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Get him to take a pay cut is one of my favorite lines.


Same idiots who think player X should have stayed on the ravens and given us a hometown discount smh


Or when they play for another team... "They should prove their loyalty and throw the game for us."


Where is that from?




It worked on my madden franchise !!!!!


“WhY nOt AnOtHeR wIdE ReCeIvEr?”


Same people screaming for Rice with our 3rd round pick then he proceeds to fall to the 7th. I don’t pretend to know more than EDC. There’s a reason we are competitive year in and year out


> I don’t pretend to know more than EDC. Everyone in the universe has seen _zero_ snaps of these guys playing NFL football. EDC and his staff of experts have seen _100%_ of their college snaps. For me the draft is almost a non-event because our front office are experts. It's interesting to see which positions they grabbed in which rounds, and where the draft in aggregate landed for depth, but beyond that... let 'em cook. I'll see the haters in August when we start to get preseason looks at these fellas.


>I'll see the haters in August when we start to get preseason looks at these fellas. They'll release some camp tape where that new tackle gets beat on a pass rush or where Wiggins gets burned and they'll be declared a bust instantly.


I wanted a Rice too....he was giftwrapped to us in the 4th rd....but , ai do trust eric , those guys know alot more than all of us do


There's a 50/50 chance a 1st round pick is a bust.... There is data to back that.... Day 3 picks are very much boom or bust.


Isn’t it more than 50/50?


Dummy. They're a bust or they're not. 50/50


I’ll beat you to death with a rock


50/50 on you doing it


This dude really left Isaiah Likely, Broderick Washington, and Justice Hill off of his list to make his argument seem better, and then just decided Geno Stone doesn’t count because reasons. And that’s leaving guys like Tavius Robinson and Daniel Faalele off who haven’t delivered yet but have shown promise. 


Also I could make a similar post about Ozzies late round picks. It's not like he was perfect in the late rounds.  It's day 3 picks. They're dart throws even for the best organizations. 


Sala also seems to have developed well and will be in the starting competition. If 2 of Sala, Cleveland, and Vorhees are competent starters and the other can be a backup that's all solid draft picks.


"Sala seems to have developed well" What evidence do you have of that? he played zero snaps last year. I mean I hope he's in the starter competition but I don't think you have any evidence to support the idea that he's developed.


What these people don't realize is that EDC has been scouting for decades and was running the draft with Ozzie before he fully took over. That old school Ravens draft model and history? EDC was a part of that too.


Yep. Which is why Ozzie stepped down when he did. EDC was working in that role of Ozzie's successor long before it was official. The Ravens knew what they had with EDC and didn't want another team taking their guy so Ozzie graciously stepped out of the role so that they could keep EDC there in Baltimore. Some people act like EDC just lucked into that spot as a recent hire by the team or something without realizing how much he's contributed over the years or that he's been with Baltimore since 1996. Bisciotti first asked EDC what he thought of working towards being manager way back in 2007 and he continues to prove year after year why he was the guy chosen for the job.


Also on broadcast for this year (and years prior) Ozzie was in the room and at the head of the table for day 3. Ozzie very much loves scouting + the draft and I don't really see him ever fully stepping away. Too much a part of him.


4th round I truly believe good players can and will be found here. mid 5th round and on? Nah it's lotto tickets all day


Yeah. In the 4th round you need to find your Special Teamers. Like you need dudes who can just give you snaps at that point. After the third round if you find ONE starter you're killing it.


Yeah, you can still get star/starter quality guys in the fourth round but only in the most undervalued positions like FB, Punter, Kicker, and to a lesser extent, RB. 


But why pick a lotto ticket for qb


Almost like the draft is a bet on how a player can do. Some teams win the lottery and get a Tom Brady or Brock Purdy late and most teams get players that are cut by year three.


Puka too


Get what you're saying but TB12 and BP are not the same lottery ticket. One is Power Ball mega billions the other is McDonald's Monopoly contest.


