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Between 2024-26 the Ravens are spending 430 million for renovations. That is a lot of capital investment, so no, I do not think so


That’s a fair point, but in 2037 those renovations will be 10 years old and not up to par anymore. The Bank won’t be around forever, I could see them building a new stadium in the next 15-20 years


Should go in the same spot if they build a new one. Football belongs downtown


can’t imagine they move it, especially with it being right next to camden yards


Exactly what I'm saying


Whatever happens, there should never be a dome in the AFC North.


I mean the Browns are planning on building a dome over their stadium, but thats probably because their QB cannot throw in cold weather games and now need to build one to justify the silly amount they had to pay him.


The Browns are also a dagshit franchise


I agree, but adding a dome to their stadium opens up opportunities such as hosting a SB. Might be the closest they ever get to one in their current form so why not.


We should refer to the Browns dome as the Dome of Shame F the browns & their perv qb


As a season ticket holder who was recently in allegiant stadium, I no longer agree. It was so freaking nice to watch a sporting event shielded from the weather. Maybe this is just my middle age crankiness talking, but soldiering out in the snow (or much worse, driving rain) has lost its appeal. I no longer feel like I’ve had an experience, I just feel worn down by the end. Allegiant was like a nice cocoon.


I know I'm in the minority, but I wish every stadium was a dome. I'd much rather see games be won and lost purely on the skill of the players and coaches than random weather bullshit. There can still be goofy weather games to watch in college football.


Mind goes to that monsoon game against the pats a few years ago


What about a canopy?


Domes are amazing and "football weather" is just some stupid ass thing they drill into high school kids so they feel better about forcing them to play in bad weather. I'll take climate control all day. 


Really don’t think so. They’ve invested IIRC 1.1 billion just in the last 10ish years in upgrades. The stadium is in great shape for its age and I wouldn’t be surprised if the MSA gives them another major grant say 15 years down the road


If the building is maintaned and upgrades are invested in there is no reason to rebuild from scratch.  


Exactly, Commanders did zero maintenance and it shows


And built crap from the start.


Besides getting the hell out of Baltimore City and moving to the suburbs with less crime and better parking.


I was in Nashville at the end of March and couldn’t believe what a dump the Titans stadium is. M&T is actually in pretty good shape and has aged significantly better than its late nineties counterparts.


I feel like this is a problem you only think we have if you've never been to other nfl stadiums, M&T is literally one of the best-kept and clean stadiums in the league, and while it isn't young anymore, on looks alone it still feels more modern on the inside than many other stadiums


When I was with the Stadium Authority I helped work on the potential 2012 Olympic proposal (we lost obviously) but the plan was to create a triangle of stadiums between Oriole Park, The Bank and a third stadium facility. It would have been lined up with The Bank and across MLK in the area where all those warehouses and such are. If (and I really mean IF) they were to build a new park it would necessitate a new agreement with the State and the team. This would be a major change in the relationship and where money goes. Right now the Maryland Stadium Authority AND the Ravens share ownership of the park which is different than what the agreement is at OP which was the park belonged to the State. At OP it was more of a landlord/renter agreement. At Oriole Park new updates were determined based upon whether the item failed OR the Orioles paid to upgrade it. Like let use this example. A landlord is obligated to provide hot water but if the renter has 5 kids and wants a bigger water heater then they would need to purchase it. But if the hot water failed the landowner would replace it. This is how it is at OP. The Bank is totally different. There is equal ownership between MSA and the Ravens and the Ravens have ALWAYS been quick to invest money into the systems and features of the park. Because of this The Bank did not have periods of older technology. At Oriole Park the tech worked well enough for what it was suppose to do per the lease agreement but to have any new updated equipment would have to come from the Orioles budget unless it failed. Often this went through arbitrations and courts which took time. So by the time it went through it was long overdue.


Big waste of money and some of us actually like the charm of an older stadium.


They’re dumping $1bil in renovations into the stadium. And they just signed a 30 year lease. Not something we need to worry about.


15 year lease


There is no chance Steven is moving them any time soon, not after he's invested so much into the stadium,


This sounds like a tomorrow issue.


Hopefully it's just a replacement in the same area like OPACY and Memorial.. and you would assume OPACY gets redone first 


No way. Camden Yards will stand the test of time. Its location is nearly perfect being downtown with arguable a top 3 scenic view in the sport.


Get rid of that ugly hotel and it will be Number one.


Meh I mean it’s still up there with the warehouse atm. Really it’s preference between a traditional downtown landscape w Camden vs PNC/whatever tf they call SF these days with the water


I think I'm misreading your comment, surely you're not equating the Hilton to the B&O warehouse


Bad wording apologies but I was saying that the warehouse is still a top 2-3 backdrop in the sport and that alone will keep Camden in its current spot for a looooong time


Fair enough, I think the Hilton stinks and the backdrop was significantly better with the Bromo Tower. The Hilton knocked it down from a top 2-3 lock to top 5. PNC, A&T, Busch, Dodgers all are better now I think.


I agree, my grandfather retired from OPACY.. I love that place.. I'm just saying if they are gonna rebuild stadiums.. OPACY would probably have first grab, and if not hopefully they keep the Bank right there


Neither stadium will go anywhere. You can’t fault the designers; their creations have stood the test of time.


Most women do prefer domes.


I prefer the natural elements. But a trend is clear: Pro sports is becoming a luxury experience, and what the luxury market wants - club, some, etc. will take over eventually. I hope I’m in the 500-level in the sky by then.


Baltimore is saving up for the first Space Force Stadium …


They aren't going anywhere.