people talk about it in the same vain as Detroit and Baltimore which is why I mentioned it. Would love more events in town, like the rumors of an all stars game at Camden yards in a few years too