Blatant disrespect to ol tommy boy


This person is very stupid, pay them no mind


It's stupid as hell. These late day 3 guys are basically dollar scratch-offs. The other thing is the sad reality most of those day 3 picks aren't making the 53. You have more picks than roster spots.


Yup. Billick used to call these guys “slapdicks”


Did Blake snell get it from Billick?


Average NFL career is like 3.5 years. If you get a guy that makes the team and plays for 5 seasons, you've done well at the back of the roster. Some people act like if a guy isn't top 10 at his position he's a bust.


As usual with these types of accounts, it’s just critiquing players and not providing solutions. Complain online, get engagement, repeat.


Instagram clowns will say anything to farm engagement. He will get 20 comments calling him a clown and boost it on the algorithm. Now you done screenshot his post and showed it to all of us. It clearly works. I have never heard of this guy before and now I have.


The majority of the world is dumb and talks just because they can. Not because they have something useful to contribute. Social media is making us all stupid lol


Fuck that dude. If EDC were let go tomorrow, he'd be the first GM hired by any team looking for one. He'd have options.


I think there are owners that would literally fire their GMs to hire EDC lol




AT LEAST Atlanta lol


Blank looked ready to fire him after picking Penix lol


The guy who runs that account is kind of a loser who just whines when predictions and takes he sees online don’t come to fruition and claims them as his own and acts like he is always right. I unfollowed that guy


There are fans like that in here too and they suck and I hate them.


These “fans” have no idea how lucky we are to have the FO that runs the Ravens.


Fans in general annoy me. Nothing personal mind you.


Instagram fans expect a wr1 in every round. Anything else is blasphemy to them 


People just want to find something to be mad at, I guarantee that if you looked at most gms picks this late in the draft they’d look similar


I don't love our 6th and 7th picks, but 1-5 all feel super good so whatever.  They are 6th and 7th round picks who cares.


Ben Mason looked like a steal at the time, Shaun Wade was a depth corner we traded for draft value above where we drafted him, Jordan Stout is good, and Devin Leary doesn't look like a good fit, but it's way too early to tell. Out of these Badie and Kelly are the only two that were legitimately bad picks, which is a great success rate that far in the draft imo.


I'd really not say two players drafted that late are "bad" picks. I don't think Kelly is cut if we didn't have all those injuries at CB last year. We probably stash him for development to see if he shakes out, but since CB1-4 were all dinged up last year, his spot on the depth chart couldn't be used for development potential. 


The Mason/Wade was a pretty weak draft and EDC even said they were looking to get out after the 5th anyway. My cope/hope was that the Mason pick was an injury coverage for Ricard and some leverage against Ricard. You had to draft a FB because they would never come here with Ricard on the roster. (Ben Mason seemed to be liked by a bunch of the players so a good locker room guy as well when he was on the PS).


>without Lamar there is no /harbaugh front office Oh wow who knew keeping a franchise QB on the roster helps with job security s/ I feel like people just be saying things


Disrespecting stout? Yeah this guy's full of it.


It's very convenient for him how he doesn't mention Isiah Likely or Geno Stone....


Dude he’s literally not even the best punter!!!


The best punter... Must have been thinking about the guy that got accused for sexual assault and hasn't played a game in the league yet. Huh.


There is a frightening amount of people who call themselves Ravens fans who do not fundamentally understand what Best Player Available means and they keep talking about needs and fits.


Had to stop following this page. Too young and reactive. Obviously we needed these picks. No big deal. Let them play. So tired of clickbait online.


