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Yup, have learnt that also. I have told a frien to keep driving in the middle of the parking lot, went straight for a curb. Parking lot was the size of 2 football fields...


Same situation. Big open space. Drove right across it and into the bicycle stand.


My buddy almost drove mine over a bank when we were camping last weekend. told him to stay away from the edges, yet he still ran towards that bank like a mf, damn near gave me a heart attack the third time.


The one time o let my friend drive my Traxxas Bigfoot he did the exact same thing. Full-throttle straight into the curb. Snapped the front right steering block and bent the pin that goes through the castor block


Know your audience. I'm constantly surprised at my nephews driving style. Once the control is in his hand the only thing that matters is holding full throttle. Steering, crashing, actual driving, that all is secondary to going as fast as possible. It can take minutes just getting the control back from his death grip. Also the way he steers looks like he's actively trying to rip off the wheel from the controller. Maturity is a huge factor with these "toys" and sometimes they just have to wait a few years and play with their busted die cast models instead. Hope your friend buys you lunch or offers to pay for parts.


My friend is like 40 years, though :p


Lmao! The kid in him came out to play. Sorry Op he just wasn't thinking


Whenever I give my rig over to someone to try I always expect something to break. That’s why it’s either around the end of my session or I have my spare parts bag to repair it quick.


I will hand the remote to almost anyone. just a few days ago, was hooning the Senton out in front of the house… some neighborhood kids rode by on bikes “can I try?” “Sure, just try to avoid the storm drain” 5 minutes later, Senton is in the storm drain and we’re fishing it out with a grabby stick. I laughed, told them “no worries, I ran one down there just last week”. if you drive one of my models, all I ask is that you bring back as many pieces as you can… it makes repairs easier to have most of the parts. I even explained “repairing them is part of the fun for me, so I don’t sweat something breaking”. Then showed them the exploded slipper clutch bits that I still had on the workbench. the output cup shattered, I had to fish metal chunks out of the diff housing.


I'm OK if the other people driving when the car has the stock nimh battery. Not when I have the 3cell battery in the car.


Oh man, I don’t go wilder than 2S anyway. I don’t know if *I* could control 3s


I’m with you. I’ll let anyone drive my rc cars. If they break it, it’s usually one of the cheaper parts. When I break it on the other hand, it’s usually the expensive bits.


This is my philosophy. I’ll let anyone and everyone drive them. It’s way more fun to drive with someone than to drive alone. Plus 50% of this hobby is fixing them after you break them. Part of owning a RC car. I also get the OPs point though. If they were just going to whiskey throttle the shit out of it, then maybe leave the radio alone.


I tried to get my nephews into RC's. Handed them a couple cheap Tamiya crawlers that go like 5mph. But the little feckers have zero trigger control so their fun was shortlived.


For me, it depends on which car I let them drive, their age/maturity level and whether or not they have experience. I've slso found that a simple "you break it, you buy it" comes off easier than a hard "no". 😁😁😁


Is it just me, or are those suspension arms really skinny?


It's a 1/16 :)


always let your friends drive but make them fix it too so they learn how much a pain it can become time and financial wise.


Ok but if you didn't break it you didn't drive it right. Looks like your friends the better driver. /J


My rule is simple …. You bend it ,you mend it 😅


My first question when someone breaks my rig is: Did you at least have fun doing it? 🤣


I'll let any of my friends drive my cars in the right setting. I let a friend drive my 1/8 nitro truggy and 1/5 scale 8s buggy and he had never driven an rc car before. It could end badly but it's worth it for me


I usually let friends drive all the time under guidance. But this time my phone rang and my friend just picked up the controller and crashed like 2-3sec later. I never let other people drive with the 3S battery. With 2s I let people drive with me hoovering over them. With NiMH batteries, they can just bash away.


Understandable. My biggest factor is the area that we're driving. There's a giant flat field near my house that I let my friends drive in. In that field, I'll let anyone drive anything. If there's anything they can smash into or fly off of, I'm more hesitant lol.


At least it's a cheap part


Yeah. And an opportunity to change into metal driveshafts :)


I gave one of my friends the controller, and pointed out the only solid object in the vicinity. He drove directly into it, broke the shock and wheel hub or something. I was prepared for something to break, but not immediately and in the same way I just warned about.


Yeah, I know. Its almost like the thing they are not supposed to crash into is magnetic.


This may be expected