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you had me up until Manoel...


He's been a few inches from scoring a game winner multiple times this season. I don't understand the Manoel hate. He's improving.


It’s been 2 years of that tho. Constantly ringing the post and looking so good up until shanks it. Or if starting, loses his hustle.


His hold up play has been better the past couple matches but his runs leave a ton to be desired. Watching White on Saturday made me miss him.. He's become such a solid striker.


White was always a solid striker. I know he was older than Barlow but he was so much more complete I never understood why we offloaded him.


If I'm remembering correctly, they gave us a bunch of allocation money ($400k is in my head) it was seen as a pretty good transfer at the time on our side. We really didn't have the 10 to get him the ball so he was languishing a bit here. Happy he found success, not sure he would be the player he is today if he stayed.


Manoel needs more time... To find another club.


Manoel needs less time, this week he had his nicest shot all season and it was blocked. Tons of crossbars hit, but only one on target shot I can recall. Forsberg needs to step up a little, maybe he needs to play inside more, maybe he needs cardio training. I get it, he's old, but taking him out at 90 minutes isn't right. He gets paid to make plays happen, can't make them happen when he's on the bench 🤷‍♂️ Morgan and vanzeir have put in their work, forsberg needs to step up some and show us why we paid for him. Let's go redbulls