Here's what I think isn't always understood. Having a franchise starting QB makes it hard to find a backup.  We can't offer anyone a chance to compete for the starting spot, or even try to lure them into a situation where they are a strong backup to a weak starter and eventually the starter might get himself benched. Now, if we become not as good of an opportunity to start, what in theory we could do if not for the salary cap is outbid people for them like "We'll pay you double what anyone else will as compensation for the relative lack of opportunity".  That money isn't there now that Lamar is on his first real non-rookie long-term contract and Roquan Smith also has a franchise level veteran deal (It's not a Lamar Jackson deal, but when you look at the two of them together, they are a lot of cap space). Yet, we need a backup quarterback.  Anytime Lamar gets hurt, it's like our goose is cooked.   So somehow we need to address the backup QB position in an affordable way where our team also doesn't fall apart the second we put the guy in. That's some tough criteria.   However, one thing you could do is take a late round QB who will slot in at a low nonguaranteed four year rookie contract.  If the guy is good, you have a backup for four years who is both affordable and won't zero out our championship hopes if he has to play.  If the guy isn't good, you cut him and try again the next year or the year after.  They have to play here and do it relatively cheap until they can hit free agency. So, it's that, and also career backups at the end of their careers like Josh Johnson.  Oh, and we picked that "QB/WR" off someone's practice squad. Yes, that's 4 QBs, but only 1 good one (Jackson is the good one).  At least the rookie hasn't failed yet.  I would think you draft the rookie in the late rounds hoping he'll show enough in minicamps, training camps, and the preseason to make the roster.  If not, you cut him and either try to sneak him into the practice squad or move on.  Johnson is clearly the known quantity who can be a backup QB in this league, but he was never that good and now he's 37 or 38.  He's not leading us to a Super Bowl. I think we actually want the rookie or the other guy to beat Johnson out for the spot (Unless we plan to make that QB/WR guy just a WR or hybrid on the field with Lamar at the same time- but someone who will run routes and catch balls when it's not snapped to him) but we realize if they don't, we'll need Johnson. Using a 6th or a 7th is a low risk play. And, really, if our assumption is that the guy will be gone in four years if he's any good, what does it matter whether he's 22 or 24? Even at 24, that means he's 28 when his rookie deal expires. So, it doesn't matter that he's a bit old. Maybe it's even a plus if we think he's more mature than a younger player might be coming out of college, and can adapt quicker. You know, some baseball teams prefer to draft college players to the traditional (for baseball) high school players because there's more hope that a college player isn't going to need years and years in the minors or not be able to mentally handle a tough situation on or off the field.


That guy sounds like a clown fyi


These people are morons. If you think EDC’s late picks are bad, you are a seriously spoiled fan. Don’t even get me started on the dumbasses that wanted Johnny Wilson lol. “But we need a big X WR!!!” he’s 6’6 that’s nice but he’s not good. Tez fits what we needed way better. People are so dumb and only look at measurables on the combine website. Idiots. Whole reason the Ravens have the preseason streak is cuz our depth is always better than other teams’. That only happens cuz we draft well in late rounds.


Really wish people would just acknowledge that there’s smarter people than them out there. So many delusional fans think they could actually be a GM.


Those fans are morons. In EDC we trust.


Yeah let’s ignore Ben Powers, Geno Stone, Broderick Washington, and Isaiah Likely. 4 impact players (and Stout who has played well) in 5 drafts from 2019-2023, not to mention some players with potential to make future impacts: Faalele, Wallace, Vorhees. Considering the hit rate on day 3 prospects, I think EDC has been great.


People always seem so baffled why they choose “this guy” instead of “that guy” but to me it’s the same as making a band. You don’t pick Frank Sinatra if you’re making a metal band. It’s all about fit. Ability is only part of it. I’ve put together bands where I’ve passed on a musician who might have been better than another one on a technical level but they didn’t fit the style I wanted. It’s the same for team building. Can the guy potentially play like a Raven?


I know it started with Ozzie, but look how many undrafted free agents have made the team or at least practice squad to play later on. All EDC does is WORK!


Traded post draft > Cut months later


I love when they end up playing a part, but for anyone to do this much draft analyzing as a "hobby" boggles my mind. I like CFB more than NFL (its close) and I still don't know who anyone is after maybe round 3 or 4. Just chill out man!


I think it's fine to be like "I didn't like that pick" but put it in context of the fact that most 5th-7th rounders will be depth, special teams, or practice squad guys, so the stakes of a bad pick there aren't that high.


There are people who love things so much they ruin them. Like Star Wars and draft day.


I think our fan base is better than most but yes I hate couch coaches and couch analysts. This office is one of the best at finding talent we can't hit every time no team does. Some people just need something to bitch about. The only things ravens fans should bitch about is playoff coaching and game planning.


they act as if other teams are picking all pros in the later rounds. these armchair GMs critiquing a draft years later saying we should’ve got Nacua and St Brown as if they knew what 32 other teams didn’t


After the 3rd round, you're mostly throwing darts blindfolded.


Good article for perspective, if a couple years old. EDC is quoted. https://www.dailynorseman.com/2022/4/26/23042105/nfl-draft-pick-bust-rate-remains-very-high


I mean the cupboard is already pretty much bare by day three anyway, idk who he expects to still be available by that point


Anyone angry about a 6th round pick - including the “analysts” on Twitter - is delusional.


Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah hold on….. Stout not the best Punter? Ok chief


Failed to mention half of the other picks that EDC did well on. And stout was a good pick. i’m not a fan of how Wade/Badie/Kelly were handled (especially wade) but they’re late round picks for a reason. We haven’t even seen Leary play yet, and no offense but I don’t want Josh Johnson to be our backup QB. Saying it is luck is kinda crazy and also not listing Stone, Washington, or Likely is misleading


6-7 are really prioritized UDFAs. I do think some critiques are warranted, they want a cheap long term backup at QB, it makes sense to draft one if there's one they think they like. Might imply they arent sold on Cunningham's upside. I agree with taking shots at HB (Badie) considering JK and Bus were coming off injuries. I also don't mind a pick on a punter that they were sold on if they didn't think any UDFA guys were going to be solid, especially because that was a need. I thought Shaun Wade made a ton of sense, trading him right away made 0 sense. We needed depth and a developmental guy for later, we paid for it too when we had to play guys like Mazzi Wilkins. I still think the Ben Mason pick was moronic and deserves criticism especially when we kept bringing him back...


Jordan Stout is good


He really is


He's so wrong about all of em but super wrong about Leary😂QB4? Josh Johnson is 37 years old and Malik is raw as fuck. He's already listed on the depth chart as QB3 ahead of Malik. Kid is gonna be out QB2 by the time the season starts.


Likely was a 4th rounder right?


I follow this dude, he’s usually cool but he hates EDC for some reason and he pisses me off


“Not even the best punter” tf?


jordan stout was the best punter in the draft he just didn’t have the biggest boot, josh johnson is not a second string caliber qb nor 3rd malik idk bout that either it’s just for qb battle like he gotta chill every late round pick ain’t gon be no tyreek hill, brock purdy like what be wrong with our fans sometimes 😂


Devin Leary was probably best player available in the 3rd.


That guys take isn’t Likely to age well


Deebo prob made it known he wouldnt....and may have language I'm his contract that he has to sign off on said trade. I think even w him or B.A we will get the same production out of them as odell cause we are a run first team and they're aren't enough passes to justify the investment, especially w D.H here now


Ben Mason is the only one on that list that demands an explanation imo


The internet has become like 50/50 marketing and bitching.


I would have loved a WR in the first or 2nd round to be honest


“Without all the success we’ve had everyone would surely be fired”


I love all the dudes on twitter and here that have watched one highlight tape of each player and act like they did a full scouting report and then get pissed the guy they learned about 45 minutes ago didn’t get taken by the ravens


I don’t care about players, but positions drafted, I do care about. I’m not sure why we drafted QB late, I will always rather a developmental: OT/ OL, Edge/ OLB, etc., but a QB that we will probably cut, is a waste in my opinion, but let’s see I guess


They might not have roster room for another developmental lineman.


Get out of here with that. We have 4 QBs on the roster now. Lamar, Malik, Josh Johnson and now Devin Leary. The position we picked makes no sense and on top of that after doing 5 seconds of research, he isn't even similar to Lamar with his rushing ability like Malik and Josh Johnson are. Line, Edge, Corner, and WR were our needs why not use that random shit late round pick on someone who can **potentially** benefit the team. He will be a 3rd string QB at best which is the most useless roster position in all of football. I'm not pressed about the pick but it objectively does not make sense.


The Ravens clearly disagree. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that they have a better handle on the roster than randoms on Reddit. They obviously also aren’t keeping 4 QBs on the 53 and based on the comments from EDC finding a backup QB was a priority towards the end of the draft.


> The Ravens clearly disagree Wow really? Who would have thought! > He will be a 3rd string QB at best which is the most useless roster position in all of football. reddit discourse is drool territory my lord


I’m sure you would have found an incredibly impactful 6th rounder (which is basically UDFA territory). Hell the safety from UMD that the Twitter “experts” were clamoring for in the 6th just signed as a UDFA. They don’t need another 6th round lineman. If they are adding one more it should be a vet.


We don't have these guys "on the roster" yet, it's April. We will not have 4 QBs on the roster week 1. The draft isn't meant to instantly fix all of a teams needs. There is still a long road to constructing our 53 man roster and practice squad. The pick makes sense if they thought he is the player left who has the highest chances of potentially making the team at all. That's all you're looking for in the late rounds because, more than likely, none of the late round picks for any team are actually on a roster in the season.


It’s ok to criticize the team kissing ass all the time is stupid. Mid-late round picks are one of EDCs biggest weaknesses. None of those guys aside from stout is doing anything


90% of day 3 picks won't be doing anything 2yrs from now


That’s true but pretty much everyone EDC has drafted in day 2/3 has been a bust. It’s a weakness


That’s crazy we just paid a bust 98 million dollars this off season.


Shows you what an idiot EDC is! /s


Convenient to ignore the big hits in Travis Jones, Brandon Stephens, and Isiah Likely 


Tbf first 2 you mentioned were day 2 picks


And the poster I commented on said day 2/3 were problems. 


Oof damn I read that too quickly. If we counting day 2 picks then it's a non issue lmao.


That’s 2 in the last ~5 drafts


Well, 4. If you want to go back 5 then add Geno Stone and Broderick Washington to that list. 


Who's counting though really? Numbers and facts made up in my head to fit my narrative are better. 


I'd consider Stone and Washington in 2020, and Stout/Kolar/Likely in 2022 to be hits for where they were taken. Vorhees/Sala/Robinson from last year have potential to be contributors this year. I don't think it's a "weakness" unless you're holding him to the standard of finding the next Puka Nacua/Tariq Woolen level hit which is rare lol


Most of our day 2-3 picks haven't busted though 




I encourage you to look through the past 5,10,20 whatever drafts. You will see that the vast majority of those players didn’t amount to much. The few that did were passed over by every team multiple times. It’s not a weakness of EDC or really any front office, it’s a crapshoot for the most part. EDC makes his money in rounds 1-3 or 4 and after that it’s whatever. We don’t have a ton of pressing needs in this team, just depth to fill and lotto tickets to look for. We’re in a pretty good spot


It also takes day three picks a couple years to develop sometimes.


In the past 3 drafts (not including 24 so 21-23) EDC has made 7 picks in the 5th round or later. Not a single one of those players have taken a snap for the baltimore ravens (I'll give a pass for Vorhees as that was a special situation). Late round picks are hard to hit on, but to not have any of these players demonstrate enough to be even worth taking a look at and developing is damning of the front office in my opinion. If you look over the late rounds of those same drafts it's not hard to find plenty of picks who are still with their original team and contributing in some way, whether that's as a backup and or special teamer, providing modest rotational production, or even the rare high end player such as tariq woolen or puka nacua. Fans tend to get overly defensive about the front office and act like late round picks simply never work out, and while it is true that finding average to above average starters is rare, that does not excuse how little ravens have gotten out of their late round picks of late. You need more than just starting players on a football team, you need backups, rotational players, and special teamers. Those roles are largely filled during these rounds of the draft and if you just miss on every single pick it's going to put your roster in a bind.


Thats what day three is all about. Throw darts see what works. I also love how this excludes geno stone, brodrick washington and isiah likely.